A Family Betrayal Chapter 37


Writer’s corner: ( This part is just a bit of humor as the characters are fictional)

“ Hey all it’s me Karen the writer has let me announce the next chapter. He had a bit of writer’s block and is sorry for all the wait. In this chapter you will….what I can’t tell them. You mean Mr. Hawkrider, but okay. Anyway in this chapter…..I can’t let them know about daddy? Fine.”

“ Karen where’s my pacy?”

“ Oh no got to go hope you all enjoy.”

“ Hey where did she go. Hey mister or miss reader do you know which way my sissy went? That way ok thank you. KAREN WHERE’S MY PACY!?”

“ Serena I am sorry, but I threw it in the ocean for the sharky’s.”


“ Sorry everyone our daughters interrupted. This is Diamond and as Karen said Hawk has had writers block, but is back on his laptop. So please sit back and enjoy.”


Chapter 37 Aftermath

Tessa’s POV: A hour after Heath was beaten

I am sitting here between Maggie and Jasmine as we wait for Heath’s doctor Jenna to come out to give us any word. All the family are here also waiting for word on the man that has kept us together. If it wasn’t for Karen looking out her bedroom window the man I love could be dead right now. My heart aches to hold him as does his other women. All fourteen of us are in tears after seeing the end result of the beating he had been given. I pray that my our baby is alright. I hear the automatic doors open to only look up. I see my son Nick come in. My heart swells up with hurt since he is the main reason Heath is hurt. If he had just kept his mouth shut my love would not be in this place. Heath would never of went down to the beach. He would of be safe sitting between Jasmine and I having a wonderful day, but no my oldest son had to ruin things. I felt my anger start to build up as I stood up quickly as he started to come over. Once to him I start beating on his chest.

“ WHY! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO START SHIT WITH MY BABY!” I yell while pounding on his chest

“ Mom you need to calm down.” He tells me grabbing my hands to stop me

“ You don’t tell me what to do. Your the whole reason why Heath is in here.” I say seeing his eyes go wide

“ I’M NOT THE ONE THAT MADE HIM START TWISTING HIS FAMILY AND OURS UP!” He yells at me causing everyone to look

“ Nick this family is totally alright with how things are.” Mike says stepping over next to us before continuing “ You think life is fair. What if our family came into a new life. At least we each take care of our own.”

“ Yeah take care of your own just like Heath sleeping with anything with legs.” Nick says getting gasps before I slap him

“ HOW DARE YOU CRITIZE HEATH!” I yell seeing him rub his cheek

“ It’s not critizing saying the truth.” He says before looking past me pointing before he adds “ Just like those kids having different mothers. And my daughters and nieces becoming incest dykes.”

I look at him wide eyed before hearing crying. Before I say anything Nick gets kicked in the knee. I turn to see Karen standing there in tears.

“ YOUR A MEAN OLD MAN WHO HURT MY DADDY!” She says crying before running over to her mommy

“ You little…” He tries to say before Sierra slaps her father

“ Don’t you dare dad. If your going to bring the kids into this then I fit that statement. Mandy, Nicky, Lil Grey, Damon, Kevin, and Simone all have different moms. Growing up I had it hard with the other kids having a dad and one mom. They degraded me until they all got to know me. Karen is not any different then I am dad. If your going to hurt my nieces and nephews then you can forget seeing your grandbabies. As for me and Mandy being dykes we’re not. We just love the same man and each other.” Sierra says with tears walking away

Jack looks at his before asking.

“ Ok quick question….who is Kevin?” Jack asks to only get strange looks

“ An asshole.” Nicks says looking at him

“ He is the middle child of Nick’s and him and his father don’t get along.” I say glaring at my son

I notice Karen turn to look at Sierra.

“ You had it hard like me to Auntie Erra?” I hear Karen ask my granddaughter

“ Yes honey as it took years before I had any friends.” Sierra says saying the truth

“ Karen honey your aunt would come home crying everyday. Your grandma Megan and I would have to calm her down as she would shake.” Savannah says getting Nick’s attention

“ Yeah right she had friends in preschool.” Nick says getting a few nos

“ No Nick she didn’t you only thought she did.” Savannah says letting her words sink in before continuing “ And if you really want to get mean so can I. Maybe you should of went on that fucking road trip alone when your life turned upside down.”

“ Savannah you don’t mean that?” Nick asks getting a nod

“ Yes I do, look I love you baby, but you can’t let people be happy when they find it. Nick, mom loves Heath just as his wives and loves do.” Savannah says standing up for her daughter and granddaughter

Nick looks at her before looking at everyone.

“ Well maybe Heath isn’t the problem. Maybe it started with that bitch dyke. Ever since mom got hooked up with her and the other sluts they twisted her mind.” Nick says shocking everyone

It’s at that moment I get shoved to the side to only turn to see Travis, Adam, Jack, Chris, Justin, and Nicky standing there. Travis looks in Nick’s eyes deeply.

“ If you ever call my mothers anymore names you will be in a body cast by nights end.” Travis says in a very stern voice standing up for my wives and loves

Nick looks at them all before looking at my youngest son and grandson.

“ Nicky…Justin what are you doing? Are you saying that you agree with this twisted, perverted, disgusting cesspool of a family?” Nick asks to only get nods

“ Yep because they love for each other no matter the reason. Sure they fight, but at the end of the day when things get tough they stand together.” Justin says answering his brother

Nick looks at everyone again before looking into my eyes.

“ Well guess the only thing left is for you to ask your daughters to spread their legs for ‘ YOUR BABY’. He says getting gasps

I look over at his sisters to see all four are in shock. It’s Shelby that gets up making her way over to her brother. Standing there after shoving Travis out of the way she looks up at her brother.

“ If our husbands would be ok with it we probably would just to feel his heart beat against our breast, but we won’t since we love Heath as our brother. Nick you just need to accept that mom is happy. Now if you will excuse me I need some air as the sight of you disgust me.” My oldest daughter says walking pass Nick in tears after slapping him in the shoulder

I watch as her sisters follow with tears hitting their brother while their husbands go after them.

“ Caleb, Simon let them just go by themselves.” Nick says getting a shake of the head

“ Sorry bro, but I agree with Shelby. Your not the Nick that your father brought into the club.” Caleb says rushing out to comfort his wife and sister in laws

I stand there until I hear Dakota say something.

“ Grammie and Mommies Lindsey in corner crying.” He says as I turn to see what is going on

I make my way pass the guys that are standing around to get to my granddaughter. She is deeply crying.

“ I want my family back. I want my daddy. I want my grampie Nick to love me, I don’t want mommy and I to be alone again.” She says rocking back and forth

I squat down as her other grandmothers come over. She looks up to me past her arms that cradle her little legs before quickly moving into my open arms.

“ Grammie please don’t let mommy and I be alone.” She asks me with tears as I hold her close to me getting help to stand up as I keep her in my arms

“ Shhh I won’t baby girl. You and Allison will never be alone again sweetie.” I say as we all make it over returning to our seats I look over at my son Nick to only say one word “ Asshole.”

He looks at me with wide eyes as us grandmothers try to calm Lindsey down. She is so fragile shaking with tears that won’t stop. Allison comes over to squat in front of me rubbing her daughters back.

“ Shhh Lindsey honey it’s ok and we are not going to be alone. Your daddy will be ok just have faith in him. He loves you baby girl and your siblings.” Allison says as Serena comes over

“ Sissy don’t cry daddy Heath will make things all better.” She says getting in Maggie’s lap to only reach over to hug her sissy

Nick looks at us all before looking at the automatic doors as if he is conflicted. It was about that time we hear a cleared throat behind us. We all turn to see Dr. Jenna Dytona standing there. We all stand seeing her face show some sadness.

“ First off Heath is going to be ok. We stopped the internal bleeding and reset his ribs. We have his lung working, but it will take time for it to be back to 100 percent. The bad thing is he is not waking up.” She tells us as my heart sinks

“ What are you saying Jenna?” Maggie asks with deep concern

“ Well he is in a coma. It may just be due to shock, but we hope it’s not for long. I do ask that none of you, and I mean no one causes him any drama of stress.” She exclaims looking at us all

We all nod before she gives us the room number in which the kids start for the elevator in which Jenna just giggles.

“ Like always they are the first to go up.” She says as I giggle for a moment

Lindsey stays in my arms as Maggie carries Serena. The family let’s us women that Heath loves go up first. As we go up I feel my heart is heavy as I wonder if Heath will wake up. Once up we make our way to the room. I hold Lindsey on my right hip while taking Maggie’s right hand. She turns to look in my eyes giving me a small grin as in comforting. We make our way to Heath’s room as my heart just stops. There on the bed is our loving Heath hooked up to machines. His right eye is swollen, nose bandaged up. All of us start to cry as I hand Lindsey to Ellie before moving over to take his right hand in both of mine. I break down right there speaking through tears.

“ Oh baby please wake up. You have to wake up for us. We love you my love.” I say as Faye comes over placing her hands around me

Standing around the bed each of us tell him our hearts once more. The kids speak their’s as it’s Lindsey that takes it hard.

“ Daddy please wake up. I need you daddy don’t leave me or us. I love you daddy so very much.” She says with tears in her eyes

It’s a emotional moment for all of us. As the next few hours I did not leave his side except to pee then went to return to the chair holding his hand. Jasmine sat on the other side doing the same. The others find a place to sit as we just wait for the man we love to wake up like other times. All I can say in my mind over and over is.

“ I love you Heath baby come back to me.” I say in my thoughts


William’s POV: That night around 10 o’clock

It’s been a long evening with emotions running in every which way. I am sitting on the couch with Debra on my right and Tracey on my left, but she is on the end of the couch with her legs up behind her sipping on her wine. Ron is in his chair with Gina in his lap. They had Serena stay with our family next door since she felt close to Heath. We sat in silence until Gina spoke up.

“ You both ok?” Gina asks with concern only to get a nod from us both

“ Yeah just thinking of the events of the day.” I say getting nods from them

“ We understand William, but Heath would want us to go on and not be down.” Tracey says chiming in

“ Your right sis so what do you all want to do?” Debra states asking with a small smile

They all three look at each other before Gina shows a smile.

