The Alpha Challenges 1


“I want to be Alpha,” Megan said.

Charmaine, the grey-haired head omega of the pack, snorted. “You are an alpha.”

“No. I don’t mean alpha. I mean Alpha.”

Charmaine paused, looked her over, not holding her eyes. Omegas found it difficult to meet alphas eyes when they were riled up, and Megan was definitely riled up now. “Look. Megan. You’re dominant, but Orion is tough. Plus, you’re only fifty. You’re still coming into your own and you’ve still got a baby face.”

Megan tried not to pout, knowing that her smooth skin and apple-cheeks would just prove Charmaine right. Sometimes visitors from other packs would assume she was a mere teenager. “Baby face or no, I want to be Alpha now.”

“Why rush, you’ve got all the time in the world.”

“Orion was my age when he made his challenge,” said Megan, tilting her chin up. “Fifty isn’t that young. I want this now. My wolf wants this now.”

Charmaine looked at her, holding eye contact now. “Have you thought about the fact that Orion wants you as his mate. And, possibly, so does his second. I’m pretty sure the reason why the Alpha and Elvin have been avoiding courting you is because they haven’t managed to work it out amongst themselves. You’ve got to know this.”

Megan felt herself color. “I know. And I like them both. But I’ve been an adult for twenty years now. They had their chance. I’m not letting two wolves who don’t know if they want me or not to stop me from my future.”

Charmaine nodded. “Okay. If you want me to officiate this, I will. Just be sure it’s what you want. And make sure you talk to Orion before telling the rest of the pack.”

“Obviously,” Megan said, breaking into a grin. She left Charmaine’s hut and shucked off her dress before changing into a wolf. The adrenaline and excitement from finally putting this into motion gave her a big, silly wolf grin. Her wolf was just about prancing from the corner of her mind that she inhabited. Which was funny, Megan’s wolf wasn’t a prancer. This was the most excited she’d felt her be.

Megan picked up her dress with her mouth and began to run over to Orion’s hut. She didn’t need to go far, the pack’s main living quarters were fairly close to each other. They were a series of small to large wooden huts they’d built with their own hands. Her excitement would have made her run over anyway, if what Charmaine had said didn’t weigh her down.

Megan began a slow lope. She was close to both Orion and his second. She hadn’t missed the looks they gave her when they thought she wasn’t looking. But they never made a move, so she assumed they didn’t want her that way. Megan was confidant in her appearance, she was tall, lithe, with the same amber skin as most of the pack and russet hair she kept roughly chopped around her ears. But maybe they preferred the softer, more well-endowed members of their pack.

Or maybe it was like Charmaine had said, they hadn’t been able to work it out amongst themselves and it had been too complicated to pursue. Especially since the whole pack knew there had been something else between Orion and Elvin from before Orion was Alpha. But they’d both been with mostly women, as far as Megan knew, since then, so who knew what was going on there.

No matter what it was, it wouldn’t get in her way. A grumpy sigh came from the corner of her mind her wolf inhabited; she wasn’t happy with Megan’s complicated thoughts ruining their excitement. She was right, Megan decided. Although actually discussing this with Orion was going to temper it anyway.

Once she arrived at Orion’s hut, Megan shifted back and put her blue dress back on. It was made of fairly light material and there was a nip in the air. Megan swore she could see her nipples through the dress. Well, it couldn’t be helped.

She knocked on Orion’s door and he opened it in only a pair of jeans. Megan was fairly tall but Orion was a handspan or so taller. He kept his facial hair trimmed and his dark, curly hair long. His brown eyes caught hers, warmed at the sight of her. His gaze flicked down to her chest then back up to her face. Perhaps she should have chosen a more weather-appropriate outfit. “Megan. Is everything alright?”

“Yes,” she said. Her mouth was dry. She’d been certain about this for months but this had been the part stopping her. Telling him. She just had to get it over and done with. “Can I come in?”

“Of course,” Orion said, some of the warmth in his eyes receding. He had to know, Megan thought as she walked in. She had been the pack’s best hunter for years, she had helped resolve disputes in their pack and had defended their borders fiercely. She was ready.

Once inside, Megan looked around. She hadn’t been in here before. There was a bed with a stuffed straw mattress, a blanket and pillow that had come from the human’s land. A large, woven rug made by the pack betas. They sold them to other packs on their borders. Orion’s hut was similar to hers, besides the large bathtub in the corner. She smiled çorum escort a little, Orion was known for liking to be a clean wolf.

