The Beat Pt. 03

Big Tits

The Beat — Part 03

This is the continuing story of Mary, who found herself wanting after being married with children, then arriving in middle age and feeling unfulfilled. How she ventured into a gay woman’s meeting place, experienced her first encounter and longed for more. It has been over a year since I have written about this and much has happened, both to me and Mary. But now I am ready to add to this story, hopefully, it will be as good as the first two chapters.


Mary continued to visit the Mylk bar, not every week but once or twice a month, enough to be known as a regular. She never again enjoyed the pleasure of Erica and Evie, although they were both very warm and always acknowledged her, often buying her a drink or a meal, on occasions Erica introduced her to a friend or two. But she never seemed to find the right match.

Mary often wondered about meeting a stranger in a dark alley, but she never did, she never found the courage. Nor the right place.

One Wednesday afternoon in June, Erica sat with her, just idly chatting about this and that. Erica turned to her and asked, “Why are you always seated down here when most of the women down here are ogling you as much as the girls at the bar.”

Mary cocked her head to one side smiled at her and replied to her, “What on earth are you suggesting, Erica?”

“Sweetheart, don’t tell me you are looking at the girls at the bar when any fool can see your eyes are wandering around the room. When was the last time you got laid babe.” She said with a wicked grin on her lips. “You are dressing as if you want to be picked up when it is you who are wanting to do the hunting.” She continued.

“I have no idea what you are going on about, you know that don’t you?” Mary told her.

“Mary,” said Erica, “You are doing the hunting darling, it is written all over your face.”

“Stop your nonsense, Erica. I am fine just the way things are. Besides, look at me, none of these pretty young things seated around me would give me a second look.” She said matter of factly. As she raised her eyes and caught a lovely redheaded woman looking at her and blushing. Mary smiled back at her and kept eye contact as the woman dropped her head and looked away. “Besides even if I came across a woman who caught my eye, what would I do and where would I take them? Some cheap hotel or motel for some afternoon delight?”

Erica patted her hand, smiled at her and told her quietly, “Upstairs, to our place, just not in Evie’s and my bed, she would never forgive you.” She told me with a laugh. “Or book a booth, and let Evie know your intentions, she will make sure you aren’t disturbed or interrupted. You do remember how the booths work don’t you darling.” She said as she stood up and kissed Mary’s cheek.

“Before you go, do you remember what my first fantasy was I told you about?” Mary asked her.

Erica stopped and was deep in thought then smiled, “You mean about getting a shag in a dark alley by a stranger?”

Mary nodded and laughed quietly. “Yes, that one.”

“What about it, which reminds me you never did meet me that Friday night after we closed did you?” Erica told her. Mary blushed and shook her head. “No, I didn’t. That was a long time ago, wasn’t it?”

“Don’t tell me you still think about that?” Erica asked her.

“Yes, I do. But it is a fantasy and maybe it’s best it stays that way.” Mary replied.

Evie smiled at her and said “mmmmmmmmmmmm when you have finished your lunch, get Evie to bring you through to my office. I will show you something that might whet your appetite for fulfilling fantasies.” She was told.

Mary smiled and nodded as she caught the redheaded woman looking at her again. She smiled back at her, and wet her lips. The redhead blushed once more and looked away. Why am I so nervous when I am alone, but so sure of my desires when around Erica? She wondered to herself. Was it her and not these lust-filled dreams she has had?

My god, how her husband had been given some exciting ‘early’ nights these past twelve months since she had met and been with Erica and Evie. Yes, she was certain she wanted more of it but was so unsure of how she should go about it. She was also certain that while the closeness of her husband and their intimacy was ‘nice’ it was totally unfulfilling. How many times now had she waited until he was snoring before sending her fingers on their mission to complete the job that he had barely started?

She looked at the women at the bar, some leaning back watching their prey grazing on their lunches, while others had their backs to the diners, knowing what was going to happen as soon as those eating had finished Bahçelievler travesti their meals.

She watched the few at the bar that she thought were handsome, some dressed in tradies work attire, while others were dressed in business suits, complete with shirts and ties. None she noticed were very femininely dressed, all very macho in some way. Something for everyone, she thought to herself.

