Sales Woman


Sales Woman

The appointment was at 2.30pm. Right on time the doorbell chimed and opening the door I was quite taken back by my visitor. I had expected ‘Vic’ but this didn’t look like the Vic I had in mind but was truly a hundred more times more attractive than I had expected. ‘Vic’ for Victor turned out to ‘Vik’ for Vicky! She looked to be in her early thirties. Standing just five foot five at best, petite, olive, skin, shoulder length black hair, beautiful expressive eyes and a huge beautiful smile. Laughing at my mistake, I shook her hand, moved aside and let her in. I was smiling like an idiot and inviting her into the sitting room, offered her a drink and gestured for her to sit down. I then explained my mistake at expecting a fifty year old man in a suit! She laughed and instantly retorted that I looked disappointed. ‘I am’ I replied laughing and it was clear instantly that we both felt comfortable with the joke.

For the next fifteen minutes Vicky spent time introducing me to the company, some local projects and whilst I was really interested I must admit I was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate totally on the bespoke shelving requirements as we surveyed the area I wanted units built. This was made even worse when we she dropped her bag to the floor and bent over to retrieve her tape measure from her bag. Her jeans were so tight and shaped that I couldn’t help but stare at her perfectly formed, round bottom. Having found the tape, she stood up and I had a moment of panic as she straightened and looking over her shoulder, I knew I had been caught admiring the view. Instantly I felt my cheeks redden causing her to smile knowingly. I thought I saw a smirk but couldn’t be sure as she turned away and proceeded to measure. Try as I might, I couldn’t help myself and as she bent down again I had to tear my eyes away from her bottom and give myself a stern mental talking to.

Finished, she turned to pick up her bag but I was standing in the way and somewhat awkwardly, rather than stepping to the side of me she stepped back against me before quickly apologising. In an effort to avoid each other we then managed to make it worse, virtually bumping full on into each other. As we did so, inches from pressing into her, she looked up and I couldn’t help but notice the eye contact and another smile. I instantly felt acutely aware of her closeness. I actually got embarrassed and when I went to speak my works somehow awkwardly became a jumbled mess of babble making my embarrassment even more acute. ‘You ok?’ she asked although I was less convinced it was a question and more a statement as she could easily see the effect she was having on me. ‘Fine, you?’, I replied. ‘Definitely!’ she said. A moment of intense hesitation and then I nodded, quickly changed the subject and suggested we return to the sitting room. To help me collect myself I invited her to sit and made a coffee for us as she suggested she make some notes and carried out a sketch of her ideal layout for the storage and shelving. Glad of the excuse I went in the kitchen, placed my hands on the counter, leant forward, exhaled deeply and berated myself for getting all tongue tied like a teenager!

When I returned she had placed her drawing on the table and suggested we sit next to each other so that I could see her plans. As I handed her a coffee I was suddenly intoxicated by her perfume, and as she leant over my arm to point out a detail on her sketch, I felt my arousal start to grow. For some minutes she repeatedly stretched over me to reach various samples, her body occasionally leaning over me and I was sure she had deliberately pressed her leg into the side of my thigh. Every look, every word spoken and every gesture, now seemed to involve lots of eye contact and the intimacy was electric. All the while the banter was fun, partly flirtatious, always light, with me joking that in the old days, I would have done the work myself but I was getting too old. ‘You’re not too old, how old are you?’. ‘Guess!’ She stood back, gave me an appraising look and then answered. Thirty five!’ she exclaimed. I laughed. ‘Add ten!! You can come again’ I responded cheekily. ‘Really… I haven’t come once yet’ she replied, looking intently into my eyes and smiling openly. I couldn’t believe it and nearly choked on my coffee. ‘What?’ she asked me mischievously. ‘I just meant are you going to invite me to come round again’ but we both knew what she meant. ‘You can come anytime you like’ I retorted. Her only response to slap me across the shoulder playfully with the paper in her hand. I looked over her shoulder and in a panic realised that the time had passed really quickly and a real panic grabbed me.

‘Before you go any further Vicky, I have to stop you’, ‘My partner needs to be involved and is going to be home shortly but I would rather you weren’t here when she gets back. I don’t have anymore time’, I told her apologetically. She genuinely looked disappointed. ‘We have time’ she said desperately looking at the clock. ‘I really don’t’ I replied. Both of us looking desperately disappointed, the charge of sexual tension so strong I could see she was thinking the same as me. I looked at the clock. We stood motionless just a foot apart and I tried to estimate whether we could actually risk five minutes of intense, passionate, no limit sex but I knew the moment had gone. ‘Look’ bolu escort I said. ‘I like the plans but my partner will have to be involved and if she sees you here without her things will be awkward’. ‘Ok, no problem’ but her whole body language told me she felt as dejected and as frustrated as me.

