Their Wonderful Brother

Big Tits

Janis Lynn woke from a fevered dream with a loud shriek. The nightmares had been intense and she was shaking like a leaf. She looked around the room and had no idea where she was. She was only wearing a bra and panties and she remembered enough of the night before to know that it wasn’t the outfit she had worn to the bar. However she had gotten here, someone had undressed her and dressed her again. Whoever that person was, they had a good eye. The ensemble that Janis was wearing fit her like a glove. She heard footsteps coming down the hall and dove back under the covers. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to face — whoever it had been that she had stumbled home with. Janis knew that she had to get this crazy drinking under control or one time, she might not make it out alive. She quivered under the covers, hoping that the footsteps she was hearing were not approaching her bedroom. She hoped in vain. She heard the bedroom door open and a voice cried out “I know you’re awake. I heard you yell out. Honestly Janis, you used to pull the same stunt when we were kids.”

Janis recognized the voice instantly, even though her head was full of cotton. She threw the covers to one side and looked up at the smiling, cherubic face of her younger sister, Susan. Even though Susan was nearing 25, she still had the fresh vitality of a girl in her teens.

“Susie! The bleary-eyed blonde cried out and held out her arms for a hug from her little sister. “Thank God it’s you. Where am I? How did I get here?”

The younger, redheaded sister groaned a tiny bit, although allowing her sister the hug. “We thought you might not remember, you were in pretty rough shape when we came to get you. We both brought you here last night. You’re at Adam’s place,” she said as she sat down and placed a tray on the side of the table. “Eat a little something first and I’ll explain the rest as we go along.”

Her head was pounding and her hands trembling, yet a part of Janis knew she had to eat and rehydrate. Susan poured her some coffee and she started to eat some pancakes. They were good and her head was starting to clear. “We haven’t heard from Adam in over ten years,” Janis asked as she drank a mouthful of coffee. “Why now? What’s going on?”

“You and the family haven’t heard from Adam in ten years,” Susan explained about the rest of their family. “I’ve kept in touch with him for the past 8. When the word started getting around about how bad you were getting, I got in touch with him and he rented a nice condo here so that we could both keep an eye on you. It is too late for Daddy, we’re not sure about Mom and Julie, well, she could go either way,” Susie spoke of their younger sister. “I’ve been sober now for some years, I have a good job and Adam’s been my rock. He wants to help you as well, but you have to meet us both half-way.”

“Things aren’t that bad with me, I like a drink every now and then, but I …”

“You’re a drunk Janis, admit it. You practically tore apart that bar last night because they wouldn’t serve you. Adam had a friend on the force who called and intervened. It cost him 5 thousand dollars in damages to keep you out of jail. You don’t remember coming here and your clothes were covered in barf. If you don’t realize that you have a problem now, you never will,” Susan told her. Her sister looked into her own, blood-shot eyes with eyes that were green, clear and sparkling. “You had real potential until your drank it away from the bottom of a bottle. It’s time to get your shit together or no one will be able to help you.”

Janis had been in denial for too long, but what she had heard from her sister hit her like a sledgehammer. She hung her head in shame and thanked God that she had been found and cared for by people who loved her and truly had her best interests at heart. At that point, she broke into sobs that were so strong they nearly made her ill again. Susan was able to calm her sister down and get some more food into her.

“You had your first blackout sweetheart, let’s hope it was your last one,” the 24-year old redhead said as Janis’s shaking hands held her coffee. “We come from a family of drunks, I don’t know why Adam has never succumbed, but he hasn’t. Look at this place, Jan — it’s gorgeous and it’s paid for, he owns it outright. He’s almost a real-estate mogul and he told me to tell you he’d do anything to help you, anything at all,” Susan told her sister.

“Why would he be so loving and so concerned?” Janis asked, her nerves finally calming down and her hand steadying.

“Because it was my beautiful older sister who took all of mom and dad’s abuse and kept me safe,” a clear and confident voice said from out in the hall. Adam didn’t so much walk as stride in. He’d been a young man when last Janis saw him and now, he was a tall and virile looking young man who was the picture of health. He had wavy dark hair, intense dark eyes and broad shoulders. Janis, who had worked in the clothing industry before letting her life spiral downward, recognized his suit as Brooks Brothers. He wore it well, he was as handsome as their father had once been before drink had devastated his own good looks. Adam reached out his arms as he neared the bed and türkçe bahis Janis fell into them, sobbing again.