“ Well hun we first want to know how you feel truly about us.” Tracey asks with a hint of concern

“ Well we love all three of you. You have always showed caring and love toward us. Besides taking Heath and his family in.” I say getting smiles from them

“ Awww we love and care about you both, and Serena just adores you both. The reason why we asked is because well.” Gina says while finding her words before continuing “ Well how do you feel about swinging? Switching partners for the weekend?”

Debra and I look at all three of them before looking at each other. I search her eyes as she does mine. I see a slight grin before she turns to look at Gina.

“ So your suggesting I sleep with Ron and Tracey while you sleep with William?” Debra asks getting a no from Gina

“ No hun it’s more like you and Ron while William is with Tracey and I. Tracey and I are always a package when we swing.” Gina says as I look at Debra who is looking at Gina and Ron intently

“ Debra if your worried that Ron is going to hurt you well he won’t. He is a gentle loving man in every way. Although he does love sliding into a sexy tight ass.” Tracey say reassuring Debra

“ Um ok as I don’t want a man to cum in my womb except William. Sorry it’s just William has been the only man to make love to me since I was raped all those years ago.” Debra explains getting sincere understanding nods

“ Honey we can understand how you feel, but this might help relax us all.” Gina says as I feel Debra squeeze my hand turning to look at me

“ What…what do you think baby? Do…do you want to be with Gina and Tracey tonight? Would you be mad if Ron makes love to me?” My beautiful Debra asks as I look deep in her eyes
“ Debra I will not be mad as long as you don’t. I know this is something new, but we have had threesomes before although with another woman. So just think of it like that with a different man inside you. I will not let anyone hurt you I vowed that years ago.” I say seeing her smile

“ Ok baby.” She says as I lean to kiss her lips it’s not long that I feel a hand rubbing my crotch

Debra and I break our kiss to look down. We see Gina and Tracey between my legs as Ron is between Debra’s slowly massaging her pussy through her shorts.

“ Ron can I ask you for a favor before we um begin?” Debra asks getting a nod as he works her shorts off to see a hairy mound

“ Yes ask away hun.” He answers taking her shorts off

“ Can you not cum in my cunt as I only want William to.” She says getting a nod

“ Your not on birth control darling?” Gina asks pulling my jeans off

“ No as I never needed to since I have been with William for the last 20 years.” Debra says as Ron spreads her legs up in the air

“ Debra I will not cum in you. If I have to all I will do is pull Tracey over and empty in her.” Ron says with a smile before going down between her legs starting his advances

“ Mmm William your certainly hung darling. How big does this thing get?” Gina asks slowly stroking my manhood while Tracey massages my balls

“ He….is 11…inches of…love.” Debra says moaning as Ron gets her going

“ Oh my Gina I think were getting stretched tonight baby.” Tracey says with a sexy grin before licking up the left side of my shaft

“ Oh yeah we are I can’t wait either.” Gina says joining Tracey licking the right side of my shaft

“ Mmmm he tastes good like cocoa butter. Yes baby get hard for your lovers.” Tracey says fondling my scrotum

I looked over to see Debra slide her hand up her shirt with eyes closed. I guess Ron hit her spot as she moaned. I returned my eyes to Gina and Tracey who had taken their hands off me to only take their shirts off baring their braless breast. My eyes go wide as they has I see pierced nipples. Both of them get back on their knees to return pleasuring me. I notice Ron stand taking his shirt off then his jeans. His dick flops out making Debra gasps. She turns to look at me with her legs still up in the air. I nod as to telling her it’s ok. She gives me a smile before lowering her legs to only lean forward taking Ron’s dick in her mouth. I don’t know what to think, but don’t say anything as Gina has my cock in her mouth while Tracey sucks on my ball sack. I hear Ron moan as I moan also to Gina’s warm mouth on my dick. I can’t believe I have this woman that only last year came over to Heath’s to check up on the house. Back then I thought she was sexy, beautiful, and strong willed. I thought her ass was sexy and tonight it was mine to have. I moved my hands to her head running my fingers through her hair. It was so silky as she started to bob her head up and down. Tracey licks my scrotum before she stands up. I watch seeing a sexy smile as she finishes stripping. She had a skirt on with no panties underneath. I looked between her legs to see a nice bush of hair.

“ Like what you see baby?” Tracey asks getting a nod before getting on the couch on my left before continuing “ Gina you love sucking that cock?”

“ Mmmmmphf.” Gina says while increasing her pace

“ Ron darling how is Debra mouth baby?” Tracey asks getting a moan from him

“ Very nice….she can give….a very wonderful…blow job.” He answers getting a giggle

“ I bet, so William what do you want me to do for you darling?” Tracey asks with a seductive grin

“ Play with yourself for me. Get that pussy wet for my dick.” I say seeing her eyes light up

She moves laying back on the couch. Her legs are up in the air with her right hand between her legs. Tracey looks at me spreading her labia lips apart showing me the pinkness. I notice a trickle of her juice’s flow out.

“ You like what you see baby?” She asks getting a nod as I feel Gina suck my the head of my dick before Tracey adds on “ Gina baby is that huge cock ready for some pussy?”

I turn to see Gina take me out of her mouth to only keep stroking me with a smile.

“ Oh yeah and it’s so thick I can’t take it in my throat. I have no idea how Debra can.” Gina states as I chuckle

Debra stops giving Ron a blow job, but keeps stroking him. She turns to me getting a nod before smiling to speak.

“ Actually I can’t hun. My man can only fill my other holes.” Debra says before reaching over to stroke the head of my dick as she continues “ I will tell you though as I have told the other fuck buddies we share. Once you get a taste and feel of this in your cunt and ass you always want more.”

I looked to see Gina and Tracey look at Debra with smiles. Debra let go off me to only keep stroking Ron who was enjoying the sensation.

“ So you won’t mind letting us be with him every now and then?” Gina asks while massaging my balls with her other hand

“ No as long as I can have Ron. Don’t get me wrong I love William with all that I am, but my pussy gets sore as does my ass. I wouldn’t mind having Ron in me, but after William gets me preggers. Then after we can sleep in different beds. Shoot I wouldn’t mind a three with you and William or Tracey and William.” Debra answers with a smile

“ Mmmm that would be nice. I have fantasized of you eating me out with this hunk fucking me from behind.” Gina says getting giggles and chuckles before she turned and looked up at Ron adding “ You won’t mind baby would you?”

“ No not at all as I would like a one on one with one of you a few nights as William might. Am I right brother?” Ron answers only to ask me

“ No not at all just let Debra get pregnant first so there won’t be no worrying.” I answer getting smiles

“ Well that’s the thing baby I am fertile right now. So this weekend would be best for that.” Debra says with a wink at me

“ Well that says it there. William when you feel your close just let me know to move from her so you can impregnate your woman.” Ron says with a sincere tone

I nod as Gina looks over at Tracey.

“ Tracey darling can you take my shorts off. I want this beautiful cock in me right now.” Gina asks getting a smile

“ Ok darling, but I get him after. I want to ride that hunk of love meat.” Tracey says moving off the couch behind Gina

I watch as Gina looks up at me like a love struck woman. Tracey takes Gina’s shorts off as I see Gina’s sexy ass. I smile as Tracey reaches between Gina’s legs.

“ Oh my Gina baby your soaking wet.” Tracey says lifting her fingers to her mouth to taste Gina’s juices

“ What do you expect I been horny all day thinking of this moment. I have had some feelings for William since that first night seeing him. His muscles bulging out, and the hard on he had in his jeans.” She says with a smile making me blush

“ You saw that uh?” I ask getting a grin

“ Yes I did sexy as you made my pussy wet. I came home and raped Ron.” She says as Ron laughs

“ Yes she did I was so sore the next morning. I thought my dick was broke.” He says getting awes

“ William you should of took her that night with me listening on the phone.” Debra says with a sexy grin

“ I would of let him. I was so horny just looking at him. Damn I am getting so wet.” Gina says before getting up off her knees

Gina straddled my hips placing her hands on my chest caressing my muscles. I felt her wet pussy on my hard cock that laid on my abs. She leaned forward placing her lips on mine. We kissed as I placed my arms around her. Pulling her to me as she moaned. Once I broke the kiss I moved my lips to her left hard nipple. She places her hands on my head pulling me in.

“ Yesss….oh William….suck my nipples.” Gina says moaning softly

“ Mmmm that is so hot.” Tracey says from behind Gina

Gina’s nipple tasted so good. I licked around her quarter size aerolas with my whole mouth around her nipple. She moaned in my arms her body inviting me.

“ William oh baby….I need you….please make me your…your slut.” She says making me stop my sucking her nipple

I leaned back as she looked at me with confusion. I picked her up placing her on the couch on my left. I stood up putting my jeans back on. I made my way to the back door as Debra spoke up.

“ William what are you doing baby?” She asks as I turn to see her sitting there worried

“ Going for a walk I need some fresh air.” I say opening the back door

“ But what about tonight?” My love asks with deep concern

“ I just need some air sorry, but you can enjoy yourself honey you deserve it.” I say seeing her slowly nod before looking at the others who looked at me with shock in their eyes

I made my way out saying not another word. Walking through the backyard I went down to the beach. The sand felt relaxing under my feet. The moon was high in the sky with being the only light. I didn’t know what time it was, but didn’t care while I made my way to the rock not far. Once to the rock that I have sat upon so many times since knowing Ron and the two ladies. I took a seat leaning back upon it. I let out a deep sigh not knowing what to think now. Why did Gina have to say that to me? I don’t like the word slut or whore. I never have since my sister died. Her letter made me upset when I read it. Of all the people who knew of my past Gina just had to say it. I am brought out of my thoughts as I saw someone walking towards my direction. I sit up as the person gets closer and closer. Once to me I see it’s Ron.

