Yang Meets Mr. Samson Pt. 01


This is chapter 1. I’m currently working on chapter 2 right now. Comments are more than welcome.

He grabbed the back of her head, bunching her beautiful raven-coloured hair in his strong fist. How did she get into this situation she thought as he forced his cock down her throat. She wasn’t this, she never even thought about it before now, now she’s in nothing but her underwear, face covered in his cum about to try and deep throating this BWC. She closed her eyes and drifted into a new part of her mind and remembered how it all started.

The day started badly enough with the storm knocking out all the power causing her to be late for an important meeting, the hotel wake-up service never called and she also forgot the USB with the presentation on it for the new clients. She just had to hope they would be willing to meet 35 mins after the appointment time.

She rushed into the office as fast as her heels and skirt would allow. She hoped a little sex appeal would go a long way today. She always knew she was good-looking, long slim legs, doubly so in the 4 in heels. Hips, waistline, bust forming the definition of an hourglass figure, her mixed heritage of Chinese and Japanese sure helped that and the outfit to be the cherry on top. The thing she loved/hated about her appearance as she was short, she cursed and thanks to her mother for that. At 4′ 10” most children towered over her but it did have its advantages too.

She sauntered to the desk knowing that the eyes of everyone were on her. She wasn’t a very sexual activity woman but knew how to use it.

She bent just enough to get the man behind the desk’s attention while pushing her ass out to the max. She noticed a small coffee shop in the lobby but unfortunately, there wasn’t time for that right now.

“Hi, Yang Chen here for a meeting with your accounting department, I know I’m a little late but I was hoping they could still meet today?” She said with enough sweetness to give a candy factory a decent fight.

A man, probably one of the men watching her said, “Ah Mrs. Chen, we have very different definitions of a little late.”

“It’s Ms and mayhaps but I would like a chance to prove our company’s software is better than the one you are currently using. So would that be possible Mr… I’m sure I didn’t catch your name.”

The man chuckled softly, “My apologies, I’m Mr. Samson, head of the accounting department. You’re lucky, my meeting after yours had to cancel and I have a few minutes free. Please come to my office, I’ve heard great things about your system.” As they turned he looked back at the receptionist and gave him a little wink, they both knew what that meant as he picked up the phone.

Yang was jumping for joy inside her head for several reasons, none as much as she was able to get the meeting but the fact it was with a man, will she knew the deal was done. She was just happy the man was good-looking, her last few meetings were all with older men and that made charming them hard in her head. Mr. Samson walked just ahead of her, maybe 2-3 steps but that couldn’t be helped when he walked like a giant. When they got to the elevator, she barely had to duck underneath his arm holding the door. She started to get a feel for his height, guess he was about 6’5″ maybe 6’6″, tall for a White man. The height difference was more apparent once he was in the small elevator. She felt like a child next to him.

He broke the silence first. “So Ms. Chen, did the storm knock your power out too?”

“Oh yes, that’s why I’m so late today. Thank you so much for seeing me still.” She said with just as much sweetness as before. “You’re just lucky my next appointment was cancelled. I’m looking forward to your presentation.” Mr. Samson said as his phone vibrated.

“Ah, yes about that” Yang said sounding kinda defeated “I might not have that”

“Mmmh, so late and not prepared, you better be good with that mouth of your if you’re going to convince me to switch to your system.” He said with just enough of a tone to be hinting at something but not enough to directly imply anything.

Yang was a little taken aback by that statement, was he implying… no, she was just misinterpreting it, that all, right? “Oh I’m an excellent speaker, I’m sure I can convince you. ” She said with as much confidence as she could muster.

When they got back to his office, he walked to his chair and gestured for her to have a seat. “I’m okay standing, I feel like speaking better.” She said smiling at the man he would be deciding her fate, just not in the way she expects. He had no issue with this as she started her little improv speech. “Do you might if this meeting is recorded? Just voice. Might help convince the board of directors, and the others, assuming that I’m convinced.” Yang took this as a challenge, one she was going to beat. She nodded and started her speech.

