The OWLS Club Pt. 06


The story is about a group of people, an actual place, and a dream. While having a none too subtle dig at society in general. This is a work of pure fiction. None of the characters are real people, nor do they represent real people. It is a slow burn, a lot of romance and some gratuitous sex for those who need to get off on it. It is based in Australia so I have used local language. There is some Italian and French conversations, so if you want to really become attached to the characters I strongly recommend you use a google translator. It will help with the flow of the conversations. As I use the Queen’s English, I will apologise in advance to my American friends for the correct spelling of some words.

Some of the place names are correct.

There is no underage sex involved.

Part 6 — Lunch, a decision and an the Italian.

Lunch at Carmines was uneventful. Nice Italian dishes, with some very good local wines. Mine Host, Domenico, suggested we try a wine he had secured exclusively. When I asked from where, he tried to explain but as English wasn’t his first language he struggled with place names. This is when Mia came into her own, speaking fluent Italian herself, she helped with the translation. And at the same time made a new friend. Or so I thought.

She explained it was a small family owned winery right here in the suburbs, 40 minutes across town. I thought I knew of nearly all of our well-made local wines and their family heritage, but this was new to me.

I chastised myself. I wrote down the name of the wine we were drinking, Patritti wines, a 2019 JPB Shiraz. I made a mental note to check them out online and to get a case.

He came back and forth to the table during the course of the meals making certain we were satisfied and always engaging Mia in some gently, friendly banter. At one point he must have asked about her availability, she put on a fake smile and introduced Emily as her partner and my grandniece. “Sembri un ragazzo, spero che tu marcisca all’inferno. Tu porti disgrazia alla tua famiglia e alla sua. Se non fosse per il tuo ospite ti caccerei fuori. Tu o i tuoi simili non venite mai più qui.” He said with a smile on his face.

He apologised profusely, mainly to me for offering any offence. When Mia briefly explained after he left us, we all smiled. I think she left some things out of the translation. I could see by the look in Emily’s eyes all was not well. I said nothing.

After our lunch and I was settling up Domenico came up to me once again and offered his sincere apologies for offending any offence to my grand-niece and to please inform them they are most welcome there at any time. I smiled and assured him he had said nothing out of place to me, but only he knew what Alsancak travesti was in his heart. I shook his hand. He raised mine to his lips and being the gentleman that I thought he was, gave it a little kiss and bid me farewell.

Walking back to the number 7 Mia told me, that she thought he was a pig, and wouldn’t be going there ever again. I was about to press her when Emily joined us and I could see from her inquisitive look at Mia that she had understood a little of the Italian spoken over lunch.

“Is there anything I should know”? I enquired.

Mia smiled, pulled Emily close to her, squeezed her a little then looked at me “Aunt Kathy, this person” pulling Emily closer to her, “Means the whole world to me, and under normal circumstances, I would have stood up and slapped his face for him. So let’s just say he wasn’t too kind to the likes of me being in his establishment.”

“Tell me what he actually said.” I instructed her. I was slowly starting to boil inside at the deception that took place.

“He said that I should be ashamed and that I brought dishonour to my family and by being with your niece to your family. Or words to that effect. You have to realise, he is from the south of Italy, they think differently. My father’s family come from the North, up in the Alps. They two don’t mix that well.”

“It’s alright Kathy, but I am more determined than ever to talk you into this venture. If I had the capitol I’d set it up myself I am that convinced it would work.”

I think it was then that I made up my mind.

Erica and Anita caught up with us and could sense there was something in the air. “You three alright?” Asked Anita.

I smiled and nodded but the steam coming out of my ears told a different story as I strode towards number 7 Divitt Street. The others scurrying along with me.

When I got to the front I hunted around in my hand bag for the key. Cursing as I went.

Erica stopped, looked at me and placed a hand on my arm. “What’s happened Kathleen?”

I stopped, took a deep breath and turned to her and Anita, “Inside everyone I have something to say.”

I stood there thinking of how to say this, and walking back and forth. Mia held onto Emily who had her arms wrapped around Mia’s waist. Erica stood behind Anita, all looking at me.

Erica spoke first. “What has happened, who has upset you so Kathy?” She asked.

Mia dropped her head but clung onto Emily.

Finally I spoke.

“OK, normally I don’t go off half-baked on business ideas, but I have heard enough about what this place could be. Mia, I don’t know you all that well, but my Emily obviously trusts you and loves you. That is enough for me.”

I then turned to both Erica and Alsancak travestileri Anita, “I’m going ahead with this project, or I should say WE are going ahead with this project.”

Erica smiled and nodded as did Anita.

