The Mind Control Device Chapter 8: Activating the Incest Protocol


The Mind Control Device

Chapter Eight: Activating the Incest Protocol

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2019

Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this!

Dean Michael

I pulled my truck into the parking lot of the Church of God Assembled. I turned it off and grabbed my cup of coffee, those thoughts of leaving a device at the Stay Awake Cafe burning through my mind. I shook my head. Had to get those ideas out of my mind.

This was church.

My wife parked her car a few spaces down from me. She climbed out and shot an exasperated look at me. One I knew all too well. Our girls were fighting. They were out of the mind-control device, their memories of last night and this morning erased. They weren’t united by incestuous love any longer.

Now they were just a pair of daughters sharpening their claws on each other.

June hopped out of the car, a look of hurt fury on her face while Dusk had something like a smirk on her lips. June saw me and brightened. Her brown pigtails danced around her face as she rushed over to me and beamed. She was such a daddy’s girl.

“Hey, Junebug,” I said, deciding not to pry on what the sisters were fighting over.

Dusk strolled after, adjusting her glasses. Her strawberry-blonde hair fell loose about her face, her skirt swishing. My wife followed after, petite and blonde, clutching her coffee in her hand with desperation. She looked tired.

I felt tired. We’d been up all night fucking.

And I was the only one who remembered it.

Other members of our church were flowing inside as I led my family in. Hands were shaken, hugs exchanged, and chit-chat shared. My wife smiled at her friend, Natalie Meyers, who came in with her husband Mitch and their two children, Kevin and Samantha. I kept sipping at my coffee as we mingled, waiting for the morning classes to begin. Our children vanished, heading off to their own classes.

Soon, I was sitting down in a class studying Ephesians. My wife beside me. I struggled to focus, but between my lack of sleep and my excitement over the device, my mind didn’t want to engage with the material Sam Shepherd was lecturing on. He was one of our deacons.

I should get the parts to make at least two of the devices. I could install one at my college. The two hundred yard range would get most of the main building. I could have all sorts of interesting fun. Maybe just have all the coeds go topless. Or fully naked. Just everyone thinking that was normal. I could program it so the cheerleaders were the biggest sluts around, just willing to give any guy a romp.

“Honey,” my wife said, “the class is over. You can wipe the drool from your face.”

I blinked and shook my head. “What?”

Kimmie smiled at me, her hand stroking mine. She was always an affectionate woman, a loving wife, and here I was fantasizing about enjoying all those college coeds. I should do something for her, too.


She was a homemaker. She didn’t work any longer. So it wasn’t like there would be a horde of girls I could send to lick her pussy or anything. Which was a shame. It would be so hot thinking about my wife stretched out on her bed getting worshiped by a line of girls.

Two hundred yard device for the one at home… What sort of cuties were in our neighborhood. I could—

“You are out of it,” she said, nudging me again. “How little sleep did you get?”

“As little as you,” I said, glancing at her. What did she think we did all night.

“I don’t know why I’m so tired. I felt like we didn’t stay up too late.” She yawned. “Maybe it was my dreams.”

“Hmm?” I asked.

“Dean,” Sam said, coming up to us. “Man, I am having some problems with my computer. You think you can help me out?”

“I mean, sure,” I said, blinking. “Is it here?”

“Er, no, but I thought I could tell you what’s wrong, and you could tell me what to do.”

“Uh… It’s not quite the simple,” I told him. “What’s going on?”

“I turn it on, and it flashes some text, then it fails to load the operating system.”

“You might have lost the hard drive. Or some important boot file for the operating system was damaged. You should try a recovery disk or a boot file off a USB stick. If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to replace the hard drive.”

His face fell. “I’ll lose my files then.”

I winced. “Well, you might be able to recover the files, but that’s where you need to start.”

He sighed. “This is what I get for letting my girls on the computer. They probably got some virus on it.”

“Sure,” I said, flashes of Sam’s nineteen-year-old twins popping in my mind. Cute girls. Black hair. Braces. My dick hardened. “That might be it.”

Soon, service was starting. I became aware of those families that had young adult children. Nubile girls that a father could love, strapping sons that could please a mother. My cock was lead in my pants as an idea formed in my mind. My mind-control device was in my car. I could turn it on. From the parking lot, it could cover the entire church with ease.

I groaned at how eager I was to use it. I just wanted to have it on all the time. It was such a rush to type in my commands. To get people to react. I didn’t even have to take advantage of it. I could just see what happened.

Sweat broke out across my forehead. I had a real problem. This was turning into an addiction.


