Future Harry Potter Adventures: Chapter 1 – A New Beginning


This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author.

Chapter 1

*2 months later*

‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ cheered the occupants of the dining table in the Weasley household, as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday.

‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around at the various people around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile.

‘Well open up your presents then Harry dear,’ said Mrs Weasley encouragingly as everybody began to dig into the buffet lunch she had prepared for the occasion. Harry looked down in eager anticipation at the large pile of presents that lay in front of him. Eyeing an oddly shaped, bright purple parcel tagged from Ginny, Harry grabbed the present and began to tear at the packaging.

‘Don’t open my present here Harry,’ whispered Ginny as under the table, she slipped her hand under Harry’s jeans and squeezed his cock gently, ‘wait till we’re somewhere more…..private.’ Harry smiled back at her as he gave her a kiss on the lips and put her present aside.

‘Look Harry, said Hermione who was sat on Harry’s other side, ‘that one is from Ron!’ Harry quickly seized the large, badly wrapped present and opened it up as Hermione watched on eagerly. Harry looked inside the cardboard box and smiled warmly when he saw the contents. Inside, lay souvenirs of the places Ron had been, as well as numerous pictures showing Ron helping people from around the world.

‘I think this picture is for you Hermione,’ said Harry as he passed Hermione one of the photographs. Hermione gasped and then smiled as she looked at a moving picture of Ron looking out over a large African sunset, with the name, ‘Hermione’, traced magically in diamond blue across the darkening sky.

‘He seems to be doing well then,’ said Harry as Hermione nodded in agreement. Suddenly, a loud knock at the door announced the arrival of Kingsley Shacklebolt, the newly elected Minister of Magic.

‘Greetings everyone,’ boomed Kingsley in his deep voice as everybody raised their goblets to him, ‘Harry, may I speak to you in private?’ asked Kingsley as Molly took his travelling cloak from him.

‘Sure,’ replied Harry curiously as he and Kingsley made their way into the solitude of Mr Weasley’s study.

‘Firstly,’ said Kingsley as he sat down with a sigh on a worn out, green, leather chair, ‘happy birthday Harry.’

‘Thank-you Minister,’ replied Harry.

‘Harry, please, call me Kingsley,’ countered Kingsley with a laugh, ‘I may be Minister now, but I’m still the same man you met three years ago.’ Harry laughed as the two of them settled themselves into their chairs.

‘So Harry, you may have heard I’m changing things up drastically at the Ministry,’ said Kingsley in a more business-life tone, as Harry nodded in acknowledgement, ‘out with the old and in with the new so to speak. How would you like to become an auror Harry? No training or testing needed, you’ve already shown yourself worthy enough of this honour.’ Harry’s mouth dropped open in shock as Kingsley smiled back at him.

‘B-but, I’ve only just t-turned 18 Kingsley, surely I’m too young?’ retorted Harry in disbelief.

‘Yes Harry, if you accept my offer you would be by far the youngest auror in wizarding history. But you of all people have shown that age is just a number Harry. You’ve achieved more in your short life so far then most wizards do in their life-times. I believe you could become a fantastic auror Harry. Will you join me Harry? Will you help me change this world for the better?’ said Kingsley as he held out a large hand to Harry. Harry gulped slightly as he looked into Kingsley’s dark eyes.

‘I will Kingsley,’ said Harry with a smile as he clasped Kingsley hand in his own.

*14 months later*

‘I now pronounce you both, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride’s,’ said Neville lovingly, as Ron and Hermione, and Harry and Ginny came together in a passionate kiss. A huge cheer erupted from the thousand guests who had come to see the joint wedding of Ron and Hermione and Harry and Ginny, as the two newly married couples turned to the guests and smiled joyously. The applause was deafening; even Dudley was whooping and clapping enthusiastically until Uncle Vernon gave him a threatening look, which brought Dudley to silence. As the guests rose to their feet to congratulate the couple’s, suddenly, the chairs in the middle of the Great Hall of Hogwarts, where the wedding was being held, zoomed to the side of the room to create a huge dance floor.

The audience applauded even more as a finely robed Harry and Ron, led their new wives, who looked resplendent in beautiful white dresses to the floor for the first dance. The lights dimmed to create a romantic atmosphere as the band for the evening, the Weird Sister’s struck up a tender tune, which the newly married couples began to dance too.

‘I love you Ginny Potter,’ said Harry softly, who was nose to nose with Ginny.

‘I love you too Harry Potter……ouch,’ replied Ginny as she clutched the little bump on her tummy.

‘Is the little one moving again?’ asked Harry with a smile as Ginny smiled back.

‘Yes,’ Ginny replied, ‘I can’t believe that in only five more months our first child will be born.’ Harry clutched Ginny to him more tightly and gave her a long, passionate kiss as guests began to enter the dance floor, to dance alongside the married couples.

Many hours later, Harry found himself sitting next to Mr Weasley, who was gently hiccupping from the effects of too many glasses of mead.

‘I’m so proud of you all,’ said a slightly red-faced Mr Weasley, ‘two of my children married on the same day… and to such wonderful people as well.’

‘Thank-you Mr Weasley,’ replied Harry as he patted him fondly on the back.

