A strange girl


Coming out of my shell

It had been a rough several months. I was almost through my last year of high school. It had been a very trying and frustrating time for me. The school work was almost impossible to understand for a nerd like me. I hated school with a passion!

I had no social life, especially not with girls. I was a book worm and terrified of the opposite sex. I couldn’t talk to them I couldn’t even be around them. It seemed like if any girl in the school would get near me and I would lose my ability to speak. I would stammer, stutter, blush a deep red then go sneaking off the other direction hanging my head in shame.

I made it a point to not go to any of the school dances, parties, or to any of the basketball or football games. I didn’t participate in any of the sports. I was a loner, and I didn’t have any friends. I was known as a weakling and a cowardly woss. I wouldn’t stand up to anyone or fight back I just took whatever they decided to dish out.

All the guys and a lot of the girls knew how I would react and seemed to get some kind of perverse thrill out of taunting me, making fun of me and laughing at me. I wasn’t the one on the bottom rung of the ladder of life, hell I was the one buried underneath the ladder. Damn I was sick of school and life in general. Being the butt of everyone’s jokes and their verbal punching bag was emotionally painful and had worn me down to where I felt like a piece of trash. Needless to say my outlook on life was extremely bleak. Teenagers can be the cruelest thing on this earth.

Sadly there was a girl the same age as I was that seemed to be in the same kind of predicament. Barb was not what you would call gorgeous but she was pretty I thought. She hid in long bulky loose fitting clothes so no one would notice her. Her auburn hair framed her sad looking face and hung straight down onto her shoulders. She was slender and stood about 5’4’’ tall. On the rare occasion when her head was not hanging dejectedly, if I were close enough I could see her beautiful blue eyes hiding behind her glasses.

We never spoke or acknowledged each other even though we had a lot of the same classes. She seemed to be just as shy as I was. A time or two our eyes had met and we both blushed and looked down. I figured she was just about as miserable as I was. Little did I know at the time that she was trying to deal with something that made my life look like a Sunday afternoon walk in the park.

It was Friday afternoon. I walked out of the school building and had managed to avoid all the assholes that seemed to be drawn to me like a magnet drawn to metal. As I walked down the street congratulating myself on evading notice for once I found Barb on her knees very quietly sobbing and trying to find her glasses and pick up all her books and papers at the same time. A block down the street there were four girls still laughing and hurling insults back at her. That did it, I was pissed and at the same time I felt sorry for her. Her books and papers were scattered everywhere, her hair was a mess, her nylons were ruined, she had a scraped knee, and her glasses were lying on the other side of the sidewalk.

Silently I stepped alongside her and knelt to help her. When I handed her the missing glasses she looked up with fear in her eyes and soul.

“What do you want, why can’t you just leave me alone she sobbed?”

“Whoa, sorry; I don’t plan on being like the rest of those puke bags. I just thought maybe you could use some help. I’ve been in this same position a few times myself. I’ll leave if you really want me to.”

By now she had her glasses on and was staring at me with wide eyes and her face was starting to turn red as the tears were still chasing each other down her cheeks. “You ok,” I ask as I began to gather the loose papers up and set her books in a pile.

“I didn’t see what happened but I can guess. Those jerks always seem to get their kicks by causing somebody else misery. I wish they’d grow up and get a life. The guys are always trying to knock my books out of my hands and then laugh as I try to pick them up while they kick me in the butt if I bend over. They all seem to get a big laugh out of me falling on my face.”

We finally had her things picked up and sorted out. I stood and offered to help her up. As she stood she cried out; “ouch, that hurts” and reached for her skinned knee. “Oh damn that hurts, why did they have to do that? I hope they’re happy now they ruined my nylons and skinned my knee” She said as fresh tears of pain filled her eyes.

I couldn’t believe it we were both talking without getting embarrassed and stuttering. What was happening, was the world about to come to an end?

I quickly grabbed her books and tucked them under my arm. “Let me carry these for you. You can’t limp and carry books at the same time. That doesn’t look cool.” By the time we were two blocks down the street we were chatting like a couple of long lost siblings.

I was surprised to find out that she was like I was, an only child and from a single parent home. Her mother (Sue) worked at the same place my mom worked. Both our moms worked the evening shift and didn’t get off work until eleven-thirty at night. She was an almost straight A student while I was just below a straight D student. She liked the challenge of school work and I hated it. I would rather be reading a sci-fi book than studying. Neither one of us had any friends in school. The others shunned both of us I guess because neither one of us was interested in sports, video games, or their so called dances they had. She liked science fiction books just like I did and we both liked the same music.

We walked up to her front door way to soon. I was in heaven, I had found someone that didn’t make fun of me and laugh at me all the time. Secretly I was hoping she liked me. She hurried inside to get her knee cleaned up and bandaged. As I handed her books over to her I hastily scribbled my phone number on a paper. I had severe doubts that she would ever call me but I had to at least try.

I slowly walked, no, I floated home. I had talked to a girl for the first time in my life without being embarrassed, stuttering, or just being so embarrassed I turned away. I was in seventh heaven all the other kids could go to hell as far as I was concerned. I had a friend and it was a girl.

The old mill house

The next day was Saturday. I slept in until almost ten o’clock. Mom was up and doing her thing around the house when I finally crawled out of bed. “Any phone calls for me,” I asked trying to sound casual?

Mom suddenly stopped what she was doing and turned. “Now what’s going on” she demanded.

“Nothing,” I dropped my head in disappointment. Secretly I had been hoping Barb might have called but I guess I had been right. She wouldn’t call. She was probably laughing at me right now just like all the others. I sighed dejectedly as my shoulders sagged and I turned to go out the door.

“Hold it mister. You’ve never asked about getting a phone call before, why now all of a sudden? You aren’t in some kind of trouble are you?”

“No mom honest, I just thought maybe.” With a huge sigh I explained to her about yesterday and that I had given Barb our phone number.

“I think I know who you’re talking about. Does she have long brown hair and wear glasses? She always wears long dresses and blouses that look to big for her doesn’t she? (I nodded). I thought so, Sue works with me at night. A lot of times Barb comes out there and sets around doing her school work and waiting for her mom to get off work. They both seem really friendly and nice. When the weather’s nasty I usually give them a ride home. In fact I’m supposed to go over there this afternoon. Want to come along?”

“Mom, I’d die first! I don’t know if she even wants to see me again or not. What would I say to her? What would we talk about? She would probably laugh at me and tell me to get lost. Besides that’s not the way it’s done now.”

“Teenagers,” mom groaned rolling her eyes up towards the ceiling. “You seem to have more problems than I can count.”