“ What are you doing out here? I figured you would have Debra moaning your name and cumming on your dick.” I say seeing his eyes go wide

“ William I would, but it didn’t feel right leaving Gina and Tracey without a man giving them pleasure and love.” He tells me as I just shrug

“ Well just do all three of them man.” I say seeing what looked like shock come across his face

“ William that’s not me. I don’t do a man’s woman unless he is with mine. Look what ever Gina said she is sorry. Right now she is crying with Debra and Tracey trying to calm her down. Gina thinks she lost a man she cares and loves.” He explains only to see me shake my head

“ Ron how can she love me as she is with you?” I ask seeing him grin

“ William you really have to ask that when our nephew Heath has several that love him. Look Gina loves you man in every way she can. The thing she didn’t tell you earlier is after she rode me for hours she cried after.” He exclaims getting a shocked look

“ Ok um why was she crying for?” I ask seeing him edirne escort then smile

“ Because Gina felt she cheated on me thinking of you. I told her no because it was me she was with. Then she told me about you. Then ever since we met I have finally started to see why. Look I love you bro as my own, but as Gina loves you I have the same for Debra. William I am not into just fucking Debra I want to make love to her as I do Gina and Tracey who loves you also.” He confesses to me sending shock through my body

“ Well I don’t know what to think on that. I am still very upset with what Gina said to me.” I say seeing him look confused before I continued “ I don’t like the word slut. Never have or will. Debra doesn’t even say it in my presence.”

“ Oh crap is that why you left the house?” He asks getting a nod before adding “ Damn I should of knew, but I was so into Debra stroking me to hear what she said. I am sorry bro I should of paid more attention.”

“ No it’s ok bro no worries. Look it’s getting late and I am mentally exhausted.” I say seeing him nod

“ It’s ok man besides I think Debra is really worried about you. She stopped and started getting dressed saying if you wasn’t going to be a part of tonight then she wasn’t either.” He says getting a nod

“ That sounds like her. Sorry man for turning the mood off.” I say seeing him shake his head

“ No worries maybe another time.” He says as I nod

We talked on our way back to the house. Once to the back door I let out a sigh before stepping in. It was at that moment Gina ran to me with tears in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around me crying on my chest.

“ William I am so sorry for what I said. Please…please forgive me for what I said.” Gina says with a pleading voice

“ Gina it’s just you should of remembered all I told you months ago.” I say feeling her nod

“ I know honey, but I said it in the heat of passion. I promise to not say it any more, but I…I do want to be yours also if…if you let me.” She tells me with a sincere heart

“ Gina it’s late and I a mentally tired. It’s been a long day.” I say as she looks up at me

“ So your…your not going to be with me tonight? Or Tracey?” She asks getting a no

“ No not tonight as I need Debra. Sorry but I got some things to think on.” I say as she lets me go stepping back looking up at me

“ It’s….it’s ok hun I understand. Just….just know William that…that I love you so much. I love you as…as Debra does.” She tells me just to turn going to Tracey

Debra gets up coming over to me taking my hand. We say our goodnights to only make our way up to our room hearing Gina and Tracey crying. I felt bad, but was not in the mood to continue what was started earlier. Once in our room Debra shoved me on the bed to only straddle my hips looking down at my eyes.

“ Baby I know Gina messed up and all, but she deeply loves you very much as does Tracey. Look maybe we all five have grown close as those in the house next door across the way, but with us it’s a mutual thing. I love you deeply baby and Ron, but I will never leave you. Dammit baby I want to be pregnant with your baby. And only YOUR baby. I am 44 years old and can still have children and dammit I am having yours. I love you William Grim so fucking much.” She tells me with tears

“ I love you too Debra, but what your saying is weird from you. You never wanted another to love me like Gina and Tracey do.” I say seeing a nod

“ I know baby, but since we have been here I am loving them too. I want to be with them and you. You are my man who shall only ejaculate in my womb, but I also want Ron to make love to me too. Hell I want you both at the same time, and that doesn’t make me what we don’t say. It makes me accepting two men who have my heart. Fuck now I know how Ellie, Verna, and Kiko feel.” She says with a smile

I look at her with new eyes and a new warmth in my heart. She leans down placing her lips on mine. We kiss for a moment before she breaks the kiss to only look in my eyes.

“ Now fuck me baby I am so fucking horny it’s unreal. My pussy it’s dripping from watching Gina suck your cock, and seeing Tracey play with herself.” My love tells me as she raises up taking her top off

I reach for her shorts unzipping them sliding my hand up the left leg feeling her wet pussy hair. She moans feeling my finger on her clit.

“ Yesss….mmmm baby…..take me…..fuck me.” She says moaning as I raise up to only shift us placing my love on her back

I take her shorts off as she lays there naked. I get up to take my jeans off before getting back on the bed between her legs. Debra raises her legs pulling them back towards her. Looking up at me with wanton eyes filled with love and lust I place the head of my dick at her wet entrance to only slide in.

“ OH YESSS….FUCK MEEEEE!” She says loudly as I do for the rest of the night


Gina’s POV:

It was a long night for me as I hardly slept. After William and Debra went up to their room. I cried in Tracey’s and Ron’s arms. They both tried to tell me to be patient because William just needed time to think. I told them that I was trying, but July would make a year that my heart was wanting to love another as I loved them. I confessed that I wanted William to love me as they did. I wanted William to hold me as he made love to me. It should be me in his bed right now. Tracey said she felt the same, but we had to let William feel that spark that was our hearts. I nodded crying on her right shoulder. It was around midnight as they went to bed asking if I was coming up. I said no since I needed some time to myself. They nodded as Tracey took our man’s hand leading him to bed. I sat on the couch with my thoughts going every which way. After about 45 minutes I quietly went up to check if William was ok. When I stepped up to the bedroom door I heard Debra moan his name with what sounded like a hard powerful orgasm. I felt my tears return as I backed up a step placing my hand on the door. I lowered my head hearing Tracey moan from down the hallway. I guess tonight was just not meant to be. I returned to the living room to only lay down on the couch crying my eyes out for a man I was deeply in love with. Sleep came two hours later with dreams that was just that dreams.

I woke up early before everyone fixing coffee then breakfast since I had nothing else to do. Ron and Tracey came down both giving me a deep passionate kiss that I returned back. Tracey although held me close as she always did as out tongues twirled together. I loved her so much as she was my best friend, companion, lover and wife. She squeezed my ass making me moan. Once the kiss was broken she smiled telling me that later it would just be her and I for a girl on girl love session. I told her thank you, but I was just not in the mood to get off. She gave me a look of worry, but nodded before fixing her a cup of coffee. She sat in her normal chair on the right of Ron. As they talked of the day going to the hospital to visit Heath. My mind was else where wondering if William would ever forgive me of my stupidity. As I was just finishing the eggs for everyone I heard some laughter coming into the kitchen. I didn’t turn around as William and Debra came into the kitchen. They said their good mornings as Ron and Tracey said theirs back. I felt hands on my shoulders to only look back to see Debra standing there. She surprised me giving me a deep loving kiss before whispering in my ear something that only spoke of love. I felt my heart warm up as she told me she loved me as Tracey did. I turned to be wrapped in her arms telling her I loved her also just as much. Once the hug was broke she fixed her a cup of coffee and William’s. I finally finished fixing breakfast before placing everything on the table. I sat down on Ron’s left next to Debra as William sat next to Tracey. We ate breakfast with them each talking. I remained silent to whole time not saying a word.

After breakfast was done with the men of my heart eating seconds from their nights of love I guess. I started picking up plates before I was stopped by Debra.

“ No honey let Tracey and I clean the dishes. You just finish your coffee ok baby.” Debra says to me before Tracey agrees

I do as asked while Ron gets up to help them leaving William and I at the table. I look over at him seeing his eyes looking at his cup I gave him for Christmas. It had a heart on it saying ‘ I love you’. I thought then he took the hint, but I guess I was wrong. I took a sip of my coffee before hearing the other man I love speak up.

“ Gina um would you and Tracey like to take a walk with me?” He asks surprising us both

Tracey turned to look at him as I did.

“ Um William what’s going on sweetie?” Tracey asks as he stood looking at us both

“ Nothing except I want to talk if it’s ok with you both.” He answers as we look at Ron who gives us a nod

I get up as Tracey takes a few steps to William taking his right hand that he offers. Once around the table he offers me his left. I take it as he looks at Debra who smiles with a nod.

“ Have fun baby take your time my love.” Debra says before William leads us out of the kitchen then out the back

I felt confused as we made it to the beach. There was no one around as it was 8 in the morning by my watch that William had gave me. He led us to the rocks far down the beach. Once for some reason we got behind them he let go of our hands before turning to look at us both.

“ Gina, Tracey I owe you both a apology. I am sorry for leaving you both last night. The truth is I love you both as I do Debra just a different way. Being around you both all these months my heart as grown to love three beautiful ladies. I hope you both accept my words as they are true.” He says shocking us both

“ Wait you…you love us, but the way you acted last night seemed you didn’t?” I ask seeing him nod

“ Gina I was conflicted after what Ron told me. I never truly thought two other women would love me, but when he reminded me of Heath’s situation then Debra seconding it I guess it finally kicked me in the ass.” He says as I feel my heart flying before he speaks up again “ I love you both and hope that you still love me.”

Tracey and I stand there for a moment looking from him to each other. We both smile before turning to him to only tackle him to the sand. Each of us start kissing on him before I rip his shirt off. Tracey pulls his pajamas off exposing his beautiful flaccid cock. Tracey this time works him to hardness as I strip my clothes off.

“ Girls you sure about this? What if someone walks up?” He asks as I lay next to him

“ Who cares baby we want you so much, and if they do oh well maybe they can learn something.” I say as my wife giggles on our new baby’s cock

“ Ok I guess Debra isn’t the only kinky woman I have now.” He says as Tracey speaks up

“ Ok baby get that cunt over here and ride our baby while I get my pussy ate out.” She says as I quickly straddle the other man I love rock hard cock

“ William please let me control as your so huge and thick.” I say slowly lowering down feeling the head start to stretch my pussy

“ No worries darlin ride me however you want.” He tells me as I moan slowly taking him into me

Tracey quickly took off her clothes to only straddle his face. We both let out a moan for our baby. I felt so alive on the beach as the sun beamed down on the sand. We were blocked by huge rocks out of sight, but if anyone got close they would get a eye full. As my pussy took in more and more of his cock I was in heaven. I have never in my life experienced something big inside me. I slowly started riding him every so often wanting more and more. I felt my orgasm building up as I leaned to kiss Tracey we both moaned in the other’s mouth as I started to grind against Williams dick that was getting deep up inside me. I woke up sad, but now was very happy that the other man I loved was giving me his love at this moment. Words were not said just love being flowed from one heart to the next. That morning the three of us made love for hours in the sand until the sun got up high in the sky. William came in me twice and in Tracey’s ass once. She was sore so William carried her naked back to the house. I carried our clothes seeing very few people way down the beach. Once to the back door we found Ron and Debra both nude sitting on the couch cuddling. I gave them a smile as Ron got up to take Tracey from William. She told Ron her ass would be out of commission for a few days, but then told him he better knock her up telling him how many times I came while riding William who blushed. Ron chuckled says he would so she could have William in her pussy to. William and I made our way over to Debra who got up to hug us both as we kissed her each. Ron sat in his chair with Tracey. Next thing I knew Debra and I were working William back to hardness as he bent her over taking her right then and there. Debra told me to get on the couch in front of her so I did. It was nice as she began eating me out. I guess what would of happened last night was happening this morning. All I could say it was definitely worth the wait as I loved these four people with all my heart.