‘So I hear you’ve had quite a busy year at the Ministry Harry. I hear that in only your first year, you broke Mad-Eye’s record of 52 dark wizards captured in a year! How many is it you’ve apprehended Harry, 61 was it not?’ asked Mr Weasley.

‘That’s right Mr Weasley,’ replied Harry, ‘all of them now safely locked away in Azkaban.’

‘Wow…,’ said Mr Weasley in wonderment before he suddenly slumped onto his side in a drunken stupor. Harry laughed gently as he eased Mr Weasley into a more comfortable position before going out into the grounds of the school to catch some air. Harry breathed in the slightly warm, early autumn air as he looked over at the calming sight of the Great Lake.

‘Hello Harry dear,’ came a dreamy voice from behind a startled Harry.

‘Oh, Professor Trelawney,’ said Harry in surprise, ‘it’s lovely to see you, thank-you for coming today.’

‘It was a pleasure dear,’ she replied in a far-away voice, ‘congratulations once again, of course, I always foresaw that you would marry Ginny Weasley and live a long, fruitful life’ she finished as Harry nodded in amusement, secretly thinking back to the dozens of times she had predicted his early, grisly death.

‘Oh my….,’ said Professor Trelawney faintly as she clutched the side of head, before collapsing to the ground.

‘Professor……professor?’ said Harry urgently as he tapped her lightly on her cheek. Suddenly, Professor Trelawney sat bolt upright on the ground, with an odd, far-away look on her face, her eyes glazed over, before speaking in an unnatural, deep voice.

‘From the seed of the fallen Dark Lord’s most powerful ally, that lays within his most devoted, shall grow a being more powerful than them all. For he will not be driven by a lust for immortality; but by revenge, power and destruction. Only the first born of the Dark Lord’s vanquisher shall be able to defeat him for if he fails, the world will fall’

Suddenly, she gave a quick shake of her head and looked up at a wide-eyed Harry in confusion.

‘Are you alright dear? Why are we on the floor?’ she asked curiously.

‘It’s nothing Professor…..here let me help you up,’ replied Harry eventually as he eased her too her feet.

‘Thank-you Harry, well I must be off now, my inner eye is feeling alert. I can see……so much. Farewell Harry,’ finished Professor Trelawney as she left Harry feeling very much shaken.

*11 months later*

‘Ginny darling, you’ve made the front page of the Prophet,’ said Harry excitedly as he unfurled the newspaper.

‘Wow, really,’ replied Ginny joyously as she momentarily paused from feeding baby James from her breast, ‘read it to me Harry.’ Harry cleared his throat before reading the article:


In a move that has been heavily rumoured all summer, chaser Ginny Potter has made a record breaking 5 million galleon transfer to the newly crowned British champions, the Holyhead Harpies. Ginny Potter (aged 19) has made the move after a record breaking season with her former club, the Chudley Cannons, which was briefly interrupted by the birth of her first child, James Sirius Potter. After scoring a record 158 goals in the 30 league game season (breaking the old record of 140 set by Francis Verve in 1907) which has seen her recently called up to the England squad, the Holyhead Harpies felt moved to sign this exciting new talent.

‘Ginny Potter is easily the best young talent we have seen in the last 20 years and I plan to build the team around her,’ commented the Harpies manager Imelda Sunday, ‘many people will think she is an expensive signing, but if she fulfils her obvious potential, then we have signed potentially one of the greatest chaser the game has ever seen.’

The move caps an excellent year for the young Potter family as along with the birth of their first child James in February, Harry Potter at the age of just 20, was last week named as the new Head of Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic. Rumours at the Ministry are that Mr Potter is now seen as the second most powerful man in Government, only behind the Minister of Magic himself. But of course, after all that the young Mr Potter has done for the 100,000 strong wizarding community in this country, the Daily Prophet wishes him, and his wife all the best in their new, exciting careers.

‘What a lovely write up,’ said Ginny warmly as she patted James on the back before he continued to suckle milk from her breast, ‘how’s Hermione doing at the Ministry?’

‘Very well,’ replied Harry as he folded up the newspaper and leaned back on his chair, ‘she’s now junior secretary to the Head of the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She has big plans to change the rights that house elves and goblins have.’

‘Good for her,’ said Ginny fondly. Harry smiled back at his wife as he looked around their new home. With Harry’s promotion and Ginny’s recent big money move, Harry and Ginny were one of the most powerful and famous couple’s in the wizarding world and as such, could afford to buy a newly built mansion. However, Harry had refused to let power go to his head and was still as down to earth and good-natured as he ever was; even if his job required him to make tough decisions. Baby James suddenly gave a loud burp causing Ginny and Harry to both laugh, as Ginny placed him back in his cot.

‘Is he all full up now?’ asked Harry warmly as he looked at Ginny’s erect breast, ‘because I would sure love to have a suck on them now myself,’ said muğla escort Harry cheekily. Ginny smiled and winked back as she shook her chest at Harry.

‘Get up those stairs now you sexy thing,’ said Harry teasingly as he chased Ginny all the way up the large, winding stairs towards their bedroom.

