Sisterly Tease



A young married couple found themselves in an unexpected situation where they shared a cottage in a remote secluded beach, with the wife’s younger brother.

With the encouragement of the husband, the sister and brother, who had been close during their growing-up years, tapped into a seam of passion that they didn’t know existed. One thing led to another until it exploded into an unholy trinity.

This story revolves around a small cosy cast universe of three characters. Firstly, Lee, the husband, aged 25. His wife, Dee, aged 24. And Jude, her brother, aged 20. More intimate details unravel as their characters develop, and weave themselves into the narrative fabric.


Chapter 1: Bedroom Fantasy Banter

Chapter 2: A Beach Cottage Holiday

Chapter 3: The Swimsuit

Chapter 4: The Tease

Chapter 5: She Decides

Chapter 6: Boys Chat

Chapter 7: Seduction

Chapter 8: A Long Night’s Journey Into Day

Chapter 9: Threesome

Chapter 10: Reflection


Chapter 1

Bedroom Fantasy Banter

Dee comes from a religious family. Lee has been a bad influence because once they begin to get serious, she has been happy to spread her sexual wings a bit.

Lee discovered his wife enjoys sexy and sometimes kinky stories as part of their foreplay. Lee has a vivid imagination. Lee teases out a topic or theme from Dee. Lee weaves a story about it with inventive spontaneity. The subject matter covers all sorts, from tame accidental exposure to incest. And then the fantasy animates into reality as Lee roleplays the script that he has artfully concocted, devilishly drawing Dee into the sensual fray.

Lee finds the whole idea of family sex deliciously exciting, among other kinky exploration. Many of his stories involve Dee and various members of her and his family. The fact that Dee comes from a religiously conservative background only means that there is that much more enthralling terrain to uncover.

Bedroom banter…

Lee (exploringly): We never discussed this before. What was your relationship like with your brother, Jude, growing up?

Dee (suspiciously): Hmmm… why the sudden interest in my siblinghood?

Lee (innocently): Nothing, nothing…

Dee: Hmmm… I can see where this is going.

Lee: Good! So, help us get there.

Dee: You know my parents are religious and conservative. So, Jude and I were close in our being bound by our values which we both held dear. Well, we didn’t know anything else then, being kids. I don’t ever recall Jude having a girlfriend at any level.

Lee: Did that closeness lead to intimacy?

Dee: Not at first. In the starchy dowdy environment that we were raised, we just didn’t think about these things.

Lee: Then?

Dee: Know that there is a four year age gap between Jude and I. Four years may not mean alot in adulthood, but when you are in your teens, that gap is a big deal. So, if you are alluding to sibling sexual tension, it’s possibilities were limited by this age gap. That said, there was an incident that is etched in my memory.

Lee: Go on…

Dee: I was 22 then. Jude, 18. We went camping at Edward Cove with mum and dad. Dad brought two tents. This is the irony. Because my parents hold ironclad faith in our upbringing, they thought nothing about my sharing a tent with my brother. I suspect my parents were never young before. They just morphed from children to adults, blissfully unaware of emerging sexual awareness. The two tents were out of sight from one another, in different sand dune troughs because each trough was wide enough for only one tent. The tent interior had a sort of roller fabric divider partition inside.

Lee: Hmmm… we are getting warm here.

Dee: Our first night. Jude and I were changing for sleep. I was on my side of the divider. Lantern on my side. The light cast a silhouette of me onto the divider. All was quiet on my brother’s side. I gazed in his direction. He was at one corner of the tent, still, as if spellbound, eyes apparently riveted on the divider.

Lee: What next?

Dee: I don’t know what came over me. An invisible force, seemingly from the darker side of Hell, appropriated my being. I stuck out my budding chest. I arched my back dramatically as I undressed. I was naked. The divider had the effect of emboldening me. I could be seen, and yet not quite. At least not certain contour details of my breasts. A tingle raced through me.

Lee: Hmmm… What next?

Dee: I bent over my backpack. My breasts swayed as I searched for my nightgown. I eventually found it. Still naked, I spent some time repacking my backpack, bending impossibly low, straightening up, kneeling, crouching, and then repeating the calisthenics routine, as I set the contents on the groundsheet, then repacking them. I stuck out my chest. Arched my back dramatically. Tenderly rubbed lotion on my breasts, finger-massaged the lotion into my straining stand-out nipples, ruffled then smoothened my bushy mound, bonus veren siteler as if this is a nightly bodycare routine. Finally, I slipped my nightgown over my head. It must be apparent to my brother that I am braless and pantyless. I heard male laboured breathing, and light rustling noises. I tested my brother, “You’re awfully quiet over there?”. Jude emitted a nervous half-laugh, but said nothing. I think the lad didn’t know how to respond. My brother had already changed. He took down the divider. The spell ended as my silhouette was rolled away.

