Twins Discover Each Other


The two children of the Haldane family had lived in the same house for their whole lives. As twins they had grown up inseparable and the house held so many good memories of an active childhood with a loving mother watching over them. Now, both eighteen years old, and approaching the end of their school years they knew that their time in the house was coming to a close.

Sarah, the oldest twin, had always been more outgoing than Peter and had taken on the role of the more dominant partner in their relationship. As children it had always been Sarah that would decide what to play and it was through her outgoing personality that Peter had met most of his friends. Amongst their friends Sarah had always been admired, especially by the boys, and often their friendships with Peter were only to get to Sarah. Despite all this Sarah loved her brother and was always there for him, she never let people bully him or push him into doing things; that was her job. Now in the zenith of her teenage years she had acquired a delicate beauty that showed great promise for the future. Her long dark hair cascaded down towards her shoulders and crowned a head of perfectly proportioned featured and rich olive skin. Her deep brown eyes shone with intelligence and kindness and her full lips added to the seductive charm of her visage. She was tall and athletic with lightly toned muscles and long slender legs. Her small, yet pert, breasts topped a perfectly flat stomach which her modesty led her to leave covered most of the time. She was aware of her beauty but rarely showed it off, knowing that the sign of a true beauty was not the need to flaunt it at all times but to carry it with a subtle elegance which transcends showiness.

Peter was slightly taller than his sister and shared her olive skin and dark hair. His brown eyes were almost identical to Sarah’s but rather than the elegance that hers portrayed his showed off a tone of solidarity and strength. Despite his outwardly strong appearance he was often taken advantage of, his nature being to trust others, but his sister had always protected him. Peter, having always been physical, had a fairly well toned body which was shaped like that of an athlete such as a runner rather than carrying the excessive muscle of a footballer or a boxer. He had always attracted the attention of the girls at his school but he rarely repaid their attentions preferring instead to remain friendly rather than complicate things.

Having just finished a long Friday at school the twins returned home and crashed in front of the TV for several hours, eating chips and drinking coke. At about six o’clock their mother returned home from work and walked into the living room where her two children were slumped lazily across the couch. Their mother, Martha, was the mirror image of her daughter with the only difference being the added beauty she had acquired with advanced years. Stepping into the room she smiled as she looked down on the twins. “Is this where you’re going to spend the whole weekend then?” she asked.

“Yeah, probably,” Sarah groaned noncommittally, not removing her stare from the TV.

“Make sure you leave the place nice and clean for me, I’ll be back on Monday.” She had a conference to attend and had to catch her flight fairly soon. She leaned over to each of the twins and kissed them on the cheek before saying her goodbyes. Her farewells were returned unenthusiastically but despite this she knew that she would be missed and picking up her suitcase she walked to the door and into the street to catch the bus to the airport.

Sarah and Peter continued watching TV for about another hour with little change, both of them barely moving at all. Eventually Peter left and went into the kitchen and returned with a couple of beers which he opened and then handed one to Sarah. She sat up to take the beer from him and thanked him for it before placing it down on the coffee table and stretching as if waking from a long sleep. She stood up and walked over to the window. Looking out she could see that the sun was setting so she closed the curtains and turned on a lamp that stood in the corner of the room. She returned to her seat and took a swig of beer. “Do you have any plans for the weekend?” she asked.

“No… I don’t think I can be bothered doing anything, I’ll probably just stay here and take it easy,” replied Peter. “What about you?”

“The same really, just have a bit of a rest; it’s been a long week.”

“Well at least I’ll have company then. I hate having to sit around all alone.”

“Awwwwww. Does little Peter get scared when he’s by himself?” she mocked, smiling widely with her bottom lip stuck out as if she were talking to a baby. Peter smiled back and, feeling offended, he picked up a cushion from the couch which he promptly threw in çankırı escort Sarah’s direction. It missed her but they both continued laughing and downed the rest of their beers. By way of a peace offering Peter returned to the kitchen and fetched two more from the fridge.

