John Doe Meets His Favorite On-line Dare Exhibitionist


[Text message] HIM: I’m in the lobby.

Two minutes pass before he gets an answer.

[Text message] HER: Room 724

He takes the elevator, turns down the right hallway as indicated, and knocks on the door to room 724.


He waits a minute and knocks again, gently.

He hears the sound of a chain on the other side, then the door opens slightly, just enough for him to see one eye looking out over the security chain.

“Hi, it’s me,” and he gives her the code name they had chosen in an online exchange the night before.

“Hi.” She responds with her code name, then stands there, peering out the door for several seconds. “I’m nervous,” she says with a slight quaver in her voice.

“I am too.”

“This is way beyond my comfort zone.”

“I know. We had talked about that online last night.” She stands there, nodding her head. “You’ve often stepped outside your comfort zone, especially in our private conversations.” She looks up at him with that one eye. “Wasn’t that what you were trying to do when you opened that site? Extend your comfort zone?”

Another brief nod, then the door closes slightly, not latching. He hears the chain slide, then a quiet, “Come in.”

He pushes the door open and steps in. She is standing more than halfway across the room, wearing only a towel, as they had discussed. They stand looking at each other as the door closes.

“This is the first time I’ve seen your face,” he says. “You’re just as beautiful as I expected.”

She laughs. “That’s because you’ve already seen all the rest of me naked. I think my nose and teeth are too big for my face, which is too narrow.”

He shrugs. “You’re beautiful, and nothing you say will change my mind.”

“Shall we?” She reaches a hand toward the top of the towel, where it is tucked in over her breast.

“Wait,” he says sharply. “I like seeing you the way you are. And I don’t have my camera out yet.”

She stands there while he pulls out the camera and puts the bag on the floor.

“You can come into the room,” she says.

“I will, in time.” He fiddles with the camera settings and raises it to his face. She turns her head, out of habit from not showing her face in the pictures she posts on the site.

“Turn to face the window,” he says, and she does so. He smiles. “I can see your butt cheeks under the towel.”

“You’ve seen them before.”

“Yes, but now they’re live and really cute peeking out from under the towel. Plus, I like saying butt cheeks, it makes me feel twelve years old.”

She shakes her butt. “Do you like when I do this?”

“Oh, yeah, particularly when it’s so clear that you like shaking like that.”

“I love my fat little ass.”

“How about lifting the towel so I can see all of it?”

Keeping one arm holding the towel in front of her, she lifts the towel above her ass and gives him a big smile. He takes some full-length pictures of her, then zooms in on her ass. She twitches her butt cheeks when she realizes he is aiming close.

“How about letting the towel fall off your back? Keep the front covered.”

She loosens one end of the towel. It slides down her back till it comes to rest at the cleft of her butt, exposing just one butt cheek. HIs eyes drift from her thin neck over the round curve of her shoulder. From there, he gazes first at her well-toned arm, then from her armpit along the smooth skin over her ribs down to her wide hips and her round ass.

“Turn your left side toward me just a little.”

She turns slightly and looks over her shoulder at him. All along her left side now, he sees nothing but skin. He revels in the flesh tones, catching light differently with each slight curve and variation of smoothness. His gaze moves down along her jogger’s leg, firm yet not overly muscular, minor signs of aging giving texture and shape to her physique.

“Turn back.” In turning, the towel has fallen completely to the side, and her delightful round ass is on full display. “God, your ass is beautiful.” The words escape from him without his thinking. She begins slowly shifting weight from one leg to the other, tightening each cheek in turn. He keeps shooting pictures, full length and close up.

As she sways and steps out a little further every now and then, he begins to see her generous pussy lips. He bends down to get a lower angle for his pictures. “Are you trying to get a closer glimpse of my pussy?” she asks, peering over her shoulder.

“First of many,” he says, getting up. “I love your labia.”

“I know. You’ve told me. And I love that you so often call them labia, though I get horny when you call them pussy lips.” She turns around, still swaying, still holding the towel over her breasts. As her waist sways left and right, he sees more of her hips, more of her thighs, and even more of her stomach.

