Unintentional Lolita Ch. 08

Big Dicks

As usual, all sexual activity and descriptions thereof takes place among characters who are at least 18 years of age…


Kelly woke up the next morning, showered, threw on her gym clothes and dashed out the door while her mother and I slowly woke from our slumber.

I’m guessing that’s what happened, anyway, because we were dozing peacefully one moment, then she was leaning down to kiss us goodbye, telling us she loved us and dashing for the door the next.

Billie and I slowly stirred beneath the bed sheets, tangled ourselves in one another for a few minutes groping, cuddling and kissing, and then we crawled out of bed.

I grabbed at sweatpants and a t-shirt as Billie pulled on a robe, and we headed for the kitchen.

“One thing is for sure,” Billie said as she drew water for the coffee. “We had an audience last night.”

“How can you tell?”

“Look at the floor just outside our doorway.”

I leaned back around the corner; Kelly’s panties lay in a scant, little heap.

“Thoughts?” I asked.

Billie shrugged as she poured the water into the coffee maker. “If we don’t want her watching, we need to shut the door.”

I laughed and Billie did, too.

“It isn’t funny,” she said, trifling to suppress her giggling. “When did I become an exhibitionist?”

I laughed again. “When did you stop being an exhibitionist?”

Billie caught her breath and sighed, nodding her head slowly as her eyebrows raised. “When I became the mother of a little girl. I had to set a good example for my children.”

She sighed again. “I don’t have little girls anymore; they’re all grown up now.”

Never mind the interlude we’d shared with Allyson, once the newness of our being together had become familiar, we’d never given a second thought to who saw us doing what as long as we weren’t in public. And our friends had been the same way. Adulthood and responsibility bring changes that are often sobering.

Billie leaned back against the counter and chewed at her lip. “I’m torn between the knowledge that I’m teaching my daugher things that’ll serve her in well as she becomes sexually active and the fact that her first lover, the one she wants to bed her for the first time, is her father.”

Billie grabbed at my hips, pulling me to her such that my cock was pressing into her as it began to swell.

“You don’t think you’re being a little presumptive?”

Billie rolled her eyes and sighed, then shook her head. “I believe, when all I said and done, that two of the best friends I have to look forward to, are my daughters; Jessica and I are already well on our way, especially if I can just get her to leave that journalism major alone.”

“I didn’t think they were together anymore.”

Billie sighed and shook her head again. “They were still going out as of last Sunday. But, as I was saying, I think, in the long run, the relationship I have with my daughters will blossom into a really strong friendship. But regardless of all the other dynamics involved, there’s always a special bond between fathers and daughters… sons and mothers, too… that’s different.

“You remember when they were little; they fought over which one would get to marry you when they grew up.”

I nodded and laughed. It would have been nothing but funny if Kelly hadn’t become so upset when we explained to her that I was married to their mother; she and her sister would fine young men to marry when they grew up for husbands of their own.

Billie bit her lip and nodded.

“I guarantee you, at some level, in the back of her mind, whether she’s thinking about it or not, your daughter still yearns for… there’s a special connection the two of you will always have, that no one can take away from her…”

“She knows I love her…”

Billie nodded. “She does, and she’s never doubted your love for her. I know that.” Billie shrugged and sighed. “But there’s a part of her… and I understand it, believe it or not, that wants to be loved so completely by her father…”

“You understand that?”

Billie bit her lip and nodded.

“Did you and your dad ever…?”

Billie’s forehead wrinkled and she shook her head. “My father?” She laughed. “You’ve known my father since before we got married; he’s about as warm and personable as a goat.” She shook her head, turned and reached for the coffee pot. “And my mother will tell you the same thing, too.”

I watched as Billie poured two cups of coffee.

“No, I love my father dearly, but I can honestly say I never adored him quite the way our daughters adore you.”

Billie sat the pot back on the warmer and slipped her arms around my neck.

“That,” she said as she laid her lips against my cheek, “is a big part of why I love you as much as I do; you’ve always been so warm and affectionate with the girls. They never had to wonder about your love for them.”

The shrill, high pitched tweet of the whistle made Kelly’s head rattle. It sounded like it was right behind her ear.

“What was that?” the coach yelled.

‘That’ had been the flat of a hand smacking a serve Onwin Güncel Giriş straight into the net. It was the fourth serve Pam had missed during practice. Pam was one of the better servers; she wasn’t that strong, but she could put the ball anywhere she wanted to with such accuracy it was scary.

“I’m sorry, Coach,” she said. “Lemme try again.”

The coach nodded and the ball bounced off the hardwood floor as it careened back to Pam’s hands.