“But mom, I can’t help it. I don’t know why I get so embarrassed when I try to talk to a girl. I’m always afraid of saying something wrong and making her mad and getting slapped, or worse. They all hate me for some reason that’s plain to see by the way they treat me. I never did anything to them but they still do their best to push me around and laugh at me. I never know what to say or do. I just feel really stupid and uncomfortable being around girls and the guys aren’t any better. They get their kicks by shoving me around and laughing at me because they know I won’t do anything about it.

Mom, I want to quit school I can’t understand ninety percent of what the teachers are saying. The teachers say it’s so easy but I just don’t get it, I just can’t. Look at my grades they’re all D’s and F’s. Everybody calls me dumb, dumbass, retarded, stupid, idiot, and anything else they can think of. I’m surprised that Barb didn’t tell me to get away from her yesterday before my stupidity rubbed off onto her. I hate being so stupid!”

You’re not stupid. Your problem is that you think you are but you’re not. I know that Barb wouldn’t say any such thing to you. She may be a straight “A” student but she seems to have a lot of problems with the others just like you do. You two need to get together and compare notes about what’s causing your problems maybe you could find a solution. You are not going to quit school that’s out of the question!”

“But mom why can’t I quit, I’m not getting anything out of it but misery.”

“You only have a few months left. You’re not going to quit, and that’s final. Besides you’ll need that diploma to get a decent job later in life. Now no more arguments, you need to get outside and mow the lawn and I need to go get some groceries and then I’m supposed to meet Sue at her place for lunch.”

I dejectedly turned and headed for the door. The conversation had not gone the way I had hoped for at all. I wanted out of that hell hole of a school. I was almost eighteen and I really did want out of there. I was sick and tired of being the butt of everyone’s jokes. I was to the point of not caring anymore if I even got out of bed in the morning and I could see mom didn’t care how I felt. She had no sympathy for me that was plain to see.

As I went out the door I decided to mow the lawn then walk down to the park. Normally no one was there this time of day especially anyone of my age. Besides I had found a couple of places there that I could hide and not be bothered by the world. I could be by myself and not be subjected to all the teasing and harassment. I finally finished the lawn and hurried across town to the park where there was an old water wheel powered grain mill beside the river. The day was bright sunny and warm as I hurried along. I intended to slip into the old mill through a door that I had found could be opened if you knew how. Just as I was about to slip into the bushes and into the mill I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

“Barb what you doing here this time of day? This place is normally deserted.” I was starting to get that nervous, scared feeling in the pit of my stomach. Damn why did I have to get this way when a girl talked to me? Why couldn’t I be like every other guy and talk, laugh, and joke around with the girls? I just wanted to crawl off and hide and cry in frustration. I was beginning to hate life itself.

“I just talked to your mom. She said you might come down here after you got done with your lawn. I think I know where you’re going so come on let’s get out of sight. I don’t want anyone finding this place.” She grabbed my hand and quickly tugged me through the bushes and onto an old overgrown trail. I quietly followed her for a couple of hundred yards to where the trail opened up onto a nice quiet meadow. The birds were singing as we silently stepped onto the edge of the meadow.

“This is my secret place, I come here once in a while just to get away from the world” she whispered. I accidently found it one day when I was trying to hide from Carol and her little group of bullies. The same ones that were giving me crap yesterday. “No one seems to know about this place. I haven’t seen anyone back here in a long time. I did find Bill and his girlfriend back here last year one time. I didn’t let them know I was here and boy did I ever get an education. I think that was the day Jean got pregnant. I didn’t know that you knew about it.”

“I didn’t know about this place. I have a way to get into the old mill house, there’s a door that can be unlocked if you know how. I go there a lot just to get away and hide from everyone. I know every inch of that building. You can go in the building to certain windows and watch everyone wander around this area of the park. As long as you stay back from the window no one can see you but you can see them.”

“Ooh nice that would be neat. Will you show me?” She asked shyly. We slipped silently back down the path we had come from and stopped at the building. I stepped over to a locked door, gently shoved a board to the side and reached in to unlock the ancient door. Quietly opening the door I stepped through and motioned her to follow me. After she stepped in I again closed and locked the door. As I locked it I also blocked my special board so it couldn’t be moved.

I gave Barb a guided tour through the entire building and ended up beside one of the windows I had told her about. I was surprised, she wasn’t the least bit squeamish of the spider webs, dust, and crud although she did flinch when a mouse went racing across the floor and down through a hole in front of us. She stood and watched the park fascinated as people walked by. Finally she tugged at my sleeve and we went back to the other side of the room.

Ok Don what’s this I hear you want to quit school (she began). You can’t do that because I won’t let you. You’re the only person in school that doesn’t make fun of me or pick on me. Don’t you dare even think of it! I heard your mom talking to my mom she said you wanted to quit school. That’s why I came looking for you, please don’t do it, please!”

“Barb, I hate school. I never get a grade above a D. I can’t understand ninety-nine percent of the crap they are trying to jam down our throat. The teachers don’t give a flip about us; they have their pets and sports jocks that can do no wrong. I’m just a whipping boy for the teachers and the other kids. You’re the only one I know that doesn’t give me crap all the time. I’m sick of the bullies, and bad grades. I sure don’t see it getting better anytime soon. You’re the only good thing that’s happened to me in the last four years and I don’t really know where I stand there. We only really met yesterday.” I could see her beginning to get tears in her eyes as I spoke.

“Damn you, now you’ve made me cry. I hate that when I start to cry. It seems like I’m always crying for some reason. Normally because of some bullies or hateful remarks but this time it’s because I like you and I don’t want to see you leave. You’ve never made fun of me or called me names, I like that. Please I’m begging you, don’t do it, don’t quit. Let me see if I can help you with your grades and if we have each other maybe the rest of the jerks will leave us alone. I don’t want to be all alone there anymore.”

I was in shock, my head was spinning, my mind was in turmoil, and I couldn’t believe my ears. Was this girl saying she wanted to be my girlfriend or was she just using me or worse yet setting me up for someone’s big joke so everyone including her could be laughing at me for the next three weeks. Now I was beginning to sweat. What was going on here?

“Don, I mean it. I need you as a friend. I’ll help you any way I can just don’t bail on me. Please don’t bail on me!” By now she was openly crying and begging me not to quit.

I don’t know what possessed me to do it but I hugged her to me and held my head on her shoulder as she cried. “I don’t know what to say, no one has ever said anything like that to me before” I whispered in her ear with a husky choked up voice. She threw her arms around me and held onto me for dear life as she was sobbing. We stayed that way for the next five minutes before Barb finally quit crying.