“I just mean that it’s really boring when you’re by yourself,” he said.

“That’s true…” agreed Sarah, “…but it’s hardly going to be much fun with just the two of us either.”

“Oh, I don’t know, I’m sure we’ll think of something”

“Go on then…” she prompted sarcastically, “…I’m all ears; what’re we going to do this weekend?”

“I don’t know. Drink up and I’m sure we’ll think of something.” He stood up and downed the rest of his beer in one, pointing at Sarah he affected a parental air to his voice and said “I want to see that one empty by the time I get back.” He turned back towards the kitchen and returned with two more beers. As he stepped back into the room he saw his sister finish the last of her beer and slam it down onto the table before burping loudly.

“Well…” he said, “…we could just get drunk, looks like we’re half way there already.”

“Speak for yourself; lightweight,” Sarah retorted. She snatched the beer from his hands and downed the bottle in one.

They sat in front of the TV for a while longer, drinking beer and insulting each other in the way that siblings so often do. Eventually the monotony of the television was broken by Sarah who, jumping to her feet, switched it off and exclaimed “I know what to do!”

“What?” groaned Peter, a little startled by her sudden burst of activity.

“Truth or Dare.” She replied, a satisfied grin on her face.

“No; do we have to?”

“Yes…” she said triumphantly, “because I’m the oldest and you’re starting to bore me.”

Peter sat up a little in his chair but seemed unimpressed with the idea of playing truth or dare, a game he thoroughly detested.

“I’ll go first just to make it easy for you.” said Sarah, her satisfied grin still unmoved, “I… think I’ll choose… Truth!”

Still with a groan in his voice Peter complied. “Why are you so irritating?”

Sarah was unimpressed by his little joke and slapped him playfully on the shoulder, “Properly.” She said, attempting to sound serious, although failing completely to convince Peter.

“Okay, Okay…” he said, a little more enthusiastically. “Is it true that you gave Simon Murray a blowjob behind the hardware store on Bridge Street?”

“What? You can’t ask that.”

“Oh. So now you don’t want to play.” Peter remarked, a sly grin on his face.

“Okay, Okay…” she paused for a moment, and closed her eyes as if she was about to jump off a pier, “… It’s… true.”

Peter laughed quietly to himself but was unable to conceal it from his sister. “Who told you that?” she asked, hoping to get to the bottom of the problem.

“I don’t think so Sis. I’m not to reveal my source, you’ll just have to sweat it out, and it could be anyone.” He really was beginning to enjoy the game.

“Well, it’s your turn anyway. Do you choose Truth or Dare?”

“Hmmm… I choose truth.”

“Who told you?” she asked.

“I thought you might ask. It was Jessica Masaryk.”

“That bitch.” Exclaimed Sarah “I’ll get her back don’t you worry about that.”

The stopped for a moment, as if thinking to herself, before turning abruptly back towards Peter and continuing with their game. “I think this time I’ll choose dare.”

“Okay,” said Peter, “Give me a minute to think of one.” He took a couple of minutes to try and think of a suitable dare, he really wanted to humiliate his sister as an act of revenge for forcing him to play this game. With a sudden enthusiasm his eyes lit up and an idea popped into his head. He thought about it for a little longer thinking that the dare was perhaps a little risqué to give his sister; but they were both quite open with one another and he decided it would be okay. He went into the kitchen and peeled a banana and then, hiding it behind his back, he returned to the living room to reveal his dare. “To get you back for dragging me into this game I’ve thought of a really humiliating dare for you.” He paused, taking in the look of consternation on Sarah’s face. He revealed the banana and handed it to her with his arm outstretched. “I want you to suck this banana like its Simon’s dick.” A wide grin formed on his face.

Tentatively she took the banana. “You really are sick.” She said. “This is way bigger than his dick anyway.” They both laughed heartily and Peter awaited the moment of truth.

