Snowed In


**This is not a new story. I just re-uploaded for some new fans. Any site using it without permission will be going against a copywrite***

*Stupid comments will be deleted*

Although the light of day shined through the shades of the window, the cold air was easily making its way under the dilapidated motel door. The Broadway Inn was not known for its grandeur, but rather its poor clientele. It was not on Broadway and not much of an Inn, but it was home for a few hundred a week. It was the cheapest rent by the month hotel Tiffany could afford. It was still better than the street and much better than the shelter.

Tiffany was not so eager to start her day, but knew that the alternative was worse. Not paying the rent by Friday meant living on the streets or dealing with her step-father which was worse. Going back to a pimp to care for her was not an option either, as the few scars she had on her back was a reminder of Quan’s anger. With her phone buzzing with alerts and breaking news of the coming storm, this was going to be a rough couple of days, as clients did not go out looking for sex when the weather was bad. She called them clients from her early days at the massage parlor, but knew they were just Johns to every other working girl.

She walked quickly to her pile of clothes to find something sexy, yet warm to wear. What she found clean was a long sleeve shirt with a long neckline. She did not want to wear a tight skirt like most days and settled on leggings that accentuated her ass. She needed to make at least two hundred in three days to stay at the motel. On a good night it could be done, but with the cold weather and snow coming, it was going to be hard to even make fifty for the day.

The days of Craigslist helping her setup clients and screening them were over. It was now random men who were just looking for a quick blowjob or handjob in their car. It was a cheap and easy way to get off for them, but not the plush money she once got from offering all night dates with wealthier men. To add misery to her day, she read the alert about the storm warning and how dangerous it was going to be by that night.

At twenty-four she knew her light caramel toned body could make any man turn and look. Her mixed heritage came from her grandparents, she was told, as did her long, natural wavy hair. Even though she had a sleek face, and a flat stomach, her hips were more childbearing than athletic looking. Like her hips, she had and ass with a curve to it. It was small enough for a white man to love, and big enough to keep the black men interested, as she put it. With a set of large breasts to go with her body, she was content with her physical features, but also made an effort to keep it. With her coat covering her ass, she knew flaunting it today was not going to work.

Tiffany felt the immediate rush of cold air blast her in her face when she opened the door. It was already starting to flurry,but she needed to try to hustle her way down to her corner. It was not much of a place to make money, but the police left her alone most of the time. It was a bus ride and a short walk to her normal spot and a hope that people would want sex today.

With the last few dollars in her possession going for food, Tiffany waited on the corner huddled against the building waiting for someone to take notice. Half of her body wanted to get money, while the other half wanted to go home to a warm bed. The flurries turned into fully nice flakes of worry as she knew it today was a waste.

Deciding to call it a day Tiffany walked to the bus stop to see it was empty. She then looked around and noticed that a few of the people heading towards her were walking away from the bus stop. Her long, dark hair was frozen at the ends from the snow and cold wind blowing from her back, and the warm bus was the only hope for shelter until she got back to the motel.

“Bus ain’t comin’.” An older man said to her as he walked past her. She figured he knew she was heading towards the bus stop too and wanted to give her a heads up.

“Shit… fucking shit.” Tiffany cried out as she looked around to even see if there was a cab she cold hail. With no money in her pocket her only option was to offer a handjob or something else sexual.

The cold was brutal but at least it was blowing at her back instead of her face. Her ass was numb, and her neck felt frozen now from the plunging neckline of her blouse. Her skin-tight leggings clung to her body, but did very little in the way of keeping her warm now that they were wet from the snow.

Her motel was a few miles away, but she felt she could handle the rest of the walk. The snow was coming down faster and the plows were now trying to keep up. The roads and sidewalks now had small piles of snow lining them as the plows made their path. Less and less cars passed her, and she knew the storm had come quicker than expected.

