Alison’s Kinky Adventures: Tennis

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Hi all

Back again, with something new!

There’s actually a story behind this… well… story. I wrote 90% of this story in the space of a few days, but then ended up sitting on it for a while. “A while” turned into almost a year. It took me a while to figure out why, but something about it just didn’t sit right with me. I originally intended it as a nonconsent/reluctance story, but over time grew to realise that I preferred it as more of a consensual BDSM/ first time story. So I was able to modify it a bit, write the last few scenes, and now here we are. As I say, this is a kinky story, so people who are not into that should probably look away now!

That’s enough about the background. My plan for this story is not entirely certain — as will become clear, I have deliberately created a set-up such that there will be plenty of potential for future instalments featuring these characters, with scenarios that allow me to branch out a little bit in terms of kinks I can cover. I will likely return to this one at leisure.

Also, sorry to disappoint any sports fans who might be reading this, but tennis barely features!

In the meantime, I’m currently thinking up a new chapter for my “Love Comes” series, and also a couple of standalones. I shall be making no promises for now. There may also be a surprise sequel to something, but I shall keep that one under wraps for now.

Take care,



“Right, that’ll be ten quid, please luv,” the taxi driver tapped meter on his dash.

Alison removed two five pound notes from her wallet and handed them through his open window. He gave her a smile and a nod, then drove off, leaving her standing outside the house she had been dropped off at.

Smoothing down the skirt that was the only nice thing she owned, Alison made her way up the drive and nervously rang the bell.

After about a minute or two, the door opened.

“You came!” Tammy reached out, took her by the arm and dragged her inside.

“Er, yeah — wouldn’t have missed it for the world!”

“Well, the others aren’t back yet, so it’s just you and me!” Tammy dragged her through to the kitchen. “What can I get you? Wine? Beer? Vodka?”

“I don’t really drink.”

“No?” Tammy replied. “You sure you don’t want anything?”

After a moment’s thought, Alison decided that she might as well.

“Do you have any cider?”

“Oh yeah, of course!”

Tammy opened the fridge, grabbed a can of Strongbow and opened it for her.

Alison took it and sipped.

“You all right?” Tammy asked. “You’re looking a little uneasy!”

“No, I’m all right. I’m just… you know… a bit nervous.”

“I completely understand. You’ve never done anything like this before, then?”

Alison shook her head.

“Just to be clear, you are completely clear on what it is we’re planning with you?”

“Yeah,” Alison replied.

“And you’re happy to go through with it?”

“Yes. I really am.”


Alison wasn’t really the kind of person who had a lot of friends or attended a lot of social events. She had been to university for almost a year, and hadn’t really made a lot of friends, not even on her English Literature course. Nor did she really engage in the campus life around her — being quite introverted and bookish, she preferred to spend her time reading in the library, studying in her room or going for walks on her own.

The only vaguely social activity she had, however, was when she went to watch the tennis.

She couldn’t really play herself, but she had always been a massive tennis fan. Her fondest childhood memory was being taken to watch the Wimbledon finals, and since then, she had watched every year, plus all of the major tournaments such as the French, US and Australian Opens.

Once she had started, finding out where and when the university’s tennis team played had been her number one priority. And she had become a regular attendee at the training sessions and all of the games.

Truthfully, though, her attendance at these games wasn’t purely down to her enthusiasm for the sport. There was one particular girl on the team that she loved to watch.

Alison wasn’t open about her sexuality outside of her family. But she hadn’t been able to resist; this girl had caught her eye during one particular training session, and she had immediately been taken by her.

The girl in question was a second-year History student. She was 21 years old, stood at 5ft 10 inches tall, with long, muscular legs and arms, and a very toned body, she was everything Alison liked in a girl. Her emerald green eyes and long, brunette hair which she kept curled at the end was just the icing on the cake. And her teeth were white as snow, giving her a very beautiful smile whenever she scored a point.

Her name was Becky.

Alison had frequently made sure to attend all of her games. Of course, she had watched more games than just hers — just so that it wouldn’t look like she was stalking her — but whenever Becky played, she would Tipobet Güncel Giriş find it hard to follow the score because she would always get a good view of her in her tennis skirt.