June “Junebug” Michael

I sat beside my problem. As Reverend Peters delivered his sermon, all I could think about was how handsome Daddy was. I always knew that he was a strong man, the type of man that I wanted to fall in love with and marry and be happy like Mom.

Now I was seeing him as hot.

I felt those naughty tingles in my pussy. That wanton itch a girl shouldn’t feel for her daddy, but I did. My cheeks burned as I kept squirming beside him. The dirty dreams I had last night played in my mind. Sucking on Daddy’s cock. Feeling him in me. In my butt even. Things I never thought of doing.

My memories of my dreams were hazy. Fragmented. Mostly faded the way dreams did, but they must have been so intense. It was why I must be so tired. I didn’t think I stayed up that late watching Catching Fire. I rubbed my hands on my skirt, my palms so sweaty.

I kept glancing at his crotch. He was hard. I didn’t know why, but I wanted to do those things in my dream. I wanted to suck on him. I wanted to find the courage to whisper, “ Daddy, let’s go to the bathroom and I’ll make you feel better.”

They were depraved thoughts. Shameful thoughts. I shouldn’t think these at all. But it was hard not to. I was sitting right by him. Dumb Dusk was on the other side of Mom, who was on the other side of Dad. I could ignore Mom and just put my hand on Daddy’s leg. Casually lean over and whisper my naughty idea.

But he’d say no. He wouldn’t want to do that. He was a good man. He loved Mom. They were always doing it. You could hear them. I had friends whose parents just fought all the time. They didn’t do it every night. Sometimes my parents even did it in the middle of the day.

It worried me that I was thinking of them. There must be something wrong with me to have these thoughts for my father. I bit my lip, growing worried. The sermon soon came to the end and the choir led us in songs. Then there was closing prayer, and I just wanted to blurt out to everyone that my daddy was so sexy.

The moment service was over, I knew I had to talk to someone. To Mom. She would understand. If I phrased this right. A lie blossomed. I swallowed and then caught her eye as the after-service chit-chatting began. She gave me curious look.

I took a deep breath.


Kimberly “Kimmie” Michaels

“Okay, honey,” I said once the bathroom door locked. It was just the two of us in here. It was the smaller of the three ladies’ restroom in the church. The single-occupancy one. “What do you need to talk about?”

“There’s a friend of mine,” June said, looking just so cute and adorable. I loved both my daughters, but it was hard not to like June more. She wasn’t as difficult as her older sister. And she was a daddy’s girl.

I had this secret fantasy to see her and her father have sex. To be there with them, even. I had fantasized about it all the time. My dreams last night were intense. I didn’t remember them fully, but I had watched my husband take June’s cherry in them.

I wished I had the courage to admit that to my husband, but he would freak out. He always got so nervous when I teased him about getting turned on by our youngest daughter. If I ever thought he had a real interest in her, I would tell him to go for it.

“Okay, what’s this friend done,” I said, not at all going to reveal how transparent she was being.

“She, um, she has a crush on her father,” she said. June blushed in this adorable way, her brown pigtails draped over the pink dress she wore. It was similar to something a little girl would wear, only enhanced by her petite figure. We were the same size, which was why I could pass for a schoolgirl.

“I see,” I said. “A crush on her father. Does she want to have sex with him.”

June shot me a shocked look. “Um, I guess. She, uh, knows its wrong, but she can’t help how she’s feeling. It scares her.”

“I bet,” I said, putting my hands on her shoulder. “Who is it?”

“Just this girl from college,” she said, looking away. “She, um, she was texting me.”

She was such a bad liar. Not once did June pull out her phone in church. Not like her sister. Dusk kept sneaking peeks at her iPhone instead of paying attention to the sermon. June squirmed even more, her cheeks scarlet.

“I just… I don’t know what to tell her.”

“Well,” I said, trying not to grin like a fox before the adorable hen, “it’s natural for a girl to have those sort of feelings. Some people say it’s wrong, but it shouldn’t be something to feel guilty about it.”

“Oh,” my daughter said.

“And she should feel it’s okay to talk to her mother about it. Her mother just might understand about these sort of crushes.” I had one on my father, who sadly passed away when I was about June’s age. My husband was so much like my father, but younger. Sometimes, I would pretend Dean was my father.

I would cum so hard doing that. Just like he’d cum so hard when I pretended to be June. digor escort

“So tell her it’s okay not to be scared,” I added, smiling at my daughter. Flashes of my dream shot through my mind. How sweet her pussy tasted as I licked cum out of her twat. If only that had happened in the real world.


Evelyn “Dusk” Michaels

I groaned. Brett Reynolds was texting me again.