Packing quickly, I urged her quickly to the door apologised and then she told me she would send the quote over, some other images she had and would call me if I didn’t mind. By now I was really panicking and hurried her out the door. I stood at the window and just as she put her bag in her car she looked up and looking dejected drove off just as my partner pulled up on the driveway. I could feel the panic and inhaled deeply to ensure the smell of her scent had gone. Thirty seconds later she walked in and immediately the questions started. ‘Who was that’? I decided to wing it hoping she hadn’t been able to see the driver. ‘Oh, that was Victor, I asked them to pop in to look at the shelving. Ive got a quote here but I think it will be far too expensive’ I said dismissively waving it in the air. Before she strode off ignoring me.

Nothing more was said and then two days later I had a text from her informing me that she had sent a quotation to my email and that she hoped I would call to discuss. I opened her mail and after skimming the quotation I sent the following reply. ‘Vicky, thank you so much for visiting and for your proposal. There was so much which I found not only very appealing and somethings I wish to pursue further. They are not only totally acceptable but demonstrate your complete understanding of my needs. I am left in no doubt that I wish to discuss the next actions required to fully realise my everything meets my complete satisfaction. Therefore, I suggest you call me to make a further appointment at a time that allows us to fully explore every conceivable option and ensure that you fully understand and can meet my needs’.

Half an hour later I got a text. It simply said…. ‘Ha Ha, very funny!’ ‘One tries’ I responded and ten seconds later I got a call. Five minutes turned into ten and then nearly an hour later and after much blatant sexual innuendo she finally lost patience with my teasing and asked what I was going to do about it. Acting very professional I chided her that I was considering her proposal and would consider her offer but she would have to make it worth my while as she wasn’t the only shelving company in town. ‘You’re right’ she replied, but then other sales people don’t have a cute arse and let you stare at them for an hour’. ‘True’ I snapped back ‘but I think we will have to meet again for me to check your credentials and ensure you are capable of satisfying me needs’. ‘Done. Pick me up Monday and you can take me for coffee to make sure’. I heard her laughing and then the line went dead. Five minutes later she sent me an address to pick her up from and told me to be there at 11am.

The one thing that always strikes me is the reality between chatting on line or on the phone and the reality. On this occasion I felt certain I wasn’t going to be disappointed. The following Monday I arrived as arranged and there she was standing in the street a short one piece black woollen dress, huge looping earing’s, and the sexiest pair of black ankle boots ever. Her dress so tight that every single inch of her petite body was shown off to perfection. Getting in my car she pecked me on the cheek and asked me where we were going. I told her I wanted to drive into the country and looking content I drove out towards the Surrey hills. Twenty minutes later I drove into the large car park off the A3 near Guildford and parked about fifty metres from the café. ‘Where are we?’ she asked? I told her and she looked around and remarked how beautiful it was with the large conifers and mature trees all around us. ‘You stay here, I’m going to get us some drinks’. ‘Tea please’ I called as she left the car. Walking towards the café I was glad I could sit back and relax, her bottom, perfectly shaped was swaying beautifully. Looking around I saw that at least three men in other cars sat open mouthed just starring at her as she passed.

Five minutes later and having got the attention of most of the men in the car park and some pretty hard looks from a couple of their female partners, she casually walked back. She handed me a cup and I was treated to a fantastically toned leg as she got back in. For the next thirty minutes we chatted, mostly about her older controlling husband. Apparently, he always made her feel he was putting her down, criticising her which was fairly ironic considering she was stunning. She looked hurt and then told that it had started when he had taken her to swinging parties where he had played with other women but wouldn’t allow her to play or join in. She told me how dejected and hurt she felt especially when he would then spend hours talking about how good the other women were in bed. I asked her if she had ever questioned whether his criticisms and putting her down like that were to hide his own weakness and insecurities. ‘Why do you say that?’ ‘Because I suspect that he puts you down because he knows how attractive you are which makes him insecure and in turn you crave attention to make up for how he makes you feel’. She looked at me shocked. ‘What do you mean, I crave attention?’ bolvadin escort she asked me sharply. ‘You know exactly what I mean’. For a minute she stayed quiet. ‘So?’. ‘What?’ she asked sulkily. ‘I’m not criticising you. You love attention, men wanting you, wanting to fuck you, willing to do almost anything just to have a piece of you’. I waited but I knew I had struck a nerve. ‘It excites you doesn’t it?’ She sat staring at me for a second before looking down slightly embarrassed. ‘Yes’. ‘You love it don’t you?’ She looked up at me, her eyes displaying a mix of nerves and excitement. I turned to face her and sat looking at every inch of her body as she sat quietly. I could see she was getting excited, the tension was palpable. Her nipples hardened and fixing her with a firm hard stare I spoke.