Sarah lifted the banana to her mouth and, without hesitation began to fellate it vigorously. She started slowly, sliding her plump, luscious lips around the banana’s düzce escort girth but soon began rocking her head back and forth across the banana with great speed. She had soon slowed down and then removed her lips from the banana for a slit second before lunging back down on it and taking it into her mouth as deep as it would go, choking slightly on the tip. This action caused the banana to become drenched with her saliva and as peter watched this spectacle he began to understand the attentions that other guys had paid his sister and an erection formed indiscreetly in his pants. After about thirty seconds of throat-fucking the banana she stopped and held it back at arm’s length. “et voilla” she said triumphantly.

“That didn’t last very long,” complained Peter.

“Neither did Simon,” retorted Sarah, a coquettish grin on her lips. “Besides, I think you’ve seen enough, that tent of yours is big enough.” She pointed to his crotch which was, quite obviously, harbouring an erection. Peter quickly covered up and his face flushed red with embarrassment, Sarah couldn’t help but laugh and soon Peter had joined her in laughing. Soon they had both calmed down and they were free to continue. “Truth or dare?” asked Sarah.

“I suppose I’ll choose dare this time too, it seems fair.”

“You’re a true gentleman…” she said with a smile on her face. “…I have a good one for you, it’s not quite as humiliating as mine but you deserve it. I dare you to strip down to your boxers, maybe next time you’ll think twice before getting me to give you a sex-show.” She leaned back in her chair as if she was expecting a bit of a performance, she started to clap slowly waiting for his compliance.

He didn’t waste that much time and quickly had managed to shed all of his clothes apart from him boxers. Luckily for Peter his erection had subsided but his current situation left him uneasy about when it might return so he quickly sat back down on the couch. “Let’s only do dare from now on, make it more interesting,” he said, getting into the game a little more.

“Okay then, fire away.” Replied Sarah, clearly enjoying her brother’s compromising position.

“Strip down to your underwear.” He said, with a similar air of triumph that his sister had when she had given him the same dare.

Sarah was a little more reluctant than Peter to strip down but soon complied without argument as she had always been the least self-conscious, and most outgoing, of the twins. She quickly shed her jeans and socks but hesitated for a moment. Dressed in only her panties and a shirt she stood before peter, her long, sexy legs already giving him quite a show. With great skill she quickly removed her shirt and snapped her arms over her chest revealing the reason for her hesitation, she had not been wearing a bra that day.

She sat back down, her arms crossed against her chest and looked at Peter, “Pervert.” She said a smile still on her face despite her situation.

“I think…” said Peter, smiling widely. “It is not I who is a pervert but you who is a slut.”

“Well, I’m going to punish you all the same; it’s your dare now so you better not be so cocky.” She paused, clearly giving this dare more thought that her others. Without warning she leant down and swiftly removed her cotton panties and held them up in the air before her brother. She had managed to remove them without exposing her breasts and had quickly pulled her legs up towards her chest to hide the rest of her now naked body. “Now…” she said menacingly, “…get on your knees and crawl over here.” She pointed to a spot on the floor in front of her.

Peter was taken aback at first but thought that she probably had something funny in mind so decided not to hesitate in obeying her orders. When he had reached the spot on the floor that he had been ordered to kneel at he stopped and looked up towards his sister. She was still covering her beautiful naked body with her arms and legs but the look on her face had changed. The look of menace and amusement had changed with one of intensity; she stared into Peter’s eyes and bit softly on her bottom lip. They stayed there, not moving, looking into each other’s eyes for several minutes before Sarah finally shifted on the couch.

Without warning she parted her legs and revealed to her brother her perfect shaven pussy. As soon as she had uncovered it its scent had made its way towards Peter’s mouth and had intoxicated him, he wanted to protest, but he wanted more to stop and take in what he was seeing. The silence was soon broken by Sarah who, ever the dominant partner, stated simply and with absolute confidence, “I know you want me.”

Peter hesitated, he knew she wanted him to do and it was not something that he could take lightly. Still staring at her exquisite womanhood gümüşhane escort he wavered uncertainly. It was starting to moisten and as it glistened its beauty became even more seductive and Peter could take it no longer, without any further thought on the matter he leant forward and kissed his sister, gently, on the groin.

