Memoirs of a Swinger Ep. 16


This is the sixteenth episode of my unreliable memoirs. Each episode can be read individually but it helps a bit with names to have read the previous ones.

I hope you have enjoyed it so far.



Life returned to a certain level of normality at the end of the summer of 1982. Going back to do my final year of university was a bit of a shock to the system after all that had happened over the last six months but I was keen to finish my studies and achieve the best grade I could. It had been hard leaving Lesley in London but we both knew it had to be this way and in any case it would be for less than a year now.

When I got back to university the first thing I found was that my room in the halls of residence had been double booked. I was assigned another room in a hall for post grad’s and visiting lecturers and, all told, this proved to be a blessing. The room was bigger, with its own bathroom and a small kitchen area with a fridge, a sink and a microwave. It also had a payphone which accepted incoming calls. The downside was that I didn’t know anybody there.

As the term progressed I developed a daily routine which consisted of getting up and going for a run each morning, attending lectures during the day then going to the gym of an evening. Engineering courses tended to have more intensive lecture schedules than say, something like English, but it still wasn’t a full eight hours a day. So I was able to schedule a daily call with Lynne, my assistant at Durolitum. Daniel knew the schedule, so if he or anyone else wanted to talk to me, they knew when they could get me. It seemed to work and the phone in my room turned out to be a real benefit. It also meant that I could speak to Lesley.

I ate at the refectory each day, which was something I’d not been able to afford previously. Since I’d started working for Daniel at Durolitum money was no longer a problem. The refectory served good wholesome food. It also meant that I didn’t have to cook.

It is a tradition at British universities that there are no lectures on Wednesday afternoons. This time is supposed to be for competitive sport. For me, it meant more time to train, study, hold calls or just relax and catch up on things. It also turned into an opportunity for sex. Jane King who I’d met on a flight to Munich a couple of weeks before became a regular visitor to my digs on a Wednesday afternoon. Jane, who was locked into a loveless marriage for the sake of her children, could only stay for an hour or so each time. So she would come to my room, strip down to her stockings and suspenders and then we’d fuck. Jane gave the best blow jobs I think I’ve ever had and often, after I’d fucked her, I’d lie back and let her finish me off in her mouth. Then she would shower and go back to work. I felt a bit guilty using her as little more than someone to cum into but it suited us both and left me free to enjoy the rest of Wednesday afternoon, which usually meant a mid-week drinking session with my buddies.

Lesley, although she’d never met her, very much approved of the arrangement with Jane. She knew how much I needed sex and it made her feel better about sleeping with Daniel and Kate in London. She had originally intended to sleep with them only one night a week but what had started out as a Wednesday night thing soon became Tuesdays and Wednesdays, occasionally Mondays too.

As far as Daniel was concerned it couldn’t have worked out better for him. He was a fifty year old man married to a thirty year old wife with model looks. Between them they shared a twenty four year old lover who virtually lived with them on weekdays. Lesley and Kate were best friends, but Daniel and Lesley also shared a genuine affection for each other. Lesley said it was because he and I were so alike and that was why she was attracted to him. Who knows, but whatever the reason it seemed to work.

Daniel spoiled Lesley rotten. In the early days, after Lesley had spent the night with them, she would have to get up each morning and trundle back to the mews apartment to get changed for work. Daniel hated that she had to do this. So, one day, he had a personal shopper from Debenhams, on Oxford street supply a complete wardrobe of work clothes, casual clothes, lingerie, toiletries, cosmetics, etc. for her and installed them in one of the bedrooms of their house. It was small change to a man of Daniel’s wealth but the gesture was very much appreciated by Lesley.

Each morning Peters, Daniel’s driver, would pick Daniel and Lesley up and drop Lesley off at the hospital before taking Daniel to Durolitum. Daniel also arranged a taxi to bring Lesley back after work. Then Lesley and Kate would go to their running club or fitness classes. Both girls were getting quite toned, but Lesley especially so, as she also religiously did the calisthenics that Carole and Fabien had taught her.