‘Pull up your dress and show me your legs!’ ‘What?’ she exclaimed. I repeated the instruction but she just sat staring at me trying to comprehend. ‘Do as I say’ I said quietly. ‘Why should I?’ she retorted. ‘Because you like being admired. I told you, I saw the way you walked to the café, you wanted the attention of every single male in the car park.’ ‘Oh really, is that so?’ ‘Yes it is’ I responded. ‘You want to get their attention, now you will. Now do as I say’. I told her firmly. ‘You are joking’ she said nervously looking around the car park. ‘There are people walking past the car, someone will see’. ‘So what, I will have every single man in this car park wanting you’. She turned to face me, deep silence descended as she looked at me long and hard. No longer so cocky and self-assured, I could see I had also touched a nerve, her desire to be wanted, validated and desired.

Although nervous, I could tell that her desire was increasing as I continued to quietly encourage her to show me her legs. I saw her nipples harden, clearly protruding through her dress and then slowly she relented, looked around and then pulled back her dress to reveal her very shapely legs. I nodded. ‘Further’. Again, she looked and then inched it back until it just covered her knickers. ‘More’. Another look around and as she did so, a man passed right by the door. She looked up at him and as he glanced at her he hesitated. It was clear he could see her exposed legs and before she could pull down her hem I told her ‘don’t!’. She sat still as he did a double take and looking across at me I smiled as he slowly passed by. I told her to open her legs. ‘What?’ she asked. ‘Now’. Slowly she complied. ‘Wider’ and inch by inch she did before I reached over and slid my hand down the inside of her thigh making her gasp as I slowly ran my hand from her knee to within an inch of her barely covered pussy. ‘Good’. Slowly I continued to massage and stroke the inside of her thighs and then I noticed it. An underlying scent, her perfume unable to mask her musky natural scent. Quietly I tell her that nothing, and I ‘mean nothing’ will happen unless she is comfortable to continue and that we can stop at any time. Nodding in acceptance she seemed to relax. ‘What now?’ she asked.

Deciding the moment was right, I told her that I want her to pull down the front of her dress. She looked totally shocked, furtively looking around, her mind quickly trying to ascertain if anyone would be able to see. ‘Why’? she answered nervously. ‘I want to see if you are ready to obey me?’ Slowly, reluctantly she reaches up, holds the neckline, hesitates and then pulls down the front of her dress. I know she isn’t wearing a bra and inch by inch I see the tops of her small, pert breasts exposed until they just cover her nipples. I stay quiet, continue to sit quietly, patiently waiting as she continues to pull her dress clear and sits with her breasts exposed and her legs open. Slowly, nonchantly, I look around and passing the car is a couple in the late forties. The man is staring open mouthed before his wife scolds him and I watch them in the side mirror as she berates him. Vicky looks nervous but there is something else. Following her gaze, I look left and six feet away is a white transit. The driver, a rough looking guy in his thirties has obviously returned to his van and is starring at her breasts as she reaches up to cover herself. ‘Stay still’ I tell her calmly. Van man is now leaning out of his window in his efforts to see her and judging by the height of his driving position, it is clear that he should easily be able to see her breasts and possibly even her legs open.

For some minutes we sit, not a word spoken, the guy is getting more animated and excited, staring constantly. Then another man walks by the car with his drink and stares unblinking at her breasts. I look across and have to smile as Vicky actually smirks at him before slightly raising herself up in her seat and pulls her dress down exposing even more of her chest and stomach. ‘Tell me how wet you are?’. ‘Very’ she responds in a very low sultry voice. ‘Show me and parting her thighs wider I place my fingers to her slit, I can feel that her thong is sodden and has ridden into her lips leaving just the merest strip of material visible.