“What can I help you with?” Orion said as he leant on the wall. He was built, his chest visibly defined as he crossed his arms. Megan hesitated, distracted by his body. “Megan?” he asked again, this time sounding a little amused. And aroused. And relieved.

Megan wondered what would happen if she just told him she’d come here to mate. Not take a Mate but just enjoy the physical act of it. It wasn’t like the thought hadn’t crossed her mind. She’d dallied with a few from their pack and a few wolves who were passing through their lands. She’d put more than a little thought of what it would be like to lie with him, or Elvin. They were both powerful and handsome. She’d never pursued it, probably for the same reason they’d never pursued her. The three of them made a good team when they were hunting, and Orion and Elvin were as close as two wolves could be. Anything that disrupted that would make things difficult. Like her challenging Orion for Alpha.

She’d been thinking about this too long already. Now was the time for action.

Megan squared her shoulders. “I thought you should hear first. I just asked Charmaine to officiate my claim for Alpha.”

The change in him was instant. He froze, dark eyes locked on hers. Slowly, his jaw tightened and she saw a muscle ticking in the side of his face. “Are you unhappy with me as Alpha?”

“No,” Megan said instantly. “You’re a great leader. But I know I would be better.”

“You’re still young.”

“I’m the same age you were when you made your challenge.”

“Megan, I don’t want to -”

“I don’t want to fight you either, but that’s how it works,” Megan said firmly. Her heart was pounding. She’d been dreading this moment but it was out now. The next terrible hurdle would be fighting him, but she’d have to get through a series of challenges first. “I’m a good alpha and you know it. And I’m ambitious. This is what I want. It’s not like you’ve only been alpha for a few months, you’ve been doing this for, what, twenty years now? It’s fair to challenge you. You know this. Besides, the challenges can take months, you still have time to wrap things up.”

Orion hit the side of his hut with his fist. Megan blinked, surprised, but not worried. Orion had too much honor to try and hurt her now. “What does your wolf think about this?” he asked, his eyes flashing silver. The color of his own wolf.

“She’s been wanting this longer than I have,” Megan said, and a wave of approval emanated from that corner of her mind.

“Fine, but don’t complain to me when the challenges get tough,” Orion said, taking a step towards her.

Megan took a step towards him. “I never complain when things get tough.”

“Or when you want to rest.” He took another step towards her.

“I. Won’t.” She said, tilting her chin up as she took another step. It was the same gesture she’d have made if she wanted to kiss him. Suddenly, Megan realized he was close enough to do exactly that. She paused, looking into Orion’s furious gaze as he seemed to realize the same thing. His eyes flickered down to her lips, then back up to her eyes.

“Is that everything?” he asked quietly, with an edge that hadn’t been there before.

“Maybe,” Megan said without intending to. She paused, but fuck it. She’d already changed this relationship from the casual mentorship they’d had. Why not go one step further? Approval and lust emanated from her wolf. They were taking what they wanted tonight. “Maybe not.”

That seemed to be all that Orion needed. He leant down and kissed her, hard. She met him with equal strength, licking along the seam of his lips. He growled in approval and opened his mouth, letting her explore him. Her hands roamed his chest, squeezed his arms, felt the lines of his abs under his coarse chest hair. Gods, he was handsome.

Orion’s hands went straight for her behind, cupping it over her dress and squeezing roughly. Megan moaned into his mouth as he did. He smoothed one hand up her waist, around her front and cupped her breast. She didn’t have the biggest curves but it was enough to fill his hand. He teased her nipple through the fabric and Megan broke the kiss to cry out.

Orion took her in his arms, moved her to the bed. He threw her down roughly, paused there to look at her as she landed. Her dress had floated up as she fell back, exposing her. His eyes went between her legs, his brows drawing down. Megan stayed there, breathing heavily. His lips were swollen and she could feel hers were too. She parted her thighs, watching his face as she did, watching the naked hunger.

He growled approvingly as he skimmed his fingertips over her inner thighs, into her russet curls. “Megan, you’re so fucking wet.”

