12 Toes 13 Stories Pt. 08


March 1992

Betty and Karen walked into their dorm room. Senior year at Stanford and they were still on campus. Betty because it was convenient to class, her work study job and also because it was covered by her scholarships. Karen had been rooming with Betty since sophomore year and appreciated the other girls sharp mind. Karen was smart and she knew it but Betty was something a step beyond, what the drones called scary smart. Anything she saw or heard she seemed to remember and then there were inductive leaps. Half the time when she asked a question the professors answer was “That’s next weeks lecture, feel free to read ahead.”

Karen was black with a wild afro and soft mocha colored skin. Betty was white with medium brown hair held up in a bun with a pair of chopsticks. They were both wearing grey sweatpants and flannel shirts. Karen’s was over a white tank top, Betty’s was an old Dead Kennedy’s shirt.

“So where do you want to work next year?” Karen asked as they walked into the room.

“I’ve heard DEC has some awesome new hardware coming. NeXT is of course the place to be. Of course no one was ever fired for buying Microsoft. It might not be sexy but I think I am going to go the banking route. A little Cobol, a little dressing up, and I’ll be getting 6 figures without trying.”

“Is it always about money with you? No love, no passion? I’ve known you for four years and never a guy over or even a date.”

Betty smiled, “You want what you don’t have. I had enough guys before. You know I’m here on a scholarship. I was a foster kid. I never had money. Some day, I’ll have enough that I won’t worry, then I will find a guy.”

Karen walked over the the answering machine and hit the button. The two roommates voices came off of the cassette tape, “Hi! This is Karen and Betty, leave a message.” There was a beep followed by the sound of a middle aged man. “Um, I’m calling for Liz, this is Steve, um, Hildy’s grandson, um can you give me a call at 703-555-1212. It’s about mom.”

Betty’s face dropped and she ran over to the phone and quickly dialed the number. “I’ll pay for the long distance.”

She dialed the number and her worst fears were confirmed. Hildy has passed away.

Betty sat down on the edge of her bed and sobbed. “She was like a mother to me. The funeral is Saturday. “

“I feel like I know her, I’ve heard you talk about her so much. We’ve got to get you there. Start packing, I’ll call airlines.”

“I don’t have money for a ticket.”

Karen turned a 100W smile on Betty. “Your dragged my ass through Chemistry and Diff EQ. You were there through the breakups. The least I can do is a plane ticket.”

As Betty packed Karen grew progressively more frustrated. She was calling every airline to no avail.

“Don’t bother with Amtrak or Greyhound, Neither will get me there before Sunday.”

“Fuck! bedava bahis Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck!” Karen swore. “How far is it?”

“2500 miles give or take.”

“I can ditch classes, give me 5 minutes and we’ll drive together.”

Betty took her best friend’s hands. “I can’t ask you do do this.”

“It’s a 42 hour drive without gas, food or pee breaks. You have 48 hours to do it. You need at least 2 drivers.”

“We have 45 hours. We lose 3 hours going East.”

“Fuck. You know I love you right, bitch?”

“This means more to me than I can tell you.”

Karen and Betty piled into Karen’s bright green Dodge Neon and drove hard East. The hours and the miles flew by as they rode over I80. They kept their eyes on the miles and the clock until they arrived at the funeral home.

The two coeds looked out of place as they entered the funeral home. They were dressed for travel and obviously road weary. Neither one had slept more an couple of hours at time. Betty walked in with Karen holding on to her arm, holding her up. Betty walked up to Hildy’s casket crying. She hugged the dead woman, old enough to be her grandmother. She held the body and sobbed, “You believed in me, you were the only one who believed in me. I’ll make you proud.”

Karen pulled Betty away to the back to comfort her. A middle aged man walked up to them and asked Are you Liz?” emphasizing the Z.

Karen looked a bit confused as Betty nodded.

“I was expecting a punk rocker or something from the way Hildy, I mean mom, described you. I’m Steve.”

“I grew up I guess.”

“She said you gave her the courage to tell me the truth. Thank you, and thank you for coming. I’m sure she would appreciate it. Do you need gas money or a place to stay tonight?”

Karen lifted a hand and said “We can’t take your money. “

“Just spend the night. I’ll take you out to dinner and the two of you can crash in the guest room. I know you’ve had a long drive.”

Betty and Karen looked at each other and Betty nodded. They met Steve’s wife and family and he explained how “Liz” was the girl that Hildy had been writing to for the past eight years. Dinner was an emotional affair with stories of Hildy being traded.

Steve talked about growing up with Hildy as his aunt who was always so involved, more than most of my friends actual parents. I knew it was like she was trying to make up for something. I was so shocked when she told me I was her grandson and that mom was actually her daughter. I never knew my mom. She OD’ed when I was small. My grandparents, or great grandparents had nothing good to say about mom or Hildy. Then they went one right after the other and I dreaded going to live my aunt, but I had to.”

Betty was silent because she had gotten the whole it all in letters and the occasional casino siteleri drunken phone call. She had told Hildy she had to tell Steve the truth. She did it so that she would have to courage to explain to her son if she ever met him.