*10 years later*


With the retirement of the popular Headmistress McGonagall, Harry Potter, Head of the Hogwarts board of Governors and new member of the Wizengamot, has elevated Neville Longbottom from his position as Professor of Herbology to Headmaster of Hogwarts. A small minority of the wizarding community have criticised Mr. Potter’s otherwise popular decision. Disgraced ex Ministry member Lucius Malfoy commented:

‘The appointment of Neville Longbottom as Headmaster of Hogwarts is idiotic and disgraceful. To be Headmaster of such a prestigious school necessitates a certain amount of intelligence and magical knowledge; something which the young Mr. Longbottom sadly lacks in abundance.’

Harry Potter has hit back at the claims with a strong, impassioned defence of his childhood friend:

‘Neville will be the first to accept that he is not the cleverest wizard of all time. However, Neville is one of the bravest, kindest and most selfless people I know and his love of Hogwarts is only matched by his love of her students. I have complete faith in Headmaster Longbottom and I believe he will be as great a Headmaster as Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape were.’

Time will tell if Harry Potter’s bold claims become true but as ever, Harry Potter has the near universal support of the wizarding world. In more Hogwarts news, the board of Governors have also appointed Luna Lovegood to position of Professor of Defence Against the Dark Art’s.

See pages 60 – 75 for more on England’s triumphant Quidditch World Cup campaign, including an exclusive interview with star player Ginny Potter, who scored the winning penalty in the final against Germany.

Harry chuckled and threw the newspaper aside as Kingsley Shacklebolt entered into his spacious office.

‘Good morning Harry,’ said Kingsley jovially, ‘are you well?’

‘Very well Minister,’ replied Harry.

‘Excellent, excellent…..I have a task for you Harry,’ Kingsley boomed as he sat down in a chair opposite Harry, ‘you have heard of this boy in Europe? He is called Skyrow, attends Durmstrang and is only his first year. From what I have heard; he is a young man of quite fierce ability.’

‘Yes I’ve heard of him,’ replied Harry a little uncomfortably, ‘what are his achievements then?’

‘Well he can already produce a fully pledged patronus, which is apparently of a large dog. He has already mastered Legimency and Occumency and last week, was victorious in the under 18’s world duelling championship,’ responded Kingsley.

‘Impressive….very impressive…..,’ Harry said in a quiet voice.

‘I sense you are a little uncomfortable Harry, what do you have to say?’ asked Kingsley slowly.

‘Well…..Minister……you know of the prophecy that was set eleven years ago, the one which stated my son will have to defeat a new, more powerful threat…..well what if this boy is this threat?’ replied Harry uncertainly.

‘That is why I want you to go and see this boy personally. That is your task Harry, go to Durmstrang and talk to this boy, see what sort of man he could become,’ responded Kingsley calmly.

‘Very well Minister,’ replied Harry with a nod, ‘perhaps I should also take Ron too Minister? He’s still quite new as an auror and he could do with some experience.’

‘I don’t see why not,’ nodded Kingsley in agreement, ‘good idea Harry, I look forward to hearing your analysis on this young boy.’

*1 week later*

‘He’s just through here gentlemen,’ wheezed the Durmstrang castle’s caretaker as he led a wary looking Harry and Ron into the study.

‘Thank-you,’ said Harry as they seated themselves in front of the boy. Harry was shocked by the size of the young boy. He was very small for his age; his feet didn’t even touch the floor and overhung from the large chair he was sat on. He did however, have a very noble and captivating look about him, as if he didn’t quite belong where he was. His main feature were his piercing, bright green eyes, which shown out from his pale skinned face. His high cheekbones, full red lips and long, straight nose accentuated his almost royal manner. His hair however was a vivid, dark red which was kept a medium length and lay messily spiked across the top of his head. The boy stared from Harry to Ron with a querying, but confident look as Harry cleared his throat to speak.

‘Hello Skyrow, my name is Harry and this is Ron….,’ began Harry.

‘Call me Sky,’ said the boy quickly, cutting Harry off mid-sentence.

‘Don’t you like the last part of your name?’ enquired Harry. Sky stared at Harry for a few moment before answering.

‘No I do not,’ replied Sky simply.

‘Ok Sky,’ continued Harry, ‘you sound like your English, why are you at Durmstrang?’

‘I am English,’ said Sky, ‘but my mother did not want me to attend Hogwarts; she said Durmstrang was run much more in line with her beliefs.’

‘So who is your mother?’ asked Ron whose eyes had narrowed slightly. Sky gave Ron a peculiar look before answering.

‘That….is none of your business,’ replied Sky softly. Ron looked deeply into Sky’s eyes for a moment before writing something down on the parchment in front of him.

‘You are Harry Potter aren’t you?’ said Sky suddenly to Harry.

‘Yes I am,’ replied Harry, slightly off put by the change of position from questioner to answerer.

‘You defeated Lord Voldemort did you not?’ continued Sky.

‘Indeed I did,’ Harry said, slightly surprised that the boy was confident enough to use a name once feared around the world. Sky replied with a slightly disapproving sniff as Ron’s eyes narrowed even further.

‘You approve of Lord Voldemort then?’ asked Harry testily. Sky gave a small smile as he shifted forward so that the fire in the hearth highlighted his noble features further.