I sighed. He was such a boring guy. Last night, I really thought it was time for us to go all the way. I was ready to give up my virginity to Brett. And then he just turned so boring that I had to get out of there. Head home.


That was how boring he was. I had dinner with my family on a Saturday night like a lover then spent the rest of the evening watching those dumb Hunger Game movies with my bratty sister. Now Brett was just texting me non-stop. He was so desperate to get back in my panties. I didn’t want to deal with him.

I sighed, slipping my phone into my purse. I was out on the front porch of the church. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to go home, but there was a dumb potluck. Third Sunday of every month. Of course, our family had to stay. Mom was the perfect wife and mother. She would never pass up a chance not to prove how normal and boring she was.

My whole family was boring.

Dad stepped out of the church, his keys jangling in his hand. He headed down the steps, moving in a hurry. He rushed towards his truck. I bit my lip then I hurried after him. I darted down the steps, my three-inch heels clicking.

“Dad!” I called.

He turned around, and I swear he had a guilty look on his face. He thrust the key into the passenger door of his truck. “Uh, yeah, Dusk?”

I liked my nickname Dusk. It was so much better than boring Evelyn. Dusk was a name that intrigued people. Boys. They always like to find excuses to talk about it, then they would try to use it to describe me as beautiful sunsets.

“You bailing on the potluck to go shop for computer parts?” I asked. “I’d love to come with you.”

He glanced at me, studying me.

I suddenly felt so self-conscious about my glasses. I wanted to rip them off. I wasn’t smart or a nerd, but guys seemed to find it hot that I wore them. Older men were always glancing at me in ways that made me feel tingly. Adult. Like I had some power over them if I just tried.

But when Dad looked at me, I felt like a fraud. He knew I wasn’t smart. He didn’t see me as hot. He just saw his oldest daughter. And right now, I wanted him to see me as hot. This strange exhilaration washed through me. Ideas that I had never really thought of floated through my mind.

Daddy was sexy.

Wouldn’t it be great to fool around with him? He was a man. Not a boring boy like Brett.

“I could, you know, help you shop or something,” I added.

“No, I’m not slipping out,” he said, opening his laptop. It was connected to that device June was blathering on about. The one that would help me study so I’d be smarter or something. Why had Dad brought it to church? “Just, uh, need to make an adjustment to the device.”

I peered over his shoulder to see a strange program. There was a map, and it was full of all these dots. They were moving around, many inside the church building. Others were moving along the road. Some stopped.

At the red light at the corner. Where cars were backing up.

“Are those… people?” I asked.

“Yeah. The device picks up their heartbeats. It puts out a unique electrical signal that differentiates you from other people.”

“Oh,” I said. “That’s, um… Neat. Why?”

“Because it’s neat.” he typed something real fast on a command line, but I didn’t quite catch it. “I just want to test something.”


Dean Michaels

I couldn’t help myself. I had to activate the incest protocol. I had the age restrictions in place. It wouldn’t affect anyone under the age of eighteen. It would do nothing else. I wouldn’t order anyone to do anything. I just was interested to see what happened.

“There,” I said. “All tested.”

“Oh, cool,” Dusk said, trying to sound interested.

I closed the door to my truck and locked it. The device’s battery would last about two hours. More than long enough to last through a potluck. I turned around and my daughter had a look of disappointment on her face.

“Come on, let’s get some food.”

“Sure,” she muttered, her brow furrowing. There was a definite disappointment in her tone now. She trudged after me as I headed in. I was eager to just see what would happen.

To my delight, Dusk grabbed my arm the way June would. My eldest daughter, twenty and maturing into a young woman, held me tight. I felt the impression of her left boob through my sleeve and her dress. Was she feeling attraction for me? Now that she thought incest was okay, did she feel more comfortable showing me affection?

We headed through the worship hall to the fellowship hall. It was built in a wing to the church. I could smell the food already laid out, the scents filling the air. The sound of talking grew and grew. I passed my wife and June talking together. They looked deep in conversation.

Nothing overtly looked different in the fellowship hall, but I swear the parents of the young adults seemed to be a little closer. Fathers sitting by their daughters. Mothers by their sons. The youths weren’t breaking off to hang out with their friends like they normally would.

Did everyone have some attraction to their parents? A desire that they suppressed because they knew it was wrong. Now that restriction was released. At the very least, it seemed to be bringing families closer together.

This mind control device held so many interesting possibilities.


June “Junebug” Michaels

When Mom and I entered the fellowship hall after the talk in the bathroom, suddenly I felt better. I don’t know what I was worried about.