We talked and gathered our emotions together and moved back over beside a window looking out over the park holding each other close and commenting about something or someone from time to time. I even told her about the fantasy I had of owning the mill and turning it into a place where people could rent out spaces for small stores, craft sales, adana escort coffee shops or whatever they wanted. I had heard that the family that had inherited it was going to sell it. Whoever bought it (probably the city) would tear it down to enlarge the park. The centuries old building was too good to just bulldoze it down and haul it away. The building was part of the city’s history and it shouldn’t be destroyed.

Barb and I spent the next two hours talking, holding each other, watching people walk by, and exploring the old mill for a second time as I showed her what I would do with the building. Finally hunger and thirst drove us back to reality. We slipped out and back around to the front of the building and into the park.

The day was warm, the sun was shining and more people were strolling around, setting reading, eating lunch or just enjoying the spring weather. There were squirrels running and jumping from tree to tree scolding the human invaders as they went. There were birds industriously looking for, and catching their lunch. Other birds would fly from tree to tree some were just setting high up and singing. Somewhere nearby a woodpecker was busy pursuing his lunch from the sounds of the hammering as he drilled his way into a tree.

There was a small river that ran through the corner of the park. The water was muttering as it found its way down river. Down by the river some ducks were quacking and complaining because no one was feeding them. The old mill wheel was slowly creaking and groaning as it was still turned by the water rushing over it. It was a beautiful day to walk in the park.

Thankfully most of the kids our age didn’t have much to do with the park unless it was after dark. Most of them would go to the park late in the evening after it was dark to hide and drink beer or try to get into their girlfriends (or boyfriends) pants. More than once I had hid, watched and listened from the bushes as some guy and his girlfriend would be necking and steeling a feel in some dark area.

Going back to reality

Barb and I walked slowly through the park. We stopped at a water fountain for a drink. The water was ice cold and crystal clear. After we drank I again mentioned to barb how nice it would be to have a small snack shop nearby, like maybe in the old mill house.

Barb and I wound our way back through the park and over to her place. Moms’ car was still there so I followed her inside. Mom and Sue were in a deep discussion about sewing some kind of clothing as we stepped through the door.

“Hey you two where have you been? We were just thinking we might have to call the cops to find you” Sue piped up grinning.

Oh mom, we were down at the park. I finally caught up with him just about the time he would have disappeared to where I would have never found him. Mom would you believe that you can still get into the old mill house if you know how? It’s really neat in there. Everything is just like it was when the mill closed thirty years ago.

“What! You were in that nasty dusty mouse infested old mill house! You two shouldn’t be in there, what if you’d fall through a rotten board in the floor? You might step on a rusty old nail. I’m sure that building is rotten and ready to fall down in a heap. What if the roof caved in on top of you? No one would know you were in there, we would never find the bodies.” Sue was sputtering about all the things she could imagine happening to someone in an old abandoned building.

“Relax mom, there are no rotten boards in that building. The floors are six inches thick. All the stairs are concrete. The roof is covered with metal so it doesn’t leak. The worst thing I saw was a tiny little mouse go running for his life across the floor and down a mouse hole to get away from us. Mom do you know who owns the mill? Don had heard that someone had inherited it after the owner died and they might be thinking about selling it.”

Sue paused and thought for a minute. “I’m not sure but I think I heard my supervisor talking the other day about her brother or uncle having something to do with it. Why do you ask?”

“No reason mom we were just curious is all. Whoever owns it will probably sell it to the city and they’ll tear it down so they can make the park bigger. That mill has a lot of history it’d be a shame to see it gone. It needs to be cleaned up and used for a museum or something.”

Barb and I had some lunch and then wandered over to my house. I knew that mom wouldn’t be home anywhere soon since I heard her and Sue talking about going shopping.

Barb and I spent the next three hours trying to get me to understand what algebra was and how it worked. While we were working on the algebra we were talking about whatever came to mind. Somehow the topic of sex even came up. Barb admitted to being a virgin just as I was although she was a bit hesitant about it. She indicated that she had no intentions of changing that problem any time soon. Not that her mother would get mad but there were other things she said blushing a deep red. She wouldn’t elaborate on what the other things were so I decided not to press my luck with too many questions. Finally at four thirty my mom came through the door as we were setting at the kitchen table finished with the last of the homework. Mom saw the open books.

“Barb I want you to take this boy home with you and raise him. I can’t get him to do school work on a bet. Here you are and he has all his work done and it’s only Saturday afternoon. Will miracles never cease?”

“It’s not so much getting him to do it its helping him understand it. School’s easy for me for some reason. I can pretty much figure it out just from looking at the book. The teacher tries to explain it but personally I don’t think she knows that much about it either. And our English teacher could care less if we understand it or not as long as he gets his paycheck.

Barb and I closed the books and set them aside. “Mom, I’m going to go over to Barb’s house for a few minutes she has a book I want to borrow,” I called out as we headed for the door.

“Just be sure you’re home in time for dinner. I’m not going to keep it warm for you” she called out as Barb and I hurried out the door.

As we walked down the street she seemed quiet and distracted. “What’s wrong babe” I asked? I was busy going through the afternoon in my head trying to think if I had said or done anything to make her mad at me.

“Nothing, nothing you said or did at least. It’s just me, I’m just thinking about a different problem. I have a problem that I have to deal with and I don’t know how to do it.”

I stopped dead in my tracks. “Let me guess, you don’t want to see me anymore. You just want to be a friend and nothing else”
By now I was turning pale and beginning to shake, tears were threatening to come rushing out of my eyes. I suspected the worst. She was going to dump me.

“Oh babe no! It’s just the opposite I want to be with you all the time. It’s just there’s something that I really need to tell you and I don’t know how. I’m scared to death you’ll run down the street screaming and I don’t think I could handle loosing you like that. You’re the only person that’s ever treated me like a person and not like a punching bag and I can’t take a chance on losing you.”

I did something I had never done before. Right out in front of anyone watching I gently pulled her to me and held her close. By now we were both almost in tears. I held her tight for many seconds before I moved her back from me and gazed deep into her sky blue eyes. I could see the fear in her eyes as she gazed back at me.

“I’m not going anywhere sweetheart. You’re the only good thing that’s ever happened to me and I won’t let you get away from me without a fight. I’ll do anything to keep you here beside me. You had me worried, I figured you were going to dump me. If you ever do decide to get rid of me please don’t dump me just kill me because if you don’t, losing you would kill me. I know we’ve only known each other a couple of days but I already know I don’t want to be without you,” I whispered in her ear as I pulled her tight to me again.

I couldn’t believe I had just spilled my guts to this girl and given her the power over me. Crap, now she could lord it over me and never let me forget it. Although I had told her the truth all I could hope for was that she wouldn’t hold it over my head. Dam it all to hell I was only seventeen, I was too young to fall in love with a girl.