She wondered what was her type. Then realised they were seated around her and maybe Erica was right, maybe she should set herself apart. She looked at the redhead once again and decided to make her move. She wiped her mouth on the napkin and was about to stand up when a rather striking woman leant down to the redhead and started talking to her. The moment was lost. She stood up and looked for Evie, she was standing at the door chatting to the very camp looking maître d’, what was his name again, she knew it was something French, what was it. Oh Yes, Jean-Paul. Yes, finally she remembered. She smiled to herself and caught Evie’s eye who nodded and headed her way.

Evie arrived smiled at her and spoke, “Ms Houghton, how good it is to see you again.”

Mary stopped and looked down at her, “Why so formal?”

Evie smiled and told her that if her boss caught her being unprofessional her backside would be red raw come later on. Mary smiled and told her, “and you’d love it.”

“That’s besides to point, it is good to see you yet again. Please follow me and I’ll lead you back to Erica’s office.”

Evie led the way and Mary watched the smooth waitress outfit slide over her backside, if she was wearing any panties, the panty lines were not on show. Mary sighed as she remembered what was housed under the uniform. She almost reached down and stroked her cute backside but she stopped herself as quickly as the thought came into her mind.

They arrived at a small room with the words written in gold letters ‘Managers Office’, something straight out of the 1950’s. Evie knocked, waited for an answer then opened the door for Mary. As she went in the door she felt Evie’s hand on her own rump, complete with a squeeze. Mary rolled her eyes but said nothing.

Mary stopped, then turned and smiled and said “Thank you, Evie, I will repay that compliment one day.”

“Yes Madam,” came her reply.

Erica stood up behind her desk and pointed to a two-seater leather couch. They both sat. “What was that all about.” She asked. As she made herself comfortable sitting on the Chesterman sofa, one leg was thrown over the other while she leaned back and rested her arm along the back of the sofa.

“Oh, nothing important,” Mary replied.

“You know Evie will tell me everything tonight don’t you?” Erica stated.

“Yes, I know she will,” Mary said with a smile. “So what is so important you had your wife deliver me into your den of iniquity? Not going to have your wicked way with me are you?”

“HA, you should be so lucky, besides I told you before, you are not my type.” She said almost laughing. “No, what I want to share with you is a little something some friends and I are working on.”

“OK, I’m listening.” Mary replied.

“Do you know what the FEAST Festival is?” She asked.

“Yes, that’s the LGBT event isn’t it?” Mary answered.

“Yes, it is always a busy time for us, it is a fabulous couple of weeks, you should try and get to some events you know.” Erica was watching Mary’s body language as she was talking to her and noticed how comfortable she had become since her first visit to the Mylk Bar.

Erica stood up and retrieved a rolled-up set of drawings from the shelf behind her desk, brought them back to the sofa and sat next to Mary. She unrolled the drawings displaying the Mylk Bar and the buildings surrounding it. Erica pointed to a building behind the bar.

“We have recently purchased this building, we’re going to use it mainly for storage. Nothing important about it, other than the access points.” Erica finished while pointing to a rectangular building and then looking at Mary.

There was an alleyway that ran down next to the storage shed, separating it from the Mylk Bar, it then turned right to give access to a third building.

“Yes, and?” Mary looked at her quizzically.

Erica then ran her finger along the alleyway to a third building, “this building is up for lease, but we are trying to purchase it. But all of that is in the future.” She continued.

“All very interesting Erica, but what has it got to do with me?” Mary Asked.

“Well during FEAST it might become known as a safe place for the shy and curious girls to go for a wander after dark if you get my drift,” Erica stated, all the while watching how Mary responded.

Mary’s eyes opened and little wider and she shifted Bahçelievler travestileri a little closer.

“Want to go for a little walk now, to see what it looks like during the day?” she was asked. Mary jumped at the chance. She saw a chance of fulfilling her fantasy.

