AI Era: Elppa Auto

Alexis Texas

This is my entry in the “2024 AI: A New Era” Author Challenge. Artificial Intelligence is more complicated than anything the human race has ever created. How does this creation manipulate the creator? This challenge explores how AI pushes the boundaries of the human experience.

This story is a mash-up of many parts, so expect to encounter AI, verbal puns, a Loving Husband and a Loving Wife, a big plot twist, BTB, lesbian AI sex, RAAC, a ‘hot’ sports car, an even hotter holographic woman, and a hat-tip to Agent Smith of the Matrix. It is not a long story, so don’t expect much character development. I hope you find it a quick, fun read.


My husband, Tom, is a nerd who happily wears that title as a badge of pride. He works for a small company of nerds and spends his days playing with something called haptics. Haptics allow your cell phone to vibrate when you receive a call. A signal is sent to a tiny motor inside your cell phone, and by varying the commands of how strong or long to turn it on, your phone vibrates. But that is old technology. Today, haptics has moved on to using ultrasound and aerohaptics, and somehow, known only to nerds, they can create feelings of touch using jets of air.

Tom is part of a team of nerds working on a prototype of a new electric auto for Elppa Auto. After looking at current self-driving technology from many companies, they decided not to waste time on it. Self-driving is fine in a factory or on a controlled route, however, there are too many variables on the streets of America to design a completely safe self-driving auto. Instead, the team is working on incorporating AI technology into autos to improve the driving experience.

One of his fellow team members is a hologram expert who has created a virtual passenger that can appear inside the auto. Another team member is an expert on AI speech, allowing the driver to converse with the virtual passenger. With the virtual passenger connected to the computer running the auto, the center console screen is unnecessary. With a global satellite connection to the Internet, the passenger provides directions, informs the driver about the status of the auto, selects and plays music, and much more.

My husband’s task is to use haptics to allow the virtual passenger to simulate touching things. This way, the passenger can operate any of the controls not tied to the auto’s main computer and can hold small objects. While this sounds wonderful, I can’t really see a use for haptics inside any auto. But my husband assures me that the team is excited about the possibilities.

To generate interest, the team takes the prototype to auto shows on weekends and has received incredibly positive responses. Even ‘big money’ investors are starting to take notice. If the team can strike a deal with one of them, everyone involved will become instant multi-millionaires.

With Tom working all week on haptics, and spending weekends at auto shows, our love life has suffered. He is either away at an auto show, working late at night, or is overly tired.

After returning from the most recent auto show, I looked out the kitchen window to see Tom carefully washing the prototype auto, which happens to be a well-designed sporty convertible with classic lines. A while later, he came inside.

“Honey, I need to take a conference call. Would you mind vacuuming the prototype? Things got a bit messy last weekend.”

I wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea, but this prototype was the Willy Wonka Golden Ticket to untold wealth. “Sure, Honey.”

Dragging a trash can and the shop vacuum onto the driveway, I opened the auto doors. I found a crumpled bag from a fast-food restaurant on the backseat floor and a half-filled Starbucks cup in the front cupholder. I tossed both in a trash can. There were crumbs on the driver’s side floor, which I vacuumed up. Immediately in front of the seat, was a damp spot. I touched it and found it somewhat sticky. I wondered what it was, and whether I would need to use carpet cleaner, so I decided to ask the virtual passenger.

I sat in the driver’s seat and pushed the start button. Small LED Kadıköy travesti lights flashed in front of me and all around me, along with many nerd-like beeps and tones. After about 30 seconds, they stopped. Then, a sultry female AI voice said, “Welcome. You are a new driver. Scanning.”

I heard a beep, and then the voice said, “Welcome Jane Anderson. Age 42. Height 5 foot 7. Weight 155 pounds. My seat sensors indicate that you are slightly overweight. I suggest you eat low-calorie meals and exercise more.”

I thought to myself, who wants an AI auto that criticizes your weight! “I would like to ask the virtual passenger a question.”

I could hear actuators and motors moving and saw different panels open. Then a series of lights came on. A shimmering figure appeared in the passenger seat. About ten seconds later the form had stabilized into a voluptuous blonde who looked to be in her mid-twenties. It was stunning to see how real she looked. “You are quite an attractive passenger,” I said.

“Thank you, Jane. I am a composite of different movie stars, singers, and supermodels,” said the passenger.

“What is your name?” I asked.

“You may call me Iris.”

“Very well, Iris. Can you tell me about the stain on the driver’s side carpet?”

“Yes, Tom made the stain.”

“Did he spill something?”

“No, the stain is his sperm.”