“Let’s get you home before our parents call out the county sheriff to look for us. I don’t know what the problem is but maybe your mom can help. Moms seem to be good at that sort of thing.” I gently untangled our arms from around each other, turned her and put my arm around her and held her close. We slowly started down the street in the direction of her house arm in arm. As we walked we talked about school, what we wanted to do during the summer, and how we felt about life. When we got to her house I again took her in my arms and pulled her to me.

“Remember babe I’m here for you if you need me don’t be afraid to call me. I can’t just wiggle my nose and make everything better, I wish I could. If you need to talk I’m always here.” I said after we had shared our first kiss on her front porch.

As we stood there holding each other close a car load of kids drove slowly by. “Get a room” someone shouted. I held her even closer. “Where do you think we’re going? We aren’t going to do anything out here so you can watch,” I shouted back.

“Call me later” I implored her as we stepped apart. She gave me a weak smile as she turned to go inside.

I was on pins and needles for the rest of the night. What was the problem? What happened? Was she going to call me? Was she beginning to have second thoughts about us? I was going nuts trying to figure out what was happening and why. Thankfully there was no school the next day. I didn’t sleep for more than thirty minutes all night. By morning I was exhausted. I felt like I hadn’t slept for a week.

Getting hit with the truth

Finally at nine o’clock the next morning I couldn’t stand it, I dialed her phone number with a shaking finger. Sue answered the phone on the third ring.

“Hello, this is Sue.”

“Ahhh Sue, this is Don. Is Barb there?” I was stuttering and mumbling again. Damn it I felt like an idiot. I couldn’t even talk to an adult female without being embarrassed.

“Oh Don I’m so glad you called. I was just setting here thinking of calling you. I knew if I did my daughter would have shot me but since you called here I’m safe. Can you tell me what happened yesterday? Barb come in all wound up and crying saying she was afraid she had just scared her new boyfriend off. What happened did you two get into a fight or something?”

“No mam, we didn’t get into a fight. I was scared she was going to tell me she didn’t want to see me anymore Instead she told me she didn’t want me to leave. She also said she had something she had to tell me but she didn’t know how. She was scared if she told me I would go running and screaming down the street and never come back. I had told her that if she did decide to dump me she should just kill me and save me a long drawn out death.”

“Ok Don now things are starting to make sense. First though don’t be calling me mam. That makes me feel like some ninety year old granny. I’m only twenty years older than you two are. I think I know what’s up with her now. Will you come over here I think it’ll be much easier for me to set down and explain it in person than on the phone. Barb has never had to deal with something like this before so I’ll try to help her out and explain her situation to you. I hope I’ll be able to explain it so as to not scare you off. Don’t ask right now wait until you get here.”

“Ok Mrs. B, are you sure barb won’t try to kill me?”

“You’ll be fine, and safe, I promise you. She may be all over you but she won’t hurt you. I had to talk for three hours last night to convince her you would either call this morning or you would be here by afternoon. She’s still sleeping as far as I know so don’t ring the doorbell just walk in, the door will be unlocked. I’m hoping we can talk before she wakes up. Oh and Don, will you stop at the store and pick me up a pack of cigarettes? You know what brand I smoke don’t you?”

“Ok Mrs. B I’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.”

Thankfully my mom was out somewhere so I didn’t have to take time to give any explanations about where I was going. I grabbed my old beat up baseball cap and headed out the door. Just as I was closing the door I heard the phone ring. Too late now I thought to myself as I stepped off the porch. I hurried up the street towards the grocery store. I was in serious need of some smokes and Mrs. B wanted a pack to. I slipped into the store and grabbed the cigarettes and tossed them on the counter.

“Your mom know you’re smoking?” the clerk asked and glared at me just as the old bag did every time I bought cigarettes there.

“Yep, she says that as long as I’m able to pay for my own she doesn’t care. She would rather I smoke in front of her than hide somewhere and burn something down.” The clerk grumbled something about what kids were coming to and rang up the cost on the register. I paid her and made my escape before she could start lecturing me about smoking. The first time or two, I had politely listened to her but by now I wanted to tell the old bat to stuff it in her ass. I had heard the same tune over and over again from her.

I hurried down the street and across town to Barb’s place. As I stepped up to the door I automatically reached for the doorbell then jerked my hand back As Sue opened the door and motioned me inside.

“Good morning Don, how’re you this morning? Come on in, I didn’t mean to scare you but I didn’t want you to ring the bell and wake barb up. I don’t think she got to sleep until about three this morning. She was so upset with herself last night she didn’t get to bed until midnight.
Come on in and set down. Do you drink coffee? I just made a fresh pot after you called.

“Thanks, ya I drink coffee all the time. Probably more than I should on the weekends. It sounds like I’m not the only one who didn’t get any sleep last night. I think I got a whole thirty minutes.” I was beginning to relax a little after my first jolt of fear when she opened the door.

Sue poured us both a cup of coffee and sat down at the table directly across from me. She paused for a minute as she looked me up and down while she opened her pack of cigarettes. I was beginning to think I was going to get read the riot act. Finally she looked me right in the eyes and taking a deep breath she began.

“First of all this discussion is going to be very uncomfortable for both of us. Not because of what you two said or did, but because it has to do with sex and the female anatomy. I’m not practiced at discussing the female body with a seventeen year old boy and I can bet that you’re not used to discussing sex at all with either a girl or an adult. Please bear with me and don’t get too embarrassed. I’ll probably be embarrassed enough for both of us.

I’m not sure how to begin this even. I guess the best way is to just start by saying that Barb is a normal girl with the same wants and feelings as any other seventeen year old. She wants to have friends, be popular, and have a boyfriend like any other girl her age. Because of this problem she spoke of yesterday she can’t readily do that.

Unfortunately she confided in what she thought was a friend five years ago. That so called friend had her secret spread throughout the school within the week. She was so humiliated and shamed that she spent a year in counseling and we had to leave the town we were living in. As luck would have it I was able to find a job here so we moved and we both started over.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not but she has never done any type of sports or physical education class. Her doctor and councilor both went before the state board of education and insisted she not do those types of classes. Every year it’s been the same battle with the school. I have to get a statement to that effect from her doctor. Thankfully this year is her last year of school. I’m done looking at another big battle at the beginning of the year. They would always say that according to law she must have so many credits of physical education to graduate. I always had to get her doctors to tell the school system that she couldn’t do that. This last time the adana escort bayan doctor and I had a lawyer with us when we went before the school board and explained to the principal that she could do something else or the state and the school system would be facing a lawsuit.