Erica led her by the hand, out the back of the Mylk Bar and into the alleyway. It was L-shaped, long down one way towards a busy city street, and back the other way it turns sharp right the short leg. It looked gloomy in the daylight, Mary wondered to herself what it would look like at night. There was a single light bulb above the door they came out of and one across the way above another door leading into the newly purchased storage shed. They walked back down towards a red brick building and then turned right.

Erica said that she thought this would be ideal for Mary’s fantasy encounter. Mary looked down to the end, where there was a set of steps leading up to a magnificent old entrance. Simple lamps are set on either side of the doorway.

Mary pointed to the building and asked “Is that the building you want to buy?”

“Yes, but my business partner is handling all that. She is rather keen on opening a rather exclusive women’s club there. Have you heard of the Owls Club in Port Adelaide?”

Mary shook her head. “No, not really.” Then continued “Would it be safe out here do you think?”

Erica smiled and nodded, “Do you think I would allow it to be unsafe?”

They both laughed as Mary said, “Definitely not.”

Erica’s phone went off as they were speaking, and she answered it.

Mary listened to only half a conversation. “Hello, Erica here, hi sweetheart, no I am out the back with Mary. Don’t be cheeky, I wouldn’t do such a thing, I love my comforts these days, though I love Mary to bits, she isn’t my type.” She stopped talking and listened dropping in a huh uh every now and then.

Mary had no idea whom she was talking to but had a good idea of the conversation. She smiled to herself as she walked away and left Erica to speak privately. She felt so relaxed in their company. She was feeling very much at home.

Erica came back and touched Mary’s shoulder, “I have something to attend to inside, why don’t you wait here I won’t be long. I have the keys to the old building, you might like to see inside.”

“OK,” Mary replied.

Mary walked towards the old building and stood admiring the doors, a set of double wooden doors, which looked as solid as a rock. Wrought Iron lion door knockers centrally located on each door, stood out. It really did look magnificent. Mary was startled by a noise behind her and turned to find the redheaded woman from the dining room looking at her with a friendly smile on her lips.

“The two Es told me to pop out here, said you might still be here.”

“The two Es?” Mary asked.

“Yes, Evie and Erica. They had to rescue me from a somewhat insistent and unwelcomed pursuer.” The stranger continued.

“Are you OK?” Mary asked a little concerned for the younger woman.

“Oh yes, she just wouldn’t take no for an answer. Thought I was a whore or something.”

“You’re not are you?” Mary asked with a smile, knowing it would be most unlikely.

“If I was would you hire me?” came the reply.

Mary stopped, and looked the young woman up and down, “I don’t think I could afford you, sweetheart.”

The stranger stood there, smiling, “Well I’m not, so you don’t have to worry.”

They both laughed a nervous laugh. “I’m Mary Houghton,” Mary told her as she held out her hand to the stranger.

“I’m Elizabeth Higgins, but my friends call me Beth. So please call me Beth.”

“Hi Beth, nice to meet you.”

Mary was leaning back onto the wall, her hands clasped behind her back. Beth was resting against the wall but side-on, looking intently at Mary.

She told Mary what she had been told about her by Evie, that she was shy and nervous but not totally inexperienced in the ways of Sappho.

Mary looked at her astonished that she was being spoken about and voiced her concern. “I do wish Evie hadn’t said anything.” Beth smiled and told her. “It’s OK Evie is very selective in who she speaks about and to whom she speaks.”

Mary blushed. “Still, I wished she hadn’t.”

Beth told her. “I find you very attractive you know. An older woman, but not old in that you are over the hill.”

“Oh, thanks,” Mary blurted out and giggled. “Just this side of 50 so not that that old, thank you very much.” She continued.

“Well I am yet to see thirty, I really hope you don’t see that as an issue?”

“Good lord no, I am flattered that a very attractive 20-something finds me ‘desirable’, surely there are many women who are closer to your own age that are travesti Bahçelievler less shy and more experienced.” She told Beth.

“Maybe,” said Beth “But it is you I fancy. I tried to be discreet in the dining room, I might have been too discreet and not sending the right messages to you.”