Feeling the sand between my toes relaxs me walking down the beach. I always enjoyed walking next to the shore feeling the ocean breeze hit my body. My mind kind of felt at peace, but yet felt conflicted. As I ventured further down seeing the house insight I noticed a fight going on. I ran to see if I could help the man getting beat up. As I got closer I stopped dead in my tracks seeing the man getting beat like a rag doll was me. All six guys hit, kicked, and slammed me into the sand. I tried shaking my head getting the scene in front of me out of my head, but to no avail.It was at that moment I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to my left to see my dad standing there.

“ Dad what…what are you doing here?’ I ask him seeing a smile

“ Checking on you Champ to make sure you don’t feel so bad emotionally.” He answers as I again shake my head

“ How can I not feel bad when I got my ass handed to me? How am I suppose to feel dad?” I ask seeing him give me a grin

“ Son look at those six men then at yourself. Truthfully I couldn’t take all six and I learned how to fight by my brothers your godfathers.” He tells me shocking me

“ Wait they taught you?” I ask being surprised as he nodded

“ Yes Champ I wasn’t all muscle. When I was in high school and your mother was my girlfriend at the time I was surprised by seven guys. They bad mouthed your mother saying after they were done with me that they would take good care of her. I stood up for her not going to give them a chance. That day I got my ass handed to me, but not before Mike, Nate, and Ricky came to save me. They were each in a sport Mike and Ricky football as Nate was basketball. Maggie came running to me holding me in her arms while your godfathers took care of the seven men. After that day my three best friends taught me how to fight.” He tells me with a proud smile

“ Did…did you feel like a man after?” I ask seeing a nod

“ Your older siblings and you were born right? Of course I did hell your mother never left my side after. Everyday she would take me to bed and make love to me showing I was a man.” he asks telling me of my mothers ways

“ What did grandpa and grandma say about that?’ I ask getting a chuckle

“ I told her to make my son whole again.” A old familiar voice says from behind us

I turn to see my grandmother Penelope standing not far smiling.

“ Grandma your…your here?” I ask as she takes the steps to step on my right taking my hand

“ Yes honey I am here. Look baby boy you need to listen to your father.” She says to me with those blue eyes

“ I know, but why are you just now visiting me? It’s always been dad or grandma May.” I ask seeing her nod

“ Because my baby boy is down and needs to see the strength he had deep in his heart. Heath you are strong willed just like your grandfather and father. You think your grandfather was always tough? No he wasn’t, but he had me to pick him up and keep him strong. Heath love is a magic that always comes out of no where. Your mother had the same touch and love to help your father as I do. You have several women that have the same type of love that is true and pure. Heath don’t let one fight change how you feel. I love you my loving grandson and always will.” She tells me as I have tears in my eyes

“ Grandma I just feel I can’t be a man that they need any more.” I say as she wraps her arms around me

“ Honey you are and more. Hell if I was alive and young I would take you and make you whole. Honey you have those that will make you whole again and for all that you are let them. Don’t leave them over one fight.” She tells me as my father squeezes my left shoulder

“ She’s right son for your our Champ. Your grandfather told me once. ‘ It takes a man to walk away from a fight, but it takes a hero to stand for what those he loves’. I took my stand for your mother as you took a stand for those you love. Son I love you and have the strongest faith in you. Now you need to wake up as those women in your heart are waiting to see your bright blue eyes.” He tells me as both step into me fading

I look around as the scene changes to see all 14 of my loves standing around motioning me to them. Each one yelling my name.

“ Come back to us baby.” They all say in unison with their mouths moving slowly as I blackout

It’s at that moment I open my eyes to see my wives and loves all standing around with tears chatting and praying. I turn to my right to see Tessa and mom standing there both holding my hand.

“ Please baby come back to us. We need you baby so very much.” Mom says with her head on Tessa’s right shoulder

Look to my left to see Jasmine and Tiffany doing the same. Hannah is holding Diamond while they both cry on each other’s shoulders. I look to see others holding one another as if I died. I shake that thought out of my head as seeing those that I love crying making my heartache seeing their tears. I squeeze the hands that are in mine at that moment. Those that are holding my hands gasp alerting the others.

“ HEATH YOUR AWAKE!” Tessa and mom yell as all my ladies that hold a part of my heart come over surrounding the bed

“ Heath baby how do you feel honey?” Ellie asks with a smile wiping her tears away

“ Like a truck hit me.” I answer hearing them all sob

“ Baby we all were so scared we had lost you.” Jasmine tells me as I squeeze her hand

“ Your never going to lose me my beautiful Latina.” I say as my voice cracks

“ What’s wrong honey need some water?” Mom asks getting a nod

Tiffany gets me some water then helps me drink it.

“ Slowly baby you been out since yesterday evening.” Tiffany says as I slowly drink the water from the cup

After I get my mouth moist again I look at all their eyes before I ask.

“ So how bad am I?” I ask getting some worried looks

“ Well baby your ribs are broke, one punctured your right lung so your going to have to watch it for a long while, your right eye is swollen shut, and your upper body is badly bruised. Sorry but it hurts my heart to see you like this. Why did you fight them baby?” Diamond explains my wounds to me while fighting back tears

“ Because those men were threatening to make you sluts and whores. I couldn’t let that happen regardless the out come. You are all my loving, beautiful women and I want to keep it that way.” I exclaim getting grins and nods

“ We understand that darling, but you mean more to us then our bodies. If things had ended up with them abusing us they could never take our love as it as always been yours.” Mom tells me as I nod

“ I know it’s just your bodies, heart, and souls are what makes my heart keep going. You all are the reason I keep going.” I tell them getting warm smiles and loving eyes

“ We know baby, but like Diamond said you will have to keep still for a few weeks to heal. So no extra activity for you.” Hannah says to me as I see them all pout

“ Well guess we need to think of something in the mean time.” I say looking to see nods

“ And no we are not going to sleep with other men if that is what your thinking mister. Our pussies are only yours except for Ellie, Verna, and Kiko’s situation.” Mom says to me with a smirk

“ I wasn’t thinking that darlin. I was thinking if you all do the work I can still eat laying down.” I say with a grin

“ Oh really? Well what if we don’t want to test it because we’re afraid of hurting you baby.” Jasmine says with a stern expression

“ But won’t you all want?” I try to say seeing them shake their heads getting cut off by Tessa
“ No my love we are not going to take the chance to hurt you. I already talked to Jenna she said we can give you oral versus straight up sex. Because your balls will build up and make them blue.” She tells me as I just sigh

“ She’s right darling even a week will make you ache as what Jenna says.” Mom says confirming what Tess just told me

“ Ok fine but who is going to be the one doing this?’ I ask getting smiles

“ All of us baby as we know how many times a day you can ejaculate.” Renee says getting them all to giggle

“ Well what do you expect when I have so many beauties that I love to look at.” I exclaim getting nods

Each one give me a hug and kiss my lips smothering me with love. I feel my heart warm as always when I feel their love shine so bright. The rest of the day I am in my thoughts knowing my grandmother and father are right as I have those that love me to help me through my worst time. My doctor came and checked on me a few times making sure I was comfortable since my upper body was in a cast. I liked her since she was a very good doctor.


Justin’s POV: Three days later

I was sitting on my bike hanging with my nephew Nicky, but he was more of a brother to me. We were talking about how his father, my big brother, caused a lot of shit. I mean damn I know how he felt to a extent, but I didn’t start anything with Heath. At one time I wanted to, but he is like a real brother to me. I was testing out my new phone seeing how the camera worked when something caught my eye. I got Nicky’s attention pointing over at Karen. We both watched as I recorded her actions. She had her helmet and outfit carrying it all to the trash can. I slowly moved closer to get a better view. She had tears in her eyes as she stopped dropping the leather jacket and pants to the ground. What I see next shocks me. With all her might she throws the helmet on the concrete as hard as she could.

“ I hate you, I hate you.” She says picking up the helmet to do it again

My heart goes out to her while I see her throw it down again as I hear a crack. Karen picks it up again only to take it to the trash can throwing it away. She turns around picking up the leather outfit up and throws it also in the trash crying harder.

“ I love you grampie Nick. Why did you have to hurt daddy and me.” She says before running back in the garage and into the house

Nicky comes over with a sad expression as we both go over to the trash can. I record the trash can at what it contained. I stop making sure it’s saved before looking at Nicky.

“ What are you thinking about bro?” I ask seeing his eyes show anger

“ How much I want to hit dad in the face. Damn she is just a little girl that loved him, but now she is so full of hurt and tears that it’s not funny.” He says as I can only agree

“ Hey go get Renee and Jessie. Have them get these and send them back to your moms” I told him seeing wide eyes

“ Bro if we send them back mom is going to cry her eyes out. She was the one to pick the leathers out.” He tells me as I nod

“ I know bro, but she needs to see what a man’s pride caused a little girl and the kids.” I say with my right hand on his left shoulder

“ Ok bro what are you going to do?” He asks as I start sending the video to my sister in laws

“ Something that will show a little girl’s hurt in action.” I say elazığ escort sending the text with the video

While he goes to get those we feel are sisters I walk around back to wait for a phone call. I know once Vannah and Megs sees the video all hell will break loose. I love my sister in laws but when they get mad watch out. Once in the back yard I sit on one of the lounge chairs looking inside. I see Heath in his recliner with mom in his lap. I smile knowing they are happy, and if me making their happiness stays strong well I will do what it takes to keep those against it away even if it’s my brother. Nick and the others left yesterday, but Savannah rode back with Megan. I didn’t blame Vannah as Nick was being a heartless bastard. I watched as Maggie got in his lap giving him a kiss making sure not to put pressure on his chest. I keep kicking my ass in my head thinking of what Nicky and I could of done to stop Nick, but everything went back to him shoving us back just to fight Heath. It’s at that moment my phone rings as I answer it.