Then the towel shifts. He looks up to see that she has taken hold of the two corners, so it is hanging straight down in front bahis siteleri of her. As he stands up, still taking pictures, she dances seductively backward, stretching out first one leg, then the other, but never letting the towel drift too far from her crotch. She turns from side to side in her dance, giving him more and more views of her bare self.

He stops taking pictures and just watches, taking in every square inch of her beauty as she dances. She pauses for a few seconds, swaying back and forth gently, then suddenly spins around. The towel flies out as she turns, giving him a split second view of her total nudity until it falls back into place. And she sways, giggling, then does it again.

As she turns back from her last spin, she drops the towel down to her crotch, where she holds it over her pussy with two fingers. Immediately, his eyes go to her tits, those handfuls of playful flesh, topped by stiff pinkish-brown nipples surrounded by small, bumpy areolas. She rolls her shoulders, lifting each mound in turn, and she smiles at his adoring reaction. “You’ve seen these a lot, haven’t you?”

He nods. “Just as beautiful, even more so in person.” He takes a shallow breath. “My hands are itching.”

She smiles gently, even somewhat ruefully. “We said no touching.”

“I know, and I’m sticking to that. Just expressing my feelings.”

“You haven’t taken any pictures.”

He looks down at the camera in his hands, as though he had forgotten it. “I’m too entranced with just looking,” he laughs. He brings the camera up and begins taking pictures again, starting with her tits, zooming in on the seductive round mounds, then moving down her body to her stomach, her ass again when she turns around, her hips, zooming in on the slight folds of flesh within the smoothness of her toned body.

Then she is standing facing him, no longer swaying, her head cocked looking at him when he turns his attention directly to her. She smiles, then opens her fingers to let the towel fall to the floor. He gasps, and his breath becomes even shallower. There is her pussy, that less-than-one-percent of her body that he has glimpsed in her videos and pictures, particularly the private ones she has sent him, but here it is living, breathing, pulsing just about six feet away from him.

She steps one leg out to the side, about two shoulder widths apart, flexes her knees slightly and rotates her hips forward, exposing her pussy lips to direct view. He stands there, transfixed.

“Are you okay?”

He laughs. “Yes, I’m just . . . ” Words fail him as he stares. He takes a few pictures, but without aiming the camera. He just cannot summon the energy to do anything more than gaze in complete submission at her total nudity, right there in front of him.

After a while, she breaks his trance. “What would you like me to do?”

“Sorry, I . . . ” He shakes his head to regain focus. “Umm, how about you walk to the window and back?” He takes a few shots as she does that, then asks for a few other poses that feel lame even as he asks for them. Then his brain clears and he begins getting some other ideas, yoga poses, lying on the couch to read a book in various positions, looking out the window from behind a curtain.

“Come back this way,” he says when he has taken several pictures of her there. “Face away from me, then bend down and spread your butt cheeks.” For the first time, she hesitates and is very quick in how she spreads her cheeks. He takes a few pictures, then asks again, “Can you hold them open for a little longer than that?” She looks back at him, then pulls the cheeks apart and holds them. He takes several pictures, zooming in on her exposed pussy and butt hole.

“That bothers you, didn’t it,” he says when he has finished.

She stands in the center of the room, one arm under her breasts, and chews on her thumbnail. “Yes. I’ve never been comfortable with that.”

“Sorry, I seem to have developed this anal obsession in late life. I’ll erase them.”

“No, you don’t have to. I just . . . ”

“It’s okay. I want this to be as much for you as for me, so if you’re uncomfortable, I’ll take them off.”

“We said this was about testing my limits, so that’s one of them. Don’t delete them.”

“Tell you what. I’ll keep one, just to have it for my own pleasure.” He clicks the buttons on his camera a few more times. “Done. I’ve still got the cutest of the bunch.” He gives her a big smile.

“So, what now? Are you going to keep taking random pictures of me, or do you want to move to another level?”

He takes a step back and looks a little flustered. “What did you have in mind?” he asks quietly.

“What would you like to do? What would you like me to do?”

“How much are you willing to do?”

“Persuade me. If you want to own me, you need to take a step to persuade me.”

They are both breathing shallowly, each aware in their own way that they have reached a turning point. Silence canlı bahis siteleri reigns in the room for several seconds until he finally says quietly, “I want to see you masturbate with one of your dildoes.”