“Mom,” I said, glancing at her, “I told you a fib in the bathroom.”

“You did?” Mom said, this look of shock on her face.

“Yeah, it wasn’t my friend who I was talking about,” I continued. “It was me. I… I want to… with Daddy. You know, have… the things you do with him.”

Mom smiled. “I’m proud of you for admitting it. There’s nothing wrong with a daughter having sex with her father, is there?”

“But he’s married to you,” I said. “That’s still wrong.”

“Let’s think of it as an exception. Is it really adultery if I say it’s okay?”

I gasped. “Really?” I just felt so free now. Just so amazing. I trembled there, the potluck gathering around us. People sitting down to heat. “You really, really wouldn’t mind? I mean… I’m scared. I’ve never… But Daddy… I dreamed of him last night.”

“Why don’t you find your father, take him to the nursery—no one should be in there—and tell him how you feel. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled.” Mom had this smile. “He likes it when I pretend to be your age. I put my hair in pigtails to look like you.”

This giddy thrill ran through me. I don’t know why I thought this was wrong. Mom’s words in the bathroom must have been just what I needed. I glanced around and saw Dad with Dusk sitting down to eat. She was right beside him.

That had me worried, but… I smoothed at my skirt and rushed over to him. I threaded through the tables, my heart pittering and pattering so hard. I kept rubbing my hands together. My palms were so sweaty. I couldn’t believe this. Daddy wouldn’t want me. I was only eighteen, but Mom was so confident that he would.

“Um, Daddy,” I said as he took a big bite of potato salad. “Can we… Can we talk in private.”

“What’s wrong, Junebug?” he asked me, using that cute nickname he had for me.

“I just…” I felt Dusk staring at me from behind her dumb glasses. She just wore them so boys thought she was smart. “I need to talk to you. Alone. Please. It’s important.”

“Sure,” he said. He took another bite of his potato salad and stood up. “Um… let’s see.”

“The nursery is empty,” I added. “Mom said we should talk in there.”

“Oh, your mother did,” he said, studying me. “I see. Well…”

I grabbed Daddy’s arm. Dusk glared at me from around him. I thrust my tongue out at her as Daddy led me off. I giggled, feeling so amazing to have this adult conversation with Daddy. My body was all tingling. I wanted to tell him how I felt. Mom was so supportive.

She even flashed me a thumbs up. She was such a cool mom.

We headed out of the fellowship hall. The sounds grew muted as we moved through the various rooms of the church. There were classrooms for Sunday school, meeting rooms, storage rooms, the baptismal, offices, the nursery, restrooms. No one used the nursery after services. It was a dark room for mothers to take their babies. There was a window that you could look out on the worship hall, but you couldn’t see through it from the other side with the lights off in here.

It was like being exposed and hidden all at the same time.

“Okay, Junebug, what’s up?” he asked, looking so handsome in his suit. He had a red tie on, a white shirt tucked into black pants. He adjusted his glasses, which gave him this air of authority and knowledge. He had dark hair and a solid jaw.

“This is embarrassing,” I said, my cheeks burning, “but… but… I like you, daddy.”

“Oh,” he said, his voice sounding neutral. “In what sort of way?”

“A boy-girl sort of way.” I squirmed. “Mommy told me it’s okay for girls to feel this way.” I rubbed at my skirt. “About their daddies. And… and…”

He cupped my face with his strong hands and kissed me.

I shuddered as I felt his mouth on mine. His lips were strong and powerful. I quivered and let out a moan of delight as he kissed me. He thrust his tongue into my mouth. He teased me. I groaned, surrendering to him.

All these sensations rushed through me at my first kiss with a boy. A man. My daddy!

My pussy grew all wet. These tingles raced out of my naughty place. I squirmed in my Sunday dress, the skirt rustling. My heart’s pitter-pattering reached a frantic level. I whimpered into his mouth, my tongue playing with his. This was French kissing.

I was French kissing my daddy.

A felt suddenly so dizzy. dikmen escort The room seemed to spin around me. I clutched onto his shirt at the waist for support. I groaned, so much heat rippling through me. It was all so much. This rushing passion rippled out through my body.

Daddy’s hand moved.

I shivered as his fingers slid over my throat, almost feeling at my pulse, before moving lower. I whimpered as he placed his hand over my breast. He was touching my boob through my dress. So bold. He didn’t hesitate at all. He massaged it. My nipple burst with delight.

I shuddered at how amazing that felt. My nipple shot tingles straight to my pussy. The ache in my virgin depths grew and grew. I moaned into his mouth. I kissed him with such hunger. My hands clutched at his shirt as he massaged me.