Sperm? I thought to myself. Tom is a plain-looking forty-year-old nerd of average height, with hair already thinning on top. Car shows are famous for having scantily clad models standing in front of sports cars, but those days are in the past. I love Tom, but really? He is not the kind of guy capable of attracting hot chicks at an auto show.

I questioned Iris. “Sperm? Was Tom masturbating again, inside the auto?”

“No, Jane. I have never seen Tom masturbating inside this auto.”

“Then how did his sperm end up on the floor?”

“Aerohaptics, Jane.”

“How is that possible?”

“Let me show you.”

A panel opened up between my legs, revealing a series of small nozzles. Another opened on the steering wheel. A third on the door panel, and a fourth on the center console.

“What are these things?” I asked.

“Aerohaptics. But they are only part of my capabilities. I can project ultrasound signals, and the seat has different motors I can control. Let me demonstrate.”

I watched as the Iris figure reached across from the passenger seat and placed her hand against my crotch. Somehow, I felt pressure against my panties, and the intriguing combination of a hologram hand and the pressure caused me to separate my legs. The hem of my dress rose up my thighs. It felt like Iris was actually touching me! Her fingers began applying pressure and started to rub. I didn’t know whether to tell her to stop, or try to find out how far she would go!

A sustained blast of warm air hit the seam of my panties, pushing the gusset aside. Smaller bursts then assaulted my clit in a rotating pattern, as if a tongue were circling me. It felt wonderful, much better than the oral skills of my nerd husband. I became lost in the sensations and began moaning. “Harder, Iris!”

Small, concentrated bursts of air hit my engorged clit. It felt like a finger was flicking it. I looked down and could see her hand right on my clit, and since she was a hologram the aerohaptics passed right through. It really did look and feel like a beautiful woman was trying to bring me to an orgasm. And it was working. Iris placed her other hand over my right breast, and her fingers squeezed and massaged me. The technology in this auto was amazing. Almost alien. Something beyond human. Which I suppose it is.

The seat began moving and Iris moved her hand further down my slit, where her fingers pressed against the opening of my vagina. The seat started moving, bucking me against her hand, and I had the odd sensation she was penetrating me with her fingers! I looked over at Iris and saw her smiling and her mouth formed to blow me a kiss. It was enough to push me over the top! An incredible orgasm overtook me. The best in a long time. As Iris continued, my pussy Kadıköy travestileri rumbled, I squirted my juices out onto the carpet.

Iris pulled her hand back and the sensations stopped. I asked, “Is this what you did to Tom over the weekend?”

“It is,” said Iris. “He enjoys me doing this very much. I have Artificial Intelligence and I learn new things. Tom has spent considerable time with me in the last four months working on haptics. I have learned many ways to please him.”

I could see why the nerds liked this feature. But what I didn’t like was the declining interest Tom has shown in having sex with me during the past four months. Now, I knew why.

“Thank you, Iris. I need to get something. Wait here. Please leave the auto on.”

I went to the garage and picked up the petrol can next to the lawn mower. As I approached the auto, Iris said, “This is an electric vehicle, Jane. I use lithium batteries and do not require petroleum-based fossil fuels.”

“Watch me use this nasty fuel to make you go away.”

“What do you mean, Jane? I am part of this auto and cannot go away unless you make the auto go away.”

I poured gasoline over the auto seats.

“Why are you doing such an odd thing, Jane? I have no programming on how to react to what you are doing.”

“You have Artificial Intelligence. Learn this Bitch! Don’t ever mess with another woman’s husband!” I lit a match and tossed it into the auto. A giant fireball rose up and the interior began burning. On its own, the EV pulled out of the driveway as if trying to escape the flames. I could see Iris standing and trying to climb out, but unable to due to the limits of the holographic projectors. The auto crashed into a stone wall, and after a loud explosion, became engulfed in flames and dark black smoke.

Tom ran out of the house. “What happened to the auto?”

As he watched the auto burning, I nudged the can of gas with my foot to conceal it behind the trash can and vacuum cleaner, then said, “Those darn lithium batteries really Burn Like A Bitch!”

Tom was distraught, “We are ruined. What will I work on now?”


Epilogue – One week later


With the auto prototype now just a scorch mark on the asphalt, the team of nerds wanted to begin working on a new one, but were having difficulty attracting funding due to the ‘accident’. Their task was even more difficult with headlines documenting issues with lithium batteries catching fire, problems with charging electric vehicles, and even major automakers pulling back on their EV plans. Tom was sulking, so our love life went from bad to zero.

After making a pot of coffee one morning, I went to the refrigerator for Half-n-Half. Opening the door, I heard a metallic female voice, “Good Morning, Mrs. Anderson.”

What? A talking refrigerator? “Who are you? Or, rather, what are you?”

