Twin Union Pt. 01


Let me add a disclaimer, as I have seen before on this site. The story below is the start of short series of erotic stories about twin sister and brother. It is intended to be erotic, not straight porn. Erotic, but credible. Nothing wrong with porn, but it is not what I do.

This story in essence really happened. I know as I was there. The story takes it slowly, building up during part 1, coming to a head in future parts. I hope you have patience and enjoy.


We are twins, my sister Eve and I. My name is Paul – not Adam, if that is what you’d think! Twenty years of age we are and we have both completed our sophomore years at college. Different colleges, a thousand miles apart. Different subjects too, liberal arts for her and engineering for me. I am afraid that is too typical. She is very clever, certainly no less than I, and she could easily have chosen engineering. Why she didn’t? I guess she followed her heart, as I followed my head. Also typical, but what is right and what is wrong? I love the arts and do and see things in my spare time.

Are we close? Not sure. Not close enough I feel. As toddlers we were inseparable, of course, and that held pretty well during primary school. But when the juices started flowing, the closeness faded a bit. She got confidential with her girlfriends and I with my pals. We joked at the dinner table as of old, occasionally did things together, but that was usually in groups, a couple of her friends and mine together. We had fun, therefore, but not shared our minds or souls.

I lost my virginity during my final year at highschool and went out with that girl for the remainder of the year. She was a fine girl, pretty and sexy in a lazy sort of way. That suited me, as I could retain the initiative, and we had sex coming out of our ears. It was great and I learnt a lot about what I like and what moves a woman, in the guise of this particular girl. But when I went to college the liaison faded quickly enough when I was confronted with scores of other attractive girls.

I cannot say I know when Eve lost hers. She had a boyfriend or two, but what she did with them in turn, I cannot really say. The fact is that both she and I did not have our boy- or girlfriends sleeping over at our house. Our parents were a bit conservative that way. Most of my sex was after school at my girlfriend’s house. Where Eve went after school, or whom she was with when she occasionally slept over somewhere else, I don’t know. The point is: she did not say and I did not ask. Looking back, I wonder why. Perhaps we just needed to develop ourselves as individuals. Or perhaps twin boys and girls, so close by birth, could not be close when developing as sexual beings. Don’t know, have not read the book, but I see it as a shame now.

College then. Things started to turn back to confidentiality a bit during our freshman year. The medium was e-mails and texts for the most part. We called rarely. Seeing each other happened during the holidays. But the first year, when back home, the focus was on our old circles, including during the summer holiday.

During the second year I found that I sort of had had my fill of girlfriends and in particular of sleeping around. This was not a conscious decision at a particular moment, or a decision for good, but I was just bored and needed a break from dallying around and reground myself. When I said so much to Eve at some point, she said she felt she was on the point on breaking up with her current beau and felt similarly.

A few months later we found ourselves back home on summer break. For both of us a time to take it easy and relax. We did spend some time with our old friends like before, but spent a lot of time together, reading, sitting out at the pool, chatting.

Our parents have left us yesterday for a two-week break of their own. We are lying side by side on stretchers, each sipping from a glass of ice tea. I am wearing my Hawaiian shorts and she a red one-piece swimsuit.

Why not a two-piece like most girls?

“Hey, Eve, wouldn’t you rather have a bikini on and get more of an all-over tan? Most girls do.”

“You know, Paul, a one-piece feels better. It has fewer elastics to pinch my skin. Unlike many girls I don’t care that much for an all-over tan. Besides, how do you know I don’t already have one?”

And she smiles a cheeky smile.

“You can show it, if you want”, I reply, not expecting her to actually do it.

She raises my hopes when she says, “Who knows? There is time enough to show each other what we are worth.”

She is beautiful, I find. I look at her from time to time. Sometimes she lies backside up, sometimes on her back. When we are silent, I suspect she has her eyes closed, but can’t be sure, as she has her sunglasses on. I guess if she hasn’t, she would speak up if she felt I was staring at her.

To call her body beautiful – it is a big word, but it is. Maybe you could say her breasts are a touch on the small side compared to her hips. But you would have to look well before you’d see that. Her face aksaray escort is lovely, open, but there are times when she turns inwards, introspective. She is not totally easy to read. We are twins, but she is dark where I am blond, she is of slight, but wiry build to my heavier, fleshy frame. She is a running athlete and I a rugby player. Meanwhile, she is quite tall for a girl, 5’8″ to my 6′.