Slowly I slide my finger along her slit as she bites her lip, closes her eyes and sinks down the chair slightly, sinking my finger though her knickers and into her slit. She groans and for a minute I continue to finger her very, very bomonti escort slowly using just the smallest movements, letting every movement and every second hang in the air. ‘You have an audience’ and with that she opens her eyes slowly, follows my gaze and there to my right, pulled along side is the man with the coffee who has now returned to his car and has driven in beside us. He is propping himself high in his seat and is now unashamedly trying to get a better view. She turns to me. ‘He must be desperate, I’m sure he is wanking’. I withdraw from her wetness and placing my hands on my seat I raise up in my seat and sure enough, I can see his arm moving frantically and I suspect that she is right. ‘Mmm’ she murmurs and then she reaches down replacing my hand with her own, hooks her fingers into her thong and pulls down her knickers, her very wet, and moist pussy lips glistening in the sun. Then she reaches down and starts to finger herself before raising her fingers to my mouth and slowly licks and sucks her fingers clean.

‘Buckle up’. ‘What’. ‘Buckle up, you will see’. ‘She grins broadly, she pulls up her dress, wrapped the seat belt around her as I start the engine. As I drive out of the car park I ask her to guess if she thinks anyone will follow. Excited she looks over her shoulder and shrieks as first the car, then the van followed by another car immediately follow. I turn on to the A3, come off at the next exit and then double back down the A3 and take the next exit at Wisley. I go past the flower show ground and enter a car park amongst the woods two hundred yards on the right. There is one car in the corner and I park near the trees at the back and then moments later the white van is parked adjacent to Vicky’s door and to my right coffee man parks before the third car parks up nearby. A man in his forties gets out and slowly makes a looping walk around in front of us in the tree line. She looks at each in turn and then when she is sure that they are all watching she turns to me and waits. I reach down, pull up her dress exposing legs and she lifts her bottom so that her dress is up around her hips fully exposing her pussy. Then I reach up and pull down her top until her dress is crumpled around her waist so she appears almost naked. The man in the van has a perfect view looking down almost directly into the car. I tell her to play with her breasts and watch the effect it has on them. She does so, pinching her dark brown nipples and pulling them hard until they seem to stretch at least an inch from her small breasts.

By now the musky scent is incredibly strong and she remarks if I mind. I look across and she coyly tells me that when aroused she gets extremely wet and very pungent. I smile and tell her to touch herself. She reaches down, enters herself and thrusting her fingers deeply inside her soaking pussy she bites her lip, groans and then lifts her fingers to her mouth and sucks them provocatively as each man in turn watches open mouthed. I lean across, massaging her right breast as she continues, opening her lips wide and fingers herself slowly. She leans back and then even though it’s a bright day, in public and just after lunch the man steps from the tree line and walks beside her door standing just in front of the side mirror. The man in the car next to me is clearly wanking, his arm pumping up and down as he stares unblinking at her. Then the man by the mirror looks around and pulling down his zip takes out his cock and starts to masturbate. I can’t be sure what the guy in the van is doing but I’m sure that he is wanking as he pulls up his tee shirt, his arm clearly pumping up and down. Looking at the man in the car I see him lean back, his eyes closed. I’m certain from the look on his face that he is ejaculating. At that moment the man standing outside sends a stream of cum over the passenger window before zipping up his cock and walking awkwardly into the tree line.

This sends Vicky over the edge, closing her eyes she leans back and starts to omit a series of loud groans as she continues to stroke her clit before once again fingering her pussy. This is followed by another strong release of pungent musk and I can see lot of juice is running down her fingers and deposited over the seat. Rarely have I known a woman who produces such a musky smell, the smell of her sex intoxicating. Before Vicky can even open her eyes, within a matter of a minute I see the vehicles depart one after the other, sure that all three of the men have cum watching her. Slowly she turns in her seat to face me, leans back against the car door and hooks her right leg onto the centre console. For several minutes we sit looking at each other, taking in the moment. Then leaning forward, she reaches to unzip me and tries to thrust her hand around my hard, erect cock. Taking her wrist, I remove her hand and place her hand back between her legs. Instantly knowing what I want she starts to slowly run her fingers along her pussy lips as her other hand massages her breasts. I can tell she is getting close to orgasm, her breathing deepens, she is now massaging her clit with short, sharp strokes. She throws back her head as her orgasm surges through her. The smell of her sex is almost over powering and yet so intoxicating that inhaling her sex makes me want to take out my cock and force her head down onto my hardness but I resist, just! I want to hold out and as her orgasm subsides I reach across, pull up her dress and tell her to get dressed. She seems surprised but complies before I start the engine and drive off without a word being spoken as she sits back smiling, contented and exhausted.

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