‘Well of course he was a flawed character wasn’t he; obsessed by that crazy, impossible dream of immortality. Of course, in a sense he is immortal as he will always be remembered, but I think that would be little solace to him don’t you think? But you cannot deny that his mission to unite all wizards was a noble one,’ replied Sky calmly.

‘You are very knowledgeable of a man who died before your time,’ said Ron sharply.

‘To be the best, one must learn from the mistakes of the best so that they will not be repeated,’ Sky reasoned.

‘Which leads us to you Sky,’ said Harry quickly, slightly disturbed by how the conversation was going, ‘for a young man, you are very special aren’t you?’

‘Why yes, I suppose I am. Youngest person ever to produce a fully fledged patronus, youngest world duelling champion; only yesterday I learned how to apparate on my second attempt,’ said Sky as Ron blew out his cheeks gently in amazement.

‘Very impressive,’ said Harry as he looked into Sky’s eyes, ‘when you are older, the Ministry would be very interested in you working for them.’ Sky gave a short, almost cold laugh as Harry glanced over to Ron with a slightly disturbed look.

‘I have no interest in politics and the bickering’s of old men sat around tables in cold dungeons, I have only one dream…..to become the greatest wizard of all time,’ said Sky as his green eyes shone brightly with ambition in the dim light. A numbing silence fell across the room for a moment as Sky, slightly embarrassed by his show of emotion returned his face to a neutral look.

‘Well Sky,’ said Harry finally, ‘the Ministry will always be here to support you. Good luck for the future; we shall monitor your progress with great interest.’ Sky gave a little nod as Harry rose from his chair and shook his surprisingly strong hand.

‘Goodbye Sky,’ said Ron as he held out his hand to him. Slowly, Sky took his hand and Ron felt an unusual, almost warm feeling before finally breaking away. With one last look at the small boy, Harry and Ron swiftly departed the room.


‘So…..what did you make of him?’ asked Kingsley the next day as Harry drained a large glass of firewhiskey in one gulp.

‘He is by far, the greatest young wizard I have ever come across,’ replied Harry as he wiped his mouth, ‘watch him carefully….I have a feeling that his destiny is tied with that of the rest of the wizarding world.’

*30th August 2017…….7 years later*

James Sirius Potter smiled at himself as he stood naked in front of his full length mirror in his grand, spacious bedroom. He was 17 and a half years old and in a few days’ time, would be on the train to Hogwart’s to start his final year. There was only two words that could be used to describe James; handsome and cool. James stared first at his own handsome face in the mirror.

He had inherited the good looks of his mother and father as he ran a hand over his smooth chin. He had large brown eyes, which were enhanced by the contacts he wore and had a long, straight nose. His lips were nice and full and his hair was dark brown and of a medium length so that it crept over his ears, and lay messily swept to the side in a breath-taking way; as if he had just stepped off his broom. James’s piercing eyes then travelled down his six foot frame until they came to look at his body. He was slim like his father, but not as slim as Harry was at his age and was nicely toned. He had two, small perfectly round brown nipples as well as the outline of his growing pecs on his smooth, hairless chest. The sides of his chest gently sloped inwards slightly towards his flat toned tummy where the beginnings of a six pack were forming. James eyes then travelled past the well-defined V shaped outline of his groin which pointed to his pride and joy: his cock.

His cock when fully erect stood at an eye-popping seven and a half inches long. The shaft was beautifully smooth, fat and pale, while the head was quite long and bright pink in colour. He was also blessed with a large, perfectly round pair of balls, which hung close to his big cock. James had discovered the pleasures of sex just over a year ago when at the end of his 5th year, he had shagged a 7th year Gryffindor girl. It was in that moment that he had discovered that as well as being blessed with a large cock, he also possessed a great sexual stamina, something the girl had no complaints about. James had since then slept with a few more girls and was hoping to add to his tally tonight. James had never had any trouble in attracting the girls. He was popular, good-looking and famous and the girls adored him for it. Simply put, James liked the girls, and they liked him.

James smiled once more as he took hold of his 11 inch unicorn haired, holly wand and began to use the hair removal charm on his mass of pubic hair in preparation for his antics tonight. James made sure he removed all the hair, including a few that lay on his tight ass until finally all the hair around his groin area had been removed. With one last look at his impressive body and his soft, dangling cock which looked even larger now it was shaved, James re-dressed into his dark, ripped jeans and striped, tight fitting blue and white top.

James’s bedroom like the rest of the house was large and impressive. In the middle of the room, lay mersin escort his large 4 poster bed which stood slightly raised above the floor on a small platform. His bed lay opposite a beautiful marble fireplace where a gentle fire crackled away under a small cauldron. Various posters of James’s favourite Quidditch players and musicians adorned the walls as well as a few posters of bikini clad young witches. Dozens of trophies (including the recently won Quidditch Cup which James was allowed to keep as captain) and certificates also lay on shelves or were stuck on the wall, highlighting James’s varied achievements. As well as being popular and good-looking, James was also a naturally gifted wizard and regularly came top of every class. However, this led to James having a laid back, almost lazy approach to school and found more thrill in causing trouble like his namesakes, rather than serious studying. Suddenly, Harry’s voice came sounding out of a small, wooden box which lay on James’s desk.

