Life in Hawaii Ch. 06


Kat woke up on Saturday, with nothing to do. Riley was spending the night at a friend’s house, so she didn’t have anyone to do something with.

Kat, however, didn’t want to spend the whole day moping around at home. She decided to go to the local mall, a trip she hadn’t yet made. She had wanted some new clothes, and might as well check out shoes while she was out.

Not wanting to waste any time, she made breakfast and headed out for the day!


Kat stepped out of her car and into the bright sunlight, and adjusted her dress. When she left the house, the sexy teacher picked out a yellow dress and heels. It was buttoned up the front, and a tad more conservative than her usual wear, but Kat hadn’t worn it in a while. It didn’t show too much cleavage, but revealed enough to be a little teasing. The bottom came down to a little above her knees. However, Kat had decided to be a tad risque, and went without panties or a bra. The dress’s fabric was pretty soft, so it wouldn’t chafe or anything.

All in all, Kat was happy with her outfit. That is, she was happy with it until she shut her door, and began to walk away. She felt a tug from behind. Oh no, she thought, I must have shut the door on my dress! As she turned around to open it again and free her trapped dress, she heard a pop. She glanced down just in time to see one of her buttons roll under the car. Looking at her dress, she realized that the bottom button had popped off when she turned around.

Kat then remembered why she hadn’t worn this dress in a while: the buttons came off easily! She had wondered why there were two extra buttonholes on the bottom when she had put it on. Now there were three extra holes!

Kat, however, didn’t want to go home. That would just be delaying her day out, and she had woken up late as it was. She figured she’d just be careful while she shopped. After all, she still had 18 buttons holding her dress together. Kat reopened her door and freed her dress, carefully this time.

She began walking towards the mall. As she had gotten a good spot, it wasn’t a far walk. As she approached the doors, she saw that they were open, and that a workman was on a ladder, working on something above the door.

One thing Kat hadn’t thought about when she decided to continue into the mall was that the third lost button meant that, whenever she walked, her dress separated more, and revealed more of her thigh. As she walked up to the disabled sliding doors, her mid thigh was on display with every stride. When she walked through the doors, the man gave her a low wolf whistle. Kat glared at him, and walked through the door. However, her sleeve caught on the workman’s screwdriver, which was hanging on his tool belt. As Kat walked by, the top button of her dress popped off, and she turned around carefully. Continuing to glare at the man, she unhooked her sleeve, and walked on angrily. The man chuckled as she walked away.

A bit more of her cleavage was on display now. Her dress was originally designed with seven buttons below the crotch, seven in between that and her boobs, and seven holding Kat’s big boobs in the dress. With three missing from the bottom, she only had four buttons down there, and six on the top. Although she was showing a bit more of her rack, she was still comfortable in the outfit. After all, she regularly showed more than this at school!

Kat continued into the mall. It was shaped in a simple loop, so she just picked one way to go and started walking. It wasn’t terribly crowded. Kat walked for a while, gaining confidence, assuring herself that she wasn’t going to lose anymore buttons. After all, what was going to make them come off? Nothing, she decided.

After walking a ways, she came upon a shoe store. She happily went in, and began to browse the aisles for shoes she liked. Eventually she found a pair she liked, and wanted to try them on. However, the box was on the very top shelf. If Kat stood on her toes and stretched, she thought she could get it. Stubbornly not wanting to ask for help, she gave it a shot.

Once she was balanced on her toes and could get her fingertips on it, however, she felt a tug on the bottom of her dress. A button popped off the top of her dress. Another sharp tug, and another button came off. With the second tug went Kat’s balance. She toppled over, landing on her side on the floor. When she sat up again, unharmed, she saw a child of probably only five standing by her. He looked embarrassed, and mumbled an apology. Another woman swept up from behind him, and picked him up. She apologized profusely, and also looked embarrassed. “Oh, no problem,” Kat replied. “He probably just confused me for you. We are wearing similar dresses, after all.”

That was true. The other woman was also wearing a yellow dress, that was about the same length. Kat got up off the floor and dusted off her dress. The other woman stepped over, and said, “Oh, let me help you.”

She began to dust off the back of Kat’s dress canlı bahis with her hand, ignoring Kat’s protests. Once she finished, she straightened up Kat’s outfit. However, when she tugged on one sleeve to even it out, another button popped off of the bottom part of Kat’s dress. “Oh! I’m so sorry! I’ll just leave you be…” the she said as she backed away, son in tow.