Anyway as I said Barb is, as you can see, a girl with all the girl hormones, girl parts, and the mind of a girl. She can’t become pregnant because she had her tubes tied at the age of twelve. I wasn’t in favor of that but the doctors recommended it. I think that’s part of her problem. The other part is, and here’s the tricky part. Please hear me out and then ask any questions you want. I may stutter and turn red but I’ll try to answer them. And please give everything some serious thought before you jump up and bolt for the door.

As I said she is a girl except one problem.” There was a long pause and a deep breath inhaled by both of us. Sue began to turn a little more red in the face as she continued; “Barb is a girl and nothing but a girl. Her only problem is that although she has all the girl parts and pieces she also has some boy parts too.”

There was complete silence in the house. I swear I could hear the alarm clock ticking in the house next door it was so quiet. I was in total shock I didn’t know what to say. As Sue sat staring at me we both began to squirm in our chairs. She from the fear that I might explode out the door and never come back. Me from what she just told me. I knew that Barb was having some kind of problem but never in a thousand years would I have guessed that. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open and trying to breathe normally. Finally I managed to squeeze a “whoa” out of my paralyzed throat. Sue began to squirm and fidget more as she gave me a few minutes to let everything sink in. Finally she reached over and laid her hand on top of mine.

“Damn it Don, Say something, say anything, scream, yell, cuss, and swear, whatever you need to do. Let me know that you’re all right. I know it can be an awful shock to someone that hears that the first time. Just talk to me, say something.”

“You mean she is a boy?” I managed to stutter. “She can’t be both; she has to be one or the other.”

“No Don she is a girl I promise you. She will never be anything but a girl. Unfortunately something happens that a child can be both once in about a hundred thousand births. It can go either way. It can be like Barb, or a boy can be born with a girl’s entrance right next to his boy equipment. The proper name for it is Hermaphrodite.”

“But can she??? How would she??? Could she make another girl??? Wouldn’t it get in the way?” I stopped myself. I was turning several different shades of red as I was speaking. I could think of a hundred different questions but I wasn’t about to ask this woman any of them.

“Can she what, have sex? Yes, it would be just like any other girl having sex. Would it get in the way? No not really. Could she make another girl pregnant; yes. That’s why the doctors recommended tying her tubes. There was a real danger of her accidently making herself pregnant.

By the way, if you two do decide to crawl into bed together I won’t come unscrewed at either one of you. If I find you two in bed together I’ll just quietly look the other way. I know she can’t get pregnant and I’m willing to let her find out what sex is all about. Just don’t hurt or injure her that would really piss me off.

“What do you think, do you want to run or do you still want to be with your girlfriend? Do you have any questions that I might be able to help you with?”

Barb’s terror

Suddenly we heard a door close in another part of the house. Sue jumped and held her finger to her lips as if to say quiet. Thirty seconds later Barb came around the corner and into the kitchen still in her pajamas and robe. As she looked up and saw me she froze in place. She had the deer in the headlights look on her face as she stared at me.

“Morning kitten” I said as she moved towards her mother. Sue reached out and put her arm around Barbs waist and pulled her close.

“See I told you he’d be back. Now how do you want to pay that bet we made? You go over there and give him a proper good morning,” Sue said as she gently and lovingly swatted her daughters butt and shoved her in my direction. As Barb took a hesitant step towards me I held out my hands to her.

“Good morning sweetheart how are you this morning?” I said taking her hands in mine and slowly pulling her towards me. As she hesitantly stepped over to my side I stood and took her into my arms and held her close. I heard a quiet whimper as she laid her head on my shoulder and put her arms around me. “It’s ok babe, I love you just the way you are and you do have some cute pajamas.” All she could do was cry and hold me close. As we stood there Sue stood and put her arms around both of us.

“See I told you he’d be back,” was all she could whisper as I saw the tears of joy beginning to slip down her cheeks also.

We stood there holding and hugging each other for what seemed like forever. Finally Sue whispered something in Barbs ear and turned to leave the room. Barb slowly let loose of me and looked into my eyes with fear.

“I heard you two talking out here. What did mom tell you?” she asked with a fear choked voice. The poor girl was terrified that I was going to leave and never come back.

“She told me what was going on and all about you and your problem.”

“Oh shit” she moaned as she grabbed me to her body again. “Now you’re disgusted and you hate me and never want to see me again I just know it. Damn it why does life have to be so unfair,” she sobbed out.

“Babe, I don’t hate you, I’m not disgusted, and I’m perfectly happy standing here holding you. Why would you think I hate you?”

“Because I’m a freak, nobody wants a freak like me.” She was openly crying by now.

“Who the hell told you that you’re a freak?” I demanded as I gently swatted her on her ass. “You look perfectly fine to me. I wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen anywhere with you beside me. You’re a very pretty girl and I think I’m in love with you.” That did it, she started to cry like a baby as she clung to me trembling and crying as if she had just lost everything.

Sue came back around the corner and guided us into the living room where she sat us down on the couch. As I sat Barb sat and crawled into my arms and almost on top of me still whimpering, sniffling and shaking. “I’ll get you some more coffee, you two set and talk to each other” she whispered to me.

Barb and I sat holding each other close and talking for the next hour. From time to time I would stroke her arm or cheek as we talked. As we sat talking I happened to lay my forearm across her lap. Suddenly I felt something move. She looked at me and then her lap, “Oh shit” she squealed and started to jump up turning a bright red. I grabbed her and firmly sat her back down on my lap. Her pajamas were tenting out in front of her.

“Babe don’t panic, I know all about that, it’s alright, it happens to me too. Don’t be afraid and don’t panic. I’m not going to laugh or make fun of you. It’s a fact of life and I’m not going to run around telling anyone about it. Just between you and me I’m that way a lot when I’m around you. You do weird things to me.” I said as she hid her face on my shoulder.

“Oh god I’m so embarrassed, I want to crawl off under the couch and hide. I knew I should have put my clothes on before I came out to see who mom was talking to. I’m embarrassed enough to curl up and die! You’re so mean; let me go so I can get dressed.”

“No babe I’m not trying to be mean to you I’m trying to get you to understand that it’s ok, it happens. Besides if I have my way one of these days I’ll get into your panties while you’re in them and I’ll bet I see more than just a tent on the front of your pj’s won’t I?”

“Oh you, you’re just saying that. What if I don’t ever let you in my pants? I don’t have to you know.”

My first feel

“Ok you two,” Barbs mom popped into the room. “You have fun, I’m going downtown then over to Shellie’s house for a while. I’ll probably be home around three o’clock.”

Mom! You’re going to leave me here alone with this monster? He won’t even let me go get my clothes on.”