Megan couldn’t say anything as he slid a finger into her, then two. çukurambar escort She squirmed, drew her legs closer together as the sensations shocked her. He growled and, slowly, she drew her legs wider apart for him. She felt herself go molten at his rumble of approval.

In and out he drew his fingers, but not for long. Megan knew this was going to be rough and fast. They were both angry and not in the mood to draw things out. When he pulled his fingers out of her, Megan could see a strand of her juices follow his fingers out. He smirked at that, as he unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. It was completely hard. He used the moisture left on his fingers to coat his length. Megan bit her lip.

Orion drew over her, held her eyes as he nudged his cockhead against her entrance. He reached down but Megan’s hand got there first, making his eyes smolder with arousal as she felt him. He was thick and long. Thicker than the shifters she’d taken before. Go figure. But she wasn’t a quitter.

Megan guided him to her entrance and he pushed in. The head of him breached her, and he pushed it in further before pulling out again. Megan half-wished that he had fingered her for longer, it would have made this part easier. But she was still full of emotion, wanted the uncomfortable twinge as he filled her. She wanted to struggle to take him. Then he’d know that she could deal with it.

He watched her face as he pushed in, snapping his hips back and pushing in hard with each thrust. Megan had heard the other women, a mix of alphas, betas and omegas, say that he was a gentle lover. Not with her. The thought made her claw at his back, made her slide her legs wide around him. She wanted him rough. Especially now that uncomfortable twinge had faded, leaving only intense pleasure.

He obeyed her command, slamming into her as he snarled. It was too much, too thick, too hard, but Megan didn’t want it to be just enough. She wanted too much. She mewled and cried out as he plunged into her, making the bed groan and thump.

He bared his teeth and snarled and she snarled back, surprised when he kissed her a moment later, open-mouthed and hungry. She kissed him back, sinking her fingers into his hair and anchoring him to her. She felt his hands on her hips, moving her with him so he could pump into her harder, faster. She knew she’d have bruises on her hips. She wanted them. She wanted him.

Suddenly, he pulled back, looking at her intently. “I’m going to cum inside you,” he said firmly. She nodded. His eyes locked on hers with almost manic intensity as he slammed into her, hard. Once, twice, again, then his fingers tightened even further and she felt him jerk inside her. It was enough to set her off. She threw her head back and cried out as she shuddered underneath him, her wet sheath squeezing him in her climax.

A few more thrusts and Orion stopped, breathing hard. Megan stayed where she was, head thrown back, neck bared to him. It was a submissive gesture, technically, but Megan couldn’t bring herself to care. She should have declared her desire to challenge him before, if this was what she’d been missing.

Orion leant down. Megan’s wolf was suddenly hyper aware. Orion was pack, was trusted, but he was still an Alpha that she’d just told she was going to challenge, and his teeth were dangerously close to her jugular. Then, his lips ghosted over where her neck met her shoulder, where her mate mark would eventually be. He kissed there gently.

Megan blinked. That was… unexpected. That was what shifters did when they wanted to declare their intention to court someone. To be their Mate. It was also something shifter teenagers did who just wanted to try out kissing there to see how it felt. It felt good, warm, and made her wolf want to tilt her head, get more of the feeling. Orion was no teenager. He had to know what the gesture meant.

He drew back, seemed to be waiting for her to say something. She titled her chin down so she could look at him. His eyes were softer now, fairly neutral, but still with that edge of warmth they usually held when he looked at her. When she just observed him, he said, “does this change anything?”

He thought it would change her mind if he finally made a move? Thought she’d give up her challenge for him? Fifteen years earlier, perhaps. But not now. Quietly, Megan said, “no.”

With that, the soft look disappeared. Orion drew back, slipping out of her. He picked up a spare cloth and gave it to her. She muttered her thanks and wiped at the seed that had begun to leak onto her thighs. She pulled down the dress, stood, and left his hut without looking back. There was nothing more to be said between them.

Although, as Megan walked away, she wished she’d taken an extra moment to wipe more thoroughly. She’d been keen to make quick work of it and leave, it was difficult to look cool and intimidating when wiping someone’s seed off your thigh. But she could feel it drip now. The feel of it made her çukurova escort lower belly warm again. She almost wished she could go back and ask for round two.