Kat, dismayed at how fast she was losing buttons on her dress, glanced down at it. She was now missing four from the bottom, and three from the top. Quite a bit of cleavage was showing now, as was her upper thigh.

Sighing at how exposed she was becoming, Kat once again reached for the box. She was sure the bottom of her ass was exposed as she stood on her toes. However, something interrupted her once again as she reached for the box. Again she felt a tug on the bottom of her dress, and again a button popped off the top. Before she could regain her balance and turn around, she felt a light slap on the bottom of her ass, and a male voice said from behind her, “You’d better get a better dress, missy. This one seems to be coming apart.”

With that, Kat stabilized herself, and whipped around to face the man. He was an employee of the store, middle aged, but still somewhat handsome. “Aren’t you supposed to be a professional?” Kat asked angrily. “I will have you fired so fast…”

At that, he took heed. “Er, sorry, madam. Is there anything I can, er, do for you?”

Kat replied, “Yes, there is. Get that pair of shoes off of the top shelf.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said as he reached up and pulled the shoes down.

“They are too big for you, though.”

“What are you talking about? They’re a five. That’s what I wear.”

The employee disagreed. “Looking at your shoes, I think you’re a four.”

Kat was still angry that he had slapped her butt. “Oh yeah? Measure me,” she commanded imperiously.

He dutifully walked off, and returned with a foot-measurer. Kat sat down on a nearby bench, and he got on his knees and undid her shoe. He slid the device under her foot, and lined up the bars with her toes. “Well, I guess I’m wrong. You are a five.” he said.

It was only once they both stood up that Kat realized what he had really done. She had been sitting down, legs apart, in a now-loosish dress. He had had a clear view of her pussy! Why on earth did I decide not to wear panties today? Kat thought to herself. She glared at the man, and exclaimed, “Here, you can put these back. I’m done here.”

As she began to walk away, however, the man stuck his leg out. Kat tripped on it, and started to fall. He jumped over to her, and tried to catch her. He got an arm around her waist, but Kat kept falling. He had grabbed onto her dress at a bit above the waistline. As Kat fell, buttons began to pop off of the middle, one by one. By the time she had slapped his hand away, she had lost six of the middle buttons. Kat jumped up, and was ready to shout at him, but figured that she should just get out of the store before she lost any more buttons. She angrily stormed out.

Once she was outside the store, Kat looked down to see what damage had been done to her poor dress. Almost all of the buttons in-between her boobs and her crotch were gone, leaving her toned belly visible. She was left with four buttons keeping her boobs covered, and three on her pussy. Her dress was looking quite meager now that it didn’t cover her midriff. You could almost see down to her pussy!

Kat figured she had better hurry to a clothing store, so that she could buy a new outfit. This one wasn’t lasting very long at all.

Quickening her pace, Kat walked down the mall. However, she was soon waylaid by a college boy. He looked to be 18. As he greeted her, he said, “Hi there, do you have change for a twenty?”

Kat, who knew she did, dutifully pulled out her wallet and gathering up bills. As she was focused on this, she didn’t notice the second boy walking up behind her until she felt his hands grab her boobs from behind. In her haste to turn around, she dropped her wallet and purse on the ground. She slapped his hands away from her breasts, and was about to shout at him when she saw the other boy bending down to pick up her wallet. Assuming rightly that they were in cahoots, but wrongly that he was trying to steal it, Kat whirled back around, and hastily bent over to get her wallet. The second boy, now faced with Kat’s beautiful ass, pushed her dress aside and grabbed her butt with both hands. Unfortunately for Kat, this caused two more buttons to pop off of the bottom of her dress.

The boys both noticed this, and figured that that was why she was missing so many buttons in the first place. She was now down to one button on the bottom! This didn’t even keep her pussy totally covered. She was sure a few hairs were peeking out.

Kat grabbed her wallet and stood up, again turning around to chastize the boy behind her. However, the first boy, who had noticed how easily her kaçak iddaa dress’s buttons came off, reached out and tugged hard on her sleeve. At this abuse, three buttons shot off of her dress.