That was really as far as she had gotten, or was ever likely to go with her, though. Alison was incredibly insecure about her appearance. Every time she looked in the mirror, she could only see a rather plain girl with short, reddish-brown hair, a freckled face and glasses, and clothes that were too baggy and unfashionable for her. Plus which, she was at least 2 years younger than Becky. In her mind, there was no way this hot, athletic older woman would even entertain the notion of dating a nerd like her. Assuming she wasn’t entirely straight, of course — that was another disadvantage Alison had found. Most of the girls she fancied were straight.

With that being said, her regular attendance at the tennis had eventually been noticed by the team. They would all wave at her when they saw her in the stands, and would greet her cheerfully when they passed her on the way to class. Alison had enjoyed these interactions, because it meant that she at least mattered to them a little. But she hadn’t really spent much time with them beyond this.

That was until the other day, when she had been approached by the team captain; she was a 22-year old third-year Sports Therapy student who stood at 6 feet tall, with strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes and a very muscular physique that was almost Teutonic. Her name was Tamsin, although everyone called her Tammy.

“Hey,” she greeted her with a sultry, almost sing-song accent that stood in stark contrast to her appearance. “You’re Alison, right? That girl that’s always coming to watch our training?”

“Yeah, that’s me,” Alison confirmed.

“Great to finally speak to you in person! Are you new? I don’t remember seeing you last year!”

“I started in September,” Alison said.

“Ah yes! So you’re very new! How are you finding it here? Are you enjoying being at university?”

“Hmm…” Alison paused to consider her answer. “Truthfully, it’s not quite how I expected it to be. But I’m loving my course, and I like the lovely buildings. I’m definitely happy here.”

“Good!” Tammy paused for a moment. “Listen, there’s a couple of things I wanted to ask you, if that would be all right?”

“Of course,” Alison replied.

“Before I do, I just wanna say that if I’m jumping the gun, you are more than welcome to tell me to fuck off.”

“Don’t worry. I’m sure there are no stupid questions.”

“Cool! Well, I live with Jessica, Becky and Hannah — three other girls on the team. The four of us are all bi, and were wondering if you are as well?”

“Oh, uhh…” Alison was taken aback. This was far more direct a question than she was used to. But for some reason, the smile on Tammy’s face and the fact that she had shared that she was bi herself made her feel that she should perhaps answer honestly. “What… umm…, gives you that idea?”

“Dunno,” Tammy said. “My gaydar is well-tuned, I suppose!”

Alison wasn’t entirely satisfied with this answer, but she decided to just answer the question instead. “You’re close. But I’m really only interested in girls.”

“Ahh,” Tammy smiled. “Fair enough. That brings me to my next question. You seem like someone who’d be up for just about anything. Are you?”

Alison had absolutely no idea where they got that impression from. But she had a feeling she should probably roll with their assumption and see where it got her.

“You could say that,” she said.

“Excellent! So here’s my final question: the four of us are having little girls-only bondage party, and were wondering if you’d like to be our plaything for the night?”


This completely took her breath away. The question about her sexuality had already been unexpected, but being so explicitly propositioned like this took her a few moments to even process that she had been asked it.

Once she had, she asked the burning question that immediately came to mind.

“Why me?”

“Well, why not?” Tammy smiled. “You’re really cute. You put in the effort to support us. And if you don’t mind me saying, we’ve definitely noticed the way you look at us. We’re really keen to see how much fun we can have with you!”

“Huh…” Alison was now completely speechless. The fact that she’d just been called “cute” did give her a rather fuzzy feeling inside. Nobody had ever paid her THAT kind of compliment before. At the same time, she was still struggling to process what Tammy was asking her. The fact that Tammy — herself a far more attractive woman than Alison thought she would ever likely date — wanted her was quite a lot to take in. But the fact that she had mentioned that Becky — a girl she definitely considered to be far out of her league — would be joining them…

Before she could think any further, she found herself blurting out the words that may very well change her life.

“Okay, I’m in.”

“Great!” Tipobet Giriş Tammy took a slip of paper out of her pocket and scribbled an address on it. “6pm tonight. I’ll see you then!”

She sauntered off, leaving Alison standing holding the paper, completely dumbfounded. Needless to say, her mind had been occupied by nothing else for the rest of the day.

Which brings us to now, as she stood drinking cider in the shared house where Tammy and the other three were staying.