Now she takes off her sunglasses and looks at me.

“So, Paul, we are not doing much, are we?”

“I guess we aren’t. But I don’t care. The semester was crazy.”

“I think we should try to get to know each other a little better. Don’t you? I mean we practically have the same genes, but what do we know of each other? Now, when we were little, we did, but we have changed so much, haven’t we?”

“No comparison! Alright, let’s talk. I have been wanting to. I quite agree with you. I just figured we haven’t been on each other’s chest, because you are a girl and I a guy.”

“Hmm… That may be right, but we should rise above that. Why should my girlfriends know me better than you? You should be no threat at all. So I will be as frank as I would be to myself. You’d respect me, wouldn’t you?”

“My… Well, of course! Why?”

She looks at me with intensity.

“Just checking. You are my bro, my twin no less, but I can’t say I have learnt to trust manhood as a whole.

“I have seen you check me out just now, mind.”

I laugh and she laughs with me.

“Oops, ” I say, “or perhaps ‘checking out’ is not what I did. Don’t you think you can trust me?”

“As I said, I am not completely sure. Pretty sure though and I guess I will find out at some point.”

“You mean ‘until you have proof you can’t?’ You are my sister for Pete’s sake!”

“OK, I will trust you for now. Hope this keeps you on your toes. Anyway, perhaps I am just trying to spice things up. I like relaxation but there is a place for playing to add a little pepper to life.

“For now, just tell me how you are doing…”

Relieved from Eve pushing me into a corner a bit, I explain how college and college life have been for me. That I am doing well enough academically, that I enjoy my rugby and my time in the gym, that I have taken back on the intense socialising, and that I have kept having the occasional one-night stands and one or two longer flings, but still short. No attempts at finding a longer term relationship.

“So how many girls have you bedded by now?”

She puts the pressure on again. Not something I would discuss with a girl, but, hey, she is my twin. I reply, “I have not kept score, you know. Why do you want to know?”

“As your twin, I am entitled to knowing this, don’t you think? I don’t want my reputation plummeting.”

“You are equating your reputation to mine! Not sure it works that way.”

We laugh and I give her a mock push on the shoulder. I have not touched her in years apart from the embraces and kisses when meeting.

“Well, if you really want to know, about twenty, I guess, including Nancy from high school, whom you know about.”

“OK, the one you fucked under my face, so to speak, but whom you never said one word to me about.”

“That is hardly fair. How many words have you said to me about the guys who fucked you during high school?”

“Cheap retaliation! If I am bad, that is not excuse for you to be bad too. But it is true, not a word. But then I did not fuck them.”

“Get out of here! Why not?”

“Because I did not feel they were worth it. And, if truth be told, my teasing them was worth as much as the fuck to me. The stories of my girlfriends were not enticing. So during highschool, it was oral and masturbation for me. Oral by an occasional girlfriend and by the second of my boyfriends, if that is what he was.”

“But you surely made up for it during your college years?”

“I have been having a ball at college, yes. And I have been fucked now. But was not a goal in itself, I have to be clear. I don’t know what I want. I do want to find a mate ultimately, I think, and have kids with him, but no time soon. A mate for life and to have sex with too, of course. Lots, if possible, as I do like sex. For now, however, I am quite OK to keep myself satisfied with my own hands, or those or the mouths of girlfriends, or those of boys and, yes, get a fuck as the occasion arises.

“What I really enjoy is teasing and playing, that is also true.

“Recently I have elected for a relatively quiet time, though. Just because. A break, I guess.”

She tells me of her life at college, the plays and concerts she sees, the people she spends time with, how she is doing academically, that she has taken a second major, sport sciences etc. She is doing well, all in all. And I understand her momentary withdrawal from intense socialising and meeting the boys. I sort of have been doing a comparable thing.

“Wow,” I say, “we haven’t talked like this for years.”

“Or, ever…”, she corrects me.

We laugh. I get artvin escort up and take the step towards her. I pull her up and we embrace.

“I love you, Eve.”

“Love you too, Paul.

“Now, before we start crying, let’s get a bottle of wine out and start the party!”

We toast to each other and drink. We are done with talking. We need to get rid of our energy and splash about wildly in the pool.