Once she had enough distance, Megan leant against a tree and sighed. She traced the part of her neck Orion had kissed as she glanced around. She was alone, and she’d hear almost anyone if they tried to creep up on her. She pulled up her skirt and traced along her nether lips. Her finger came away creamy. Humans had problems in these sorts of situations but shifters didn’t get those kind of illnesses, and wouldn’t breed unless they’d decided to ovulate. Megan hesitated, but an urge swept over her that she didn’t have the will to fight. She licked the cream from her fingers, tasting their combined juices.

Not unpleasant.

Suddenly, Megan’s wolf alerted her to the feeling of eyes on her. With a mix of dread and anticipation, Megan knew who it was. There was only one person quiet enough to sneak up on her without her realizing it, and it was Orion’s second. She looked up and saw Elvin’s eyes on her. He was a stocky man, with skin a shade lighter than hers. He was around the same height but far more built, his arms were about as big as her thighs. He was dressed similarly to how Orion had been, in just pants, so she could see his built torso.

He’d caught her with her skirt up, licking her fingers of his Alpha’s climax. Megan flushed and began to push her skirt down. It wasn’t that they’d all seen each other naked, but this was different.

“Don’t,” he said quietly, and for some reason Megan stopped. It was, she decided as he stalked closer, because it had been a request, not a demand.

Elvin’s hands were large as they touched her thighs, gently pushed them apart. Megan still held her skirt, scanning Elvin’s face for clues. But his face was as neutral as ever, besides from the growing heat behind his eyes. He didn’t see her looking at him, instead he watched as she stepped her legs apart at his request.

Elvin had always been the calm, quiet one. He’d never made a move on her like this. But she liked it.

Megan could feel evidence of that appreciation dripping out of her, sliding onto her thigh. Her renewed arousal wasn’t helping the wetness on her thighs. She flushed, wondering what Elvin thought about that. It was impossible to tell.

His hands slid up her upper thighs, and this time his gaze went to hers. His fingertips ghosted up her inner thigh, dipping into the wetness there. He paused before he touched her folds, raised an eyebrow in an unsaid question. She said nothing but dipped her chin slightly, a half nod. With that, one of his big fingers entered her.

Megan tried not to cry out. It felt so satisfying inside her, sliding against her slippery inner walls.

“Orion?” asked Elvin.

Megan nodded.

As if in reward for her answer, Elvin slid in another thick finger, curling them inside her slightly. Megan bit her lip to try and hold in the sounds, was surprised when Elvin’s other hands came over her mouth. She looked at him questioningly and he said, “make as much sound as you want, baby girl.”

He’d never called her that before. It made arousal pulse through her more intensely, she could feel herself shuddering around Elvin’s fingers. She moaned without meaning the sound to come out but Elvin muffled it with his hand. He drew his fingers in and out of her slick channel. She warmed under him, her hips moving with him.

The climax swept through her suddenly, surprising her. She gasped into Elvin’s hand as she fluttered around him. He kept drawing his fingers in and out of her, drawing out her peak, eyes on her. Hungry. He kept going until she’d stopped gasping. Then, keeping his eyes locked on hers, he slid them out achingly slowly.

“You’re not set on Orion, then?” he asked with a quiet, savage smile.

Megan was confused for a moment before she realized what he thought. He’d assumed that she and Orion had begun courting. Why this would be his reaction to that situation, Megan didn’t know, but something about it had her wolf’s ears pricked up in interest. Megan told her to relax, she had enough to worry about without getting caught up in whatever this was.

“I just told him I’m going to challenge him for leadership,” she said.

Elvin froze, then slowly nodded. “Alright. We meet for training early tomorrow.”

“You’re Orion’s second. Why would you do that?”

“Training everyone is my job. I’ve been going easy on you, which I wouldn’t have if I’d known about this.” Mega scoffed at this, he hadn’t been going easy on her and he knew it. Elvin gave her a measured, pointed look. “Early. Tomorrow.”

“Fine,” she said. Elvin turned and walked away. Megan’s wolf was positively radiating interest now, something she rarely did with anything that wasn’t a fight, a hunt or a battle for dominance. “Calm down,” Megan said out loud to both her wolf and herself. She needed to focus on the upcoming challenges. Dallying with alphas wasn’t going to help her.


Hope you enjoyed this story! This is set in the same world as my book, Silver Moon Rising: Omega Wolf, which is available on Kindle. 🙂 Thank you for reading!!!

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