“You’d better get it together,” the coach said, clapping her hands. “Central does not make mistakes; they wait for you to make them, then they capitalize on them. Do we want to let them take advantage of our mistakes?”


The nowhere near unison chorus sounded tired and strained.

Hustle, hustle, hustle.

It wasn’t a new concept for the girls, but they’d been at it for four hours with hardly a break, and it was beginning to wear on them.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone had cycled around the court again, and convinced she wasn’t going to make any more progress with her young charges, the coach blew her whistle one last time.

“Alright, girls, bring it in.” She waited as they formed a weak semi-circle in front of her and then she took a deep breath. “You’ve done a great job getting this far, but we’re not finished yet. Now, I know some of you went out last night and had a lot of fun, and the rest of you wanted to, but you’ve got to stay focused. If we bet Central, then we’ll face Coleman or Clarks Point, and neither of them are pushovers, either.

“Go home, get some rest, and come back ready on Monday.”

One last blast from the whistle and the girls began to file away, slowly heading to the locker room.

If they’d been headed back to class, they would have hit the showers. But it was the weekend and they were all headed home as soon as they collected their personal belongings.

“Hey.” Kelly looked over at Pam, not sure if her friend would even acknowledge her. Both of them had almost been late for practice, and they’d all been so busy once they’d arrived…

“Hey.” Pam looked up momentarily, smiled, and then looked back down at her bag as she slipped on her sweatshirt.

“Listen,” Kelly said. “About what I said yesterday…”

Pam shook her head. “Don’t mention it.”

“It was silly and I’m sorry…”

“No. Seriously,” Pam said. “Don’t mention it. Let’s just pretend it never happened.”

Kelly nodded slowly. They were all tired; exhausted from the practice they’d just finished, but there was something else behind Pam’s somber expression. What, though?


“Thanks.” Pam leaned over and gave Kelly a quick hug. “I gotta go.”

“Okay. See you later.”

Pam smiled and waved, her pony-tail bobbing and swaying as she bopped across the floor and out the door.

Odd, thought Kelly. Very odd.

“What is up with you today?”

Kelly jerked her head to the side as Lisa and Mandi sat on the bench by her locker.

“You and Pam were both…” Mandi narrowed her eyes as though trying to peer into Kelly’s mind. “You were both somewhere else.”


Kelly shuffled her feet and drew in a carefully measured breath as Lisa’s eyes widened.

“It’s a guy. Isn’t it?”

Kelly opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Lisa cut her off.

“I knew it!”

“Who?” Mandi asked, leaning closer.

Kelly shook her head. “No one you know.” That much was true, wasn’t it? Neither girl had ever met her father.

Mandi and shot Lisa a glance.

“I know this sounds bad, but you throw out the name of someone that goes to school here…”

“He doesn’t go to school here, okay?”

Lisa and Mandi looked at one another.

“College guy?” Lisa asked.

Kelly closed her eyes and dipped her head as the two girls scooted closer.

“He must really be something to make you fall off your game like this,” Mandi said.

Kelly nodded and sighed.

“Are you sleeping with him?” Lisa asked.

Kelly locked eyes with her, and she didn’t answer, but she could feel the red flush rising from her chest, burning her neck.

“You slut!” Mandi said.

“No!” Kelly replied, grabbing Mandi’s arm. “We haven’t… done anything… yet.”

“Haven’t done anything yet, my ass,” said Lisa. She bit her lip and leaned in. “Details.”

Kelly shook her head. “I’m not telling you anything; it’ll be all over school before first bell Monday.”

Lisa shook her head and held out our extended pinky. “Sisterhood pinky pledge, Kel. Nothing you tell us here leaves the room.”

Mandi linked her pinky with Lisa’s and slowly, reluctantly, Kelly joined them.

“Tell me it’s not that dweeb you went to homecoming with.”

“David? Ohgod, no.” Kelly rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“I agree with Lisa. The way you hesitated when you said you hadn’t done anything… yet…”

Kelly sighed and looked at Mandi, then at Lisa. “I gave him a hand job.”

Lisa and Mandi exchanged glances.

“That’s it?” Lisa said. “You gave him a hand job? Onwin Giriş That’s… not that big a deal, Kel. I mean, don’t put it out there, but if I go out with a guy and he’ll settle for a hand job…”

“And he made me come.”

Mandi and Lisa stared at Kelly.

“He made you come?” Mandi asked. “How?

Kelly sighed again and closed her eyes. “He got me off; I got him off.” She could feel herself starting to get wet just thinking about it.