“I don’t deserve all of your kindness, I deserted you,” Janis sniffed. Susan handed her a tissue.

“Nonsense, you didn’t desert either of us,” Adam corrected her. “Our parents put pressure on you and all the drinking made you irrational. If you’re willing to get help, I can pay for it. I think I can even help you to find work again, I have a few connections. Your reputation was rock-solid until the drinking took over. You might have to start small and rebuild, but it is possible. You’ve reached a turning point Jan — you can live your life as a sober person or you can crash and go down in flames. What’s it going to be?”

Janis looked up at her handsome brother and over at Susie. Both of them wore looks of concern. It was going to be an agonizing journey and she knew it. It was one she had to take, not for their sake — for hers. “I’m going to live sober,” she told them as her voice cracked. “I can’t be that Janis anymore, the falling down drunk, the …”

“Enough,” Susan said, sitting on the edge of the bed and hugging her sister again. “Once you make the choice, that’s the first step. We’re both thrilled.”

“Okay, thank you both. Now, may I say one thing?” Janis asked. Her siblings both looked at her. “This is terrible coffee,” she allowed herself to laugh.

Susie slapped her brother on the arm. “See, I told you I make better coffee than you do. He never listens to me.”

“Just like when we were kids,” Janis looked up at him. “You turned out all right, baby brother, this place is amazing. Susie says you own it?”

“And four others, yes,” Adam told her as she saw her eyes go wide in shock. “After I hit the road, I worked a lot of odd jobs to put myself through college. A friend mentored me, I invested well and, well, I’m a millionaire before the age of 30. This place is huge, as you’ll find out, and you may stay here as long as you like.”

“I have my own apartment …”

“To which you will NOT be returning,” Adam said, his jaw clenched firmly. “The place is a seedy dump in a bad part of town, filled with people I don’t want you being around. It’s also full of bottles of liquor and while I’m sure you’re sincere in your desire for sobriety, I don’t want you backsliding. I’ll have one of my assistants go to your place, Susan can go along and pack up anything she deems worth saving. The rest can go in the trash or to Goodwill. I have more than enough money to buy you what you need and to get my sexy big sister back on her feet.”

Janis actually felt herself smile. It had been a long time since anyone had called her sexy and she hadn’t felt that way in ages. She knew she was attractive, her beautiful blonde looks had gotten her in the door at several fashion houses. Her competency and strong work ethic had kept the rest of her employed. Until the drinking got out of control, if you hired Janis Lynn, you got an incredible worker who would work tirelessly to make your shows a success. It didn’t hurt that she wore clothes remarkably well on a toned and fit body. Janis gritted her teeth. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had been to the gym.

“Is there a gym nearby?” She asked Adam. He and Susie grinned at each other.

“Two doors over,” Adam answered her.

“On this floor? Okay, that’s …”

“No, two doors over as in IN this condo,” Susan laughed. “Adam told you this place is huge, you have to see it for yourself. It takes up the entire top floor of this building. I’ve lived here for six months and you could almost go a day without bumping into each other if you wanted,” she told her sister.

“Six months? You don’t have a place of your own?”

Adam squeezed Susan’s hand and Janis’. “I want my family together, as one united front. You can both stay here for as long as you want, forever would be fine with me,” he grinned. “If Julie can break away from the bottle and from the family, she’ll be welcome too.” He looked at his sisters with pure love. “I’m very proud of Susan and it sounds to me like you’re going to commit to sobriety.”

Janis felt as if her face was beaming. She nodded. “Yes, I am. I’m going to commit to it the same way I did when I quit smoking.” Her siblings both remembered that. She had been a pack-a-day smoker and had quit cold turkey, never to smoke again. Even when she had hit rock bottom, she had not taken a single cigarette.

“This all sounds good, sis,” Adam smiled, giving her a peck on the cheek. “I’m going to make some calls and arrange for some people to go to your old place with Susie. You should stay in bed, you might be too weak today or you might get sick again later. Don’t get up until you feel totally rested, sleep and stop worrying — things will be fine,” Adam told her as he left the room with Susie right behind him. She had finished her breakfast and was going to tell him she wasn’t sleepy, then that was the last thing she remembered before falling back to sleep again. When she awoke again, it was dark and she felt — good. Still a bit shaky, yet better than she had in a while. She turned on a light and found a dressing iddaa siteleri gown at the end of the bed, which she put on. She got dressed and went outside of her room for the first time. She gasped — the place was as huge as her siblings had told her it was. She walked around a bit before finding the living room. She saw Adam and Susan cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie. They both looked comfortable together and happy, almost like a couple. Janis knew it would be nice to be part of that family love again and went over to join them.