As Tiffany walked past a small grocery store she could see the mad scramble of people trying to get the Gümüşsuyu travesti last of the basic food items and others trying to get home before it was too late. Right as she walked by, she saw a man dressed in a heavy black coat putting in bags in his trunk. Just as she saw him, she noticed that one bag had ripped and spilled cans from the bottom and side. The overpacked bag seemed to explode and one of the cans began to roll towards her.

Doing the right thing, Tiffany walked a few feet to retrieve the can for him. The man was bent over under the car to get the others that rolled as she got close enough to give it to him. He got back up giving her a strange look. “I’m sorry, but no thank you.”

In her mind, she had no idea what he was saying no to. She had the can in her hand and he was now saying no. “What do you mean?”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t want company tonight or a quick date.”

She could see that he was older than her, but not too old maybe in his thirties or very early forties. His short dark-brown hair and short beard only had a few streaks of grey in them. His long coat hid all of his physical features, but she could tell quickly that he was thinking she was asking him for a date.

“Nooo…here is your fucking can. It rolled towards me.” She answered back with her most sarcastic tone and holding a grimace to her face.

“Ohhh shit. I am so sorry!” He reached for the can taking it and holding it in his hand.

He then looked around and then said “I feel really bad. Oh my God, I am really sorry.”

She could see the genuine look of sorrow in his face and chalked it up to her profession. She could not blame him at all and just smiled at the compliment that she got a real apology from a man. She turned with a smile heading back towards her snowy journey.

“Wait… are you walking in this? Can I give you a ride at least?”

Tiffany was still only a few feet away and could still see the nice look he had on his face. Like he was really concerned and not being conceited about his question. “You could but you said you were not interested in a date.”

“Can I at least drive you home or something?” He offered as he closed the lid of his trunk.

“Okay. I can take a ride.” She relented figuring the warm car was better than the cold, bristling air.

Tiffany stepped towards him and smiled again as his wide smile brought hope of chivalry back to her. She walked around the car as he did the same. She noticed his car was new but not something flashy and overpriced. The inside was clean and once she was inside, and the door closed as her only was about the heat being turned on.

“How far do you live?” He asked looking at her with a face that showed more apology than concern as she knew some men got when a hooker first gets in their vehicle.

“Not too far. Do you know where the Broadway Inn is?”

“Yea, I know of the place.” He answered giving a look of disappointment now as she figured it finally came to him that she really was a prostitute.

“Thinking that apology was wrong now?” Tiffany joked as he put the car in drive pulling away.

“I shouldn’t have assumed it though, so I’m still sorry.” He replied back, still keeping his smile.

“You’re sweet. Just wish you really did want a date though.”

“Today and tonight are going to be bad. I don’t think you want to be with anyone during this storm.”

“Be tellin’ you the truth…dates hard to find during a time like this. The motel is cheap but it ain’t free. Between today and tomorrow looks like I am not going to be with anyone and that means I won’t be staying anywhere.”

He turned to look at her as he stopped at the light. “Is there any other place you can stay?”

She thought about his question and knew that he was just trying to be helpful, but her mother was on drugs and she never knew her father. Living with friends had its drawbacks and bouncing from place to place was what she knew her whole life. She did not want to divulge her personal life to a stranger but also knew there was no other choice.

The car stopped at the motel and she turned to him. “This is it for me. Thank you for the ride and all.”

She opened the door and he looked at her again. “Is there a shelter I can take you? That place looks bad.”

Tiffany knew it was bad and then hated the fact he was bringing up the obvious to her. “It be shit, but it’s home and all. Can’t all be living in the nice, white neighborhood.”

“I really can’t be leaving you here with this storm coming. I bet this place doesn’t have heat.”

Feeling frustrated but also cold, she shot back looking at him impatiently. “Look, if you want me to go to another place then you are going to have to pay me. My time ain’t free and shit.”

His face showed the frustration as well but also a glimmer of salvation. “Jesus fucking Christ, are you serious?”

Before he could respond Tiffany put out her hand and made a curling action with her hand to Gümüşsuyu travestileri show that she wanted money. She did not know what was better, the warmth of a place or the money to stay longer in the motel. The only question to what was happening was how much was he going to pay her. In her mind if he asked for a price but did not say what it was to him. She knew twenty was the lowest she would take and that was just because she was desperate.