After dinner and another bottle, we sit at the pool again. We are mildly drunk.

“Let’s play games,” Eve suddenly says, “Truth or dare, the all-time favourite?”

“Could do, yeah. Sounds a bit dangerous… But bro and sis, twins, no less, we should be good. Right?”

“I would never hurt you. If I bring you in trouble, it should be fun trouble.”

“Whatever that means… OK, truth or dare?”

“By the way, forfeiting is punished by having to strip off one item of clothing. Accepted?”

“But we have only one item of clothing on! We’d be naked straight away!”

“True! But we are the same flesh and blood, so what the hell!”

“Glad you are so easy on this. Is it not a taboo for brother and sister to see each other naked?”

“Wah! What the hell? The taboo is on fucking, or more to the point, conceiving a child together. So let’s display best endeavours not to create a child. I am on contraception, by the way, but don’t take this as an invitation.”

“Right. Forfeit is stripping then. Exciting. As I said, truth or dare?”


“How many guys have been inside you then?”

“As if that is your business! But if you really want to know, five! One of those was in tens of times, the others once or twice only. How many have gone down on me is another matter, but that is not what you asked.

“My turn! Truth or dare?”


“Have you been done anally? Cocks or dildoes count.”

“Me, a guy? No, I have not.”

“A bit narrowminded, then? A girl could have done it to you, you know. You should try it sometime. I have had dildoes in me there. Feels really different and exciting.”

“I will give it some thought… Truth or dare?”

“Time for a dare, perhaps? Be easy on me…”

“Simulate an orgasm for me, ‘When Harry met Sally’-style.”

“My, is that something you ask of a sister? Fortunately, I am an expert! Harry met Sally, lets not go to a diner, but we do need a table.”

She leads me inside to the kitchen table. As Harry, I sit opposite her. We are still wearing our swimwear. She looks at me for a moment. She does not look like Meg Ryan. Pretty good, though. Her hands disappear underneath the table into her lap. She keeps her eyes locked on me, but in fact disappears inside herself and stares at me.

I do not see the movement of her fingers, if they move at all, if she is really stimulating herself… I cannot be sure. Her arms don’t move. It is just her head.

She starts moaning very softly, growling sometimes… A very slow crescendo… Sometimes her pupils disappear and I just see the whites of her eyes. I see mouth open, her tongue come out, wet, wetting her lips, her shiny teeth… Her breath quickens slowly, developing into heavy breathing, panting… Gutural sounds, she is becoming beastly… She throws her head back again and again, shakes it… She is very loud now, practically screaming… It is fascinating, a bit scary too, to see your sister transform like this… A blistering scream that tears her throat apart, she tenses… and drops limp.

Silence… A minute or two pass. I look at her and her closed eyes.

Then suddenly she rights herself and opens her eyes, they shine brightly, and looks and smiles broadly at me.

“So, what did you think of that? Was it real or fake?”

“Real! It looked and sounded real to me, for Pete’s sake! How could you fake that?”

“Wrong, brother. You don’t know your sister very well at all, do you? I am not very loud in reality, just a bit of breathing, gasping and moaning. This was Sally-style, as you requested. Not bad, eh?”

“I am flabbergasted! I would have sworn!

“I have to admit, at my peril, that watching you do this aroused me no end.”

“Oh, wow! At your service, dear bro. Be fortunate I won’t ask you for evidence. What I will ask you, if you dare, is to do a Sally yourself. Are you game?”

“Not sure I can fake it like you can.”

“Do it for real, if you like. As long as it looks and sounds like a convincing fake.”

The fox!

I slouch down opposite her and put my hands in my lap. I look at her, with her devious smile.

I try to fake it entirely, without touching my cock, which is hard nonetheless, but I don’t convince myself by a long way. I look at my sister with what must be a foolish apologetic grin. And I am aroused, strongly want to come.

She looks back with an earnest gaze, no irony.

I take a big swig from my wine and put my hands in my swimming trunk. It is tough, doing this in front of her, but there is no way back. I close my eyes bartın escort and stimulate myself. I am horny as hell. My head back, I swivel it to and fro as I quickly climb towards my climax. I groan as I come and fall back limp like she did, but in my case for real. My hands and my trunk are covered with my spunk.