“It’s Lazarus, risen from the dead,” Susie joked as Janis joined them at the end of the couch. Her brother and sister were both wearing robes. Susie smiled and said “The dress code around here is pretty lax, even the staff is used to it.”

Janis looked at them both. “Staff?”

Adam laughed. “Hell, yeah. You don’t think I expect Susan to take care of a place this massive all by herself, do you? I have a couple of maids and a cook come in during the week. You’ll meet all of them later,” he told his sister.

“He even has a valet,” Susie teased their brother.

“Yes, Giles — the proper English manservant. He travels with me most of the time,” Adam explained. “He’s in New York at the moment, I have to fly there tomorrow. Do you two think you’ll be okay?”

“Yes, once I get organized,” Janis said. “Where’s my stuff?”

“Some is in storage and the rest is in the spare room,” Susan told her. “I don’t know if you realize yet how bad you had let things get,” she said. “A lot of your possessions weren’t worth saving. We can go shopping tomorrow, once you’re more steady on your feet. You need a LOT of things,” Susan told her, looking over at their brother.

“Anything she needs,” he smiled and reached for the wallet on a nearby table. He handed Susan a platinum card. “Anything — take her to a salon, get her clothes, lingerie, supplies — she’s home now and we want her happy.” Janis would have jumped on her brother and hugged him to pieces had not Susie been in the way. As it was, her smile told the entire story.

Janis’s determination to remain sober astonished her family. She got treatment and she did everything necessary. Once in a while, the urge to drink hit her and then she remembered that night and it went away. Adam had used his connections to find her a good job, one of the fashion houses with which she used to work was thrilled to hire her as a co-coordinator. She was now earning enough to afford her own place again, but he wouldn’t hear of it. “I like having my family around and you need to rebuild your savings,” he insisted. “Besides, Susie needs company when I’m on the road. She tells me she gets lonely.”

The close connection between her younger brother and sister puzzled Janis. They hadn’t been that close as children, she and Adam had been the close ones for a while. Yet Susan seemed to follow Adam around like a lost puppy and hung on his every word. She imagined it was probably just gratitude and awe.

“Should we tell her?” Susan asked one night after Janis made an off-hand comment about how they always stayed together, cuddled and were openly affectionate.

“That’s entirely up to you,” Adam said. “She’s been sober for nearly six months, I do think she could handle it.”

“Handle what?” Janis said as she came out of the kitchen with three mugs of coffee. She now insisted on making the coffee and as hers was actually drinkable, no one argued with her. “What do you both seem to think I can handle.”

“Us,” Adam replied.

“We’re … intimate,” Susan told her sister. It took a minute for it to sink in.

“Are you telling me that you and Adam are lovers?” She gasped. “How? Why? When did all of this start, how long has it been going on?”

“For a long time now,” Susan admitted. “I was about six months sober, like you are now, and I was so grateful to Adam for all that he’d done that I asked him if I could give him a kiss. As I’m his sister, he didn’t see the harm. Well, I kissed him … and then I kissed him again … and then, the third time, he kissed back, we kissed hard, he scooped me up into his arms and into his bedroom. We made love that night and we’ve been lovers ever since,” Susan admitted.

“You haven’t stopped?” Janis asked. “How come I didn’t notice?”

“We’ve had to be more discreet with you here, but no, we didn’t stop,” Adam explained. “We don’t think we’ll ever stop, we love each other as family and as lovers,” he said to Janis. “We think that we need each other and draw strength from each other. As for your not noticing, you’ve been busy rebuilding your life.”

“So, why tell me now?”

“We’re tired of hiding it,” Susan said. “I want to sleep with my man in our bed. There is another reason though, I hope you can handle this.” Susan drew a deep breath. “Adam loves you and I love you. We also both …” she inhaled again “… find you very desirable. We’d like to extend our love to include you, if you would be willing.”

Janis gasped again. “Me? You want to have sex … with ME?” Her brother and sister both nodded. “This is incredible,” Janis spoke. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to react deneme bonusu veren siteler to this. Never mind the incest, I’ve never had a threesome before.”

“You have had sex with a girl before,” Susie grinned. “You told me about it in your less-inhibited moments and as I recall, you enjoyed it.”