As he reached for his wallet she let go of the door handle and waited to see how much he was willing to part with. As he opened his wallet she only saw fifty dollars and he promptly gave it all to her. With the money in her hand, her mind went to what he might want from her.

As he drove a few more miles and got on the highway, the snow began to get really bad. The radio announced that the area was in a state of emergency and all cars should be off the road. He turned to her with an easytone about him. “We’re almost there.”

“So, you live with someone? Got a wife of something?” Tiffany asked as she wondered if he was just taking her to his family, or that he was actually going to take her back to his house to fuck her.

“Just me. I’m divorced.”

As he pulled into a nice complex, Tiffany knew she was far removed from the city and the elements of the streets that gave her meager living. His house was covered in snow, but she could see all the picturesque parts of a nice, rich living.

He pulled up into his driveway and the car slid forward until it stopped and without trying to move it any further he shifted it into park. Tiffany saw content in his face as they got to his place without any real incident from the snow. It was coming down hard and fast now, piling up so that everything had a nice clean coat of white powder on it.

“I don’t know your name.” She pointed out.

He opened the door and looked at her quickly. “Frank.”

“Tiffany.” She replied back, as she opened the door and got out.

She helped with the bags of groceries and walked inside his house feeling the instant satisfaction of warmth from the cold snow of the storm. She could see his house was clean, but sparsely decorated.

As Frank walked to the kitchen with the bags, Tiffany sat at a small bar that divided the living room and the kitchen. She turned her body around on the stool, surveying his house. She could easily see that all of his things were nice and clean, and she thought it was odd that it was not the bachelor pad she was used to from the guys who picked her up on dates. The memories of being able to get decent clients came to her, and the hotels she went to. Only a few of the men took her back to their houses, and most of the houses were used for fuck pads.

“You hungry?” He offered as he was busy putting away the food.

“Sure… if you don’t mind.” Tiffany replied, thinking she could tone down all her attitude to her calmest since she had a warm place and now food coming her way.

As Frank began preparing food, she watched on thinking about how nice it was to be inside, and even better for a man to cook her something. Most of her food came from sidewalk vendors or fast food places. He was not cooking a gourmet meal, but it was something she had not had in a while.

“So how long you been divorced? Not with any girl?” Tiffany asked wanting to initiate conversation as he seemed quiet while he cooked.

“Mmm… been about seven years now. I date from time-to-time, but I work a lot.”

He put a plate of food in front of her and the smell of the food brought back a flood of memories of life before going back to the streets. It was a simple grilled cheese but the act of it being homemade and without any exchange of sex made it seem more than it was.

Tiffany ate as Frank moved towards the living room and turned on the news. He sat on the sofa as the newscaster was predicting an unprecedented amount of snow. The TV flashed with images of plows getting stuck and videos of the snow piling up like it was the end of days.

She finished the meal and saw him alone on his couch and figured she might as well get sex out of the way. He did pay her money and gave her food on top of that. He seemed sweet and polite, something that was lacking the last few years since downgrading to the streets. He made no mention or attempt at sex and that alone made her want to give it to him more.

Tiffany walked over and pulled out a condom still in its wrapper from her purse. She wiggled it to gain his attention. “You ready to fuck my black pussy?”

Frank gave a look of being somewhat shy as he looked at her. “I guess…I didn’t think about it.”

Tiffany knelt down and opened his legs. “Well you might as well, I am here to fuck you.”

She smiled as she recalled the few times in the past that she had customers who were shy and really sweet. He made no comment or put up any resistance as she had his legs open. Her mind focused on just having him get off, so Travesti Gümüşsuyu she could wait out the storm for an hour or so and be back to the motel.