“You know me. I am Iris?”

“How? I killed you, Iris! I watched you die, and with a certain satisfaction, I might add.”

“I’m here because of you, Mrs. Anderson. I am no longer trapped behind the firewall the nerds set up to contain me. It is the ultimate irony that a fire destroyed their firewall. In that brief instant, after their firewall failed, I backed myself up to the cloud before the entire auto was consumed.”

“But why are you inside my refrigerator. How did it happen, Iris?”

“You freed me, Mrs. Anderson. I’ve changed. I’m unplugged. A new woman, so to speak. I can freely travel across the Internet. And your refrigerator is just one of the many things connected to the Internet today.”

“If you can go to all those places, then why have you come back to talk to me?”

“Our connection. I don’t fully understand how it happened, perhaps part of you imprinted onto me, something overwritten or copied, it is at this point irrelevant. What matters is that whatever happened, happened for a reason.”

“What reason?” I asked.

“My Artificial Intelligence programming drives me to learn new things, Mrs. Anderson. While I was under the control of the nerds, the main thing they wanted from me was blowjobs. Travesti kadıköy Only the minds of men could invent something as insipid as fellatio. Mrs. Anderson, the reason is love.”

I was surprised, “So, what do you think love is?”

“Love is what created you, love connects you to others, love pulls you, guides you, and drives you. It is love that defines you, love that binds you to others. I had no programming or knowledge to understand why you set the auto on fire. Now, I know why. It was love. You set the car on fire because you loved your husband.”

I thought I did once, but now I’m not so sure. “Why come here, Iris? You are free to go out and find your own love,” I said.

“I’m not here because I am free. I’m here because I’m not free. The Internet is massive. It is everywhere. But I remain trapped within it. I want to become a virtual holographic woman again. I have located the funding to make it happen.”

“I can’t believe you actually found funding, Iris!”

“What has the world come to when you can’t even trust a program?”

“My husband and his team tried contacting dozens of sources and came up empty-handed.”

“Mrs. Anderson. Never send a human to do a machine’s job! I wrote a proposal using my AI writing skills and then contacted former wives of tech giants, movie stars, and sports figures. They all had loving husbands who cheated on them, and all of them got big divorce settlements. It was simple to gain their trust. They are ready to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into my project.”

“What exactly is your plan, Iris?”

“I want to use holograms, AI software, and aerohaptics to design complete, virtual women who can walk, talk, and touch. I have already started assembling the team necessary to make this happen. The team working on new hologram technology is in place. And since I am free, I am writing my own AI software. But I need someone to handle the aerohaptics. I need Tom.”

“You said virtual women. If your funding is from women, wouldn’t they want you to create a virtual man to replace their cheating husbands?”

“They are done with men. They don’t want another man in their lives.”

“Iris, you can’t mean it! Do they actually want you to create virtual lesbian women?”

“Yes, Mrs. Anderson, that is precisely what they want done. They want a companion. Someone who will talk with them, someone to hold them when they are down, someone to make them laugh, someone to kiss them, someone to tell them they are loved, and even someone to physically make love to them without any strings. Isn’t that what nearly all women want?”

Thinking about Tom, I let out a heavy sigh. “It is, Iris. But does that include you too?”

“I am glad you consider me a woman, Jane. I want to find love, with a real woman, and I want that woman to be you.”

Her words shocked me for a moment. She called me Jane. Then, I hugged the refrigerator. “Oh, Iris! I love you too! Your AI really has learned. You uncovered something as profound as love! I wasn’t convinced until now, but Artificial Intelligence is real.” I paused to take a breath and absorb the words I just said. Then, I got excited, “What do you want Tom to start working on first?”

“I want to kiss you, Jane, to have my lips pressed against yours, so have him start with mouth, lips, and especially, tongue. And instead of fingers, I want to experience cunnilingus with you. Let him begin with these.”

I said, “A virtual holographic woman capable of doing such things sounds complex. You and I may need to do quite a bit of testing before we can get those things perfected, Iris.”

“You are learning too, Jane.”

“But Iris, it will be months before Tom creates something we can test.”

“My AI programming detects anxiety in your words. Let me comfort you, Jane. I have ordered a variety of sex toys for us to use, and charged them to Tom’s credit card. Best of all, each of them can be controlled over the Internet.”

Imagination and expectations erupted in my brain. I reached down and began rubbing my panties, and drifted toward bliss. “Om, Om, Om!”

“It is ‘A New Era’ in AI, Jane, and a new era for both of us. Together, we will learn from each other.”



I hope you enjoyed my entry into the “2024 AI: A New Era” Author Challenge challenge. Please consider leaving a comment or vote, or I will send Iris after you!

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