“ Hello bro what’s up?” I ask staying calm

“ Not much except my wives are yelling at me. Why did you send them that video for? Karen is nothing to them or me.” He says as I shake my head

“ Nick for starters that girl loves you as her grandfather and all the family. You just can’t let your pride get out of the way to accept mom is happy with Heath. Dammit bro this has been the most happiest I have seen her since dad died.” I say hearing my sister in laws screaming at him as I hear Shelby in the back ground telling them to calm down, but by her tone and that of my other sisters they haven’t seen the video

“ Justin I am not going to accept it. Dad and I raised you to learn right from wrong. We tried to set a example for you so you could follow in our footsteps.” Nick exclaims as I shake my head again

“ And what’s that to be a asshole? Sorry bro but I NEVER want to be a fucking asshole like you. You hurt a sweet little girl that only wanted a grandfather to love her as such. Sorry bro until you can come to terms you can take your club and stick it UP YOUR ASS!” I say loudly before hanging up on him

I place my phone in my vest before placing my head in my hands propping it up on my elbows. It’s not long that I feel a tongue licking my arm. I move my hands to see Batty standing there. I go to petting him as he starts licking my face.

“ Hey bud that’s enough boy.” I say taking his face in my hands to look in his eyes to see some worry before I start petting him again adding “ I know boy I am worried to as this family needs to stay strong. I am trying my best Batty.”

He barks a few times as Sprinkles and Wiggles come over to join the conversation. I just smile as all three of the family dogs start barking as if talking their hearts out. I laugh as I see Batty looking at Sprinkles with a confused look. He shakes his head before laying down at my feet with the other two laying by him. It’s at that moment the back door slides open while I look to see Karen come over. She always makes me smile as I see those eyes stay bright even when she is sad. She comes over to me standing with a serious look on her face.

“ Uncle Justin your not mad at me are you?” She asks with her cute voice

“ No honey never was baby girl.” I say patting the spot next to me

She sits down with her legs over the side placing her hands in her lap.

“ Why would you think I would be mad?” I ask seeing her look at the ground

“ Because Grampie Nick hates me. I just figured you would too.” She says catching me off guard

“ No, no honey I could never hate you. I am not like my brother. I love you and the kids Karen. So don’t never think I hate you or anyone else honey that are in this house.” I say seeing her look up in my eyes

“ Uncle Justin will you hold me? Uncle Nicky was to busy when I asked. And I don’t want to hurt my daddy.” She asks as I turn to pick her up placing her in my lap

“ Karen you know I will always be here for you and the others. I love all my nieces and nephews. So what is on your mind honey?” I ask exclaiming to her

“ Well Uncle Justin I know your bikey doesn’t have a child seat on it, but can you take me for a ride?” She asks getting a chuckle

“ Sure honey, but you need a helmet honey.” I say seeing her eyes show sadness

“ Oh. Never mind just hold me please.” She says as I do hold her

My heart melts for this little precious girl that reminds me so much of Savannah and Sierra. Makes me wonder if they were blood related in some weird way, but I shook that thought out of my head as she talked of how she loved me and those in the house. She was so full of life and why my brother had to hurt her was beyond me. I just hope he comes around one day to see his stupidity and pride hurt so many that were close to him. It was a few minutes that Karen got down and started to play with the dogs. Each one licked her face as she sat holding Sprinkles.

“ Aww I love you Sprinkles.” Karen says holding her puppy by the neck gently

I just smiled knowing as much as she may get hurt or upset she would always love those she held a closeness in her heart.


Savannah’s POV: Day before Mother’s Day

The past few weeks has been aggrovating. The whole family has been ignoring Nick. Megan and I have cut Nick off since we were still pissedwith him. Megan and I took over the bedroom while he sleeps in the guest room. Our kids have begun to see the distance. Dwight and Yvonne have to in which Megan and I had a talk with them. They both agree Nick was in the wrong. I even called telling my dad and mom to get some advice in which mom told me to make him suffer. I giggled saying Megan and I were by not giving him any. She laughed saying I was a step ahead. I was sitting in the living room with Megan next to me. We were both wearing our bikinis when Simone our youngest daughter who I gave birth to came in followed by Damon the son Megan had. Simone is 18, 5‘6, 123 lbs fit like her mother’s, long beautiful black hair that goes to her ass and brown beautiful eyes. Damon is 17 but will turn 18 in a couple months, 6‘1, 221 lbs muscled like his father and uncles, long brownish red hair and blue eyes. Both are in their last year of school and are happy to me. They came up with a package in her hands.

“ What’s that baby girl?” I ask seeing her shrug

“ I don’t know mom, but it has your’s and momma’s name on the top.” My baby girl tells me placing it on the coffee table in front of me

All our kids call us mom or momma. Like the ones I have call me mom and Megan momma and vice versa. I placed my glass of wine down next to the package as Simone sat next to me and Damon in his father’s chair. He pulled out his switchblade so I could open the package. I looked to see it was from VA. I cut the tape handing back the knife.

“ Thanks baby boy.” I say with a smile getting a nod

“ Your welcome momma.” He says while I open the box

I look inside before feeling tears come to my eyes.

“ Mom what’s wrong? Why are you crying for mom?” Simone asks while I pull out the leather jacket that Karen wore

I sat back holding it to my breast as I held her tight to me before with left. Megan looked in the box pulling out the helmet and jeans. Our son and daughter must of caught on as both started to get upset.

“ Was that Karen’s outfit you both picked for her?” Simone asks getting a nod

“ Dad needs his ass whooped. Sorry momma but it’s true. How could he hurt our cousin like that?” Damon says being mad

My kids took in Karen and the kids as their cousins, but I knew it was more like brothers and sisters.

“ Damon’s right mom what if it was us? What Sierra told me made me cry so bad.” Simone says getting a nod from Damon

“ I don’t know hun, but what can Megan and I do? We still love your father. It’s just he is not going to accept that your grandmother is happy being with Heath.” I say feeling my daughter cuddle up to me on my left

“ Well I don’t know what it’s like to be in love with a man, but I would threaten him or scare him in a way he would never see it coming.” She says exclaiming to us

“ I say divorce him momma. Hell you both have what grandma gave you to help with all of kids, and what grandpa left us. Hell I am getting tired of everything around here. I wouldn’t mind scooping out the beach where Aunt Jasmine and them live.” Damon says blushing getting giggles

“ Awww does someone like Jasmine and the others in Heath’s heart?” I ask seeing him blush

“ It’s not that momma, just I don’t know ever since Christmas and the wedding I just felt better there then here.” He says confessing to us three

“ I feel the same mom and momma. And Heath omg he is so handsome.” Simone says as Megan and I giggle

“ Simone are you saying you like Heath?” Megan asks with a raised eyebrow only to see our daughter blush

“ Momma it’s um not……yes, yes I do sorry I know I shouldn’t, but damn his ass is nice.” My daughter says with a grin and dreamy eyes

“ No worries honey I can understand baby girl.” I say with a smile

“ You do, have you been looking at his ass too?” She asks like being a protective girlfriend as I giggle

“ Well what if I have. I maybe be married, but I can still look. Hell the way your cousins Renee and Jessie talk he sure can….” I try to finish before cut off by Damon

“ Momma I don’t think I want to hear that remark.” He tells me with a smirk

“ Your no fun bro.” Simone says to him before looking at me adding “ What did she mean mom tell me?”

“ Later hun no need to embrass your brother.” I say getting a nod

“ You promise?” She asks getting a nod

“ Damn sis you act like you like the man.” Damon says as my beautiful youngest daughter lowers her head

“ What….what if I do it’s no one’s business except mine and his. Maybe those around him, but if I do I sure am not letting our father step in the way.” She says as I think for a moment as she continues “ The human heart can’t help who it wants as mine as found that man it wants.”

“ Those words are true sis, watch out though because I don’t want you hurt.” Damon says getting a nod

“ I know bro and I will be. It’s just I feel this feeling that is drawing me to him and to those around him.” She says making things interesting

I looked at the jacket that still had Karen’s sweet smell on the collar from her shampoo. I missed her and my other grandkids hoping to see them again. I guess Megan sees my tears as she takes my right hand pulling me up off the couch.

“ Excuse us kids, but I think your mothers needs some alone time.” Megan says as she starts leading me to the stairs

“ Can…can I come with you both?” Simone asks getting our attention

We both turn to look at her eyes.

“ I don’t know hun I was just going to cuddle up to my wife.” Megan says squeezing my right hand

“ Please I want to cuddle with you both and talk.” My daughter says as I look at Megan searching her eyes

The thing that no one knew except Shelby, Lisa, Sasha, and Lucy knew was that we helped our daughters learn how to pleasure a man and woman incase they got with either one. We didn’t break their cherries as that was for their loves to do. Megan just shrugged her shoulders giving me a smile. I turned my head to Simone extending my left hand to her.

“ Ok sweetie come on. Damon you going to be ok?” I ask not wanting him to be left out

“ Yeah momma Uncle Caleb needed me to help Aunt Shelby this evening so I’m gonna start heading over there now.” He says as I nodded being led up the stairs by my sexy wife as I led my sexy daughter

I thought of what might come hoping Simone would not freak out. I just hope she looks at it as experience that she would need for being with Heath and my sisters, daughters, and mother in law. Once in the bedroom I led Simone to the bed as Megan shut the door. Simone sat down as I stepped back to look at her. Megan came over to me placing her arms around my waist from behind.

“ Go ahead my love I have your back.” Megan says to me whispering while placing a kiss on my neck

I looked into my daughter’s eyes as she looked at me with such curiosity.

“ Simone can I ask you a question honey?” I ask getting a nod before I continued “ Um have you had sex yet? I mean um have you slept with anyone yet?”

She looked down at her lap for a moment thinking before looking up in tears.