I don’t know how long we kissed. It felt like forever. An eternity of growing dizzier and dizzier. I grew so lightheaded from the thrill. The room spun around us, but Daddy was so solid. He wasn’t moving. He held me in place.

Then he broke the kiss.

“Daddy,” I whimpered before sucking in heavy breaths. I panted, needing oxygen. For a moment, darkness rippled across my vision.

“It’s okay, Junebug,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“I know that, Daddy,” I breathed and then suddenly he was lowering me to a padded chair. I sank down on it. “I love you, Daddy. It just feels so right.”

“Like this is a safe place where incest is allowed?” he asked.

“There’s nothing wrong with incest.”

He smiled.

Then I gasped as he reached behind me, forcing me to lean forward from the chair’s back. He found the delicate zipper and pulled it down. My dress grew loose on me, hanging on my shoulders. Then he was pulling it down my arms, exposing my white bra cupping my little titties. They were small, like Mom’s.

He must like small breasts. Another advantage I had over chesty Dusk. She would never make me angry by proclaiming how much bigger her tits where than mine again. I had the ones Daddy liked. He groaned as he cupped my breasts through my bra.

“Daddy,” I whimpered, my voice echoing through the quiet room. His thumbs massaged at my nipples through my bra cup. “Are we…?”

“Do you want to?” he asked, his fingers dipping beneath my cups to nudge at the bottom edge of my breasts.

“Yes, Daddy,” I moaned. “I do… I want to. I want to make love with you.” It was so wonderful to say. “Mommy… Mommy said it’s okay. It’s not adultery if she gives permission.”

“She’s a kinky one, your mother,” Daddy said and shoved up my bra cup.

I gasped as he massaged my naked breasts now. My nipples thrust out hard. They ached. His head ducked down. I squealed in delight as he sucked one into his mouth. He nursed on it. His lips sealed tight around it. This wild rush shot through me. I groaned, my heart pounding in my chest. This was so exciting. Such a rush to enjoy.

I whimpered, my cunt clenching. I fanned my face, my body shifting on the padded chair as he nursed. It was incredible. It felt amazing. His hands moved down to my thighs. He rubbed up and down them as he nursed at my breast. Teased me.

It was all so amazing. Such an incredible thrill to enjoy. I squirmed there, my heart really going pitter-patter now. My breath came so fast as he sucked on my nipple. I couldn’t believe how good he made me feel. Masturbation was nothing compared to this. It was amazing. Excellent. I wanted this to last forever.

Then his hands pressed beneath my skirt. I gasped in delight at that. His hands were caressing my thighs. He stroked me. Teased me. I whimpered, my cunt clenching. This heat rushed through my body as his hands climbed higher and higher up my thighs.

My pussy clenched.

His fingers reached my panties.

“Daddy,” I groaned.

He slid his mouth off my nipple and then winked at me. As he engulfed my other nub, sending jolts of delight shooting down to my cunny, he tugged on my panties. I lifted my hips. He pulled them off of me. Hot blood rushed through me. I couldn’t believe this was happening.

At church.

My first time would be at church with Daddy. That shouldn’t be where we did it first, but I just wanted this so bad. I just had to experience it. Finally. He pulled my panties out from beneath my skirt. The crisp, white unmentionables slid past my knees. They rustled down my calves and then over my socks and saddle-buckle, black shoes.

I had no panties on.

Daddy pushed my thighs apart. I quivered, feeling so exposed even with my skirt still hiding my naughty bits. Daddy released my nipple, leaving it dripping in his saliva. He stared up at me with this hungry glint in his eyes, magnified by his glasses.

He looked at me like I wasn’t his little girl but a woman.

It made me burn so hot. I loved it.

Daddy pressed his face between my thighs. He pushed my skirt up with his head as he came closer and closer to my pussy. I felt his breath washing over my curls. My body shook. The chair creaked. Then his lips were nuzzling into my pubic hair.

My pussy.

Daddy’s mouth was on my pussy!

He kissed me. I quivered, my virgin flesh clenching. He smooched up and down my slit. Excitement brimmed through me. This amazing rush that had me panting. I felt breathless. This heady thrill washed through me. I wiggled my hips back and forth. I whimpered and then his tongue flicked across my lips.

Daddy’s tongue flicked across my pussy.

His tongue caressed my twat. He licked and lapped at me. It felt incredible. I groaned, my snatch squeezing tight deep inside of me. He brushed my little bud. That spot of absolute joy I loved to rub. My clitoris.