He feels dizzy saying it and is on the verge of taking it back, when she just as quietly asks, “What’s it worth to you?”

She stands there looking at him, slowly rubbing one hand up and down her stomach, then both hands over her hips and butt, then back around front to her pussy, where she gently parts the two sides. He is caught in her gaze and wonders whether she is asking if he would pay for her to masturbate. Then another thought pushes that one out of the way.

As her hands play gently over the valleys and roundness of her stomach, and the one small fold of flesh at her waist, he moves one foot forward and pushes it against the toe of the other, so he can pull off the shoe. Then he switches feet and does the same. As he kicks the shoes off to one side, he looks up and sees a smile forming on her lips.

As though in a daze, he feels his hands undoing his belt, then unbuttoning his pants. As he steps out of them and pushes them to the side, he lifts each foot in turn and pulls off his socks.

Her smile has broadened to show her teeth as he slowly undoes each button on his shirt, takes it off, then pulls off his t-shirt. His clothes are scattered around him, as though in a circle. “My boxers aren’t as cute as your panties,” he says as he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his last piece of clothing.

Her smile grows even wider. “They’re not what’s important.” And he slides them off and kicks them aside.

He feels awkward standing naked in front of a woman who is close to half his age. He does not know where to put his hands, how to stand comfortably, where to look. He glances at her and sees that her entire face has softened with her smile as she looks him up and down. He feels even more self-conscious.

“Turn around, slowly,” she says quietly after a while. He takes a quarter turn and pauses, then another and another till he faces her again. When he has his back to her, he pulls at his cock and balls to loosen them up after their confinement in his underwear. He realizes with a quiet chuckle that he really wants his cock to be longer. He wants to impress her.

She asks him to take a number of poses, repeating much of what he had asked her to do. After a few pictures of him lying on the couch with his legs spread wide, he asks, “Did you feel this silly or awkward when I was asking you to pose?”

She laughs and shrugs. “Sometimes, particularly when it was pretty clear you didn’t know what I should do. But there were other times when it felt like we were flowing, almost like a conversation between us. Then it felt natural and exciting.” She walks over to the desk where her purse is sitting. “You have to remember, most of the time on the site, I’m making my own decisions what to do, how to pose. Sometimes, my husband or a friend who’s shooting has some ideas, but it’s usually along the line of what I had been thinking. This is the first time I’ve posed for somebody else.

She turns around, holding a dildo, shaped like an actual erect cock with balls at the base. He watches her run her tongue along the molded veins of the curved erection. She is looking at him over the top of it and seems to be waiting for him to make the next move. He stretches back out on the couch, facing her, and takes his cock in his hand. His few experiences over the course of his life of trying to jerk off in front of a woman had not gone well, and his recent efforts to masturbate at all have been fitful. After all, his body has worn down over the course of 70 years. But here he is, naked across the room from a woman he has seen online and with whom he has filled his fantasies, so he wants to give himself a chance.

He strokes his cock gently with three fingers and thumb. He focuses on the sensations that slowly awaken as he strokes, and he keeps calm, certain that he would throw things off by forcing himself. Gradually he feels a thickening within his fingers, enough to know that his body is responding and cooperating.

Across the room, she sighs. He opens his eyes and sees her sitting in the armchair, one leg draped over the arm. The other foot is resting on the floor, and she is opened wide. She is stroking herself with two fingers, while her other hand holds the dildo at her mouth. Her tongue runs over the head of the anatomically formed toy, then with her eyes on him, she opens her mouth and engulfs the head between her lips. She moans quietly, and he gasps as he feels a surge between his fingers. Stay focused, he tells himself and keeps up the gentle stroking.

He watches as she slowly withdraws the cock head from her mouth and languidly traces it down her chin and neck, between her tits and down her stomach. She spreads her pussy lips with the fingers of her free hand and presses the head of the dildo güvenilir bahis against the slick surface between those luscious lips. Ever so slowly, she strokes up and down, bit by bit moving down to the opening of her cunt. It seems to hover there for a moment, then slides in.