Lisa cocked her head. “You gave each other hand jobs.”

Kelly nodded. “Basically.”

“So you didn’t actually sleep together,” Mandi said.

“Why do they call it sleeping together, anyway?” Lisa asked. “Everyone knows you get naked, or not, do it, and put your clothes back on.”

Mandi rolled her eyes and looked back at Kelly. “So he didn’t actually fuck you?”

Kelly closed her eyes and shook her head.

Lisa smiled and leaned back. “But you wanted him to. Didn’t you?”

Kelly locked eyes with her and slowly nodded.

Lisa leaned forward. “So, what are you waiting on? The prom?”

Kelly shook her head and leaned back against her locker. “I can’t wait that long.”

“So when?”

“Yeah, Kel. When?” Mandi asked.

Kelly drew in a deep breath and smiled. “We’re supposed to go out tonight.”


“The only thing is,” Kelly said, “I just…”

Mandi and Lisa looked at one another.

“What?” Lisa asked.

Kelly rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’ve heard you… I’ve heard other girls complain about how quick it’s over and…”

“You don’t want it to be wham, bam…”

“No. I don’t,” Kelly replied.

“That’s easy enough,” Mandi replied. “Have him wear a condom. It’s a good idea anyway, and…”

“No.” Kelly shook her head.

“No?” Mandi looked at Lisa. “Do you want to get pregnant?”

Kelly shook her head. “I’m not going to get pregnant.”

“There’s no such thing as a sure thing, there, girly,” Lisa said. “Not even with a rain coat. But why would you not want him to wear a condom? I seriously do not understand that.”

Kelly sighed and smiled. “Because I want to feel him inside me.”

Mandi rolled her eyes. “Trust me, even with a condom, you’ll know he’s inside you.”

Kelly shook her head. “It’s not that. It’s…” She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “When we were… together… he was… so hard. And his hands on me felt… so good. And when he came on me…”

“Excuse me. Did you say he came on you?” Mandi asked.

Kelly nodded and Mandi wrinkled her nose.

“That is disgusting.”

Lisa smiled. “Not necessarily.”

Mandi looked at her, shocked.

“On your face?” Lisa asked.

Kelly shook her head and swept her hand down her body. “Most of it landed on my belly. Some of it landed on my tits.”

“I still think that’s disgusting.”

“Shush,” Lisa said as she swatted Mandi’s arm. “So you liked it when he came on you?”

Kelly could feel her face flushing again as she nodded.

“Did you taste it?” Lisa asked.

Kelly locked eyes with Lisa as Mandi’s mouth dropped open. Slowly, Kelly licked her lips and nodded.

“And did you like it?”

Kelly slowly nodded again.

“Okay, then,” Lisa said, scooting forward on the bench. “So… since a condom’s out, I figure you have one of two options available to you.”


Lisa nodded. “You can blow him or jerk him. Again.”

Kelly wrinkled her brow. “How does that help?”

Lisa rolled her eyes and leaned back. “When guys come, it takes a little while before they can go again. Blow him or jerk him, your choice, make him come and then fuck him when he gets hard again.”

“Have you ever given head before?” Mandi asked.

“Given head?”

Lisa rolled her eyes again. “Given a blow job. Ever done that before?”

Kelly shook her head and Lisa leaned forward.

“Are you still a virgin?”

Kelly bit her lip and nodded.

“Oh.” Mandi leaned back and looked at Lisa. “Then…”

Lisa waved her hand at Mandi and scooted forward again. “Ignore her, Kel. First things first. It might be magical, and it might not; the first time is almost always a little awkward.”

“Uh, Lees, there’s only one first time,” Mandi said.

“There’s one first first time,” Lisa said, “and then there’s the first time you’re with someone new.” She looked over at Mandi. “It’s not quite as awkward as the very first time, but close.”

Mandi looked back at her, but said nothing.

“That said, Kel, if you blow or jerk the guy, he’ll have a little more stamina when he gets hard again, and all you really need to do is get him to tease you mercilessly before he puts it in.”

“Tease me?”

Lisa nodded. “Remember how good you said it felt for him to touch you?”

Kelly smiled and nodded.

“So have him touch you again. And again. Have him get you so close to coming that you can feel it.”

“And then?”

Lisa nodded. “And then.”

“And if I want to… blow him? I’ve watched someone do it before, but…”

Mandi’s Onwin mouth dropped open. “You watched someone giving a blowjob? Who?”

Lisa waved her hand and shook her head. “A definite point of curiosity, but not important here. You want to know how to do it.”

Kelly nodded.

“Give me your finger.”