“So Mr. Samson, how much time do you think the employees log into their computer compared to what time they are claiming on their timesheets?” Yang asked the tower that sat in front of her. “Far less than we would like, probably 60% of the time.” He said. “So your company is overpaying employees for time they are not working if they even are in the Bakırköy travesti office at all. So our system tracks then your employees sign in to their computer but not in the same way as you might think.” Mr. Samson raises an eyebrow. “Go on,” he says, his attention on her words and not her body. Yang continues “So our system is twofold, one the new software that determines when an employee logs in and out and the system key card. They are the real key to the whole thing, pun intended. They are made using a patent application. They programmed to send out a unique one-time password for that one employee to use along with adding extra security to your company.”

Mr. Samson sat there for a minute, thinking. “I can see why your system is in high demand. I’m very impressed. How much would this run us to get installed?”

“Well, it depends on how many employees, elevators and floors it would need to be installed in. Most companies similar to this one about 100k” Yang said knowing this was the real make it or break it a moment.

“That’s a higher price than expected but I definitely can see the benefits of a system like it. I’ll have to talk it over with the president, board of directors and head of security. Once that happens we’ll be in contact. Would you like me to show you the way out?” Mr. Samson said as he started to get up.

“No, no, that’s quite alright. I look forward to hearing from you. You have my contact information?” Yang said, already screaming, knowing she sealed the deal. ‘Yes, I do. Thank you for your time.” He said as he sat back down “No thank you for your time” Yang said, giving a little bow before turning around. Yang could just make out the handsome man say as the office door shut “Cute girl”. Great now she’s almost too embarrassed to think but too excited not to think of the big bonus heading her way. Not to mention Mr. Handsome, she couldn’t wait to hear from him soon.

A couple of days later she heard back from Mr. Samson. He wanted to set up another meeting, to set up the go-ahead with the installation. It just so happens that he was flying into her city that evening and was wondering if she was available for a late dinner to discuss this project. While this wasn’t uncommon as a method men would use to ask her out, she was extra happy because it was with Mr. Samson. She “checked her schedule” and just so happened to be free, she said as she was wearing a cute little onesie and eating a bag of popcorn. “Great I’ll meet you at the Stanley Hotel restaurant in a couple of hours.” Mr. Samson said as he hung up the phone.

A couple of hours? More than enough time to shave legs, shave, do hair, makeup and get dressed. It was 6 now, she better get to it. As she started shaving, she thought about shaving somewhere else. While it wasn’t a bush it was not as neat as she likes, even if nothing happens. She decided it was worth the time lost and shaved her pussy carefully as not to create any razor burn. Next to the shower, lucky she just showered that morning but didn’t bother after her evening run. The warm water felt good running down her body, almost as good as the touch of a tone man’s hands. Her tiny hands almost automatically started towards her pussy. While never having been with a White Man, let alone dated one, she often found them attractive, more so the tall ones, like Mr. Samson. She broke from her little daydream for a second and quickly reached for her phone, still lots of time for a little private time. As she drifted back to her private place, so did her hands. God the things she’d do with a man like Mr. Samson or better yet he would do to her. She heard the stories of White Men and some of her girlfriends confirmed it more than a couple of times. She could only picture what he was packing. It didn’t take long for her to start orgasming, at least it didn’t seem to take long. As the end of the wave run through her, she checked the time again, FUCK, has she been masturbating for 30 mins. She quickly washed and blow-dried her hair.

Makeup time, did she go professional or maybe just touch unprofessional? She thought for a minute. The latter it is. She picked just the right shades and colours, she wanted to make her look sexy but not a wanton slut. Underwear was a non-thinker, she already did her make-for appearance might as well go the whole 10 yards, sheer stockings, black lace thong with match bra and grater, finishing off with heels to kill, 6 inches should do. Enough to make her legs pop but still nothing compared to Mr. Samson. NO, no time for more of that. The dress was a little problem, the sexy black one they hugged her curves like an over-affectionate aunt or the little red one that was a little shorter but showed some of her impressive cleavages?

She decided it was meant to be a professional meeting so cleavage probably out the question.

30 mins left, she might just make it if she hurries, she thought as you ran out the door. Not sure how the evening would be, she decided a taxi would be best, after all a few drinks were enough to make her wobbly. She waved down a taxi and hopped in the back. She could feel the driver’s eyes on her the second she entered but had no time for that. “The Stanley Hotel, Bakırköy travestiileri please. As fast as possible” Yang said with just a bit of desperation in her voice. “Sure thing, sweetness,” the driver said, eyeing the sexy thing he’s seen all week. This comment both annoyed and made her blush. She was already excited about this meeting for reasons she wasn’t sure of herself and that comment just got to her. Maybe because the driver wasn’t Mr. Samson or because she wished he was.

