Anna from Ukraine Ch. 11


The mountain region in South-Eastern Norway, late October 2018

“Just one more time, ok?”

Anita nodded. The two 20-year olds drew their breaths one last time and started their final sprint up the hill. The Norwegian girl’s superior training was becoming evident. All Anna could do was push herself to the limit and hope she wouldn’t be too far behind the delicious creature in front of her once they reached the oak three at the top of the hill. Anna was in good shape, playing volleyball for a local team in Berlin. But Anita was a top athlete and Mona’s sparring partner back in the days. Mona had been a unique 800 meter talent and a national champion in her age group, but, as predicted by her coach, her lifestyle had eventually caught up with her. Anita, slightly inferior in talent but more professional in her approach, had carried on and had just secured a bronze medal on 400 meter in the national athletics championship, as well as finishing fifth on 800.

The sight of Anita’s perfect ass drove Anna on and helped her pull out her last physical reserves. Just 200 meters now, 100…

“Fucking hell.” The Ukrainian collapsed on the ground. “Girl, you’re killing me.”

“I know the feeling,” Anita laughed. “All those times I used to be trailing Mona. I miss those days, that rivalry we had. She was in a different league of course, but once in a while I’d beat her and I felt like Grete Waitz or something.”

“You don’t like your running companions in Oslo?”

“They’re ok runners, but… Fuck, they’re just so insufferably boring. Their lives are so inane! Studying, running, studying, running. And then they stick to their diets with religious zeal. And they babble on about them and post about them — non-stop! God, I wish Mona was there with her sarcasm. She’d have a field day with those pointless Instagram bores! Probably drive several of them to suicide.”

Anna was still catching her breath. So it was true what Marianne had been saying. That Anita’s life as a student in Oslo had turned her into something of a recluse. Anna appreciated the Norwegian brunette’s new cynical approach to life. She reached out a hand.

“Think you can help me up?”

The Norwegian girl firmly gripped Anna’s hand and pulled her up. The exhausted Ukrainian put her arms on Anita’s shoulders to keep herself on her feet. Anita’s eyes were as green as they had ever been and contrasted beautifully with the yellow and brown autumn colours all around them. She could smell Anita’s sweat and felt the warmth of her breath against her face, penetrating the cold October air. She guessed the moment was now.

Anna gave Anita one look. Just one look into her beautiful green eyes and everything was changed. One look and Anita was transformed from a good old friend and running mate, to Anna’s unquestioning servant. It was almost two years now, since that fateful day in the locker room when Anna had noticed Anita’s infatuation with her and ordered her to go down on her. Her pussy first, then her ass. The Norwegian brunette had never looked back. “She ate your pussy and discovered the meaning of life,” Mona would joke. “Staring into your ass she actually saw the light!” They would meet weekly in a toilet in a deserted wing of the high school building, Anna to receive, Anita to give. Anita would worship the Ukrainian’s cunt and anus for as long as Anna let her. Sometimes just a couple of minutes, sometimes, like, half an hour or more. In the latter case, Anita’s athleticism and stamina served her well — she just kept eating and eating like her life depended on it. If she’d be late for her next class, so be it. It was Anna who decided when it was time to end. And when it ended, it ended. Unceremoniously, with a kiss on the cheek at most. “I have German class now.” Or “Mona is waiting.” Or even, “I feel like a cola zero. Can we stop?”

First, Anna thought Anita would soon get tired of this. The one-sidedness of it all. For Christ’s Bostancı travesti sake, this was Anita, the hottest girl in school. Even officially, after a vote held just before the final high school exams last year where their fellow students — mostly males but a few fun-loving females too — voted Anita the school’s sexiest girl, with a one-vote margin over Anna! So like, seriously, at some point Anita would just tire of being Anna’s lesbian servant. At some point, the young and beautiful Norwegian giver would find someone else to worship. But no. For the Nordic youngster the allure of Anna’s pussy and anus never seemed to fade. On the contrary, with every passing week, with every Wednesday or Tuesday afternoon spent glued to Anna’s pussy, Anita just got more and more addicted to the young Ukrainian. She had a boyfriend, but compared to Anna he had as much significance in her life as a used Q-tip. Anna — on one of her more evil days — had even made sure about that. Once, Anita and her boyfriend had bought tickets for the ferry to Denmark and were supposed to leave early in the morning. One sms from Anna was all it took for Anita to cancel all her plans and leave her boyfriend with two useless ferry tickets and a double room in central Copenhagen already paid for. Five words: “Come to my place now.” Oh my God, that was such an evil thing to do! Mona, of course, totally admired her for it. “Baby, you’re so cruel. You have turned Anita, everybody’s favourite girl, into your sex tool, your sex slave on call 24/7 for to satisfy all your sexual whims.” Afterwards, Anna felt a little bad about it all. But she had proven her point. Anita was hers. Her devotee, in Anna’s words. Her sex slave, in Mona’s words.