Lee: And then?

Dee: It was time for bed. A look of disappointment washed over my brother’s face. It was apparent that my mum did my nightgown shopping. Functional. Frumpy. It left everything and more to my brother’s imagination. After the delicious silhouette show, a reality hard landing. I felt sorry for the lad, and a stab of guilt that I had led him on to nothing.

Lee: What happened next?

Dee: You are supposed to be the storyteller, not me. Over to you.

Lee: Can you give me a hint lead on what happened next, for me to pick up from there?

Dee (adamant): No. Because there is nothing more to tell.

Lee: OK, this was what happened next.

Lee dims the bedroom lights to a nominal glow, like inside a tent. Dee is in a short nightie, braless and pantyless, as is her nocturnal custom. Lee positions Dee on her side, in an extended sleeping fetal position. Dee’s crotch is obscured by her nightie hemline, but only just so. Tantalising. A hint ridge form of engorged labia pressing assertively into the sheer fabric. Dee feigns deep slumber.

Lee is naked. He spoons against Dee. He dry humps Dee.

The video in Dee’s mind rewinds back to that camping trip first night. She remembers that she was tormented. Rising sexual awareness emerging from an austere conservative baseline. The first time. The warm and fuzzy frisson of the moment. The taboo. The anxiety of being caught out by her parents a dune away. All bearing down on her in concert. She decided. Her brother must not enter. Not tonight. But, she will meet him part way.

Dee gets turned on controlling and calibrating the taut tension of her junction as Lee saws her. Unlike the vagina, the tautness is easy and intuitive to control by rhythmic clenching and loosening of her upper thighs. It gives her a sense of great power, without being an oppressive mean dominatrix which is not in her character.

He stabs.

She clenches.

He pounds.

She loosens some.

He stabs.

She clenches.

He pounds.

She loosens some.

He stabs.

She clenches.

He pounds.

She loosens some.

Lee does not get to go in. But, for some inexplicable reason, he is more aroused than usual. He is brother and husband tonight in his mind, and his shaft is at one with his mind. He is brother first, husband second. And Dee, sister and wife. Alot going on.

Dee groans and whimpers softly. Her neck and chest become flushed. They get redder and redder. She is highly aroused. Her whole body shudders and shivers. She lifts her hips, bucks.

Lee and Dee shudder in harmony and in unison. One word. Intense.

The aftermath. Dee lies serenely alongside Lee, drapes her upper right thigh over Lee’s flaccid penis.

Lee: My most intense ever. And amazingly, I didn’t even make entry.

Dee: Same, same…

Lee (skeptically): Are you sure nothing happened between Jude and you?

Dee (sagely): Nothing. It is our minds who fuck. Our bodies just hum along.

Lee (smirking): Hmmm… Interesting bit of mind-body dualism? You got that from Descartes in Philosophy 101?

Dee (archly): No. From you. Just now. At the stroke of 1:01 am.


Chapter 2

A Beach Cottage Holiday

It is going to be a glorious week of countryside, sun, beach and surf in the cosy seclusion of a cottage, perched lonesomely on a hillock. Edward Cove. If this location sounds familiar, it is. A nondescript trail winds down dizzily to a beach cove. Heaven, without the inconvenience of dying.

The couple books a 2-bedroom

beach cottage in a little hamlet town on the east coast for a week. Dee’s parents are going with them.

This is the first time after their marriage that they are going to spend quality time with Dee’s parents. Lee looks forward to spending time with his father-in-law. He gets on famously with the old boy, sharing a religious devotion to rugby. And secretly, Lee wants to see his statuesque buxom mother-in-law in a swimsuit for the first time. That this is an austere religious woman makes such a prospect all the more forbiddingly enthralling. This will be a fast-forward sneak preview to what his wife will look like in the future. And he knows he won’t be disappointed.

Dee’s parents cancel two days prior to leaving. Her dad had a chest infection. The couple asked Dee’s brother to come along instead of wasting the second bedroom, as it is administratively bahis impossible to change to a single bedroom cottage at such a late hour.

And so it is Lee, Dee and Jude.


This is a good time as any to describe the trio.