“ Not exactly sex, but Thomas had me to um blow him and his friends while they spanked me.” She says crying as my eyes go wide

Megan and I go sitting on either side of her.

“ Honey what else? Did they force you?” I ask getting a slow nod

“ Yes, they said I was only good for was sucking cock since my body couldn’t handle a fat cock.” My baby girl says as Megan held her

“ That’s not so honey. You are a beautiful young woman. And you could stretch to accept one.” Megan says trying to comfort our daughter

“ I know momma, but I only want one man that I love to be inside me. That man is…is.” She exclaims trying to finish until I cut her off

“ Heath?” I ask getting a nod

“ Yes, I’m sorry mom if it sounds bad, but when I am around him I feel love and safe. He actually talks to me like I am a person. It’s not all about sex or being told to bend over to be spanked.” She says as I grin

“ Well Simone the thing is if you get with Heath your going to have to share baby and learn to eat pussy as his women eat each other while Heath does one of them.” I say seeing her look at me

“ Mom I…I haven’t um ate pussy before. And I wouldn’t mind sharing as long as I get to hold him. How am I going to learn to eat pussy? Because the girls at school are skanks.” She says asking me

“ Well baby girl um your momma and I can teach you.” I say seeing her blush for a moment

“ Um mom I never thought you would with me?” She asks as Megan and I giggle

“ Well honey we helped your sisters learn. Why do you think they are a couple with Jack?” I state asking getting wide eyes

“ Wait….you both had sex with Sierra and Mandy?” She asks as I shook my head

“ No intercourse baby girl just the licking and sucking. You don’t have to honey as I know you can learn from Jasmine and your grandmother.” I say as she looks at my eyes

“ If it’s alright I think I prefer to learn from my mothers. I have always found you both beautiful and sexy.” She says as I smile

“ Have you had any bi curious thoughts before?” Megan asks getting a nod

“ Yes, but never exactly went through with anything. What do I do to start learning?” My sexy daughter asks us both

“ Just let us handle that baby as you just relax.” I say reaching up behind my neck undoing my top letting the straps fall as my breast show

“ Oh my mom your breast look beautiful.” She says as Megan does the same as I did

“ Thank you baby, but Megan’s are just as beautiful and firm.” I say as Simone turns to look

“ Momma your nipples are pierced. Does that hurt?” Simone asks getting a giggle

“ Only for a few days honey. Do you like them sweetie?” My loving wife asks getting a nod

“ When did you get them?” My baby girl asks

“ Not long after I got to know Hannah. She pierced them for me.” Megan asks as I think of my surprise for my daughter

“ Now it’s your turn baby. Show your mothers those tits.” I say seeing her smile excitedly

She takes her bikini top off quickly. I smile seeing she has nice B cup breast. I reach placing my hands on each one.

“ Very nice baby I can’t wait to suck on them.” I say as I stop and take her hands to put on mine

“ Your’s feel nice mom. What do I do now?” She asks as I smile

“ Well honey you can nibble on my nipples or suck on them like you did when you were a baby, but I hope you don’t mind if I was your first to eat you out while you sucked your momma’s tit’s.” I say asking my daughter

“ Oh my you really want to see my vagina?” She asks sounding innocent in which I guess she is

“ Yes, and honey when we are like this call it pussy, cunt, or twat. Now if you don’t mind my pussy needs so air as all this talk as gotten me wet.” I say standing up taking my bikini bottoms off

I see my daughter looking at my trimmed pussy. I spread my legs after stepping to her.

“ You like what you see baby love?” I ask seeing her bite her lower lip before nodding

“ Yes is that a clit ring?” She asks as I nod reaching down to flick it with a moan

“ Yes it is honey Hannah did it for me. You want one just like mine?” I ask getting another nod

“ Yeah does it hurt though?” She asks getting a nod

“ After it’s done yep. I made sure I was aroused so I was eating Megan out while Hannah did it.” I say with a smile

“ Simone honey why are you shaking for?”Megan ask as I see my daughters eyes glazed over

“ I think looking at my pussy is having a affect on her. Baby you want to go rethink things?” I ask seeing her shake her head no

“ No mom it’s just your so beautiful. What do you want me to do?” She says asking me as I step closer and get on my knees between her legs

“ Baby I want you to relax. Lay back while I take your bottoms off. I want to see what my beautiful daughter has between her creamy ebony legs.” I say undoing the strings on her right hip

She lays back as Megan lays on her left side making out with our daughter. I watch as they kiss with tongues playing with the other while Megan fondles Simone’s left breast. I pull my daughters bottoms off tossing them on the floor before gazing at her hairy chocolate pussy. I slowly scoot her to the edge lifting her legs up so I have access to her sweet spots. I stick my tongue out licking the sides of her labia tasting her wetness. She smells a little musky, but with a hint of raspberries. With my fingers I spread her nether lips to see her pink center. I slowly lick on each side of her inner lips getting a moan from my baby girl. I smile knowing as with Sierra and Mandy I was going to give my youngest daughter her hardest orgasm ever. I don’t touch her hyman as that is for a man that I trust with all my heart as Megan and I prepare her for him. I feel myself getting wet from us making love to our daughter. I keep licking as I lick her clit softly getting a louder moan from her. I look pass her bush to see Megan straddle Simone’s face to let her get a taste of what was yet to come in her life.


Waking up on Mother’s day was interesting. I felt like something was riding me, but that couldn’t be as I was still unable to move my body in such a way. I opened my eyes looking at the ceiling at first before looking down down at the scene between my legs. There I saw my mother with my dick between her breast. I noticed Tessa laying next to me with her right leg in the air playing with herself.

“ That’s it baby fuck the beautiful cock with your tits. Make our baby cum all over himself so we can lick it off him.” Tessa says as I let out a moan I can’t hide before she continues “ Hmm is our baby waking up?”

“ Yessss…..what is going on? Where are the others?” I ask seeing Tessa pull her fingers out of her to only to let me suck her juices off

“ Well baby they are down stairs fixing breakfast and tending to the babies. As for what is going on Maggie and I wanted our Mother’s day protein drink. So she is titty fucking you until you cum. So you like her beautiful tits around your dick?” Tessa explains getting a nod before she moves to hover over me as she adds on “ Heath my love you are a amazing and wonderful man. I am so very happy to have you in my life as are the others that share this heart of yours. Please baby promise you will never leave us for we will surely be lost without you.”

She tells me as I see tears come from her eyes.

“ Never darlin….I love you all….oh shit……I’m close.” I say assuring her as her eyes go wide with a smile on her lips

She leans down placing her lips on mine as I feel my mother bring me to that point. Tessa breaks the kiss to only move quickly as my mom lets go of me as Tessa starts stroking me to cum. Mom moves up on my left to give me a open mouth kiss. I feel her tongue dancing with mine as I can’t hold it. I break the kiss to only groan as I start erupting.

“ Oh yes baby keep cuming for your women. Mmm so lovely to watch you cum baby.” Mom says as I feel my cum hit my abs and neck

After I stop Tessa starts taking me in her mouth to milk me for the rest as my mother starts licking up what was on me. She starts with my abs then up to my cast to my neck before she goes to Tessa. Tessa takes me out of her mouth to only share a kiss with mom. I smile as mom shares what’s theirs to her wife. I watch them break the kiss to only show me my white cum before they swallow. Both then come up to lay on either side of me. I feel relaxed as both place a leg on my lower body. I look at both of them before speaking up.

“ Happy Mother’s day my darlin’s.” I say getting smiles

“ Thank you my love as I love you so much.” Mom says getting a agreeing nod from Tess

“ That goes for me to sexy. But as much as we would love to stay naked with you in bed and make love to you without hurting you. I think we need to get dressed and spend the day with the other moms….er….um…..loves.” Tessa says as I try not to chuckle, but to no avail as they giggle

“ Sorry baby, but actually we aren’t your moms anymore. We are way past that now.” Mom says placing her left hand on my chest with Tessa joining her

“ I know beautiful it’s just going to take some getting use to, but I wouldn’t change a thing except….” I say trailing off as my mind drifts to all the moms

“ Except what baby tell us don’t clam up now.” Tessa says while I take a deep breath that hurts

“ Except I wish you all could have a baby out of love. Sorry just wish you all could.” I answer getting tears and smiles

“ Baby if I could have your kids I would never get out of bed. I would stay pregnant just to have the man I love give us beautiful children.” Mom says as Tessa nods

“ That goes for me too sexy, but we have the grandbabies and more on the way. Maybe in the next life you, Maggie, and I will be together for always.” Tessa says caressing the left side of my face looking up in my eyes as she continued “ You are the man I love baby and no one is going to change that. I will fight and die for you my love.”

“ As I would my love. You are our heart and soul. You are everything to us. I just wish after your father died I started sleeping with you, maybe not make love, but sleep in the same bed. Especially knowing what I do now.” Mom says crying on my shoulder

“ Same here mom, same here.” I say as they both got up on all fours to kiss me passionately each

They got up to get dressed before dressing me. They pick a pair of loose shorts while I see smirks on their faces.

“ Baby you may not be able to slide this in and out of our holes, but doesn’t mean we can’t each get a load during the day. You have fourteen women that crave you in every way.” Mom says getting a chuckle as I wince in pain

They both help me up with my arms on either shoulder.

“ Now easy does it darling. When we get down stairs your laying back in your chair. We will fix you a plate and feed you.” Mom says as I shake my head

“ But what if…” I try to say but get cut off

“ No buts baby we don’t need you over doing anything. We are glued to you today so when you have to go pee were going as well.” Tessa says with a stern tone

“ Ok mother.” I say with a grin only to get giggles

“ That’s right I am by marriage and also your honey bunny so listen to us ok darling love.” Tessa says getting a nod

They help me down the stairs slowly then to my chair in the living room. I see My brothers and sisters sitting around. I smile as Jack is holding his daughters while Sierra and Mandy feed him and each other. Adam pampers Michelle by feeding her as Travis does the same with Kaye. Chris is holding Selena in his arms as she cuddles into him. I hear the kids in the kitchen acting funny. As I watched mom and Tessa walk to the kitchen I couldn’t help, but erzincan escort watch their sexy asses sway with a extra sway. They were in bikinis as always which didn’t phase anyone as all the women in this family were wearing them. Once they were in the kitchen I let out a deep sigh before hearing Shellie speak.