Anna held Anita’s gaze for a few more seconds, still trying to catch her breath after the exhausting last interval up the hill. She stared at Anita with dizzy eyes, breathing heavily into her face. The Norwegian brunette looked more irresistible than ever with her face flushed and strands of hair clinging to her sweaty cheeks. The Ukrainian had an idea.

“Can you take off my shirt?”

Anna lifted her arms and Anita pulled off her sweaty t-shirt.

“Now lick my armpits.”

Anita’s lips parted.

“Wait, smell them first.”

Two seconds later Anita’s nose was buried in the Ukrainian brunette’s armpit. Anna leaned back against the oak tree and sighed with contentment. She closed her eyes and just listened to Anita’s sniffing sounds, enjoying the feel of the Scandinavian girl’s nose probing her sweaty armpits.

“Now you can lick.”

Anita’s tongue came out to lap up the Slavic girl’s salty sweatyness. This was so cool, why hadn’t she thought of it before? Anita repeated the trick with Anna’s other armpit. The Ukrainian was purring like a cat.

“Ok. My pussy now.”

Anita got down on her knees and Anna unceremoniously pulled down her running pants and then her white panties. The Norwegian girl’s face was just inches from her hairy cunt. Anna knew the scent down there must be strong — they had been running for well over an hour and she hadn’t showered since yesterday. She also knew that this was probably Anita’s favourite scent in the whole world. It wasn’t the first time she would go down on Anna in connection with sports.

The Ukrainian sighed deeply as the beautiful Norwegian buried her face in her cunt. The complete devotion, the raw thirst with which Anita was licking her… nothing could rival it. Anna dug her fingers into Anita’s long brown hair, using Anita’s head and the oak tree as support as she almost felt her tired legs give away.

“Lick me Anita, don’t stop…”

The clear, cold late-October air, the smell of decomposing leaves, the last rays of heat from the sun that was slowly setting behind the lake… The bark of the oak tree scratching her back, Anita’s gorgeous face between her legs. Fuck, she had missed Norway so much! She came Bostancı travestileri once, then pushed Anita’s head tighter against her cunt, she wanted more. Anna knew that Anita’s thirst for her pussy was unquenchable and took full advantage of it. The Norwegian placed her hands firmly on Anna’s naked hips to steady her, the Ukrainian came once more, too exhausted to scream.

“Fuck, that was good.”

She somehow managed to sit down, the ground mercilessly cold against her naked little ass.

“Can we just take a small break? I’m fucking devastated.”

This was a first in their relationship. There had never been any pauses. But Anna simply wasn’t physically capable, after all those intervals up the hill. Plus she felt like talking to Anita. She had thought a lot about her lately.

“Have some of this,” Anita suggested, sitting down next to her Eastern-European friend.

The Scandinavian girl produced a plastic bottle.

“It’s a sports drink, it has minerals and carbohydrates and stuff, maybe it will help you recover.”

“Thanks,” Anna muttered and took a large sip. It didn’t taste particularly nice, but she could feel a little boost.

“Why are you so good to me, Anita?”

Anita laughed a little nervously, shrugging her shoulders.

“I don’t know, you’re just so much cooler than anybody else I know.”

The sun had less and less to give. Anna moved closer to Anita to get a little heat from her body. The ground was really cold, her ass was far from happy. But she was still too tired to even think about standing up.

“Mona has started taking some pills.”

“What do you mean? What kind of pills?”

“Like.. you know, the kind of stuff that keeps you dancing all night and never get tired. I don’t even know technically what they are called. She gets it from her friends, thank god she’s not paying for it.”

“And you?”

“No, no, I don’t understand why she needs it. What’s wrong with good old alcohol?”

She leaned her head against Anita’s shoulder. Again, the enticing smell of the Norwegian girl’s sweat pervaded her nostrils.

“You know Mona was the biggest 800 meter talent of our generation?” Anita said.

“Yeah, I know that. That’s what Andersen” — Mona and Anita’s alcoholized and now retired but once brilliant coach — “told me as well. But he also predicted she’s gonna throw it all away.”

“And maybe that’s ok, success is not everything. But drugs, I don’t like that.”

“I know. I’m trying to stop her. But.. you know, there’s really no stopping Mona.”

Anna rubbed her nose against Anita’s neck.

“You smell so nice.”

“I’m all sweaty and stuff!” Anita protested.

Anna laughed and looked up at her friend.

“And I’m not?”

Anita returned the gaze. Her eyes had a serene look.

“You’re just you. I just like everything about you.”