‘James!’ called Harry’s crackly sounding voice from two floors below, ‘come downstairs please.’ James sighed as he turned on the spot and apparated into the hall below. Harry was stood next to a fabulously dressed Ginny, who was straightening his bow-tie for him.

‘Ah son there you are,’ said Harry as he smoothed down his expensive dress robes, ‘your mother and I have been invited as honoured guests to the International Conference of Wizard Leaders, so you’re looking after your brother and sister tonight.’

‘I don’t need looking after,’ said Albus irritably as he entered the hall from the living room.’

‘That’s for us to decide,’ replied Ginny with a smile to Harry as Albus puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. James gave an exaggerated sigh before replying.

‘Ok then,’ he said in mock annoyance, ‘I’ll look after them.’

‘Good lad,’ said Harry as he ruffled his son’s hair, ‘Ron and Hermione are coming to pick us up and they’re bringing Rose and Hugo over. We’re stopping at their house tonight so you are in charge till we arrive back tomorrow James.’

‘Rose and Hugo are staying over!’ said Albus excitedly, ‘cool!’ Just as Albus said this, a loud knock on the oak, double doors announced the arrival of Ron and Hermione as Rose and Hugo hurried into the house.

‘Rose! Hugo!’ Great to see you!’ exclaimed Albus excitedly, as the three of them quickly made their way into the living room where Lily was also residing.

‘Ok, see you tomorrow son,’ said Harry as he gave James a brief hug before departing.

‘Goodbye sweetheart,’ said Ginny as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

‘See you James,’ said Ron and Hermione fondly in unison.

‘Bye guys have a good night,’ replied James as he shut the door on them. James smiled to himself as he hurried into the living room.

‘Right you lot,’ said James urgently, ‘I’m going to my room. Stay out unless it’s really important ok?’ The others gave him a swift nod before continuing to talk animatedly amongst themselves as James hurried back up to his room. James locked the door behind before flopping onto his bed, feeling a sense of excited anticipation build inside his body. Knowing that he would have the house free tonight, James had decided he could have a little bit of fun before returning to Hogwarts. Over the summer, James had been in touch via letter with a number of Hogwarts girls and tonight, had arranged a meet up with a 6th year from Hufflepuff. Feeling a little hot due to the petering out fire, James removed his t-shirt.

Suddenly, and much to James’s delight, the fire in the hearth suddenly turned a vivid green as James’ awaited guest suddenly tumbled into his room.

‘Hey Chloe,’ said James softly as he went over to help her back to her feet. Chloe gave a nervous giggle, as her eyes wandered first to James’s handsome face and then to his toned figure. James could already feel his cock rising under his jeans as he looked upon Chloe. She was dressed in just a bra and panties, so that much of her young, sexy body was on show.

She stood quite tall and had long, light blonde-brown hair which she kept in two pig-tails. She had a very pretty, innocent looking face with big blue eyes and small, juicy lips. Her black bra pushed up invitingly her size B breasts, while the faint outline of her lower ribs poked out slightly when she stretched her body. Her legs were long and beautifully slim and though she had a petite bum, it packed enough curves to get James excited. Gentlemanly, James took her hand in his own and led Chloe away from the fireplace.

‘Nice room,’ commented Chloe.

‘Beautiful legs,’ remarked James cheekily.

‘Cool hair,’ said Chloe to James with an admiring wink.

‘Beautiful eyes,’ replied James softly.

‘Sexy body,’ purred Chloe as she looked at James’s strong, youthful body.

‘Sexy……everything,’ said James with a wink, as Chloe laughed.

‘So…..,’ said Chloe as she began to trace her fingers along her flat, pale tummy, ‘what sort of fun did you have in mind?’

‘Well,’ said James confidently, ‘I’ve got a bottle of wine and….. I’ve got this,’ finished James as he pulled down his jeans and white boxers in one go, so that his hard seven and a half inch cock sprang free.

‘Oh….my…God,’ mouthed Chloe in surprise. James gave a triumphant smirk as he kicked his trousers away and stood with his feet apart, hands on hips, naked in front of Chloe.

‘That’s certainly an impressive looking dick,’ said Chloe as she licked her lips slightly in longing.

‘It’s all yours baby,’ said James as he began slowly pumping his cock, pulling back his foreskin in the process, ‘I’m feeling very kinky tonight…..lets have some dirty fun.’ Chloe gave an excited grin before suddenly reaching around her back and removing her bra.

‘Wow…,’ said James breathlessly as he looked upon her breasts. Chloe’s pale, pert boobs were a handful in size while her light pink nipples were pointy and deliciously suckable. A small, dark freckle lay just to the side of her pale areola on her right breast, as she gave them a little shake to tease James.

Just as James felt his pulse quicken, Chloe then quickly bent over and removed her panties. She giggled at the sight of James’s cock twitching slightly in excitement as he looked down at her pussy. She had a small, tight looking pussy, with very small pussy lips and a minute strip of light blonde pubic hair.

James smiled as she walked sexily towards him and pushed him into a seated position on his large, plush bed. Chloe immediately dropped to her knees and began to suck longingly on James’s hard dick.