You’ll find a way I’m sure. Just don’t make any messes and leave them for me to clean up. Today is my day off and I don’t want to have to do any extra house cleaning.” Barbs mother winked and grinned as she headed for the door.

With a sigh Barb slowly snuggled back into my arms. As she wiggled around my hand again came in contact with her tent again. As my hand slid over it she gasped and froze in place.

“Oh god (she moaned), why does it feel so good when you touch it like that?” I slowly let my fingers slide over and around her erection. As I slid my fingers over her she would thrust her hips at my hand and whimper. After a couple minutes she grabbed my hand and shoved it down hard onto her privates.

“Oh shit I can’t stand it, hold me, it feels like I’m going to pee my pants.” By now she was breathing hard and humping my hand as she whimpered and moaned. I let her rest and come down a little bit.

“You weren’t going to pee your pants you were almost ready to come. When anyone gets that hot and excited they “come” or ejaculate. Haven’t you ever touched yourself like that? Remember what it felt like when you thought you were going to explode because it felt so good?”

“Oh yuck I haven’t ever touched myself down there like that. The only time I touch myself is when I take a shower, I just wash everything down there.”

I wasn’t the smartest person in the world but I had read a lot and watched my share of porn on the computer. I could about guess how the female body looked, worked, and reacted. Now I wanted to find out just how much of the reading and watching was fact and how much was fiction. I couldn’t believe that I was setting here with my hand almost in my girlfriends pants and even scarier was the fact that she had a dick just like I did.

Slowly and gently I began to slide my fingers up under her robe and up the inside of her leg. I worked my way upwards slowly, I didn’t want her to panic and shove me away. As we sat there kissing and nibbling on each other I slid my hand upward. The higher I went the faster and harder she was breathing. Finally I found the bottom part of her pj’s. They felt more like boys boxer shorts. As I gently stroked the inside of her thighs she whimpered and spread her legs farther apart as if giving me her permission to continue on. Quietly I slipped my other hand around, untied her robe, and slid it off her front side. I almost lost control right there. Her breasts were covered by a thin filmy see through material. Her nipples were standing up tall and proud.

I began a new direction of attack. I started stroking her breasts with one hand as I continued to work my way into her boxers with the other. As I was fondling one breast I was licking the other. Finally I slid my fingers up to her neck and slid the robe off her shoulders and down her arms. She automatically moved her arms so the robe slid off and onto the couch. I then abandoned her thighs long enough to pull her top off over her head. As she tugged at my shirt to get it off. I grabbed a nipple with my lips and sucked and tonged it with passion. I slid my hands down her sides and gently tugged at the offending boxers. She paused for a few seconds and then with another whimper she lifted her hips as I slid her shorts off. As the shorts slid down she cried out and covered the dick with her hands. She was half lying on the couch bare naked in front of me. By now I was moving strictly by instinct since I had never had any experience like this before.

Barb was moaning and giving out little cries of pleasure as I again assaulted her nipples with my tongue and slid my hand up to where I was sure I would find her entrance. She was starting to twist and squirm as I slowly slid a finger up inside her.

“Let me show you something” I whispered in her ear as I traced my tongue around its edge. I reached up and took her hand and wrapped it around her dick and began to move it up and down. She quickly got the idea and I slid my hand back down to her entrance and began to rub her clit. It only took about two minutes and she was ready to go flying off over the edge and float away in orgasmic bliss.

“Let go, let it happen, enjoy the feelings, don’t stop doing what you’re doing; come for me I want to see you come” I groaned aloud. No one had touched my dick but I think I was as close to coming as she was right then. I gave her clit another firm rub and grabbed it between my fingers and lightly pinched it. “Oh fuck” she screamed as she thrust her hips towards the ceiling, stiffened up, grabbed the couch with both hands, and began to quiver and shake. I quickly grabbed her dick and continued to pump it as goo shot out the end of it. At the same time a small stream of clear liquid squirted from between her legs.

She finally collapsed back down on the couch and struggled to get her breath as she continued to twitch and jerk from time to time. We lay there in bliss for twenty minutes before she finally began to move.

“Oh crap what did you do to me? I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life. I felt like I was going to explode. I think I even passed out for a minute. Does it always feel like that? Why was I laying there jerking afterword? That scared me for a minute I want to try that again but not right now.”

“You had your first big orgasm. You come so hard you squirted. It’s not every girl that can squirt you know. What do you think now? That was just what’s called foreplay we didn’t even have real sex. Real true sex is when I put my dick up inside you like I did my fingers. I didn’t even get a chance to lick you down there like I was going to.”

“Oh damn, you mean there’s more? I’m not sure I would survive anything more. When it hit me I thought for a second I was gonna die then I didn’t care if I did, it felt so good.”

We lay and talked for an hour before we decided that we should get dressed before her mom got home. Barb ran in, showered, and dressed. I put my shirt back on and wiped the mess off the couch the best I could with a towel. That girl could drown someone if she wanted to I was thinking as I was cleaning up.

And I was hooked

I took the liberty of pouring myself another cup of coffee and heating it up in the microwave. I was setting at the table sipping coffee when Barb came back out. She walked up and gave me a big hug.

“Where’s my coffee?” She grinned at me as she grabbed her cup filled it and nuked it. She sat down at the table with me with her hot coffee. “Ok you, where do we go from here? You just did something to me in there I swore no guy would ever do. You saw me naked. The sad part is I didn’t get to see you the same way. What gives here? I think I got cheated. I got the short end of this deal. That’s ok you just wait until next time. If you want to see me naked you have to take your clothes off first,” she chuckled.

“Deal, I’ll go first next time but you have to take mine off just like I did yours. You do realize that you’re stuck with me now don’t you? I aint gonna let you off that easy. I plan on keeping you close beside me forever.”

Suddenly she got very serious again. “Don you’re not going to tell anyone what we did are you? That would be horrible. Everyone would be laughing and pointing fingers. I couldn’t handle that. What would be even worse would be if they found out what I am. I went down that road once and I don’t want to do it a second time.”

“Babe I’d never do that to you. I couldn’t live with myself if I did. Besides, who would I tell? I don’t have any friends at school. Just like you don’t so there isn’t anyone to tell. If you think I’m going to just walk up and start talking to one of those bozos you better think again. I wouldn’t even give them the time of day let alone say something like that about you.”

Barb and I sat and talked for the next twenty minutes before Sue came in the door with her arms full of groceries.

“Alright you two what have you been up to? I see that you haven’t completely destroyed the house yet. Hey I didn’t interrupt something did escort adana I?” She asked as she looked at two bright red faces staring at her. “Oh ok now I see what’s been happening. Remember I told both of you I didn’t care as long as no one got hurt. I figured it would happen some day and I made my mind up that when it did I wasn’t going to Get mad and lose my mind on someone.” By now both Barb and I was blushing a deep red and staring at the floor. I was embarrassed beyond words and I’m sure Barb was too.