“Daddy!” I moaned, dizzying pleasure rushing out of my pussy. “Oh, Daddy, yes.”

His hungry eyes stared up at me, my skirt bunched around his nose. My little titties quivered. My dress rustled as I shuddered. His tongue felt amazing. As he licked, he parted my petals and stroked me everywhere. He had to be tasting my juices.

He must love them. He groaned like he devoured something amazing. His tongue licked and lapped at me. He drove me wild. I whimpered, my body shuddering as I savored every last moment of his tongue stroking me.

Caressing me.

“Daddy! Daddy!”

I could feel it. My first orgasm with a man. With my daddy. It was building and building in me. This wild and wonderful passion that would explode out of me. I bit my lower lip. I shivered in rapture, my hips wiggling from side to side. My face contorted as the bliss built and built.

His lips nuzzled into my clitoris. He sucked on it. I gasped. My legs bucked and toes curled in my saddle-buckle shoes. Pigtails danced as my head tossed back and forth. I rose and rose on that amazing sucking, climbing towards my radiant orgasm.


I climaxed.

My pussy spasmed. The rippling, writhing joy rushed through me. So much better than touching myself. It was so intense. So wonderful. My daddy made me cum. There was nothing wrong with incest. It was amazing.

“I love you, Daddy!”

He licked at my flesh, adding more pleasure to the delight rushing through my body. He teased me. Delivered such rapture to me. I whimpered and moaned, loving every moment of his attention. Of his licking tongue. He gave me such bliss. Such rapture.

“Daddy! Daddy!”

My pussy needed more, though. I was missing something. I needed him in me. That would complete me. Fulfill me. I whimpered through my orgasm, wanting to cry out, to beg him to take me. It was such a huge step to lose my virginity.

I was scared and eager all at the same time.

Then Daddy rose. His pants were already undone. His cock thrust out the fly. I didn’t know when he’d done that, but I shuddered. I whimpered, my legs spread in wanton need. I would give him all that delight. I just ached for his cock to slide into me.

Daddy aimed it at my snatch, his hungry look in his eyes. I shuddered as he pressed his cock against the folds of my pussy. I knew this would hurt. Girls I’d grown up with always whispered about it always hurting the first time. Even the second could be uncomfortable.

“Daddy,” I whimpered.

“I love you, Junebug,” he said and thrust.

There was no pain at all. His cock went through my hymen so fast, it was like it wasn’t even there. I shuddered as he filled me up. He slid to the hilt in me. His balls smacked into my taint. I groaned, my thighs wrapping around his waist.

I held him tight. His balls rested against my taint. I worked my hips from side to side, stirring my pussy around him. I shuddered, my hips undulating. This amazing rush ran through me. My pussy squeezed tight about him, reveling in him.

Then he drew back.


“I know,” he groaned as his cock pulled out. He was so big and thick and throbbing. “I know, Junebug. You’re going to love it.”

He thrust back into me. This amazing rush shot through me. A wave of delight spilled bliss throughout my young body. His balls smacked into my taint. The pleasure burst throughout my body. I groaned, my heart hammering in my chest, pumping wild blood through my veins.

The pleasure was intense. So much better than being eaten out. His cock was reaching into me. So deep. He was stimulating all of me. My thighs squeezed about his waist, my toes flexing and twitching. His tie swung about his neck, dangling down to brush my tits as he pounded me.

“Daddy! Daddy!” I moaned, my pussy clenching and relaxing about him. “Oh, Daddy! That’s so good! You’re so big! I love you being in me, Daddy!”

“I bet you do!” he groaned. “I know I love being in you. You always feel so incredible.”


Pleasure swallowed that question as he drove his cock back into me. My clitoris burst with sparks from the pressure of his crotch. I gasped, squeezing my twat around his dick. I trembled there, reveling in the rapture surging through me. This was all so incredible.

Such joy that rushed through me. I moaned and whimpered. I savored every second of his cock thrusting into me. He filled me up over and over. It was just amazing. I loved having my Daddy make love to me. His cock was made to go in my pussy.

No, my pussy was made for his cock. Mommy made me for him.

I came.

My twat writhed around his dinar escort cock plunging in and out of me. He drove it hard into me. He filled me up over and over again as the waves of delight washed out of me. They swept over my thoughts and bathed me in ecstasy.

“Daddy!” I howled, my thighs squeezing about him while my pussy went wild around his dick. It was incredible I loved it. I savored every moment I bucked and shuddered beneath him. “Oh, Daddy! Daddy!”

“That’s it, Junebug!” he groaned, pumping away his cock at me. “Just enjoy! You feel incredible around my dick!”