‘Mmm that’s it, suck it babe,’ groaned James in relief.

‘Mmmpf…..mmmmpf……mmmmpf,’ moaned Chloe in longing, as began to engulf more and more of James’s thick, long cock. James stared down at Chloe with lust, as she looked up into his eyes with her mouth full of his cock.

‘Good girl,’ sighed James as he grabbed hold of her long pig-tails and began to pull and push her head along his cock.

‘Ahh fuck yes,’ groaned James loudly as his cock gave an excited twitch inside Chloe’s small, wet mouth. James continued to force Chloe’s head up and down along his cock by her pigtails as with his other hand, he reached down to play with her tits.

‘Mmm, your tits feel so good,’ moaned James, as he groped her soft, supple breasts, giving each of her nipples a tweak and pull with his long fingers.

‘Thanks,’ replied Chloe as with a pop, she removed James’ cock from her mouth. With a dirty smile to James, she positioned herself under his cock and began to flit her long tongue over James’s rock hard balls. James moaned even louder in response as she began to pull and suck lightly on his heavy, round balls. After a few more moments, James released Chloe’s hair and flopped back onto the bed, so that his legs still overhung the edge of the bed. Chloe edged forward and placed her elbows on his knees, as she continued to suck on the famous James’s large cock.

After around ten minutes of continuous sucking, James halted Chloe and helped her up onto the bed. James quickly brought his lips to her hers as he gave her a sloppy, passionate kiss.

‘Ahhh yes,’ moaned James in between his kisses, as he allowed his fingers to descend to her moist pussy. James felt Chloe moan softly into his mouth, as he began to caress her pussy lips before expertly slipping two fingers into her tight pussy.

‘Ahhh mmm,’ gasped Chloe as she felt James’ long fingers begin to pulsate inside her pussy. As James quickened the pace of his finger fucking, he began to gently bite and kiss Chloe’s tender neck, before descending his kisses towards her erect nipples.

As James slipped a third finger into Chloe’s now sopping wet pussy, he began to playfully bite animalistically on her nipples, much to Chloe’s delight. Chloe gripped on tightly to James’ messy hair as he sucked in a large amount of her breast into his mouth and began to slurp on her nipple eagerly. Encouraged on by Chloe’s moans, James continued to suck and bite on her breasts, until they both glistened in the low light with James’ saliva.

‘I think it’s time my dick felt what your pussy feel’s like,’ said James eagerly as he pounced on top of the slender Chloe, pinning her down onto the bed.

‘Mmmmm, fuck me hard big-boy,’ groaned Chloe as she spread her legs wide, giving James access to her quivering pussy. James swiftly took hold of his dick and began to tap it on the outside of Chloe’s small, moist pussy, letting flecks of her juices, coat his already wet cock. Finally feeling where Chloe’s entrance was, James promptly bucked his hips forward, so that his fat, seven and a half inch cock plunged into Chloe’s tight pussy.

‘Ahhhh that feels good,’ moaned James as he let his full weight fall onto Chloe’s body. Slowly, James began to force his hips forward, instantly feeling Chloe’s small pussy begin to stretch and expand to accommodate for his large cock.

‘Mmmmmmm,’ moaned Chloe suddenly in pleasure as she finally felt James’s huge balls rest on the underside of her pussy. She wrapped her slender legs around James’s waist as he began to thrust his dick in and out of her pussy at a steady rate.

‘Ahh….yeah….yeah,’ groaned James, as Chloe placed her hands on his bum, urging him on to fuck her harder. With a grunt, James raised himself to his knees and placed Chloe’s legs, on top of his shoulders, leaving her pussy at his mercy.

‘Oh fuck,’ James heard Chloe whimper quietly as suddenly, James began to thrust fast and hard into her tight pussy. As James kept up his powerful thrusting, he began to kiss and lick Chloe’s exposed toes.

‘Hmmmm yeah,’ moaned Chloe in a high voice, as the sensation of James’ licking her toes and fucking her pussy caused her body to quiver in ecstasy. James was by now plunging his entire dick into Chloe’s sweet pussy as he felt her pussy walls constrict nicely around his thick cock, followed by a gush of her warm juices. After around fifteen more minutes of fucking Chloe in this position, James removed his cock sloppily from her pussy and sat in an upright position against the bed-frame.

As Chloe straddled across his hips, James pulled her in for a passionate kiss, their tongues flicking and licking inside each other’s mouths in a lust-filled dance. As they continued to kiss, James reached across to the jug of wine he had placed on his bedside cabinet. After taking a long swig of the sweet nectar, James raised the jug high above nevşehir escort Chloe, who raised her head and stuck out her tongue in anticipation.

With a smile, James poured the entirety of the jug of wine over Chloe, some of which she caught in her mouth, while the rest gently cascaded down her beautiful body. Chloe gave a small giggle as she arched her back away from James, who was holding her tightly by her sides, as he licked the wine from her body.

Chloe gave a low moan as James continued to suck and slurp the sweet wine from Chloe’s body, focusing on her now erect breasts and toned tummy. Chloe began to grind her pussy on top of James’ cock as he lustfully enjoyed the pleasures of her body, keeping his cock hard and lubricated. With a final suck and pinch of her delicious nipples, James’ moved Chloe off his lap and placed her on all fours, so that her petite bum lay invitingly in the air.