Lee is six feet three inches, sculpted on a mass of ninety-seven kilograms. Athletically built. A demeanour that subtly suggests power without being overbearing. A graceful hunk. He deploys these qualities to good effect in sports. And in other realms which Dee readily testifies to. He is average endowed at six and a half inches. Thick girth. On any other man, the girth will appear lewd, but Lee carries it proportionally through. His circumcised shaft on a mown pedestal carries a regal dignified look. Go traipse the Mediterranean and you will see credible copies of Lee’s on their more iconic statues. Dee loves admiring his manhood. It is pleasing to the eye.

Dee weighs seventy-three kilograms, artfully rendered on her five feet six inches. Her piercing hypnotic blue eyes laser you into tranced submission if you hover within range. Lite buxom best describes Dee’s feminine charms. Curvy contoured hips. Luscious creamy thighs taper down to sylphy tender arcs of calves. Her buttocks are delicious firm orbs. Each orb separately defined, each with an animated life of their own, when they clench and quiver.

Dee has two distinguishing intimate features. She has asymmetrical breasts. Her left breast is a medium-to-small B-cup. Her right, a full D. Each breast has its own distinct identity and personality. The B-cup is pert and subtle as a B is apt to be. The D is fulsome, luscious and assertive. Both are natural in their own renditions and feel.

There is a sensual allure to her asymmetric form that is easy to identify, but hard to define precisely. Imagine a male admirer, a discerning breast connoisseur, beholding both sights, pert and lush, feeling up both pliant forms, relishing the best of both worlds, on the same woman. Double allure.

Dee was initially shy and self-conscious of her asymmetry. She tried to conceal her breasts under loose tops and such. Over time, and from the loving attention and pointed validation of Lee, she has come to appreciate the sensual power of this allure. Once liberated from this self-imposed hang-up, Dee’s sexuality soared with flourish.

Dee has a pronounced full mound. It comes to the fore in its full splendour when she wears a hugging swimsuit, or a camisole leotard. Her inner lips barely peek out between her outer lips. A neat mound. When she wears a garment which is tailored to a flaring high-cut vee, her voluptuous mound, pressing urgently into the sheer fabric, is a sight to behold. A tantalising rise of lush labia emerging from a delicious dip of cleft that deepens into the tip of vee. A dizzy contoured wedge of cameltoe. It wreaks havoc in the private imagination of any lucky male who is within range of this visual treat.

Dee brings this to bear when she participates in distance running events. She runs a mean race.

Now, still your flitty mind and picture this. Dee is in her body-compression running suit of tight top, and shorts. It is midway in the race. Sun hung at high noon. Much huffing and puffing . You are a male runner. You are running behind this woman. You are about to overtake her. But, you are mesmerised by the simple harmonic motion of her marching arse orbs animating before your eyes. Up, clench, down. Down, clench, up. Up, clench, down. Maddening. You really should be moving on. But, a gripping force field holds you there. Finally, you saunter slide ahead obliquely. You steal a backward glance. You see her top bounce. A fulsome pliant D. No less. And then, there is something else you can’t quite place from the oblique view. It is alluring. You drift south. A voluptuous mound pressing, straining against the body-compression fabric. A spasming cameltoe in full glory. The labia majors in rapid marching movement. Your imagination goes into overdrive. Just then, your eyes drift up. They lock with the woman’s. She smirks. You sprint away sheepishly, melting into the herd.

Dee’s mound is shaved silken smooth since she discovered Lee prefers it pristine.

Jude is twenty. Eighty-five kilograms packed into five feet ten inches. Thickset. Mid-brown wavy hair. He likes to wear it quite short.

His uncircumsised manhood is nearly eight inches. Formidable.

A nice guy. A bit of a rebel according to his parents. Dee and him were close growing up. He has only one girlfriend so far.


Chapter 3

The Swimsuit

Lee, Dee and Jude are at the cottage. The cottage is a short way from the beach sand dunes where Dee and Jude camped just two years ago.

As they are getting ready to go to the beach, Dee discovers that she has left her swimsuit at home.

They go to the little town to buy some food, drinks and snacks, and to buy Dee’s swimsuit.

To save time, they split up. Jude goes to shop for the food and drinks. Dee and Lee goes deneme bonusu to the swim shop. Dee wants Lee’s opinion on her swimsuit pick.

There is only one swim shop in the town. It carries a limited range of ladies’ swimsuits. Dee insists that it must be a one-piece, to provide suitable cover for her asymmetric breasts. It comes down to a single piece, yellow, a high-cut vee flaring up to way above her hips. And one size below hers.