Kat was now down to just two buttons: one on the top, and one on the bottom. The dress hardly concealed her boobs at all. It held together enough to conceal her nipples, but not much more. On the bottom, most of her ass was exposed, as was some of her pussy.

At this point Kat just wanted a new outfit. To that end, she dashed away from the boys, not wanting to give them another opportunity to take off her buttons. Her boobs were bouncing wildly, and she was sure numerous people got peeks at her nipples and her bush, not to mention her very exposed ass.

Kat soon saw a clothing store. She rushed in, and toward the back of the store where the women’s clothing was. The two boys followed her in, although Kat didn’t notice them.

Glancing around, she hurried over to a promising-looking stand of jeans, and grabbed out one that looked like it would fit. Sure enough, it was her size. She then hastened to the underwear section, and grabbed some panties. Finally, she went to the shirts, and picked out the first one she saw in her size.

Holding all of these, Kat looked around for the changing rooms, so she could get out of her dress as soon as possible. Spotting a promising doorway, Kat walked over to the back of the store. She stepped into the first room, eager to get changed into something less revealing.

These changing rooms had curtains instead of doors, so they weren’t quite as private as Kat would have liked. However, she quickly pulled the curtian closed, and took off her dress, and pulled on her new thong and jeans. They fit nicely, and, best of all, didn’t put her ass on display! As she looked at the shirt she had grabbed, Kat realized it was a little less conservative than she would have liked, as it left her midriff bare. However, it did cover her boobs nicely, so Kat was happy.

Ready to face the world again, Kat turned around to walk out of the changing room. To her surprise, the curtain was already open! The two boys from before were standing outside the changing room, grinning. They must have opened it while she was changing! Kat instantly turned red. They had seen her totally naked!

Blushing, Kat stalked out of the room, and into the store. She glared at the two kids, who were staring at her lasciviously. As Kat walked up to the front of the store, they went off in another direction. By the time she had gotten to the register, however, they were back, this time holding a disposable camera, which they had already unwrapped and were winding. Glaring at them, she stepped up the register, and greeted the guy standing behind it. He looked about 19, and wasn’t terribly good looking. “You got any clothes, lady?” He asked, as Kat wasn’t holding any purchases.

“Oh, I’m wearing them.”

Suddenly looking a bit more interested, he said, “Well, how do you want me to ring ’em up? Wanna take them off?”

Kat blushed, and mumbled, “Er, not really…”

“Well, howabout you just sit up on the counter, and I’ll try and scan them?”

With that, Kat hopped onto the counter, and sat with her legs dangling off.

Without hesitating, the boy grabbed the back of her shirt, and scanned it. However, as he tugged on the neckline, Kat heard a mumbled “uh oh…”

Glancing behind her, she asked, “What? What is it?”

“This shirt has the security device in the front. See, all the stuff in the store has a special electronic gizmo that sets off the alarms if I don’t turn it off.”

“Whaaaat? What kind of shirt has that in the front? Can’t you just let me out without turning it off?!”

“Nope, I can’t. You’d set off all the alarms. Now, turn around, so I can disable it in…”

“But you’ll be able to see my boobs and everything! Can’t you just fudge the rules this once?”

“I’m really sorry, but I can’t. Now unless you want to take the shirt off, turn around.”

Kat reluctantly turned around, and the boy greedily reached for her shirt. He pulled it as far forward as it would go, before grabbing the device. Leaning forward to deactivate it, he was getting a good look at Kat’s big boobs. Glancing downwards, Kat could see that, from his angle, almost everything up to her nipples was uncovered. He was staring straight down at her giant melons, to Kat’s embarassment.

After about 10 seconds of ogling her boobs, the boy finished and reluctantly let her shirt go.

Well at least that’s over, Kat thought. However, the boy then exclaimed, “Alright, I’ll do your jeans now. Why don’t you stand on this side of the counter, and lean over? That’ll make the tag easiest to get to.”

Angrily, Kat did as he said. She felt a light slap on her ass, followed by a snigger, and blushed a little more. The boy stuck one hand down her jeans, pretending to search for the device. He was actually just kaçak bahis feeling up her ass, however. After a few seconds of this, he slipped a finger through it and pulled it up. Disabling it, he said, “Alright, now I need to do your panties.”