Feeling heavily aroused by the sight, James quickly seized either side of her bum with his hands, as he positioned his body just behind her. Chloe gave a high moan as she felt James’ hand on her bum, feeling a sense of being dominated by the young wizard. Loving the sight of Chloe’s beautiful pale ass between his fingers, James slowly began to run his fingers along her smooth, curvy behind. Suddenly, James gave it a flurry of slaps, enjoying the feel of her flesh ripple in his hands.

‘Ahhh…..oooo…….oooo,’ moaned Chloe as she bit into James’ duvet, as he continued to smack her ass cheeks with a look of wild desire in his eyes. Finally, an out of breath James stopped as he surveyed his work. Her ass was now a lovely red colour and emanated a warmth which was not there before.

‘Beautiful,’ groaned James in a low voice as he spread her cheeks wide and spat his warm spit on her ass hole and pussy. With another affectionate slap of her bum, James grabbed his now throbbing cock and thrust it deep into Chloe’s pussy.

‘Mmmmmm, oooo yes fuck me,’ moaned Chloe as she thrust her ass back at James, so that the smacking sounds of their groins echoed around the large room. James struggled to keep hold of Chloe’s firm ass as she viciously thrusted and grinded it back at him eagerly.

‘Ahh fuck, you’re such a dirty whore Clo,’ moaned James as reached around and grabbed her hanging tits with his greedy hands. A light sweat had now broken out on James’ body, which glistened in the light, accentuating his toned torso. Suddenly, James grabbed Chloe by her pigtails and yanked her head back, as Chloe groaned in ecstasy and pain.

‘Oh fuck yeah,’ shouted James as a sense of domination over Chloe took over his mind. ‘Hee-yah!’ he cried, as using Chloe’s pigtails like reins on a horse, he began to smash his cock deep into her pussy. Using her hair as leverage, James leant his weight back as Chloe rose to a more upright position.

‘This is fucking heaven,’ sighed James out loud, as he continued to buck his hips wildly into Chloe’s pussy, who was moaning loudly in delight. After a few more minutes, James suddenly felt Chloe’s pussy juices explode around his dick as he groaned his approval. Without thinking, James prodded his finger into Chloe’s ass, causing her to scream out in ecstasy.

‘Ooo yes,’ Chloe moaned, ‘put your dick in my ass.’ James smirked as he circled his finger inside Chloe’s warm, tight ass until he finally felt it begin to expand. Not wanting to waste a second, James grabbed hold of his dick and began to press it forcibly against her asshole, until finally, a few inches of his cock eased into her ass.

‘Ahhhhhhhhh,’ sighed James in pleasure as he loved the feel of Chloe’s ass around the tip of his cock. Gradually, more and more of his cock slid into her ass, which began to expand with every inch that went in.

Finally with another, push, James managed to get balls deep into Chloe’s ass, as he held his cock there for a few moments whilst he raked his nails down her slender, pale back. Both teenagers groaned in delight as they continued to pleasure one another.

‘Fuck my ass hard James,’ begged Chloe as she reached a hand under her own body and squeezed on James’s large ball sack.

‘Mmmmppf…..ahh fuck,’ moaned James as he began to feel waves of pleasure jolt through his body. James took a firm hold of Chloe’s cheeks as he began to thrust hard into her ass, loving the sight of his cock disappear fully into her tight ass. After a few more minutes of pounding, James finally felt a strong, unstoppable orgasm envelop his body.

‘Ahhhh……urghhhh……ahhhhh I’m so close!’ James groaned as he suddenly felt his dick slip out of Chloe’s ass. Suddenly Chloe knelt on her knees by the foot of the bed and with both hands, began to vigorously rub James’ wet cock.

‘Arghhh here I cum!’ moaned James suddenly as he could no longer hold back the waves of beautiful pleasure that pulsated from his dick.

‘Ahhhhhh……urghhhhh……urghhhhhhh……ahhhh fuck yes!’ groaned James as seven, thick strands of his creamy cum exploded out of the tip of his cock and onto Chloe’s eager face.

‘Ahhh take it all baby,’ James moaned as smaller spurts of cum shot out of his hard dick. Finally, James felt his orgasm subside as he surveyed his good work. Chloe’s face was covered by three, perfect straight lines of cum, while smaller pools of his pure white juice had formed around her eye and chin.

‘James that was incredible!’ exclaimed Chloe as she and James flopped onto the bed in exhausted ecstasy. James laughed as the pair lay for a moment on the bed to catch their breath.

‘Erm…..Clo,’ said James in a falsely awkward voice. Chloe’s eyes shone in amazement as she looked at James’s cock. James smirked at her reaction as she looked at his fresh erection in astonishment.

‘B-but…how? You shot your load like a minute ago!’ said Chloe faintly, as she stared intently at James’s erect dick.

‘I did say I have a big sexual appetite,’ said James as he took hold of his cock from the base and shook it to make sure it was fully hard once more. James winced slightly as he experienced the uncomfortable feeling of achieving an erection so soon after sex.

‘Ready for round two?’ asked James cheekily to Chloe, who was still panting from their exertions only minutes ago.