To Lesley, friends were everything and she stayed in contact with all of them. She spoke to Carole and Ruth regularly, bedava bahis kept in touch with both Heike and Katja in Munich and made sure that she didn’t lose touch with Sophie and Pierre in Aix and Rachel and Pete in Nottingham. She even kept in touch with Skye who I’d first met when I was working for Ruth and David and who had spent a night with us in Nottingham. Skye was now back at university as well.

Lesley also spent time with Michael and Claire, the judges. Michael had given Lesley away at our wedding and every couple of weeks Lesley would visit them and they would cook together, which was a passion of Michael’s. Having lost their own daughter they treated Lesley as family which was something she had missed growing up.

Lesley’s greatest friendship however was with Kate. The two were thick as thieves and inseparable. Lesley’s slightly cheeky behaviour kept Kate’s tendency towards vanity in check. It was hard for Kate though, she was one of the most attractive women I’d met and could silence a room momentarily just by walking into it. Kate knew that her looks weren’t enough to shield her from competition however. There were plenty of women who would have liked to get to know Daniel, or at least his money, better. But Kate knew that she could trust Lesley with Daniel and at the same time it meant that she had ready access to a younger fitter man. Me!

On Fridays I would catch the train down to London. Lesley would often meet me at Euston Station and we’d stop for a drink then return to her apartment and fuck. Lesley wasn’t relaxed until I’d come inside her and sometimes when she was feeling possessive or insecure or just plain loving we’d have to skip the drink all together.

Daniel and Kate usually went to their house in the Cotswolds on a Thursday night and Daniel worked from his home office there on a Friday. So we usually didn’t see them until Sunday night. It meant that we had the weekends to ourselves. We’d spend time doing normal stuff, visiting my parents or Michael and Claire, or going out for a meal. I also tried to do things that I knew Lesley wanted to do. Cultural things like galleries, museums and the performing arts and of course shopping. It was getting colder but we found time to get out on the motorbike too. The great thing about London is that you are bit more protected from the elements in a city.

On Sunday evening we’d eat with Daniel and Kate and often we’d have a foursome with them afterwards. Fucking Kate was always a pleasure and Lesley knew I enjoyed it but she always made sure that afterwards, when we returned to the apartment, she was the last person I fucked before going back to college. Then early on Monday morning I’d get the train back up to university and the weekly cycle would begin again.

Despite the fact that something approaching a routine had formed there were still a few events worth a mention.


In early October I turned twenty one. I told Lesley that I didn’t want a big celebration as we’d only had one a few weeks before for our wedding. It wasn’t actually my birthday until the Sunday but on the Saturday we visited my parents and then in the evening we went out for a meal with Daniel and Kate. It was nice to spend time with our best friends but Lesley had made it clear to the two of them beforehand that there would be no sex on the menu that night. Lesley had wanted to make sure that it was her that kept me satisfied me over the weekend so that, when I looked back on this milestone in the future, it wasn’t obscured by the experience of cumming in somebody else. She could be odd like that sometimes.

That evening Lesley told me that I could fuck her any way I liked as long as I came in her arse. I took the trouble to lubricate her first then fucked her in a number of positions before finally turning her onto her tummy and slipping into her rectum. The pre lubrication had done the trick and I penetrated Lesley’s tight passage with ease then let myself enjoy the last minute or so of thrusting before finishing off inside her. When I got off her, Lesley climbed on top of me and we kissed. I could feel my own cum seeping out of her arse and dripping onto my balls. It felt good.

In the morning, Lesley, Daniel and Kate took me for a “fry up” breakfast just off the Kings Road in Chelsea. Daniel and I tucked into the food with gusto but the girls, especially Kate weren’t so keen on the greasy food and neither of them touched the black pudding. Lesley had brought all my birthday cards with her and I opened them in the café. There was one from everyone we knew, clearly Lesley had been phoning around and reminding them. It was a touching gesture.

When we got back it was time to open my presents. We sat in Daniel and Kate’s kitchen and I first unwrapped what was a very big box from Daniel and Kate. Inside was a beautiful mahogany humidor containing ten large boxes of Cuban cigars of different shapes and sizes along with a pair of cutters, a lighter and a leather case for casino siteleri two cigars.

“We thought you’d like it,” said Kate.

“Now you don’t have to smoke mine,” Daniel added, joking.

I was chuffed, it was a beautiful gift and I thanked them both.