“Thank you, Daddy!” I howled, my pussy convulsing with wild delight around his dick. “You’re amazing! I love you, Daddy!”

He grinned down at me. My daddy was so amazing. So wonderful. He would give me such pleasure. My cunny withed and spasmed around his cock. The bliss washed through me. It was incredible. Wild. It was the best feeling in the world.

He buried into me, and it got even better.

Something hot fired into me as Daddy grunted.

His seed. Daddy was filling me with his cum. I gasped, my pussy convulsing wildly. Another orgasm burst through my body. I bucked and shuddered, my twat working around his dick. This passion carried me to such heights of ecstasy.

“My sweet Junebug!” he groaned as he seeded my pussy with his incestuous passion.

“Daddy!” I howled, my pussy spasming with such hunger and ferocity around his cock. “Oh, Daddy, Daddy, I love you!”

This felt perfect. Amazing. I was so happy. I wanted to do this again and again. Then he kissed me again. This time, his lips tasted different. A fresh flavor, sticky with my pussy juices. I was tasting what he feasted on. I kissed him with such passion.

My daddy made me into a woman.


Kimberly “Kimmie” Michaels

I smiled at the sound of my daughter and husband lost to the throes of passion in the nursery. I lounged outside the door, their lookout. That made my pussy ache. My juices flowed. I wiggled my hips. My panties drank up my cream.

“Kimberly,” my friend gasped. “There you are.”

Natalie Meyers came striding around the corner. She was a black-haired woman, her ample bosom swelling the front of her light-blue dress with a white collar. The V-neckline showed off just a hint of flesh, a heart-shaped, gold amulet gleaming over the exposed skin.

“You vanished,” she said. “Did you get that recipe?”

“Oh, I forgot it,” I said and stepped up to her. I just had to do something to distract her. To keep her from hearing the sounds. “I have to say, Natalie, your son, Kevin, is growing up into a younger version of your husband.”

A smile spread on her lips. “I know,” she said. “He’s growing into such a handsome, young man.”

“You must be proud of him,” I said. This wasn’t a topic I would normally breach, but things felt so relaxed in the church. “If I had a son, especially a handsome and strapping one, why, I might have thoughts I shouldn’t have.”

“Oh, my gosh, you have no idea,” my friend said. “I’ve had the weirdest idea since I called you. Like I should blow him.”

“What’s stopping you?” I asked. Nothing wrong with incest.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I mean, it’s wrong, right? He’s not my husband. He’s my son. I’m mean, I should think it’s wrong, but I really, really can’t stop thinking about him.”

“Mmm, I think you should go for it. Find your son and give him a blowjob. I bet he’ll love it. Get his first one from a woman that cares about him.”

“Yeah,” Natalie said, nodding. Her cheeks flushed. “It’s almost like… like something a mother should do for her son.”

“Uh-huh,” I said then noticed my daughter, Dusk, wandering through the worship hall staring at her phone.

Everything felt so free. All my fears about talking about my desires, how I wanted my husband and me to enjoy our daughters, had evaporated in me. Natalie was off to blow her son. Maybe Dusk needed some motherly love right now.

Some guidance since she looked so confused.


Natalie Meyers

Talking with Kimberly gave me the final confidence to indulge in my new lust. My mouth salivated at the prospect. This naughty tingle raced through me as I headed back to the fellowship hall. I couldn’t let my husband find out.

This was something that should just be between a loving mother and her son.

I licked my lips. I liked giving my husband blowjobs. There was something so wonderful about kneeling before a man and sucking on him. It made me feel so womanly. A wife submitting to her husband, taking his cock into her mouth, and then drinking all his seed.

Now I would do the same for my son. He was growing into a man. He needed this.

A shiver ran through me as I glanced through the fellowship hall. I spotted my husband eating with our daughter, Samantha. He was talking to Sam Shepherd who had his twin daughters on either side of him, their chairs scooted rather close.

Other eighteen and nineteen year olds were sitting with their parents, too. Weird.

“Hey, Mom,” Kevin said. He came up to me, an eager grin on his face. “There you are. Want some dessert.”

“I need to talk to you,” I said. I grabbed his tie. I don’t know why I did that. I suddenly felt so aggressive. With my husband, I submitted, but Kevin was still a boy. He needed me to be aggressive. I yanked on him. “Come with me.”

“Mom?” he gasped, his eyes wide. He had his light-brown hair buzzed short in imitation of a soldier, his blue eyes wide. He had my husband’s eyes, only they didn’t have that confidence yet. Oh, no, I had to make my son into a man. “What?”