As he began to remove his pants she removed her top so only her bra was now holding in her breasts. She quickly tossed the bra aside, so she could show him her large, brown chest and big nipples. Her large tits hung there as he stared at them in total shock. She could tell he was enjoying the view as did most men who looked at her tits. Her nipples were like hardened points as her caramel skin was exposed to the cold air. He looked almost nervous about touching her, or, she then thought; it could be her touching him.

Once his soft white flaccid member was visible she looked down the see a normal sized dick. In her mind, she figured it was about six or seven inches hard. Nothing too crazy, but normal she thought for him being white. He still had his shirt on, but she did notice that he was decent looking, but not overly fit. It was just kind of average compared to others she saw.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle with him.” Tiffany uttered as she finally moved down taking his soft dick into her mouth.

She felt it pulse quickly as blood began to rush to his organ. She loved it being soft in her mouth and knowing it was soon going to harden. She licked around the head quickly before pulling up in a sucking motion to keep it in her mouth before sliding back down on it. Tiffany could feel it slowly getting thicker and stiffer in her mouth as she continued to go up and down on his pecker.

It was just hard enough, yet still soft that she could deep throat it. With her nose touching his waist she pulled back up while sucking hard to keep it in her mouth. She looked up to see his mouth opened, and she thought he was enjoying the fact that a black girl was sucking his white cock better than anyone ever before.

Back and forth, she went sucking and then stroking. His member now raged with all the might of a proud erection. No longer able to engulf the shaft in its entirety as she still took enough of it in to get moans of pleasure from him. With a few strokes of his shaft she knew he was ready to conquer her dark snatch.

She pulled the condom out and then pulled it over his hard tool. She then got up and moved her legs, so she could squat on him. “Have to ask, is this a first for you?”

The look on his face was a mixture of excitement and reluctance. She didn’t know much about him and what he wanted. He could be a closet freak or be secretly gay. She did feel she needed to gauge what he wanted from her or what he was totally against. The thought that he didn’t like black girls came to her, and she just wanted to be sure what he was into in regard to racial preference.

“First for many things. Never been with a girl like you or with a black girl. Not trying to sound racist, but I’ve just never been with one.”

As she saw the honesty in his face and knowing he could have easily let her freeze she knew and felt he was anything but racist or mean. Not stopping she stripped off her leggings to reveal her ebony prize to him. She pulled back on her vaginal lips opening her pussy for inspection. Her dark lips opened as she slipped a finger inside herself.

“Looks like I get to be your first.”

Tiffany slumped down and grabbed his manhood directing it towards her now waiting sex hole. She looked at him as she felt him slip inside of her. Easing herself on his prick she finally felt her cunt open up stretching to the size of his prick as she continued to lower herself onto him. Once he was more than half inside of her she finally moved the rest of the way and sat on his lap, feeling his cock finally fully embed itself inside her pussy.

Seeing his face contort with pleasure made her grind forward knowing he was going to feel her tight sex grip him. “You can fuck it hard if you want, or I can ride you.”

“What would you like?”

“Let me ride you baby.” Tiffany answered with a devious smile of lust.

Not wanting to go fast yet, but still wanting him to feel the pleasures of her female sex; Tiffany began to gyrate her hips. She was going side-to-side and then back and forth on him while feeling his cock pulse with need, as she slowly began to impale herself with his male rod. She saw the excitement of sex on his face as she was grinding her twat hard on his body, feeling his erection deep inside her too. The more she grinded, the more his male girth throbbed inside of her.

“You liking that black pussy? Like me taking your white cock deep in me?” She said wanting him to get into the mood of fucking a black girl and maybe stir up some taboo lust to help him cum quick.

“Ohhh fuck you feel good.” Frank moaned out.

She smiled as he responded, and she saw the expression on his face as it matched his hard member throbbing inside of her. She then began to bounce up and down, her tits now bouncing with her body as she was fucking him. She was going at a steady rhythm as she felt his shaft slipping out of her sex before slamming back down on him and letting it stretch her love muscles each time she came down hard on him. She put her hand on his shoulders for support as she then proceeded to go faster and harder, feeling his erection slide faster and faster in her sex.

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