“Now you can open mine,” Lesley said and handed me a box.

I took the wrapping paper off to reveal a Rolex watch box. Inside was a Sea Dweller watch.

“I thought that it suited you,” she said. “There’s an inscription on the back, but you can’t tell anyone what it says, it’s just between us.”

I read the inscription and choked up a bit then hugged Lesley.

“I don’t deserve you,” I said, which in turn made Lesley a bit teary.

Wiping her eyes Lesley said, “We’ve got one more surprise for you.”

Lesley led us all to the apartment or rather the garages underneath and opened our garage door to reveal a white Porsche 911 SC.

“I know it’s not really a present,” Daniel said, “but this is your company car. As of today you’re old enough to go on the company’s insurance, so enjoy it.”

“It’s been here since Wednesday,” said Lesley handing me the keys. “As your wife, I’m also insured to drive it. I’ve wanted to take it out for a spin ever since it arrived, but don’t worry I haven’t. I thought we could go down to Brighton in it this afternoon.”

Daniel and Kate left us to it and so, armed with a map and Lesley’s navigation skills, we headed for the south coast. The Porsche was very different from my mini but it was easy to drive provided you didn’t press the accelerator down too far or too quickly. To be honest I didn’t feel that I belonged in a car like it but I kept my thoughts to myself.

Brighton in the eighties was a bit of a dump. After a quick drive through we didn’t stop and Lesley pointed me in the direction of the South Downs. I asked her if she wanted to drive and she readily took to the wheel. I had to concede she was a better driver than I was. I don’t know if it was because she’d had more practise than me or because she was just a natural but she piloted the Porsche through the country lanes with ease.

Lesley found a lane off a narrow road and parked up near some trees. She reached over and kissed me and we made out for a while. The Porsche wasn’t built for front seat fondling but we did our best.

“I want you to take me over the back of the Porsche,” she told me. “I want to be the first person you fuck over this car.”

I’d previously fucked Kate over the back of Daniel’s Aston and Carole over the back of her Ferrari so I shouldn’t have been surprised by Lesley’s request I guess. We both got out and walked round to the back of the car. The engine was still warm and it mitigated against the chill of the late afternoon air on an October day.

Lesley was wearing a short brown corduroy dress with woolly tights which she pulled down around her ankles. She bent over the rear of the car and rested herself against the bodywork. I fingered her pussy and made sure she was moist then slipped inside. Lesley sighed and told me how much she wanted me. Doing her up against the car while she told me how good I was did something for me and I found myself giving her hard individual thrusts as I listened to her. I was a bit surprised that she could talk me into an orgasm but somehow she did. After I’d cum I left my cock inside her, leaving her bent over the car and pinned to it.

When I pulled out, Lesley quickly pulled her tights back up, trapping my cum before it had time to fall onto the floor.

“Let’s go find a pub,” she said. “I’m dying of thirst.”

So we drove to a pub and had a pint in the bar while Lesley sat there with my cum seeping into her tights. I noticed as we left that at the bottom of the back of her dress a wet patch had formed, so I made her sit on the paper sheet that they always put in the foot-wells of new in cars, in order that she didn’t stain the seats.

It was late when we got back. We bought fish and chips on the way home and ate them in bed then we fucked again. This time we took longer over our love making. When I entered Lesley I was sure that I could still feel my cum inside her. Or perhaps I was imagining it. I don’t know.


I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when, in one of our evening phone calls, Lesley told me that she’d had a letter from Skye saying that she’d split up with her long-time boyfriend, Mark.

I’d first met Skye when she happened to be surveying the public footpaths in an around the village where Ruth and David lived. She was a first year psychology student at Sheffield University and this had been a summer job for her. Skye was a bit of a hippie, with pink streaks in her hair, no bra and flowing dresses. She also believed in free love and had demonstrated this to great effect one night in Nottingham when Lesley and I had taken turns fucking her (Lesley with her strap on that is).

Skye’s attitude to sex it seems had been the bahis siteleri downfall in her relationship with Mark, who was a sports science student at Loughborough University. Secretly, I think that the break-up had come as a disappointment to Lesley, as by all accounts Mark had been pretty fit and she’d been hoping to meet him one day.