“Mmm, you’re going to love this,” I said. We were near the small bathrooms. I dragged him down the hall away from the others. I grabbed the doorknob to the men’s room. Twisted it. He gasped as I yanked him inside. “Lock the door.”

“Mom?” he groaned again, confusion in his eyes as he locked it. “Am I in trouble?”

“Mmm, no, you’re not,” I purred, my pussy on fire. This was so right. I don’t know why I was feeling guilty about this all morning. I licked my lips.

I grabbed his tie and pulled him to me. I kissed him with hunger on the mouth. He stiffened for a moment. He let out a strangled groan. Then he kissed me back. That was so wonderful. His lips didn’t move with skill. He didn’t know how to nibble on my lower lip the way I liked. But he’d learn. I’d teach him.

As I kissed him, I dragged him back by his belt loops now, tugging him along. I guided him to the toilet and thrust him down on it, breaking our kiss. He panted, staring up at me. His youthful face flushed, his eyes wild.

“Unbuckle your pants and pull out your cock,” I purred. “Mommy’s going to give you your first blowjob.”

“Shit,” he gasped and attacked his belt and fly. “Really? I mean… Shit!”

I smiled at his eagerness. Had he thought about me? Why wouldn’t he? I felt his friends always staring at me. I had curves. Was in great shape. I never would do anything with those boys, but I loved the attention. I took it to the bedroom with my husband.

But my son was different. He came from me. How could this be wrong in any way?

He shoved down his black slacks and boxers. His cock popped out. Thick and long, the same size as his father’s. They were practically identical. I groaned and then I fell to my knees. I couldn’t stand over him for the entire time. Not and blow him.

I could teach him to do the one thing his father rarely did: eat my pussy.

Bur first, I had to worship my son’s cock. I grabbed it and opened my mouth wide. He gasped as I swallowed his cock without hesitation. My black curls danced around my face. My ruby lips swallowed about his dick. I slid down him and then back up, leaving maroon smears behind.

I shuddered, marking my son’s cock with my lipstick.

I danced my tongue around his crown. He gasped and shuddered. His face contorted in delight. His hands flexed like he didn’t know what to do with them.

“Shit, Mom!” he gasped.

I slid my lips off his cock and stared up at him. I rubbed his cock into my cheek and cooed, “You like that?”

“Yes!” His eyes were blazing with desire. “That’s better than any of my fantasies. Crap, is this a dream?”

“Nope.” I licked his tip while my right hand fisted the base of his cock. “This is all too real.”

I swirled my tongue around the crown of his cock. Then I sucked him into my mouth again. He groaned, his eyes squeezing shut. His chest rose and fell. His hands ripped off his clip-on tie, his face contorting in delight while I worshiped him.

My left hand cupped my son’s nuts. I squeezed them, eager for the jizz to rush out of his cock and bathe my mouth and tongue. I would enjoy that so much. I would gulp down all his spunk. I would swallow it, revel in it.

He groaned, his cock twitching and throbbing in my lips as I bobbed my head. I worked my mouth up and down his dick. I twisted my head from side to side. I savored the taste of him in my mouth. The flavor of his cock.

“Oh, damn, Mom!” he groaned, my fingers massaging those hairy nuts. “That’s… that’s… Damn!”

I sucked hard, loving how his dick nineteen-year-old dick twitched in my mouth. I was such a wicked and naughty mother. He shuddered and squirmed. His youthful face twisted. I bobbed my head, leaving more maroon stains on his cock.

My son’s cock.

My pussy was so hot. So juicy from these incestuous delights. I groaned, my tongue dancing around his dick. I swirled and caressed him. My panties soaked up all the cream flowing out of me. I breathed in, catching a faint whiff of my tangy musk over his salty aroma. His manly scent.

I bobbed faster. My cheeks hollowed. I loved it. I stared up at my son as he became more and more of a man with every second. He threw back his head. He cried out in rapture. His balls twitched. His cock pulsed.

Hot cum fired into my mouth.

My pussy almost burst with rapturous delight as I swallowed my son’s incestuous load. I gulped down that salty and delicious bliss. Thick and creamy spunk fired over and over again. I loved this. A heady rush washed through me.


I massaged his balls, working out every drop of his cum. I was so greedy for it. I pumped my hand up and down his dick, squeezing as I sucked. He shuddered and then panted a final time, his pleasure peaked.

I slid my mouth off his cock and stood up. I grabbed the hem to my blue skirt and cooed, “Now you’re going to learn to eat Mommy’s pussy.”

Eager hunger burned in his eyes.

To be continued…

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