Dee enters the small changing room cubicle to try on the swimsuit. Lee waits outside.

Dee struggles to put on the swimsuit. Although the size is smaller, the diaphanous-looking material is yieldingly stretchable and elastic to a point. Finally, Dee gets in. Snug as a bespoke glove. Like her marathon body-compression suit, rendered in yellow, and then with vast swathes of fabric cut away. Dee looks herself in the mirror.

The swimsuit is a lovely summery pastel yellow.

The top fits her B-cup just right, showing a teasing hint of breast flesh descending into cleavage.

Her D-cup is bursting against the top, exposing vast swathes of her breast. Her nipple ducks just below the top edge. Like a suffocating bustier. It appears that any movement will tip the nip over the top to see light of day.

Her bottom is breathtaking. The flaring high-cut vee barely covers her plump mound. In fact, it barely covers her labia. Her voluptuous labia rises sharply from her cleft to a ridge, then makes a moderate descent. The nominal crotch fabric covers the ridge, and then extends a little wee more. It appears that any movement will snag the vee into the cleft. The vulnerability is both unnerving and delicious. Even though Dee has shaved, a few wisps of persistent remnant fine pubes are evident, forming a faint pencil shading at the edge of swimsuit crotch vee. Is it pubes or shadow? The charm is in not knowing for sure.

Dee pirouettes around. Her arse orbs are assertive, but not standout riotous. They complement her proportionally.

Dee opens the door slightly. She beckons Lee to join her in the room, to get his opinion. Lee tries to enter but the room is too small. Lee checks out the shop. Nobody is in. The female shop assistant is at the back of the shop checking out the stock or something. This is a small town. This is a weekday. It is unlikely that there will be any walk-in customers. Lee asks Dee to come out.

Dee stands nervously before her husband. Lee has seen his wife native on more than a few occasions, but this is a totally new manifestation of what he thought he already knows so well. Lee stares down at his wife, processing the sensuality presented before him. He cannot decide if what he is seeing is sensual, erotic, lusty or lewd. In moments of uncertainty, it is best to be guided by one’s instinctual meter. And his dial has more than moved. Erotic it is.

Lee says go for this. Dee protests vehemently that she cannot imagine her brother, and other beach goers seeing her in this. Lee replies that this is the tourist offseason, and that their time on the beach will be on weekdays anyway, nary a soul. In any case, the beach is, for practical purposes, effectively private to the cottage, accessible only via the cottage.

But, what will her brother think of her? Just then, the shop door bell chimes. Speak of the devil! It is Jude. Dee makes a move to return to the changing room, but Jude has already seen her tail. Lee holds her back. Jude will eventually see her in this swimsuit anyway on the beach.

Lee: Jude, just in time! What do you think of your sis?

Lee holds Dee’s hands up. Like a maestro presenting his muse. He twirls her 360 degrees in slo-mo. Dee feels funny about this, but plays along for a lark.

Dee (squeamishly, feeling obliged to explain): This is the only one-piece that I can go into. And even then, it is one size below mine.

Jude’s eyes follows his sister’s orbit. He gasps audibly. And then realises what he has done.

Lee: He approves. Your brother approves. There can be no higher order of approval than a brother’s. Dee, go for it.

Dee: Hmmm… You’re very magnanimous. With my body!

Apparently tacitly decided, Dee pivots to go back to the changing room. Lee stops her again.

Lee: Look, we are going straight back to the cottage, then climb down the short trail to the beach. I will get your clothes from the changing room, and you can put them over your swimsuit here. No sense doing it in the claustrophobic cubicle.

Lee goes into the changing room. He seems to take a while to collect Dee’s clothes.

Jude takes this opportunity to steal rationed surreptitious glances at his sister. Her top. Then drifting down to her enticing crotch, observing her form, and deciphering her substance. And then a lingering appreciative look at her legs. Lush thighs tapering to pliant calves. Dee is feeling awkward and sheepish. Memories of the camping trip silhouette show creep back. Their eyes lock momentarily.

The chime of the doorbell breaks the spell. An elder gent, maybe in his early sixties enters. He has a swashbuckling irreverent demeanor. Sparse longish hair gelled back elegantly on his head. Chilled vintage. Dee is mortified. The gent nods at Dee and Jude nonchalantly. Hmmm… nice profile. Cute tail. Dee and Jude acknowledge civilly in return.

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