“Hey you two, if you did, you did, and I’m not going to come unscrewed at either one of you. Don’t forget I was a teen ager at one time myself. And just so you know, I wasn’t quite sixteen yet when it first happened for me. The important thing is that you enjoyed it. I hope it was better for you than it was for me. My first time was a joke, he stabbed it into me and it hurt like hell. I like to have shit razorblades it hurt so bad. All I could do was scream and cry. He jabbed me about a dozen times and shot me full of his goo crawled off me and took me home. The next day he spread it all over school how he got into my pants and what a horrible fuck I was. On top of that I was terrified I might be pregnant. Thankfully I wasn’t.

Barb, I know you didn’t have your cherry so that was a big help. That’s the painful part when he pops through your hymen the first time.”

“Mom, we didn’t even get that far. The only thing he used was his fingers and tongue. He said I squirted half way across the room when I came. I came so hard I passed out for a minute he said.”

By now I was looking for a way out of this conversation. I figured that Sue wasn’t going to tear my head off because I’d had my way with her daughter but at the same time I didn’t want to be going into the intimate details of what Barb and I had done either.

I finally left Barb’s house late that afternoon. We had sat and talked and lay in her room listening to records the rest of the day. Neither of us had slept the night before and I needed to get home, get cleaned up, and get some sleep. The only bright side was there were only a couple of weeks of school and then I would be free of school forever.

The next morning was different, I had a reason to get up and get to school. I had a girlfriend, I had all my homework done and I could look at a female without getting embarrassed, at least I hoped I could. Besides I didn’t really care what anyone thought or said. I had someone special now and they could all stuff it up their ass.

Dealing with the assholes

I met up with Barb three blocks from the school and we walked together. As we walked up to the school grounds several girls started to give us both crap.

“Ooooh what we got here? Look what I see walking down the street. Damn Don, Be sure you get a good feel of that. You might even learn something if you stick your head up under that butt ugly skirt and take a look. Careful though she might cross her legs and strangle you.”

“Eeeew, I wouldn’t stick my head under there. There’s probably a whole bunch of crotch crickets up under there wanting out.” Another girl chimed in.

By now I was thoroughly pissed and I’d had enough of their shit. “Hey Carol, you and Roy bin up in the woods by the old mill lately? You sure seemed to like it the last time I saw you there. You know, the time when you were on your back with your knees in the air right next to the back side of the old mill house. Cute pink panties you let him take off of you, did you ever find them again? Have you heard how disappointed he was with you? All the guys are talking about what a lousy fuck you are. I wouldn’t hit me if I was you carol. That would only prove that I’m right and that I’m not lying. Besides Roy might not like it if he found out that you and Chuck were up there the next weekend doing the same thing.

Marylyn, do I need to mention the time you and Jim was up in the trees by the pond? It was just after dark I believe. It’s a good thing I made those weird noises after you were done. You two were going the wrong way you would have never made it back to the park the way you were going you’d have been lost in the woods.

Carrie that must have been your first time the way you were crying after Tory rammed it into you that evening by the river. I can still hear you scream and start to cry like a little girl. Damn that must have hurt. Tory said you almost broke his dick in half when you tried to get away from him.

Another one was Jean. That was quite an educational Sunday afternoon when she got pregnant. Her and Bill thought they were alone up in the woods. Remind me some day to tell them that the trees have eyes.

You three and your boyfriends better back off and leave Barb and me alone or the whole school will know what’s going on right along with your parents, your boyfriend, your ex-boyfriend and the cops. It’s a pity I didn’t have a camera a few times. I bet I could have sold some of the pictures to the guys. Especially the ones of certain girls on their hands and knees with their dress shoved up around their waist, their bare ass waving in the air, getting fucked from behind and moaning for more as their tits were bouncing on the grass.”

“Now do you all still want to keep playing this stupid assed game or shall we all grow the hell up and quit picking on certain people. All Barb and I want is to be left alone and be able to finish the school year in peace and quiet. And we don’t want any threats from current, past, or future boyfriends either. Remember, peace and quiet equals silence. One cross word or any form of teasing from anyone will spill the beans on everything and everybody. Don’t even look at either one of us funny. And no more jokes about fat, ugly, dumb, stupid, morph, queer, lezzie, retarded, or anything else!”

By now all three girls were bright red in the face and stating at each other and then the ground. All three looked like they were ready to cry. Carol had a tear sliding down her cheek and Marylyn had turned white with fear.

“You, you, you’re lying, you didn’t see anything like that,” Carrie stuttered.

“Try me Carrie! And by the way how did you manage to explain to your mom the blood and grass stains on your yellow dress, the one with the flowers on it, and the cum stains on your purple panties? Why do you think Tory dumped you a week later? Could it be because his new girlfriend was a willing fuck and would blow him? You should be ashamed of yourself you wouldn’t even touch his dick or give him a hand job. ‘Oh yuck I don’t want to touch that thing that’s gross’ you told him” By now the tears were starting to trickle down Carrie’s bright red cheeks also.

The three former bullies slunk silently away as Barb and I turned and headed into the school building.

“Don did you see all of that or were you just making things up? If it had been me you were talking to I would have shit myself. You sure sounded convincing I believed every word of it.”

“I saw every bit of it and more, right down to the color of their underwear. The way Carrie was crying I was about ready to call the cops. It sounded like Tory was killing her, god he must be hung like a horse. I scared the crap out of Marilyn and Jim. I made some growling, sniffling noises and broke some sticks so they would turn around and go back the other way. It was dark and they were headed up into the woods instead of back to the park. Carol’s panties got kicked through a broken window right next to where they were. I could have reached out and grabbed both of them but I wanted to watch. Carol did have a pretty good orgasm though. She must be on the pill or she was lucky. Roy didn’t use a condom and he didn’t pull out either. The only thing I took liberties with was Jean. I borrowed that from you.”

“Damn, you just wait until we get home tonight I’m so horny right now I can’t hardly walk. After listening to that I almost came in my spandex underwear.”

“Your what underwear?”

“My spandex underwear, how do you think I keep from giving my secret away when it stands up? I have to wear special underwear,” Barb explained turning red in the face. “Now let’s get to class before we’re late.”

That day school seemed to last for at least 96 hours. I couldn’t wait for it to end. Finally the final bell rang and I was out of there. I was still leary of some of the kids so I made a hurried beeline to where Barb was waiting. She was standing talking to a couple of girls that weren’t a threat that I knew of. Silently I slipped up behind them to listen.