Despite her initial nerves, Alison was actually really glad of the opportunity to get to know Tammy a little bit better. She loved sport, and as well as tennis, she was an excellent swimmer, and also a rower. Although her dream to play professionally had never materialised, she was loving her course, and looking forward to her future career.

After a few minutes of chatting in the kitchen, Tammy had offered to give her a tour of the rest of the house. Alison agreed, and allowed herself to be led through the house. First stop was the sitting room — a relatively modest room with a TV, a couch, coffee table and two armchairs. There was a large open space on one side which had a rowing machine.

“That’s Jessica’s,” Tammy said. “She lets us borrow it, though. Great for the arms.”

“How long do you guys spend on that each day?” Alison asked.

“Well, I can’t speak for others, but my normal workout is about 30 minutes every evening when lectures finish.

“That’s impressive!”

Next, she was taken upstairs and showed to the shared bathroom — which was quite big, with a bath on the left-hand side, facing the window, and an enclosed shower right next to it. Having both a bath and shower was very useful, Tammy explained, as it meant that it could be used by two girls at once.

“By the way,” Tammy asked. “Do you want to have a shower before everyone gets here?”

“Oh, no thanks. I had a bath before I came.”

“Good, good!”

Finally, she was shown all of the bedrooms, finishing with Tammy’s which was at the end of the corridor, with a view overlooking the small back garden.

“This is my room. It’s the best room in the house, if you ask me!”

“Well, don’t tell the others, but I would definitely agree to that!” Alison paused, wondering if she should ask the next question. “I hope you don’t mind me asking, but how much do you guys pay to live here?”

“Well, the house actually belongs to Becky — she bought it using money that she inherited from her grandfather. So she pays most of the utilities and council tax bills herself. But she charges us a market rate.”

“Oh right…” Alison continued to admire the view through the window.

“The bed is really comfy, by the way,” Tammy sat down and bounced on the large double. “You wanna try it?”

“Try it?” Alison asked, confused.

“Yeah. Just have a seat. Get a feel for it!”

“Err, okay.”

Tammy stood up and let Alison come and sit where she had just been. Alison got a surprise when the bed practically gave way beneath her. It went down very deep.

“Wow! That really does sink!” she exclaimed.

“I know. Lovely, right? Go ahead and lie flat — get the full effect!”

Laughing, Alison lay back across the bed, marvelling at how it felt on her back.

“This really is incredible!”

Then, before she knew it, Tammy was on top of her.

She practically pounced on her, pinning her down into the bed with her muscular frame. Her long, blonde hair fell over Alison’s face, temporarily blinding her, and as she let out a small shriek of surprise, a tongue forced its way into her mouth, as Tammy began to vigorously snog her.

“Mmmff!! Tammy — wh—mmmmff — what are you-!?”

Alison felt Tammy grab her arms and pin them down with her hands. Breaking free of the kiss, she held herself up and grinned as she looked the stunned Alison right in the eye.

“Well, I’ve got you. What are you gonna do now, hmm?” She giggled.

“What are you doing?” Alison gasped.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Tammy punctuated the point by giving her another big kiss on the lips.

“Shouldn’t… umm… shouldn’t we wait for the others?”

“Probably,” Tammy conceded. “But you’re here, and it’s just us. A bit of kissing never hurt anyone!”

Alison couldn’t argue with that. She closed her eyes as Tammy leaned in and began to snog her again, this time more slowly and gently. She released her arms, and Alison wrapped them around her neck, pulling her close. For about a minute or two, they just lay like that, exploring each other’s mouths.

“How many women have you been with?” Tammy asked, during a break.

“Erm…” Once again, Alison hesitated. “None,” she admitted.


Feeling slightly embarrassed, Alison nodded.

“You mean…” Tammy paused, and stared at the visibly trembling girl. “You’re a virgin?”

“Yeah,” Alison confirmed, her voice almost a whisper.

“So… you were lying to me about being ‘up for almost anything’?” Tipobet Tammy asked teasingly, raising her eyebrows in mock-suspicion.

“Yes, and no,” Alison admitted. “I’ve never really had the opportunity before.”

“Oh right! Well how about that? I guess tonight’s the night you get deflowered!”