“ You ok baby brother?” She asks with concern in her voice

“ Yeah just feeling good sissy.” I say looking over at her seeing a smile

“ Good honey I just care so much and love you Heathie. I don’t want you hurt anymore. Seeing you like this breaks my heart.” She says with a few tears

“ I know Shellie as it hurts everyone else.” I say getting nods from everyone in the room

It was at that moment Mom and Tessa came back in with a plate of food. They made their way over to only sit on either arm of my chair. They started feeding me getting laughs. It was nice, but I wish I could of fed myself since it was Mother’s day, their day to relax, but they were stubborn that was a fact. It was a very enjoyable moment as I hand my hands on their far hips.

After everyone ate and got settled in places to sit. Gifts were passed around to those that were mothers. The godmoms received gift cards from their husbands. Us kids gave our gifts to our mother’s. Except I had to have Justin and Nicky go pick up what I ordered online from the jewelry store. I wanted the mothers to know how much I cared and loved them. They got cards, feminine oils and bath beads, nice silk robes, a few other gift cards to pamper themselves. When it got to me I nodded to Justin who just grinned with a nod. He went to the closet not far to bring me a package. I opened it before looking at the names on the small long jewelry boxes. I handed him some as Nicky came over to help. While they were passing the ones they had I handed Tessa and mom theirs. My wives, loves, moms, sisters, and godmoms all look at me puzzled.

“ Heath hun what is this I am not a mother?” Kaye tells me while I shake my head

“ You love the kids and feel they are your own right?” I ask getting a nod before continue “ Well there you go then.”

They all open the gifts in their hands to only gasps.

“ Oh Heath baby it’s beautiful.” Verna says with a smile

“ Oh your going to get it later baby.” Diamond says with a smile

“ Yep and tomorrow night.” Ellie says with a wink to me

“ What is it mommy?” Lindsey asks Allison who has tears in her eyes

“ It’s a heart with a rose with ‘ Number 1 Mother’ on the front.” Allison says showing our daughter

“ Aww it’s pretty mommy Allison.” Karen says as she goes to her mom Tiffany

I see tears as they all have the guys or person next to them put them around their neck. Mom and Tessa get where I can put theirs on them.

“ Heath thank you so much my love.” Renee says as my wives and loves come over to kiss my lips deeply

“ Ewwww they kissing daddy.” Lindsey says getting laughs

“ Awww baby girl that’s because they love him honey.” Selena says to her niece

“ I know Auntie Lena it’s just I am still trying to get use to it.” Lindsey says with a giggle

“ Baby this will never come off.” Tiffany says returning to the floor not far

It was about that time that the baby monitor started to go off.

“ Sounds like the little ones what to be fed.” Jasmine says before Hannah, Tiffany, Diamond, and Allison get up making their way up to check on the babies

I try not to laugh as I look behind Tessa to see five sexy asses sway going up.

“ Bad baby you horny or something?” Tessa asks looking down at me

“ What do you expect beautiful when you all going around in all most nothing.” I say getting giggles

“ Good because I want you ready to burst later.” She tells me as I spank her left ass cheek getting a squeak

“ Ok no hanky panky over there grandma.” Nicky says chuckling as everyone laughs

“ Awww she can’t help it bro when Heath spanks her lovingly.” Sierra says with a smile

“ She’s right honey my love can’t help to spank me so good.” Tessa says getting ewww’s

It’s at that moment I see Travis’s face as I follow his gaze. I look up at the stairs to see my wives coming down with the babies. Each have a towel on either shoulder draped over their breast. They come down to only sit on the coffee table with backs towards my brothers.

“ Oh my what the heck?” Jack asks with confusion

“ What?” Allison asks standing in front of me before sitting in my lap

“ They are breast feeding down here.” Travis says getting giggles

“ Yeah and your point?” Renee asks getting shrugs

“ It’s just weird that’s all.” Travis says saying as a matter of fact tone

“ I remember breast feeding Heath.” Ellie says catching us off guard

“ Wait what?” Chris, Selena, and Tiffany ask in unison as Verna, Kiko, Mom, and Ellie laugh

“ You four didn’t care whose titty you were getting milk from as babies.” Verna says getting the other three moms to nod

“ Although Chris, Selena, and Tiffany wouldn’t leave Heath much after.” Mom says making me look at my best friends and wife

“ So even at a young age you all were getting me out of the way.” I say sounding hurt to see worry

“ No bro it was nothing like that.” Chris says protesting in his defense

“ Baby you know these are yours anyway.” Tiffany says before I see the moms smile

I see Selena and Kaye looking at one another before they whisper to my brothers Chris and Travis. I see them nod before smiling to me.

“ Play your cards right you can have our breast baby brother.” Selena says getting wide eyes from me confusing me

“ What does that mean sis?” I ask to as Allison leans back against me whispering in my ear

“ Tell you later baby, and it’s not bad just a little personal my love.” Allison says in my ear to get a nod

As Allison lays back on me not to hurt me. I nod to Nicky who goes to the mantle to pick a card up. He takes it to Shellie who looks at him confused. He tells her it’s from me as she opens the envelope to pull the card out. She starts looking at it while I watch her. I see a few tears starting to show when she opens it. She places her right hand over her mouth before speaking.

“ You were there when I was sick, you were there when I needed a hug, your were there when our world shattered, you were there for comfort, and you were there to be another mother to me. I love you Shellie with all this brother’s heart.” She says before looking over at me

She hands the card to Adam before getting up coming over. Allison gets up as Michelle gets in my lap to hug me. With tears I hold her as she kisses my right cheek.

“ Thank you baby brother as you were always my baby boy.” Shellie says as the others say awww

“ Your very welcome sissy. As you were always a second mom to me.” I say kissing her left cheek

After our hug she gets up but not before letting out a gasp feeling something under her. She looks in my eyes with a smirk before doing a little grind against me getting up. I chuckle as Allison returns to my lap to let out a gasp laying back against me.

“ Baby are you hard because of us all, or is it love?” Allison asks while whispering

“ A mixture of both darlin.” I say as she coos while massaging my crotch with her ass

“ I’ll take care of that later baby, but for now I will hide it from sight.” She says with a wink

It’s at that moment we hear a cleared throat. We turn to see Justin and Nicky standing not far looking at Tessa.

“ Mom you taught us kids right from wrong. You showed us the truth about the world to make us wise. The prejudices and what society looks down on. Well I want to say I am sorry that I was like society when I heard you were with Heath. I never thought love could be back in your heart after dad died, but when we came here you got with momma Maggie. I always want you happy, and if that happiness comes from those that are in this house so be it, but know one thing.” Justin says with a smirk as Tessa smiles with a curious look

“ What is that Justin hun?” She asks as he looks at me

“ I am not calling him dad. He is my brother and one I love as blood just as those around me.” Justin says as Tessa giggles before going to her son

“ That’s ok honey as your father was a true father to you, but know Justin in my heart Heath is a husband to me. I want you to know that.” She says as Justin hugs her with a smile

“ I know mom and respect that as dad would want you happy always.” He says breaking the hug as Nicky hugs her

“ We love you grandma and we have your back regardless what others think.” Nicky says smiling at me

“ Thank you baby boy. I love you both and everyone so much.” She says before they break the hug

Tessa comes back to sit on the right arm of the chair as I squeeze her ass making her jump getting laughs.

“ Baby stop I am already you know.” She tells me as I go wide eyed as she giggles sitting down

I place my hand back on her hip to try and behave. The rest of the morning goes by as afternoon comes. The family go out back to the beach as the kids wanted to go play in the sand. I get helped outside by Chris and Justin while Hannah and Tiffany find a shady spot for me. There is one up from the beach. Nicky places a lounge chair in the shady spot. I get helped in the chair as I see Jack and Adam bring a cooler over. They get me set up as I see Karen, Lindsey, and Serena run over in their one piece swimsuits.

“ Daddy you going to be ok right here? You could come over and watch us build a sandy castle.” Lindsey asks getting nods

“ Yes I will be ok baby girl. You go have fun and enjoy the day. Once I am healed I’ll help build the ultimate castle.” I say getting sad eyes but smiles before I get hugs from all three trying not to hurt me

They run off volunteering Justin and Nicky to help them. My two brothers look back as if saying ‘Help”. I shake my head with a smile seeing my little ones having fun

Hannah and Tiffany give me a kiss before going over to get some sun like they needed it, but they loved to tan. Jack and Adam left to join their ladies who were setting up a volley ball net. Chris opened the cooler getting us a beer each before sitting on the cooler handing me a beer. I popped the top as he did as we both took a swig. We sat there for a moment before I spoke.

“ Ok bro what’s up? You haven’t been this quiet in awhile.” I ask getting a nod

“ Bro I have a big question to ask, and don’t know how to ask it.” He tells me peaking my curiosity

“ Oh that serious?” I ask seeing him turn to me looking straight in my eyes

“ Yep as I had a visit from papa Greg in my dream last week. I told Selena and she said she had one from grandma May.” He tells me as I raise a eyebrow

“ Oh and what was dad saying to you?” I ask seeing him take another swig before turning around to look at me

“ Bro you know I love and will always have your back, but I need a big favor that I can only trust you with.” He says with a serious look

“ I know you do Chris, but what is it that your stalling to say? What is it my dad told you in the dream?” I ask seeing him look down at his beer bottle

“ He told me if I wanted to make Selena’s wish to have another baby I needed to trust the only man that wouldn’t hurt her or mistreat her. And that only man is you.” He says making my eyes go wide

“ Wait….you want me to bed Selena? You want her to get pregnant by me?” I ask getting a nod from him

“ Yes I know it sounds crazy, but that was his advice. I already talk to Selena about this. She is willing to sleep with you as she wants to. She wants a loving memory instead of that nightmare years ago.” He says as I remember that day I brutally took her

I look in his eyes to see worry as to what my answer will be. I never thought in all my life I would be asked….wait….scratch that I have been asked before by Adam. I let out a sigh thinking of what to say while looking straight ahead at the ocean. I hoped that maybe it could tell me once again what to do, but there was nothing. I looked back to my best friend whom as been my brother for years and years.