“Barb, pleaseeee tell us. Did he say anything about us? How does he know all that stuff? Oh my god I would be embarrassed to death if he did know anything about me and Sam. Shit he must be able to turn invisible or something. Is he an alien or something? I’d pee my pants if he were standing beside me all of a sudden,” the other girl said.

I couldn’t resist. They were both intently concentrating on what barb had to say as I silently slipped up right next to them.

Hi girls, what’s going on, what’s the big secret?” Both girls screamed and their books went straight up into the air. I had to dodge an algebra book as it went flying past my head. Papers went everywhere. How I did it I don’t know but I managed to keep a straight face. “Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to scare you! Here let me help you get your things picked up.”

Both girls were pale white. “Oh shit I did, I pissed my pants. You scared the piss out of me” the one girl moaned as a big wet spot appeared on the front of her pants. The other girl just stood there and shook trying to get her breath back.

I apologized again as I gathered up papers and stuck them in books. The girl with the wet pants was hastily tying her sweater around her waist. They both had fear in their eyes as I handed them the books.

“How did you do that, how did you just appear from nowhere like that? I didn’t hear you or see you until you said something.” The one girl whispered with a shaky voice.

I’m sorry, what were you three talking about that I scared you so bad?

Barb spoke up; “We were talking about how you knew so much about what happens down by the old mill. Alice thought you must be able to turn invisible or something. They want to be sure that you don’t say anything about them.”

I couldn’t help it any more I had to laugh. “I’m sorry to say but yes I’ve seen you both down there a time or two. I know that is the lovers’ lane of this town so who could miss what was going on if they were looking at all? No I won’t say anything about you two if you follow the rules. I don’t care what you do down there or when. You just don’t bug Barb or me. No teasing, name calling or picking on either one of us. Just be sure to stay out of the old mill house it’s easy to get hurt in there if you don’t know what you’re doing. Besides I heard someone saying that it was haunted by old man Scroggs, the guy who built the mill a hundred years ago. Some of the old timers say he hung himself in there. He doesn’t bother anything nearby but someone said they saw some kind of a light go floating past the windows a time or two.”
“Oh shit Alice breathed, I didn’t know that. I’m never going near that place again.”

“Don’t worry nothing will happen as long as you don’t go inside. Poor old man is just wandering around harmlessly inside the mill house. You could be right beside it and he wouldn’t even know it but go inside and who knows what will happen.”

By now both girls were scared enough they were beginning to squirm. Their faces were pale and their eyes were open wide with fear. Suddenly they looked at each other, turned and raced off down the street.

Barb and I educate each other

“Oh my god Don is that true? Is that place haunted? Did someone die in there? Oh fuck I’m never going near that place again as long as I live!”

I burst out laughing. “No babe that was all just a story. I don’t think anyone by that name ever owned the mill. And no one ever died in there as far as I know. The person that built it finally sold it to somebody else and that buyer went broke during the depression and sold it to someone else who never even opened it up again. That person died in the rest home here a couple of years back.Now let’s get home. I want to see if you can carry your threat out.”

We hurried home to her house. We both knew that her mom was working and wouldn’t be home until almost midnight. We were no more than in the door when we were in each other’s arms. She was right she was hot enough to boil water. Her hands were all over me as we kissed and clung together. She was fighting to get my clothes off of me. We were both completely naked and on her bed in a matter of seconds.

“Oh shit put it in me please put it in me. Don’t stop to play just put it in me.”

She wrapped her legs around me and was fighting to get me in place so I could enter her boiling hot pussy. My first try missed the target and my cock slid tightly across her asshole. I pulled back and this time I felt her opening around the head of my dick. Slowly I shoved forward as she let out a moan of pain and ecstasy. Damn this was like trying to stick my dick into a pop bottle, she was so tight. I could feel her tunnel expand as I forced my way in. We were both sweating by the time I had bottomed out inside her and made two strokes.

As her walls loosened and stretched she began to twist, toss her head side to side, moan, and beg for more as I slowly slid my cock in and out of her stretched pussy. I knew I wasn’t going to last long as tight as she was. I was ready to blow my load. I tried to think of anything to keep going, anything but the feel of her inner walls pulsing and sucking at my cock.

By now she was having a hard time catching a breath in between the moans, groans, and whimpers. Staying on top of her and in her was like trying to stay on a wild bucking horse. She would squeal and throw her hips from side to side then slam her hips up into my downward stroke. She was flailing the bed and me with her arms and trying to rip the sheets off the bed. Suddenly I heard her moan.

“Harder, faster, harder, oh fuck I’m gonna come, I’m going to explode, don’t stop harder!” She was squealing as she bounced on the bed and slammed her heels into my butt cheeks. Suddenly she stiffened up and started shaking as a moan was forced through her clenched teeth. That did it I slammed my cock deep and tight against her cervix and started to pump a load of my hot slimy goo into her insides. It felt like it started at my toes and went rushing up through my balls and out through my dick and slammed into her back wall flooding her insides. Then I felt her shoot her load out the end of her dick and squirt it all over between us. We both collapsed on the bed quivering and shaking. She would jerk as another orgasm would grip her.

Finally we began to move and get our breath back. My god I had never felt anything like that in my life. I was still breathing heavy and had tears of ecstasy in my eyes. I gently rolled to the side and my spent and exhausted cock flopped out of her onto my leg. Damn we were both a sticky cummey mess.

“Oh god I think I’ve died and gone to heaven. Don what did you do to me? I’m still feeling aftershocks. Oh fuck I’ve never felt anything so good in my life. Oh damn I’m glad mom don’t care if we do this, I think we should do it at least once a day.” All I could do was groan in agreement. We both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Barb and I finally woke up two hours later. We were both naked and spooned together with my cock hard and sticking between her legs and tight up against her pussy and cock. She moaned as she came awake and felt my throbbing cock pressed tightly against her sex. She reached between her legs and grabbed both cocks and squeezed them together.
“Oh damn I’d love to but I need to go to the bathroom before I explode. If I don’t go now I’ll have a wet bed to sleep in tonight.” Barb jumped from the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I was only seconds behind her.

Barb got us a soda and we worked on our homework for an hour and a half. It felt really strange; I had my homework done for the second day in a row. This was history in the making! The teachers would all be going into shock tomorrow.

We spent the rest of the evening talking, teasing, cuddling, and touching. Finally I left for home and a good night’s sleep for once. Normally my sleep would be interrupted by dreams of the bullies, teachers bitching because of my school work, my grades and fantasies of being able to have a girlfriend and what I would do with her. I knew it was too late to do much about the grades but I now had a girlfriend and I had dealt with most of the bullies. After four years of misery things were starting to look up.

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