For some reason, it was her saying this that finally hit home to Alison what was happening to her, and what would be happening to her. She trembled even more and looked like she was about to cry.

“Hey hey hey,” Tammy leaned forward and brushed a lock of hair from her face, her face suddenly becoming concerned. “It’s okay. I promise you, this’ll be good.”

“I just… didn’t picture it happening like this.”

“I understand. It’s okay to be nervous. Everyone gets nervous when it’s their first time.” She gestured to Alison’s chest. “Could I possibly have a peak, before anyone else does?”

Alison nodded, and allowed Tammy to undo a couple of buttons on her shirt, exposing her red bra.

“Ooh, nice!” Tammy sat back and admired her for a moment. Then she reached under her shirt and gently fondled her. “You have really nice boobs. So perky!”

Alison flushed. She had never had anyone pay such a compliment to her before, especially not in regards to her breasts.

Just then, there was the sound from downstairs, as the front door was opened. This was accompanied by the sound of female voices.

“Bollocks,” Tammy muttered. “They’re back. Come on!”

Alison quickly buttoned her shirt back up, and Tammy led her out the bedroom, down the stairs, and into the kitchen, where her three housemates were setting their shopping bags down.

“Hey guys!” she greeted them. “You get everything we needed?

“I’m afraid they didn’t have any ginger ale. Will cloudy lemonade be okay?” One of them replied.

“Yeah, should be fine. By the way, the guest of honour’s here!”

Alison immediately recognised Becky, who noticed her first. She squealed in delight.

“You came!” Alison had never heard her speak before, and was caught a little off guard by her thick Australian accent.

She sauntered over, and pulled her into a big hug.

“How are yah? I’m Becky!” she said. “It’s good to finally meet you!”

“Likewise,” Alison breathed, her heart racing at being in this really beautiful girl’s embrace.

Becky released her, then introduced the girl who had answered Tammy. She had black hair and grey eyes, and although she was shorter and not as muscular and toned as Tammy and Becky, she still had a lean, well-rounded physique that looked like she worked out a lot. There was a noticeable scar on her upper lip.

“This is Hannah!” Becky said.

“Hiya!” she greeted.

“And that’s Jessica!”

Jessica was another blonde, this time with shorter hair and brown eyes. She was slightly shorter than Hannah, but her arms were huge. She looked like she could bench press 90kg. Alison’s eyes swelled to the size of dinner plates when she saw them.

“Hello there,” she said in a soft-spoken voice.

Alison just stayed silent. She now seemed very, very scared. And this was very noticeable.

“Are you all right?” Jessica asked. “You look like a deer in the headlights.”

Alison nodded.

“Sorry,” she said. “I’m… um… I’m all right. It’s just… well… you guys are all really hot up close. And I… umm…”

“She’s very nervous,” Tammy finished for her. “And she’s never been with a woman before.”

“Wow! We get to be your first?!” Becky exclaimed, excitedly.

“Oh, don’t worry, lovely,” Jessica said, her soft tone reassuring Alison. “We’ll treat you as gently as we can.”

Looking at the bags, Alison had an idea.

“Do you need help unpacking the shopping?”

“Oh that would be brilliant! Thank you!”

Feeling marginally calmer, Alison helped them unload everything and put it into different sections, depending on what needed to go in the fridge or the pantry. Once everything was put away, they all got drinks, and headed into the sitting room.

For the next hour or so, they just sat together and chatted over drinks. This proved to be exactly what Alison needed — despite the weird circumstances in which she was there, this made her feel more like she was just hanging out with some new friends over a drink.

Through the conversation, Alison was able to get to know the girls a little better. She determined that Hannah was also studying English Literature, although Alison had to admit that she hadn’t really seen her around before; presumably because she was in the year above, and people didn’t tend to see much of people outside of their year — certainly not in that department anyway. She had ambitions to become a teacher after she graduated. Becky had moved over from Australia two years earlier, when she started her degree, and had bought the house round about then. When she finished her history degree, she wanted to pursue a career in journalism. And Jessica was a Languages student, studying French and Arabic — both of which she spoke very fluently. She hoped to pursue a career in the diplomatic corps.

After about an hour or so of this, the girls were starting to feel a bit tipsy, and confident. Alison’s nerves had begun to ease off. And eventually, Tammy set her drink down.

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