After Steve’s children went to bed he lead Karen and Betty to the guest room. “I hope you reconnect with your son someday. It meant so much to me to find out that Aunt Hildy was actually my grandma.”

The guest bedroom had a double bed, nightstand and an uncomfortable looking chair. Betty looked at the arrangements and said, “I’ll sleep on the floor, you’ve been so wonderful taking me out here.”

“Nonsense. We’ve ended up in a twin bed after a night of talking so this won’t be weird.”

The two girls wordlessly changed into their sleeping clothes but there was something weird between them.

They were lying back to back when Karen spoke, “Betty? Or should I call you Liz? What did Steve mean by your son? I thought you were a just not into sex? So you’ve obviously been with a man, I mean you had a kid. You were always there for me when I broke up with guys or girls or whatever. How did I not know this?”

“It was a long time ago. Most of the people even from back then didn’t know. I was a wild child and did stupid things and stupid people and stupid things with stupid people. I ended up pregnant and knew my life was going to shit.”

Karen could hear Betty crying and rolled to spoon her. Karen stroked Betty’s honey hair as her legs curled behind Betty’s.

“Hildy was the nurse in the hospital when I gave birth. She was my friend as I went from foster care to foster care. She was the closest to a mom that I’ve had.”

Betty faced Karen and stroked her cheek. “Thank you for coming with me, or bringing me. It means so much. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Sid earlier. I just didn’t know how to tell you I have a nine year old son I’ve never met.”

Karen kissed Betty’s cheek and tasted a salty tear. “So what else don’t I know about you? Obviously there has been a man in your life. Any women?”

Betty laughed. “Nothing since before Sid was born and that was just junior high screwing around stuff.”

“Junior high screwing around stuff got you preggers. So nothing since?”

“No. I wanted to concentrate on my studies and making a life for myself. Maybe eventually have more kids and give them the home life I never had, and that I had to give up Sid so that he could have it. I won’t say that I haven’t been tempted. There were a few nights consoling you where I wanted to do more. Like when Jeff cheated on you and kept talking about his magnificent cock.”

“I was so horny for him but damn I caught him barebacking that ‘ho.”

“I was so turned on as well and the way you talked about the threesome I know you might be into women. bahis siteleri I wanted to try some things.”

“What sort of things?”

“Things that Hildy had told me about.”

“She was a lesbian?”

“She said she got lonely in Korea during the war. She said the officers weren’t always gentlemen and that the nights got long.”

Betty leaned in and kissed Karen. “No matter what, I want to stay friends. Fucking, no fucking, friends forever. Right?”

“Friends forever.” Karen said holding out a pinky. Betty grasped it with her pinky. “Friends forever.”

Karen slid her tongue between Betty’s lips and twisted her hand in her soft honey blonde hair.

Betty slid her hand into Karen’s sweatpants and under her panties and cupped her ass. The two women lay together kissing.

Betty slid her hand between Karen’s butt cheeks and slowly pressed a finger against the other girl’s asshole. Easing the finger in slow circles she felt if begin to slowly loosen up.

Karen moaned. “It takes guys weeks to be willing to try that and some girls dump me the first time I ask. You just dive right in. “

Betty smiled as her fingertip cleared the entrance. “Best part of sleeping with your best friend. You know what each other wants.”. She wiggled the fingertip and slid her other hand around to massage Karen’s clit. Karen bit down hard on Betty’s shoulder, the sweatshirt absorbed most of the force but Betty figured she would have a bruise tomorrow. Betty worked her finger in and out as she massaged Karen’s clit with her other hand.

Karen slid down her pants and underwear as far as she could without breaking the connection. Betty lifted her ass and Karen lowered Betty’s as well. “Would you mind 69-ing?” Karen asked.

In response Betty started to shift positions and soon the girls were mouth to muff. Betty licked ravenously at her best friends snatch and slowly resumed fingering her ass. Karen was less restrained and her tongue went straight to Betty’s ass. Betty eventually slid her mouth up and had her tongue fully engaged. The two women were rimming each other as their fingers explored each other’s pussies. Sliding over the folds and paying special attention to the magic button at the top.

Karen shuddered in pleasure and stopped her pursuit of Betty’s asshole. Betty slowed down and started to rub her own clit. Betty sighed with her orgasm and turned to be face to face with her roommate. They kissed each other sharing the most intimate tastes. Betty slid her hand down and hooked her index finger in Karen’s pulsing asshole.

“I can’t believe you did that for me. No one has ever licked my ass like that.” Karen sighed.

“I’ll try anything once to see if I like it.” Betty smiled and kissed Karen on the lips again. She added “Twice just to make sure, but you mean the world to me. I would do it for you even if I hated it.”

Karen slid her hand down and hooked a finger in Betty’s vagina. “I wouldn’t ask if I knew you hated it.”

“Friends forever, no matter what.” Betty sighed as Karen’s finger eased on another orgasm and the two women joined their free hands to sleep.

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