She gasps as the cock head pushes against the tight muscle guarding the entrance to her cunt, which he figures has to be dripping wet and getting looser at this point. His cock throbs at the vision before him, and his own breath grows quicker and shallower.

He watches her as she pulls the dildo out slightly, then pushes it back in a little further each time. He keeps a close focus on how her pussy lips open and close with each thrust and listens to her gasps and quiet moans as the dildo makes its gradual progress into her cunt. With each thrust, he feels his cock getting harder and its ultimate release building stronger and stronger.

She gives a slightly louder whimper when the dildo is all the way in and the plastic balls are pressing against her. Her pelvis thrusts forward against the base of the artificial cock, and her head rolls back and forth. Her other hand reaches down to stroke her clit. Her body is rocking and her gasps are getting more intense.

He has been muttering to himself, “that glorious cunt . . . Fuck me . . . Oh my gah…” And when he feels himself about to cum, he grunts and gasps louder and looks toward her. And she looks at him just as his cum starts to jump out of his cock, now aimed toward her. Her stomach clenches as his cum splashes onto his stomach, then her eyes close as her own orgasm unleashes within her. He watches her tense back into the chair and then release with a gasp as her hips curl and buck against the dildo.

Then she is quiet. Her body goes limp. Her one leg slips from the arm of the chair, and the other drifts further apart as her body twitches with the last few waves of her orgasm. Slowly, the dildo slips out of her slick cunt, shiny with her juices, some of which leak onto the chair.

They lie quiet and still for a time. When she opens her eyes and looks at him with a satisfied smile, he squeezes the last couple of drops of cum from his cock and lifts his hand, letting her see the dollop of cum on his thumb. As she watches, he brings his hand to his mouth, licks the cum off his fingers, lets her see it on his tongue, then closes his mouth and swallows.

“That was cool,” she says. “I’ve never seen a guy eat his own cum before.”

He reaches out his hand toward her and says, “Let me have the dildo.” Her brow wrinkles in puzzlement, and she sits there for a moment. Then she slides off the chair and crawls on her knees to place the base of the dildo on the coffee table, where he can reach it. He brings it up to his face and inhales deeply, savoring the musky scent of her cunt juices. He licks off some of the cream from around the base. Then he presses the cock head against his stomach and twists to scoop up more of his cum. He hands it back to her.

She is mesmerized by each step he takes and reaches toward him as though in a trance. As she takes hold of the dildo, her finger brushes his, and a tingle runs through both their arms. She sniffs along the shaft in her hand, licks some of the cream off the base, then puts the head of it into her mouth. It was his turn to be mesmerized, with his fingers that had brushed hers resting on his cock.

She twists the dildo between her lips. When she pulls it out, she sticks out her tongue to let him see his cum, then she closes her mouth and swallows.

A sense of amazement hovers in their air as they gaze at each other. They came together, and they have tasted each other’s cum, even though the only contact between them has been a slight touch of the fingers. This has gone beyond their expectations, and yet neither quite knows what to do next.

He feels a drip running cold down his side from some of the cum that rested on his stomach. He tries to catch it before it lands on the couch, and this breaks him out of his trance. He pushes himself into a sitting position. “I’d better get cleaned up,” he says and stands up.

She gets up and points toward the other room in the suite. “You can use the bathroom.”

When he comes out a few minutes later, he finds his clothes stacked on the bed. He gets dressed slowly and heads back into the living room to get his shoes.

She is dressed in a grey skirt and soft pink blouse. “You all set for your meeting?” he asks as he sits on the couch to put his shoes on.

“Plenty of time. It’s not far from here, and I’ll probably have some coffee downstairs before I go. Don’t forget your camera,” she adds as he stands up.

He picks it up off the TV stand where he put it before he started undressing and heads to the door, where he left the camera bag. “I’ll be sure to send you the best of them.”

“I’m sorry we didn’t get any of you,” she says, smiling.

“I could take some and send them to you.”

“I’d like that.” They stand in silence for a while.

“There’s an early John Prine song about Donald and Lydia,” he says as he puts the camera bag strap over his shoulder. “He’s a soldier, she’s a girl in town, and the last line of the song is that Donald and Lydia made love that night, from ten miles away.”

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