Before she knew it she was at the Stanley Hotel. Her heart was beating so hard, she thought for a minute it was visible through her dress. She took a breather and calmed her nerves, after all this was just a professional dinner, something she’s done dozens of times, but this one just felt different. She entered the restaurant, scanning the dining area for Mr. Samson spotting him in the back… with someone else. Well shit, she thought, maybe it is just a meeting. Mr. Samson noticed Yang and gave her a little wave. Slightly defeated, she walked over to them. “Ah Ms. Chen, this is the Head of the Board, Mr. West.”

“Pleasure, we all heard great things about you and your company’s product. So should we get down to business?” Yang was taken back by this sudden business talk, normally she would make small talk but Mr. West seemed to be a man with little patience.

“Yes, let us do so. Ms. Chen your system is very impressive and very well-timed, as we are planning on expanding our client base. As well as cut the bad weeds from the company to help it grow. We would like to have your system installed as soon as possible.” Mr. Samson taking control of the conversation. That is not the only thing she wanted him to take control of… no, where were these thoughts coming from?

Yang spoke for the first time. “I’m glad to hear that. I can’t be sure when we could but I’ll look into it first thing tomorrow morning.” She said as professional as possible, just wanting this evening to be over now.

“Great, Mr. Samson, I assume you can handle the rest of the details?” Mr. West almost stepping on the last of her sentence.

“Most certainly, Sir.” Mr. Samson said

“Great, I have an early flight, so if you excuse me I’ll be heading to bed.” Mr. West said, rushing to the door.

That must be why he was so impatient, Yang thought as she turned back to Mr. Samson. “So why couldn’t this have been done over the phone or email?” Yang inquired. “I have no problem with a late-night snack, I’m just curious is all.”

Mr. Samson gave what he could see of the tiny little in front of him and quipped back “I also have no problem with a late-night snack. But truth be told, there are a couple of objections to this meeting. Firstly, we want you to oversee the installation of”

That’s not uncommon, Yang thought. If she is not there, she often doesn’t trust the morons to do it correctly. Mr. Samson continued, “Once the system is up and running, I want you to come work for me. We’re expanding our accounting department and are trying to get some big fish to use as their future accounting firm. What do you say?”

That thought Yang through a loop so fast she thought she could have beat a racecar.

“I, but, why, why me?” She was at a loss for words

A smile swept across his face. “Well, Ms. Chen. I was very impressed by your presentation the other day. In a little under 10 mins, you convince me that we should purchase your system. And the recording I played for everyone was more convincing than our best people. I want you, no, need you on my team. I can promise your pay will make what you are making now laughable.”

Still trying to process what was said. “I don’t know what to say. I’ll admit the offer is a bit surprising and your office is much closer to my family.” Her head was spinning, she wanted to jump on the table and scream for joy. An opportunity like this doesn’t come every day but she had to keep cool. “I’ll need a couple of days to think about it.”

“Of course, Ms. Chen.” Mr. Samson started before Yang interrupted “Yang is fine” she said with a small smile. Mr. Samson gave a very charming smile. “Well, Yang shall we have a drink? If nothing this deal needs to be celebrated.” She nodded. They each ordered their preferred poison and started talking. They seemed to have a lot of similar hobbies and interests. Both loved collecting older electronics, huge fans of comic books and their respective movies and with each drink more and more lust in their eyes.

They talked for an hour before their waiter told them the restaurant would be closing soon. Yang was just having fun, she was enjoying Mr. Samson’s company, luckily the night wasn’t over yet. “Would it be wildly inappropriate for me to invite you back to my room for a nightcap? It’s been a while since I’ve had a good talk about the flaws in comic book movies.” There goes my heart again, Yang thought as she softly shook her head.

The ride up to his room was so tense, you could cut it with a knife. They both glance at each other, hoping not to be caught and caught at the same time. When the doors opened to the elevator, Mr. Samson put his hand on the back of Yang’s shoulders ” Ladies first” He said travesti Bakırköy trying to be as gentlemanly as possible but he just wanted to see the backside of her.