“ Chris is it alright if I think about this?” I ask getting a nod

“ Fair enough bro I understand it’s a big favor to ask of you.” He says getting up making his way to the family

I watch as he goes to Selena giving her a hug and kiss before saying something to her. I see her look over at me with a mixture of hurt and concern. I looked away down the beach to see families all having fun in the sand. I turned back to see Selena talking to my wives, loves, and the moms. I just shook my head not knowing what they were going to say. I needed to think of the pros and cons of this situation. Do I give them a chance to be parents again to another baby, or do I say no telling them to adopt, but again I am the reason Chris can’t give his beautiful fiancee a baby again. Lil Heath was a miracle to them both and the family. I laid my head back with my eyes closed to think. I don’t know how long I laid there until I felt some weight on my waist. Whoever they were placed their hands on my abs. I opened my eyes to see Tiffany looking down into my face with a smile of concern.

“ Baby you ok darling?” She asks getting a shrug

“ I guess beautiful just trying to think on what Chris asked me. I don’t know what to do.” I say as Tiffany nods

“ Is it about Selena?” She asks getting a nod

“ Yeah guess you all know.” I answer seeing her nod

“ Yes baby she wanted to ask us to see how we would feel. I told her if the shoe was on the other foot with you not able to give me another baby I would have you ask Chris, but it’s not. Heath my love we told her yes.” She exclaims as I place my hands on her hips

“ Oh all of you even the moms?” I ask getting a nod

“ Yes darling we all did. Please don’t get upset or mad at us for everything. This was our decision also, but we know your word is final. Heath that evening you caught us I didn’t know you were behind me pounding me hard and rough, but you gave me a baby. Before I drifted off to sleep I saw some of what you did. I thought it was a dream, but you taking Selena like you did left her with nightmares. She wants a loving memory of you in a romantic way. She asks that I be there if and when you take her again. Baby I love you and deep down hope you do give her a chance to be a mom again. Selena loves you so much, but wants a baby also. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kaye doesn’t either.” Tiffany exclaims making me think and shock me

“ Wait you think Kaye wants one too?” I ask getting a nod

“ Actually yes baby, but Travis I think is scared to ask. I would just focus on right now my loving husband.” She says reaching between us before continuing “ Baby why are you hard?”

“ Well let’s see were talking about me breeding Selena, and your in a skimpy bikini.” I say with a grin as she giggles

“ Well baby I could go get a towel and cover your waist. It would hide me riding you slowly.” She says as I smile

“ You sure Tiff as you know how curious those around us get?” I ask getting a nod

“ Yes I am sexy, but my pussy is still very touchy. Maybe we should wait, but I can get one of the others to come take care of this if you like? Who would you want my love?” She states asking me while I look to see

I look to see all my family having fun playing in the sand. I think of who I haven’t gave love to in a while. I smile as I see just the person.

“ Jacqueline and Faye.” I answer seeing a smile

“ Awww you want mothers today sexy?” She asks getting a nod

“ Yeah since mom and Tessa got a meal this morning.” I say as my ebony princess giggles

“ Sorry baby we figured they being moms would want you as a gift.” Tiffany tells me as I nod with a grin

“ True there.” I say as she leans forward cupping my face before kissing my lips

We kiss for a few minutes before she breaks it looking in my eyes.

“ You know what ever you decide I will always be there to back you baby. You are and always will be my first love. I will never hurt you no matter what.” She tells me as I smile feeling her love

Tiffany gets up running towards our loves. I shake my head seeing her ass bounce wearing a gstring. She and the others have been working out to get their figures back and it’s worked out great. She goes to Jacqueline and Faye who turn looking at me. Both smile getting up grabbing their beach towels to only make their way over to me. I smile as I see their breast bounce. I have to admit I have slacked on loving all my ladies in which I will remedy now. They finally get to me placing a beach towel on my lap.

“ Baby you sure you want to do this out here. I like having kinky sex, but not with the grandkids watching.” Jacqueline says straddling my waist

“ Yeah baby, if it was night I would say we get naked, but if the grandkids get close.” Faye tells me sitting on the cooler with concern

I think for a moment before I remember the shed behind me.

“ The shed behind me should be empty and there are no windows, but there is a light inside.” I say seeing them both smile

They go to look at the shed to only come back to help me up. Making it to the shed was slow, but nice. Once in I see a cot bed big enough for me to lay down. I get help down and laid down. Faye goes to shut the door turning the light on. Jackie gets me out of my shorts before taking her bottoms off.

“ Faye you don’t mind if I have him first do you baby?” Jackie asks taking her top off standing there naked

“ No baby go ahead I want to watch that beautiful dick go in and out of you while I get sloppy wet.” Faye says taking off her bikini

Jackie leans over to wet my manhood before straddling me. I feel the head go in as she lowers her pussy upon my shaft.

“ Oh yes…..feels so good.” Jackie says as I reach for her breast

“ Oh shit that looks sexy. Heath honey you like that tight chocolate pussy?” Faye asks as I moan

“ Yes…just go slow my beauties.” I say with a moan

“ We will baby….oh god you feel so good….in my pussy….I have waited for two weeks..” Jackie says as I feel bad

“ Sorry darlin.” I respond getting a shook head

“ No sorrys…..just love us baby…..we know you….been through a lot.” Jackie says slowly riding me with moans

I enjoy my time with two of my beautiful ladies. Both take turns riding me making sure they get their fill of my raging dick. It’s thirty minutes later that I erupt deep in Faye who yells my name as Jackie squirts on the floor rubbing her clit fast and hard as Faye and I cum. After a few minutes they both sit on either side of me with smiles. We talk about Selena in which they tell me their opinions. I listen taking in their thoughts. They also suggest making the shed our own personal love nest with a sun roof with a bed inside. I think before casting a smile on my face. They get dressed with Faye making sure my cum doesn’t leak out by making sure her bottoms are tightly snug. They dress me to only help me out and back to my chair. Both stay with me until it’s time for dinner. I am helped into the house as all my ladies follow to make sure I am alright. Once in my recliner around 5 that evening Tessa gets a call that she puts on speaker. Savannah and the others wish everyone Happy Mother’s Day. As they get wished the same. After some chit chat Nick gets on the phone in which Tessa hangs up. She gets a few looks, but no one says a word knowing she is still upset with him. As the evening goes by I am pampered by the moms and helped to the bathroom by a few at different times. Ellie, Verna, and Kiko help me one time only to get their fill. Telling me I was still their second husband so they had the right to. It’s before bed time that I find myself in bed. My ladies all get ready coming out either nude or in panties. I chuckle knowing a few can’t do anything. Jasmine scoots on my left as mom does on my right. Both are naked laying half on me. We moved the moms bed in our room so everyone had a place to sleep. As everyone gets in bed minus Ellie, Verna, and Kiko and comfy I ask a question I need answered.

“ So all of you are alright with me giving Selena another child?” I ask as they all answer without having to think

“ Yes we are baby.” They all say in unison as I just grin taking their answer to heart as I still think about it


????? POV: A week before Father’s day

May went by with this being just the second week of June. I’m a block from the clubhouse back home with Gray on my left. He was sent out to find me and I met him in Texas coming back from Arizona. I think of what this is all about since I was called to come home. Both of us get to the club making our turn into the parking lot. I see half the club already outside and a few familiar faces. I see one that I didn’t want to lay my eyes on. I park in front just to put the kickstand down on my chopper before killing the engine. I take my shades off placing them on the gas tank getting off my bike. I take a few steps while those in front of me take a few steps back making way for me. I keep my eyes on the bastard I despise so much. He stands there in front of the doors just looking at me. I make it to him while he has to look up at me. I see those by him step back as I just shake my head then deck his ass with a hard right that makes him go down. The members of the club start toward me until someone speaks up.

“ Don’t interfere this is between those two.” The female voice says as I look down over him

“ So you haven’t changed in the years since I have been gone. Still the same asshole I remember old man.” I say leaning down so he can see my eyes

“ Don’t call me that! You have no…” He tries to say until I slap his face like the punk ass bitch I always considered him.

“ I can call you what I want numbnuts. And since the word is your about to lose some good people I don’t have to wear YOUR fucking patch anymore now do I motherfucker.” I say seeing his eyes go big hearing my words

I raise up turning taking a few steps before his wives come up to me.

“ It’s so good your home.” One of his wives tells me

“ Thanks, but what is all this talk one of my brother’s told me about?” I ask seeing them look back at the piece of shit

“ Things have changed and we have decided to leave here for a better place.” His blonde wife tells me

I look at those around me seeing Caleb and Simon nod. I see Simone run up to me and jump as I catch her in my arms. “Hey rugrat.” She kisses my cheek,”Hey Bison. I’ve missed you.” I tell her the same as I see Damon come over,”Hey squirt.” He smiles back and punches me like I always did him but he can’t damage the Bison as I put him in the headlock. He cries,”Mom help!” I laugh,”Always calling on your mom to bail you out huh?” I feel a smack to my arm,”Let him go hun.” I smile,”Ok. I love the little boy anyways so I won’t hurt him.” She smiles as she kisses my cheek thanking me for playing nice. Simon clears his throat getting my attention.

“ Were going to start a new charter there and would like you to join us.” Simon tells me while I look at Gray

“ So what do you say we escort them up to wherever?” I state asking him getting a chuckle

“ Just a few minutes back and off we go. And here I was looking for a good nights sleep.” He says getting a chuckle back

“ It won’t be until in a few days. We have to vote on the seperation of the family. Plus you if you want to come.” Caleb says getting us both to nod. I see Nick’s eyes go wide as he didn’t see it coming. Or that is my guess anyways.

I stand there thinking before I turn to see the jackass getting helped back to his feet still dumbfounded. I turn to look at Gray to see him shrug his shoulders.

“ Up to you bro because my bike is my home.” He tells me getting a nod

“ Ok we’ll go. Hell it may be fun. So where are we headed?” I ask seeing a few grins and smiles

“ Virginia right on the coast.” The prez’s blonde wife tells me

“ Sweet always wanted to see the ladies on the east coast. So sandy beaches and pretty bikinis here I come!” I say going to my bike as Gray chuckles,”Your worse than savannah and Megan.” I nod thanking him before we both fire up our bikes heading to living space until we head north.

To Be Continued……Things are in chaos with Nick, Will Heath consider Chris’s favor, and who is the biker that pulled in what is his intentions

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