Kat was mortified. She hadn’t thought about this at all. However, before she could protest, the boy had slipped his hands under her crotch, and was unbuttoning her jeans. He quickly grabbed the sides of her jeans, and yanked them down her legs. She was now bent over the counter, with her pants around her thighs, wearing a thong that left her entire ass on display. Kat blushed furiously at the embarrassment. He began to maul her ass with both hands, squeezing it and kneeding it. Kat glared back at him, “Can’t you stop feeling me up and hurry it up?”

Not looking at all ashamed, the boy felt around the thong. “Hmm… It doesn’t seem to be back here.”

“What?! Well where else could it be?!”
“Well, on thongs, they sometimes put it in the front…”

“What?! Who on earth would do that?!” Kat angrily asked.

The boy replied, “Well, I don’t think that the manufacturers usually expect half-naked sluts to be wearing thongs out of the store…”

“I am not a slut! And I’m only half-naked because you yanked my pants down!” Kat shot back.

“Either way, I still need to do these panties… So flip over!”

Kat knew he was right, but was still quite reluctant. She slowly turned over, so that her back was on the counter, and the boy was standing between her legs. Leering at her, he tugged her panties down, revealing her pussy. Raking a finger through Kat’s pussy, the boy said, “You’re sure you’re not just a horny slut, trying to get nailed by a poor store clerk?”

Kat glared daggers at him. He, however, just grinned back at her, and grabbed her panties. Without too much further ado, he disabled the security device. Kat was glad that this vile guy was finally done scanning her clothes, and that she could pay and get out of this shop. However, the boy had different ideas: “Alright, I’ll do your bra now.”

If it was possible to turn more red, Kat did. “I’m… Not wearing one…”

The boy pretended to look surprised, and said, “Not wearing one? But your tits are so big! Why wouldn’t you wear a bra?”

“I don’t even think you have one in my size here…” Kat said feebly.

The boy, just wanting to get a better look at her boobs, said, “Uh huh. I’ll bet you’re just trying to get out without paying for it. Well I’ll tell you, lady, shop lifting is not tolerated!”

As Kat was about to speak her angry retort, he quickly reached forward and grabbed her shirt. Before Kat could stop him, he yanked her shirt up to her neck, far over her tits. Just then, a bright flash lit up the whole scene. Glancing around in confusion, Kat saw the two boys who had gotten in line behind her with the disposable camera. She had forgotten all about them! And now they had a picture of her laying on the counter, jeans and panties around her thighs, with her boobs totally exposed as well!

However, Kat’s attention was immediately drawn back to the shop clerk. He had reached forward, and now had both hands on her tits, squeezing them and playing with them. Kat was finally fed up with this guy, and angrily tossed him off of her. She stood up, tugging her shirt back down in the process. The boy got one last slap on her ass before Kat tugged up her thong, and her jeans. Glaring one last time at him, Kat dug out her wallet, and pulled out a credit card. He charged her the clothes, which weren’t overly expensive, and she was finally free of this wretched person. Glaring at him one last time, Kat walked out of the store.

Although she had already endured quite the misadventure, it would all be for naught if Kat didn’t do some shopping. Now properly attired, she decided to stick around, as she still didn’t have anything else to do that day.

It was getting close to noon, and Kat had come out of the store across from the food court, so she decided to get some food. Once there, she hopped in line, and bought some spaghetti.

On one of her last bites, the sauce-laden spaghetti slipped off of her fork, and right down her shirt, landing wetly in her cleavage. Kat jumped up, causing the spaghetti to drip down between her boobs. She rushed over to the closest bathroom, and hurried in. Seeing that it was empty, quickly pulled off her shirt and began washing off her boobs. After a few seconds, however, she heard two people walking in and chatting. Kat quickly rushed into a stall, and shut the door.

A few seconds later, they were in the bathroom. As they resumed their conversation, Kat realized they were men! Was she in the wrong bathroom?! Thinking back, she might have been; she hadn’t checked the sign, as she was in a hurry. Maybe I can just put my shirt back on, and walk out, Kat wondered to herself. Wait, where’s my shirt?! Shoot! I must have left it by the sink!

She was now trapped in the stall until the two men left. She sat down to wait, and listened to the men’s chatter.

“Damn, that was one amazingly sexy chick.”

“Haha, yeah! Did you look at her tits? They were huge! You sure picked the right person to ask for change.”

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