The touch sent a small exciting chill up and down her spine, stopping at her pussy. She knew she had to stop now or she’ll be breaking a bunch of her company’s rules. She didn’t and allowed herself to be guided back to his room. She watched as he scanned his room key and thought maybe the hotel should have the same update… I should look into that tomorrow. All ideas of work disappeared the moment he opened the door and she walked in. She knew what she wanted to happen and thought about what would happen. The room was nice, not the best but spacious. Mr. Samson walked over to the small bar and asked “What are you drinking same as before?” “No, something a little stronger, please,” Yang said a little nervous, knowing if her boss found out about this she be a heap of trouble. She’ll just have to make sure he never finds outs.

Mr. Samson finished pouring the drinks and moved to the couch. “You’re going to stand all night, I don’t mind the view but I think you might get tired,” He said, shaking the cup of dark liquor. Yang blushed harder than ever, there was no way of hiding it. She ran over and sat next to this towering man. She felt short in his presence before but sitting next to him, she looked like a child next to a mountain. They continued their talk about movies and the comics they are based on, laughing and joking. Yang was talking about how a certain dark caped could do half the things he could, Mr. Samson found the whole thing hilarious and attempted to slap his knee. Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how turned out, he missed and slapped the top of Yang’s tight. While not hard enough to bruise, it was hard enough that Yang felt it.

The room fell quiet, as his hand sat on her tight. As he went to move it, her tiny hand darted and held it in place. One would never know just from looking at little Yang, but she loved pain. It was the one thing guaranteed to push her over the edge during sex. The number of times she cum from a good hard spanking is too many to count and this was just as hard. She held his hand down as hard as she could, holding back the flood gates that were now set to burst. Mr. Samson was just there looking at this girl who was laughing seconds ago, just about to lose her mind.

Yang was now in a different place. She bit her lip and hoped he didn’t fight her as she lifted his hand, letting it fall again onto her still stringing tight. The gate was cracking and so was she. She hopes he would take the hint and take the next step. Mr. Samson noticed she wasn’t looking at him but not moving away, he knew what she wanted. No want she needed, she needed to be hurt. He lifted his hand and down brought it down on the same spot. She tried, how she tried but she could help but let out a quiet moan and something even quieter. “Pardon, I didn’t quite catch that,” Mr. Samson said. “More, please” Yang almost begging for. “Mr. Samson, I need more. Please.” There was no mistake about it no, she was desperate for him to hurt her. “You can call me Ray,” He said, as he swung his hand on her other tight. That time the gate broke.

Yang had never cum from just pain before but it was a different experience. It wasn’t as powerful as a normal orgasm, it was more sudden, intense and quickly fading. As fast as she cum, the feeling was gone and needed to be regained. She dare not look at Mr. Samson, Ray for fear of judgment but he didn’t give her the push over the edge, so slap as the case may be. Ray broke the silence first “Well Yang, not what I expected for a little thing like you but a nice surprise anyway.” Yang put her face in her hands, not to cry but to cover her face so he couldn’t see the shade of red she was turning. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Samson, Ray. I don’t know what came over me. I have no words. I should just go.” She stood for a second before Ray grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. She wasn’t expecting this and tumbled back farther than they both expected, landing on his lap. She didn’t think her face could be any redder but just did, Yang thought before something caught her attention, was that… “No need to rush out of her Yang. The night is still going strong.” Ray said.

Yang was somewhere else, she heard Ray say something but she was focused on this thing under her ass. She tried to figure it out without making it obvious but the more her curiosity grew the harder it was to bid what she was doing. “Look Yang, you are incredibly beautiful, with a body to kill. I’m not going to deny the fact that from our first meeting I wanted to fuck you. I understand if you wanted to leave and never speak of this again.” More background noise, Yang thought. There’s no way, could her girlfriends be right? Were their stories about White Men true? Ray continued, also unaware Yang was paying attention to him in a different way. “But I have the feeling you wanted to fuck me too, am I wrong? Well, Yang am I?” She had to see, she had to know, there was no other way. She was in a lustful automatic mode. She pushed herself off his lap and onto the seat next to him, her eyes were now locked on the bulge visible in Ray’s dress pants. “I’ll take that as a yes” again to himself. Yang’s hands slowly moved to the bulge. She’ll just touch it, one simple touch will answer all her questions. As her fingertips touched his pants the bulge clearly moved. Holy shit, that was his cock, her friends were right.

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