Lisa reached for Kelly’s hand. “Give me your finger.”

“Which one?” Kelly asked as Lisa pulled her closer.

“This one,” Lisa replied as she folded Kelly’s fingers into a fist and pulling on her index finger. “Okay.” She looked up at Kelly as she held onto Kelly’s finger. “We’re really, really going to hope, for your sake, that your fella’s dick is bigger than this…”

Kelly giggled and nodded. “It is. Much… bigger.” Daddy, her ‘fella,’ was definitely better endowed than her index finger.

Lisa smiled and nodded. “That’s good. So… for our purposes, this is the head of his dick,” she said, drawing her finger in a slow circle around the tip of Kelly’s finger. “This part, with the fingernail, is the helmet for his awesomeness and it’s pretty sensitive. This part, though, the pad, is the underside and it’s super sensitive.”

Kelly nodded.

“This part, the head, is where you make all your money,” Lisa said. “Lick like this and you’ll drive him nuts.” She stuck her tongue out and licked at the pad of Kelly’s finger, then slowly sucked it in and worked it around in her mouth. “Probably won’t take much and he’ll start to ooze a little, perfectly normal, and you’ll start to get a sense of what he’s really going to taste like.”

Kelly nodded and caught her breath as Lisa sucked her finger into her mouth again. Lisa’s lips and tongue against her finger… Kelly balled her other hand into a fist and resisted the urge to touch herself. This was so…

“The head, sweetie, just the head,” Lisa said. “In fact, you can wrap your fingers around the shaft and control how much of his dick you have in your mouth if you want to, but the head is where you really make it work for you.”

“This is so fucking hot,” Mandie said. “You’re making me horny.”

Lisa smiled. “That’s another lesson for another time. Don’t distract me. Get into a rhythm, bobbing up and down, letting his dick slide in and out of your mouth against your tongue. Trust me; you’ll know when he’s getting ready to come.”

“And when he comes…”

Lisa looked over at Mandi, silencing her with a glance. “When he comes, what you do is entirely up to you, whether you want him to come in your mouth, whether or not you want to swallow it…”

Mandi made as if to jam a finger in her mouth to gag herself.

“Some of us like it, Man.”

“I don’t know why.”

Lisa shook her head and looked back at Kelly. “Why is unimportant. You like it or you don’t. You might like it… he might like it… if he comes on your tits. Some guys like to splooge on your face. That… that is what I can’t stand. It gets in your hair, it gets in your eyes… it burns if it gets in your eyes.”

She looked up at Kelly. “I can tell you this much.” She smiled and licked her lips. “Everything I know, guys love coming in your mouth and they love it when you swallow. You may not like it, but if you’re willing to do it, you can wrap them around your little finger.”

Kelly nodded.

“And…” Lisa leaned back and smiled again, looking at Mandi then back at Kelly. “If you go down on him and treat him right, then he can’t say no when you ask him to go down on you. And that can be a lot of fun.”

“You are such a slut,” Mandi said.

“Why? Because I like sex?” Lisa asked. “There’s nothing wrong with liking sex.”

“But the things you’re talking about doing…”

Lisa leaned close to Mandi and smiled. “My boyfriend stays really, really happy.” She looked up at Kelly. “And we’re working on it, but I really, really like his tongue.”

Mandi gasped, Lisa giggled and Kelly smiled.

“What are you girls still doing in here?”

Lisa laughed so hard she almost fell off the bench while Mandi stared at their coach, speechless.

“We were just about to leave, Coach,” Kelly said.

The coach nodded. “Let’s wrap it up and get out of here. I’ve got things to do, and I’ve got to lock up.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The girls gathered up their belongings and walked past their coach, giggling as they left the locker room.

Billie headed out mid-morning to meet up with Margaret. They were going to go shopping, get a bite to eat and chat about ‘girl things.’ Fine with me; I had some things I wanted to do and some that I needed to do in the garage; now I’d had the opportunity to take care of them without being interrupted.

Just a few more things to finish up and I’d go take a shower.

Funny how something that’ll only take a few minutes can eat up the clock; I looked up as I heard Kelly pull into the driveway and discovered it was lunch time.

A car door opened, then closed, and a moment later, Kelly leaned in through the open doorway.

“Hi, Daddy. Where’s mom?”

“Hi, sweetheart. She and Mrs. Preston went shopping and to lunch. She’ll be home later this afternoon.”


“And I think your mother is inviting them over for Thanksgiving.”

Kelly nodded her head slowly; I could tell she was thinking something.

“Is that not a good idea? I thought you and Pam were friends.”

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