“I know.”

Her hand found Anita’s and she started playing with her fingers. It was nice but almost unbearably freezing now, as her sweat was starting to dry.

“I wish there was a big warm blanket somewhere here that we could just crawl under together.”

“Yeah, that would be fantastic,” Anita responded dreamily.

“We could, like, cuddle and lick each other clean and stuff,” the young Slavic woman added.

Anita clutched her hand tighter around Anna’s.

“Fuck, Anita, it’s so nice here with you but I need to get up or I will have to amputate my ass soon.”

Anita helped her up. Should I pull up my pants now, Anna asked herself. The two girls looked at each other.

“Will you…?”

Anna didn’t have to finish the sentence. Most of their communication was nonverbal, the conversation they’d just had was the exception to the rule. Anna stood up and leaned against the oak tree, her back facing Anita. She felt Anita’s soft hands brush away soil and leaves from her buttocks. Then she felt the same pair of hands open her ass Travesti bostancı cheeks. It was a new sensation to feel the chilly autumn wind against her exposed anus. Like, her asshole was freezing! It was sort of interesting and not entirely unpleasant, but it was extra nice and soothing when she finally felt Anita’s warm breath caress her there.

“Yeah, taste me there,” the Ukrainian urged. She sighed deeply as she felt Anita’s tongue make contact with her nasty brown hole. The exquisite sensation of a soft tongue probing her most private orifice was amazing enough in itself. And then… knowing that that wet delicious tongue belonged to Anita, officially the hottest girl at their high school. To think that just a little over two years ago Anna had come to this far-away place in the middle of nowhere, just a girl from Eastern-Europe, completely on her own, worried she’d never make friends among those strange Norwegians. And here she was, deep in the forest, all sweaty and dirty after running for over an hour. With Anita’s tongue licking her ass. And the prospects of more sensual delights as the day proceeded…

* * *

Anita was rather quiet on the walk back to the farm, where she had her car parked.

“So… like, you never go out in Oslo?”

“I’m not bothered. Apart from the Police Academy and running I basically just sit in my room and listen to old Van Morrison-records. Oslo sucks.”

There was silence again.

“So you don’t wanna come up to the farm? The cousins would love to see you.”

“Thanks for the invite, but… I am not so much in the party mood. Plus you will have your hands full with your new Italian.”

Anna didn’t detect any bitterness or jealousy in Anita’s voice, but maybe a hint of sadness. A thousand thoughts went through Anna’s head after they hugged farewell and Anita drove off. She hoped she would be seeing Anita again soon.

* * *

“Wow, you really took your time today,” Mona said. “Did Anita’s head get stuck inside your pussy?”

“Yes, but we managed to get it out by tying me to a big tree and Anita to a fleeing moose.”

“Good to hear. So how is your sex slave doing?”

“Mona, stop calling her that! But since you’re asking, I don’t think she’s too happy in Oslo.”

“Of course she’s not, who would be? Why doesn’t she move to Berlin like normal people? Oslo sucks penguine penis! If I were to live in Norway, I’d much rather stay here in this dump. At least this is a real redneck village with cows and goats and stuff. Not like Oslo, which is a village pretending to a big city.”

“Anyway, I need a shower. So let’s say we leave in 40 minutes?”

“Sure. What do you need a shower for anyway? Didn’t Anita’s tongue do a good job cleaning you?”

Anna laughed.

“Yeah, it did, at least certain parts of my anatomy. But I’m freezing, I need a long hot shower.”

“Ok, but don’t take too long. Remember that Luna’s bus should be here in just an hour.”

“I know, I just heard from her.”

“Of course you did.”

Mona started faking an Italian accent.

“Anna, bellissima Anna. Soon we will be together! My Italian pussy is so wet for you, Anna. I am drowning in my own pussy juice, please rescue me, bellissima Anna!”

The Ukrainian laughed and looked at her girlfriend.

“Maybe others will also be drowning in Luna’s pussy juice tonight? Like a certain skinny freckled redhead for example?”

“Come on, she only wants you. She is obsessed with you just like her crazy aunt.”

Anna put her arms around her girlfriend’s slender waist and gave her a penetrating gaze.

“Too bad because I have decided I want to share her with my girlfriend.”

“You have decided?”

“Yes. Luna knows what rules apply here — my rules. Not that I think she needs asking to give you access to her body.”

“Oh god, Anna, I love it when you are so authoritarian!”

“I know you do.”

“Can you also order Luna to lick my face like this?”

Mona opened her mouth wide and ran her saliva-soaked tongue all across Anna’s face. The Ukrainian just closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm softness of Mona’s perfect tongue and the familiar, delicious scent of her breath. In less than an hour, Luna would finally be here.

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