After a while, the spunk having gone cold, I dare to open my eyes and look her. Her look is still earnest, but she smiles sweetly when I look at her.

“Paul, I don’t think you faked it, did you? Show me your hands.”

As I do, she says, “OK, that is your sperm, brother. Contains a lot of my genes too, I guess. Alright, thank you. Wash your hands, if you want, or lick them, whatever.” She chuckles.

“Yeah, you lick them!”, I grunt, “and now excuse me when I put on fresh trunks on.”

“Right, I won’t lick, but do clean up. Don’t wash all of you and be back soon, we are still playing.”

She looks me over as I pass her to go to my bedroom. She shows her tongue at the last minute, but I am too far gone to take her up on this late offer.

I strip off my soiled trunks. I am dying to take a shower. The post-ejaculation dip, I guess, but I comply with her suggestion (order!) and just wash my hands, put on fresh trunks and go back down to the kitchen.

“OK, sister. Now how to top that! Were you turned on by my performance, such as it was?”

“That is a pretty lame question under the circumstances, after all that, but yeah, I was. The thought that it was my brother doing this in front of me was a big turn-on. I had to keep myself from masturbating!”

“Why keep yourself?”

“For saving myself, dear bro. You could hardly have concentrated had I joined in.

“Not terribly impressed by your staying power, though!” The tease!

I say, “Lets continue the game. My turn. Truth or dare?”

“Well, we need a rest, don’t we? Truth.”

“Have you ever done a threesome?”

“Course, I have. What I have done is a few times with three girls. Once I had a threesome with two girls, myself included, and one guy, the other girl’s boyfriend. I gave him a blowjob, early on, and then concentrated on my girlfriend. We did a sixty-nine, which was great, me on top. Well positioned, if I may say so! I had the guy do me anally with a dildo. Here was a guy, who could not get it up for another couple of hours, by which I was long gone. So he did not have the chance to fuck me. I did not care for him. But it was a lot of fun all considered. I liked that he wanted me, but could not, considering that I could not stay the night. I could have, of course, but did not care to. Not very nice, but why be nice if you don’t care for a guy?”

“Sis, why indeed? Glad I was not the guy. Eh, that is, if I was not your brother. I am confusing myself. Anyway, as your brother I was not in that position.”

She says, “You had been if you had been my girlfriend’s boyfriend and then I would rightly have incapacitated you early on. Let’s not go there now.

“My turn. Truth, dare? A question or an act? I know what, are you prepared to describe my body, as to a blind person? In all its detail?”

“That is hardly truth or dare, but what the hell. And let me I take charge a little. Why don’t you climb upon the kitchen table and move and turn around whenever I tell you so, all in the interest of the description.”

“You are not asking me to strip, are you? I need more wine for that, perhaps there is not enough wine in the house, actually. Besides, it is my turn, so it would not be fair. But I will show myself well. That IS fair.”

And there she climbs on top of the table. Quite impressive, she is towering over me like this, wearing nothing but this nice red swimming suit.

“Go on, and be brutal and describe all the things you see. Don’t flatter me. I know I am attractive enough.”

“Alright… I see an athletic girl in front of me. On the tall side, but well proportioned. It is clear she does a lot of sports. Her skin is lightly tanned and pretty smooth, like you may expect from a 20-year-old. Her hair is a touch longer than shoulder length, not dead-straight, but pretty straight. Her gaze is alert and clever. She seems ready at any minute to burst into a broad smile. And there she goes! Her lips are nice and slim. Her eyes are blue, like mine, which is striking in combination with her dark hair. Her boobs are a touch on the small side, but ample enough for her athletic body…”

“Damn right you say that, bro. For you and all the guys in the world bigger is better, but I would not want them a lot bigger.”

“… and they are firm. I can see her nipples standing proud through the swimsuit material. Pretty fat nipples. The girl may be aroused…”

“Stick to facts, my dear brother.”

“… though the crotch area of her swimsuit does not show it. I cannot smell her either…”

“Paul, I did not know you had it in you! The cheek! Fine, they are facts and I can handle this.”

“… A faint camel toe is evident. Not sure if this means she is shaven down there or not. Maybe later all this will be revealed…”

“You are way ahead of yourself there. My lips are sealed. No pun intended! And shaving makes little difference, you fool! Not that I would know for sure… Hand me my wine!” she cries.

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