She was unable to hide her frustration at the anticipation of his kiss. She groaned appreciatively and widened her legs further pushing her aching pussy towards her brother. He moved away slightly, wanting to savour the moment and relishing the fact that Sarah was clearly enjoying the suspense. He breathed gently onto her waiting womanhood and revelled in seeing its increasing moistness. Soon it became as infuriating to Peter as it was to Sarah and slowly, but surely, he leant further forwards and placed a kiss on the hood of her clitoris. He felt her shudder with delight as he kissed her and so he continued to kiss her, on the groin and all around her pussy.

Before long it had parted slightly and without much hesitation he stuck out his tongue and slowly, but strongly, licked her pussy from the base all the way to the clit. With this his sister let out a slight moan and she shuffled again in her seat pushing her womanhood even closer to her brother’s face. He continued to lick and kiss her pussy with such skill, delicacy and attention that it was not long before her womanhood was practically drenched with moisture as much from her pussy as from his mouth.

Eventually Sarah’s breathing became more laboured and beads of sweat formed all across her trembling body, she would not be able to hold off her orgasm much longer. Peter continued as he had before but noticing his sisters agitation he decided to speed the process up. He pulled away from her for a split second and moistened two of his fingers in his mouth. Without hesitation he moved his tongue towards the clit which he began to flick and suck gently enough to cause no discomfort but with enough force to drastically increase his sister’s pleasure. As he continued his sisters laboured breathing evolved into short panting moans. He slipped his moistened fingers quickly into her pussy and pushed his fingers inside her up towards where his tongue was stimulating her clit.

Without warning his sister’s body began convulsing and shaking and as he continued his ministrations she screamed loudly and reached an explosive orgasm. Peter removed his fingers and continued with his tongue as his sister began to gush fluid out onto the couch, she had to push his head away from her burning pussy, unable to cope with the pleasure.

Sarah’s whole body had gone limp and she remained panting in a heap on the couch. Her body was glistening and her heart was pounding, she was in a state of total ecstasy. Peter knelt up higher and then sat on the couch next to his sister who he watched for several minutes as she panted heavily, a wide smile on her lips.

Soon she had recovered from her orgasm and without saying a word she turned to her brother and pushed him towards the other end of the couch. He lay before her, completely submissive to whatever she was about to do. She pushed her hands towards him and quickly removed his boxers only stopping for a second to look at his bulging erection. Without hesitation she moved towards him and lay on top of him and kissed him deeply.

She could taste herself on his lips but to her this only added to the eroticism of the scene and they kissed deeply. Soon she had grown tired of kissing and sat up slightly, her legs straddling his belly. She put a hand behind her back and looked behind her. With only slight movements she slipped back and swiftly inserted his throbbing cock into her aching vagina.

As she lowered herself onto his shaft Peter was unable to hide his pleasure, his eyes rolled back in his head and a quiet moan escaped his smiling lips. Sarah leaned back towards him and started to rock, slowly and evenly, up and down on his cock. As she continued to rock more rapidly she sat upright and Peter watched her pert breasts shake with each of her thrusts. Soon he was feeling the inevitable drawing close and he called out in a voice coloured by pleasure “I’m going to cum.” He had expected his sister to withdraw upon announcing this but she too was far too involved in the movement and just continued unabated.

Before long Peter could hold it no longer and with loud moans and a look of utter pleasure on his face he reached an orgasm. The sight of her brother in such pleasure caused Sarah to reach her second climax of the evening and as they both moaned and groaned Peter ejaculated into his sister’s trembling womanhood.

With her second orgasm Sarah was unable to control herself again and she collapsed onto the chest of her panting brother. For several minutes they sat in each other’s arms, not moving. Soon Sarah had moved and, withdrawing her brother’s hard cock from her pussy, she sat up and looked into his eyes. “I love you.” She said softly and leaned in towards him for another kiss.

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