Wake Up!


You wake up, your eyes slowly opening as you realize how late in the morning it is. You don’t even want to move, but you remember where you fell asleep … and you start to turn, looking around, registering the room.

As your body turns completely, you realize that I’m sitting up on the bed, lowering a book that I must have been reading, turning to smile at you. “Hi you.”

You rub your eyes, stretching different parts of your body a little … legs, arms … “Why are you still sitting in here?”

I set one hand on the mattress, turning my body so that I’m resting on my hip instead of square on the bed. “Duh. You were in here. I like being around you, remember?”

You smirk and your eyes roll up, but as you bring them back to look at me, you see that I’m leaning down toward you. I make contact, my lips touching yours gently, tenderly.

I put my hand on your stomach, sliding it up your body, then down to your side. Rubbing it up your body, squeezing in … my lips pull away from yours and I smile. You return the smile, enjoying how it feels, and you reach up with your hand, grip my t-shirt that I’m wearing, and pull me back down to you.

I smile, then shift, kicking the blankets off and moving a leg over you, pulling the other one near yours. Our lips begin pressing harder …

I slide one leg down, rubbing it against yours, then lifting it and moving it between your legs. My other leg lifts off the mattress and I put it in between your legs as well.

I slide down your body … kissing your neck, your chest … kissing you through the undershirt that you left on … lifting up the hem to kiss your belly …

I pull my hands in against you, letting you feel the pressure on either side, but I don’t stop when I get to your panties. I keep kissing down your thighs, Tipobet Güncel Giriş your knees … licking and kissing down your legs to your ankles.

By this point, my feet are on the floor. I stand up and reach up, pulling down on your underwear, getting them out from under you, then sliding them all the way down your legs and letting them drop on the floor.

I move around the bed, my fingers brushing over your legs, up to your shirt … then I take ahold of it and start sliding it up.

You arch your back, then as the bottom of the shirt gets to your shoulder blades, you lower your back and sit up just enough for me to finish getting the last of your clothing off of you again.

The shirt drops to the floor.

I lean over, kiss you again, then I softly tell you to turn over.

You lift an eyebrow at me, curious – but you play along, rolling over onto your stomach. Your legs are spread just a touch, and you let your hands fall palms flat against the bed, your arms at an angle.

I get up on the bed, climbing over you again, straddling you. Before anything else happens, you feel my hands – now with oil on them, touch your shoulders and I start to press down, sliding my hands out and down your arms.

Back to center, and I pull down, along your spine.

Over, across … I start to knead out tight muscles and you feel yourself getting even more relaxed – just not in the way you originally expected.

I continue touching my hands to your body, taking a moment to put more oil from time to time. Moving my legs down every once in a while, eventually moving past yours.

I keep massaging your back … down to your hips, over your ass … down each side …

I squeeze your legs … rubbing down … playing with your muscles, your Tipobet Giriş legs … and you let yourself drift away even more. “You know, if you finish, I’m going to fall back asleep.”

“Yup.” And I keep working on your legs.

You lift your head a little, looking up at me.

I stop, noticing your movement. “Hey, relax, you.” And you give in, putting your head back down.

I finish working on both of your legs … then walk around to one side, where I can start massaging your arm. Squeezing … sliding my hands down your arm … and after I spend some time there – I walk around the bed and treat your other arm just the same as the first.

I stand up, climbing up on the bed, but this time I don’t put any weight on you. My fingers go to your shoulders, squeezing, massaging … I keep the weight of my hands off you, just using the tips of my fingers to make sure that your neck and shoulders are relaxed …

And then I move off the bed, closing the blinds and moving to the other side of the room – but you’re not aware, as you’ve fallen back asleep. …

You don’t know how much time has gone past, but you lift your head slowly, looking around the dim room. You’re surprised at how rested you feel for a moment – but then you remember how you fell asleep and you smile inwardly.

You realize a second later that there’s nothing covering you. When you fell asleep, you didn’t have any blankets on – and you realize that you still don’t.

You pull your arms in, starting to turn and you see me sleeping on the floor, my head on a spare pillow. The book I had been reading has fallen to the side and you start smirking.

You gather yourself up, moving slowly because of how relaxed you had gotten. You don’t even bother looking for your clothes as Tipobet you move over to me, kneeling on the floor with your legs on either side of mine.

You kiss my cheek, testing … but I don’t react.

You kiss my lips – and again, nothing.

You start grinning, knowing that you’re about to get even.

You move down my legs, looking up once. Still nothing.

You begin to undo my shorts, the button, and then the zipper. Your eyes glance up as you pull the zipper down, but the sound isn’t enough to wake me.

You grin as you realize that I just threw the shorts on earlier without putting on any underwear. You grin even harder as you realize that obviously some parts of me have begun to wake up.

You lean down, kissing … licking .. your hand moving to me and holding me straight up as you lick again. As I get even harder, you move your mouth directly over me, taking me completely into you.

You look up again, seeing me stirring … and decide that you’re running out of time to really take advantage …

You slide up, straddling me, holding me as you close your eyes and slowly set down on top of me. You squeeze … enjoying the feeling … then you start to move … up … down … smoothly, calmly …

You lean down, kissing me and getting more aggressive. You kiss harder starting on my neck … my lips …

At some point, you realize that I’m awake and kissing you back. My hands moving to your ass, holding, pulling, then releasing as you lift up again.

You sit up now and my hands move around to your breasts, squeezing then letting go and roaming over your body. Your hands moving without thought, your arms squeezing against your sides, then your hands drop down to my body and you rake your fingernails down my chest.

You can’t control it anymore, your body rising and dropping hard against me. Moaning louder, breathing faster …

… and then you cry out, stuttering for a moment before continuing, just slowing down … and finally stopping as you look down at me, seeing me blink back to focus, grinning back at you.

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