“Your message was received loud and clear, but I didn’t know how to approach you. What the right protocols were. After all, I have never picked up another woman before. I was about to when the other woman beat me to the punch.” Mary explained.

“She who hesitates is lost, especially on Wednesday lunchtimes in the Mylk Bar, trust me on that,” Beth replied. They both smiled as they looked at each other.

“Mary, would you be embarrassed if I kissed you?” Beth asked her.

Mary froze for a brief second, wet her lips, and looked intently into Beth’s eyes. Her breathing had changed and she felt her heart pounding inside her body, her legs started to tremble.

“Would you, please,” Mary responded.

Beth moved closer to her and positioned her body up against Mary’s, she took Mary’s face in her two hands and planted a soft kiss on her lips. A gentle, but firm kiss. No tongue just one first, soft, gentle kiss. It lingered on as their bodies melted into one another. Mary was weak with passion, her body sent messages from her brain to her groin, as her heart now racing and she automatically opened her legs and Beth moved in between them, their mounds began humping and it was Mary’s tongue that sort to enter Beth’s mouth as their tongues, danced together, fencing, pushing, as their bodies responded to their lust for each other.

Beth slipped a leg on either side of Mary’s as their mounds found each other and they started to rub, drag, and hump each other, they continued to kiss and Mary felt her body begin to feel like it hadn’t for some time.

They were both lost in a haze of lust and desire, totally unaware that both Erica and Evie were hiding around the corner and sneaking quick peeks and giggling as the two new lovers were about to consummate their relationship.

Beth let go of Mary’s face and eased back slightly, then as if a starter’s gun had gone off, they both started to undo Mary’s jeans, then in less than fifteen seconds, Mary’s jeans were opened and Beth’s hand carefully found its way inside of Mary’s sexy panties.

Mary had learnt from her previous experience to dress as if she was going to be seen by a lover.

Beth was not new to making love to women, she had been gay all her life, so she understood how to please, where to touch, how hard, how softly when to insert a finger and where to find that special place inside every woman’s core.

Mary was panting and moaning, loudly, as Beth spoke to her quietly, “cum for me sweetheart, give it to me.” As she kissed her again and inserted a second finger into her, Mary stood up on her toes.

As the skillful Beth worked Mary’s core and brought her closer to an orgasm, she sped up and then slowed down, teasing and enticing Mary, who was now pleading to climax.

Beth smiled at her and said, “not yet babe.” As she stopped and dragged Mary’s jeans down past her knees to her ankles. Beth then set herself to bring Mary to her first of many orgasms together She turned Mary around and pulled her off the wall so she could bend a little and as she did so she buried her mouth onto Mary’s wet core. Lapping at her larger fluffy lips, pulling at them, Mary was moaning and begging for her release.

Beth was skilled at drawing out her sexual encounters and knew when to let her new pet cum. Beth stood up and inserted her fingers into Beth once more, with her thumb pushing into her pink star. Mary groaned, begged, pleaded and started to scream as she felt her pent-up passion begging to explode. And explode she did, an almighty climax had her shaking and crying, moaning, her knees weak. But Elizabeth didn’t stop immediately. She teased, and rubbed the very sensitive and raw mound, gently.

Mary slumped against the wall. She felt the blood pulsating through her body, hearing her heart pounding. She felt so complete at that very moment.

She turned around and went to pull her jeans up, but Beth stopped her. “Not yet sweetheart,” Beth told her.

Elizabeth took her face in her hands once again, Mary caught her scent on Beth’s fingers and hand. Expecting to be kissed again she waited with a smile on her lips.

“Mary Houghton, you have yourself a very intense and strong lover, and from now on I will have to teach you how to behave. I have never met a more closeted lesbian than you, you are so gay, woman. Don’t hide it.”

Then she kissed her again and gave Mary’s mound one more gentle rub, Mary caught her breath and sighed.

“I will teach you, let me teach you babe,” Beth instructed her. “Now you can get dressed.”

Mary stood there and then immediately started to pull her panties and jeans up. Not sure what to make of what just happened. She knew the sex was great, she also knew that she craved it and more of it. But why did she feel so safe with Beth, so willing to do as she said?

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