“I am even more convinced now that the world needs a place like this, not only for us but for the future. A place where the Anita’s and the Mia’s and Emily’s of this world can feel safe and not be worried by who they are or what others may think of them.”

I looked at each one in turn, and asked, “Erica do you have a problem working with Mia?”

“None what so ever.” She replied without even thinking about it.

“Emily, you are going to have to share your Mia with us until we get this up and running, chances are she’ll be working night and day, because 3 months is too long, I can’t wait that long.”

I pulled the phone out of my bag and rang Terence, he answered after the forth ring. “Hi, how did it go?” He asked me, before I had said a word.

“I’m very very impressed, and it is a goer, this might even be the crown in in our portfolio, when it’s finished. I’m going to invest about 500k but the returns over the next 3 years will clear that and then it is all good. I’ll keep you posted.”

“You sound excited Kathy, I haven’t heard you gushing over a project for ages.” He stated to me.

“Oh another thing, and you will be interested in this, there is a wall in the cellar that doesn’t appear on the original drawings. I’m going to get someone to take it down and see what’s behind it, when it happens I’ll let you know. We can see what’s behind it together. OK little brother.”

“Oh wow, yes for sure, a mystery in the family cupboard, who would have thought it?” He laughed as he said it.

“As long as there are no skeletons, literally” And we both laughed.

I hung up after we said our goodbyes and rang my solicitors. The mobile was a direct line to Jenifer Halloran, my personal solicitor and the family solicitors.

“Hi Jen, I’m well how are you? No troubles just some agreements I need you to sort out. Sure meet me at 7 Divitt Street in the Port, 4pm it is.” I hung up, this is getting the ball rolling.

Turning to Erica, “This will be done under the AFT account. Will you employ Mia or just have her as a contractor?” I quickly rambled off.

“Better if you put her on a retainer to be the Project Manager, I will liaise with her and Emily. I like Emily’s ideas for the décor, I have a couple of other smaller projects that need a fresh look.” She told me.

Then turning to both Mia and Emily, “It looks like you two have work to do. I suggest you set up a business name for yourselves, nothing fancy, keep it simple.” I turned to Mia, Travesti alsancak “Do you have an accountant or a legal person to guide you?”

“Not yet I don’t” She replied, “But I have a feeling I’m going to.”

I smiled. “Let’s do it right!” I told them. “This is purely as a suggestion.” I advised them. “Emily you can use Jen as the family solicitor but not too sure Jen could represent Mia. But her law firm can. You don’t have to use my people, if you want you can use your own.”

I could see their heads spinning. I took Emily by the hand, “I’m going to ring your mum, and tell her that you and Mia are working on a project for me. Nothing more, nothing less. Remember what I said to you before. Just be yourself, don’t make a big deal out of it and spend as much time at home as you can. Except the shower routine that is.” I said with a smile as Em turned a bright crimson.

Emily then tried to tell us, “Our relationship is more than the sex you know.”

Erica burst out laughing. “Yeah sure it is” she said.

Mia just hugged Emily and whispered in her ear, Emily blushed even more so, and wiggled in her arms.

“Alright you two, save it for later.” Looking at the two of them, I not so much as asked them but told them. “As for an accountant, you can use Opus Pty Ltd in the Port. They know me and know the family business. It will make it easier and they can do your tax as well.” I raised my eyebrows as if I was looking for their consent.

“We need to get moving.” I told everyone. “Erica we need to take that brick wall down in the cellar, can you arrange that please. But both Terry and I want to be there when you do.” I told her.

She nodded, and got her phone out and started punching numbers. Then walked away to make her call.

“Us too” Exclaimed, Emily all excited.

In a matter of six hours the presentation was completed, ideas expressed and shared, a decision was made, a lunch was shared, a new wine was added to my list, an old friend exposed for who they really were and top of all that a new business partnership was put in place plus and a new adventure embarked upon.

Not a bad day’s work.

I took a deep breath. Looking at Mia and Emily, “you two have to get things moving now, I will leave your business dealings up to you. But I expect you to have your business name and your accountants and solicitors sorted by the end of the week. Understood?”

They nodded and said “yes yes absolutely.”

“Well let’s get cracking shall we?”

I pulled Anita to one side, held her hand, looked into her eyes. She smiled awkwardly at me, and asked “What?”

“I owe you an apology.” I told her. “I have never realised just how hard it must be for you. I will do all that I can to make sure no silly rumours circulate about you and Erica.”

She smiled back at me, mouthed the words “Thank you.”

Erica joined us and told me, “Day after tomorrow 7am for the wall. Sorry best I could do, or wait a month for a reasonably hour.”

“That’s fine I’ll call Terence and let him know.”

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