Janis managed a sheepish grin. Yes, she’d had sex with a lovely black model named Darlene and a few of her friends. She couldn’t even blame that wild time on alcohol, she was relatively sober when she crossed that line.

“Just think about it,” Susan said as she cuddled close to their brother. “We aren’t going to try and convince you to do anything you don’t want to do. We’re just going to go about our lives and you’re free to do the same.”

“Okay,” Janis answered quietly.

Her siblings turned around and looked at her. “Okay, as in the last thing or okay as in …?” Susan questioned.

“Okay as in the first thing,” Janis smiled timidly. “I haven’t been with anyone in — a while — and I’ve never felt unconditional love like I feel from the two of you. You’ve been with me every step of the way for the past six months and if that isn’t love, what is? Plus, I do happen to have TWO gorgeous younger siblings, a hot and spicy redhead and a gorgeous Adonis brother, you can’t help but notice that. If I’m going to sleep with a couple, you’re certainly the sexiest couple I can think of,” she laughed weakly.

“Oh, wow,” Susie breathed. “I thought it would take ages for you to come around to our way of thinking.”

“Sometimes you need to just go with your first instincts,” Janis told her sister. “My first instinct once the shock wore off was to say yes — so, I’m saying yes.” She looked at them both with a joyous smile. “When do we …?”

“Tonight, in just a short while,” Susan said softly. “This one, he loves the show. I know you have some nice lingerie and so do I. Pick out something sexy and flirty and I’ll do the same. Meet us in the master bedroom when you’re ready, take your time. We promise, we will make it worth waiting for,” Susie said, giving her sister a fleeting, but soft, kiss on her lips before running away. Adam managed a sheepish grin, shrugged and followed his sister-lover to their bedroom.

Janis had to shake the cobwebs from her head. She hadn’t felt this confused since her drinking days. Going to her own room, she rummaged through her drawers, trying to find the right outfit. After months of intense working out, she had the body for lingerie again and most of the signs of her hard-partying life had vanished. Her body and skin and face all glowed with vitality. She felt sexy and desirable and knew that she owed much of that to the encouragement of her younger family. She had to make this first time an event for them as much as it would be for her. She found the outfit, had a quick shower and then prepared. A tiny dusting of glitter was applied, a bit of blue eye shadow to bring out her eyes and then finally, a sexy pair of heels. All men liked heels and she doubted her sexy kid brother would be an exception. Now that she wasn’t drinking, she could walk very well in her favorite old pair of stilettos. One boyfriend said she had a “hooker walk” and she took that as a compliment. Janis knew what he meant, they gave her a sexy little strut with just the right amount of sway. She used that walk to meander on over to her siblings’ room.

She stood in the doorway, giving the moonlight a chance to highlight her silhouette. From the bed, she heard Adam saw “Wow” in a soft tone. Susie got up and escorted her trembling older sister to the bed where Adam awaited them. Dressed in a turquoise teddy, Susan was irresistible. Janis had the urge to kiss her sister, so she went with that and the two beauties fell upon the bed in full view of their brother. Adam watched in astonishment as his sisters kissed like lovers. The black lace teddy his older sister had chosen reminded him of the first time he had known she was gorgeous. It was just before he left home and the pretty blonde had come home from a date and, likely having imbibed too much, was zonked out on the couch with her short skirt riding up. Adam knew that all of his sisters were hot, but this time his own emotions puzzled him.

Now, Adam was free to be his own man. He reached out to touch both women, just to let them know he was there and that he was giving his approval. Two sets of soft hands touched his cheek as the women continued on with their journey of exploration. While Janis had been with other girls before, she did not know that her younger sister had not. Susan had resisted that temptation for a while and only when Janis came to stay did she allow herself to vocalize her desires. Adam gave her his full approval and in front of him, twisting and turning as they kissed with love and passion, were the happy results. Adam could have stayed where he was and played the voyeur for hours, his sisters had other ideas. Playfully, they broke apart with Janis jumping on top of him while Susie yanked down the bottoms of his PJs. Janis gasped — little brother was hung! She licked her lips hungrily before kissing Adam’s, while their sister indulged in her favorite pastime. She sucked and licked the cock she knew so intimately to show Janis how Adam liked things done. After some perfunctory kisses with Adam, Janis joined her sister in giving him a double BJ — also, Adam’s first. Somehow, it only seemed fitting that this should be a night of firsts.

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