But as one door closes another opens and Lesley, seeing that Skye was down in the dumps over the break-up, took the opportunity to invite her down to London for the weekend. Skye jumped at the chance and so Lesley had sent her an open train ticket in the post. And this was how it came to pass that one Friday evening I arrived at Euston station to find the two of them there to greet me.

Lesley looked as gorgeous as ever while Skye looked like she had lost the puppy fat she’d been carrying when we’d first met in the summer. I guess that surveying the footpaths of Lincoln every day for ten weeks would do that to you. With her ample breasts she’d have looked hot if it hadn’t been for the hippie clothes she was wearing.

There was a lot to catch up on as we sat in a pub at the Fulham end of the King’s Road having a few beers. Lesley had already told Skye about our marriage in her letters but there was a lot that Lesley couldn’t write down that Skye was also keen to hear about. Skye then told us about her break up. Apparently she’d had a threesome with two guys on the Loughborough University football team. They’d been competing in an away match against Sheffield University and she’d met them in the bar afterwards. Unfortunately the news had got back to Mark and he’d become the butt of everyone’s jokes on campus. He’d decided that Skye wasn’t worth the embarrassment it was causing him, so he dumped her. Apparently he’d already found a new girlfriend and there was no chance of reconciliation.

Skye seemed genuinely remorseful. She’d realised too late that discretion was still a useful tool for a libertine and the cost had been her childhood sweetheart. The break-up had killed Skye’s own sex life and she’d been celibate since the episode with the footballers.

A hippie looked out of place in a pub on the Kings Road, even a pleasantly attractive one like Skye. I wondered how different she might look if he she wore something more flattering than a tie died dress. I think that she felt out of place too. University can do that to you. It allows you to be who you want. But British pub society expects a bit more conformity, even in London.

It was raining when we left the pub so we got a taxi back to the apartment. When we arrived Skye couldn’t believe where Lesley lived. I lugged her rucksack out of the taxi along with my own bag and carried them both upstairs.

“This apartment’s beautiful,” Skye said to Lesley. “It must cost you a fortune.”

“It actually belongs to the couple who live in the big house over there. The guy, Daniel, is Steven’s boss and they let me live here while Steven is finishing his degree. They’re not here this week-end. Kate’s gone to see her parents and Daniel has gone to their other house in the Cotswolds. We can go swimming in their pool tomorrow if you like.”

“You’re so lucky.”

“I am,” Lesley agreed.

When we got settled Lesley poured herself and Skye a vodka and orange and me a scotch.

“Would you mind if I took a shower?” Skye asked. “I feel very dirty and not in a good way.”

“Of course. I’ll get you a towel,” said Lesley.

The two girls went off and when Lesley came back she took me by the hand.

“Come with me,” she said leading me to the bedroom. “Skye’s going to join us when she’s had a shower but in the meantime you need to take care of your wife.”

When we got to the bedroom Lesley unzipped my jeans and pulled them down, then pushed me back onto our bed. Leaving my jeans around my ankles she climbed on top of me. She was as moist as I was hard and in one swift move sank herself down on my erect cock then pulled off my t-shirt.

We kissed and Lesley teased the head of my cock with her pussy, moving herself up and down the first couple of inches of my shaft. I knew I wouldn’t last long if she kept this up.

“Do you want me to cum in you?” I asked.

“Of course,” she replied. “You can fuck Skye afterwards but on a Friday you always cum inside me first. Now just lie back, I don’t want you to move a muscle. Ok?”


Lesley kept on teasing my cock until all that I wanted to do was flip her over and fuck the life out of her. It would have been so easy to do with someone as light as her but I knew that wasn’t in the rules. In any case Skye came back from the shower and saved me.

“Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” she asked.

“Steven always cums in me first on a Friday,” Lesley told her. “You can help if you like but you can’t use your hands on him, and his cock doesn’t leave my pussy ’til he’s cum.”

Sexually, Lesley could be quite assertive with Skye. I’d noticed it when they’d first met and now she was doing it again. Skye didn’t seem to mind however as she knelt behind us then started to lick my balls and tongue my shaft. Lesley continued teasing me until she suddenly stopped and tensed when Skye stopped licking me and began to rim her arse.

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