‘You’re an amazing lover but I’m exhausted James,’ sighed Chloe as James sat up on his knees.

‘Oh please,’ begged James, ‘my cock is aching for more.’ Chloe flashed James a smirk as she rolled over onto her front.

‘Ok James,’ she said as she spread her legs slightly. James smiled as he mounted Chloe from behind, making sure to give her pale ass a firm smack before sliding his large dick into her quivering pussy. After thirty more minutes of constant pounding, an exhausted James finally reached his long awaited climax.

‘Ahhh fuck…..urghhh……urghhhh…..mmmmm,’ moaned James suddenly as his cock exploded in pleasure and he filled Chloe’s pussy with a large, but slightly more watery load of his semen.

‘Mmmm, that should do for a few more hours,’ said a satisfied as with a final spank of Chloe’s pert bum, he flopped onto the bed and lay in an impressive pose. The exhausted but satisfied Chloe curled into the side of an equally tired James, as they lay in silence for a few moments. After a while, waves of tiredness finally overpowered the two teenagers as they fell into a long, deep sleep.


James awoke late the next morning to the satisfying sight of a naked Chloe in his arms, her head resting gently on his chest as she slept. James slipped his hands under the covers, and began to gently stroke her side, occasionally allowing his fingers to descend to her bum. James let his fingertips caress her soft skin as he gave her a gentle kiss on top of her head. At the feeling of his kiss, Chloe began to stir as her eyes slowly flickered open.

‘Morning Clo,’ said James confidently.

‘Hey you,’ replied Chloe as she gave James a long kiss on the lips.

‘Did you sleep well?’ asked James when he finally broke away from the kiss.

‘Very well,’ purred Chloe in between kissing James’s neck.

‘Good…..did you enjoy last night?’ said James softly, enjoying the feeling of her gentle kissing on his body.

‘Hell yes!’ replied Chloe causing James to chuckle.

‘Well look who’s decided to join us this morning,’ said James confidently as he gestured down the bed.

Chloe turned her head and giggled instantly at the sight of James’s cock pitching a huge tent under the bed covers.

‘I’ll sort that out,’ said Chloe cheekily as she pulled down the covers so that James’s rock hard, seven and a half inch cock sprang free. Slowly, Chloe descended towards James’s cock and began to suck on it ravenously. After fifteen minutes of intense sucking and rubbing, James finally gave a loud groan as he cummed a massive load deep into Chloe’s mouth.

‘Yes that was good,’ panted an out of breath James as his huge cock began to rapidly deflate and the waves of intense orgasmic pleasure subsided. James watched on in delight as Chloe gargled his large amount of cum in her mouth. With a dirty look towards James, she allowed a dribble of his white cum to pour onto her chin, before suddenly, swallowing it down in one.

‘So fucking hot,’ said James lustfully, as he watched Chloe spoon the drops of cum from her chin and suck it off her fingers in longing.

‘Mmm tastes good,’ giggled Chloe, causing James to laugh.

‘I bet it did,’ said James erotically, ‘I’m sorry Chloe but I’m afraid you’ll have to leave soon. Mum and Dad will be back soon and they’ll go mad if they find you here.’

‘Harry Potter will be here soon?’ asked Chloe excitedly, as she looked eagerly towards James, ‘Oh James could we meet him? Pleaseeeeee?’

‘Sorry Clo,’ chuckled James, ‘maybe another time.’ James sat back against his bed-rest as he reached towards his wine filled goblet on the bed-side table and drained the glass in one. James re-filled his glass once more and began sipping from it as he watched Chloe re-dress into her bra and panties. Once she had re-dressed, James placed his goblet down and walked her over to his fire-place.

‘Well thank-you for keeping me company, it was a fun night,’ said James appreciatively to Chloe, ‘I’ll see you at Hogwarts tomorrow.’

‘My pleasure James,’ purred Chloe, ‘anytime.’ James smiled as he gave her a passion filled sloppy kiss on the lips and a squeeze of her bum. Chloe gave James’ cock a quick squeeze before she took a pinch of floo powder and disappeared into the flames. Once she had departed, James slowly turned around and gave a sigh of satisfaction. His bed-sheets lay messily all over his bed and in some places, were still coated in sweat and cum from their exertions the previous night. With the images of last night’s dirty sex still fresh in his mind, James summoned his dressing gown, which he tied tightly around his body before leaving his room.

James entered into the kitchen where Albus was sat reading his new spell books.

‘What were you doing last night?’ chirped Albus, ‘I could hear noises coming from your room.’

‘Never you mind,’ replied James as he gave Albus a gentle cuff around his head. Albus rubbed his head as James helped himself to some toast from the stack on the table that Albus had made.

‘Hogwarts tomorrow James,’ said Albus excitedly to his brother, ‘I can’t wait!’

‘Nor can I,’ replied James through a mouthful of toast, ‘can’t believe it’s my last year…..it has gone so fast.’

‘Yeah Jimmy, you’re getting old,’ replied Albus with a rare cheekiness as James gave Albus a wry smile, ‘do you think it’ll be a good year?’

‘Al, I think it’s going to be a year to remember,’ responded James.

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