Chained Submission Ch. 01


Carmen slowly woke. She tried to open her eyes, but they were heavy, as if a ten pound weight hung from her lashes. When she finally managed to crack them open, the shaft of light that penetrated her caused a deep groan of pain. Her mind fractured into a million pieces of shimmering sunlight. What coherent thought she might have had disappeared in that one moment of sight. Now she was only aware of how the shadow behind her lids made the pulsating agony in her head barely tolerable.

It must have been that beer, but she could not, for the life of her, recall a time when she got wasted on a single beer.

She groaned again, and turned her head away from the bright morning light that was so the antithesis of her current situation. What she needed was the gloom of night, the silence of the world sleeping. Instead the birds chirped and twittered as they woke from the night’s slumber, cars zoomed by on the busy street, and the world was awake with white noise that she had never before noticed until this moment.

How the hell did one beer turn her into this pile of suffering? It was one fucking beer!

Slowly her other senses returned. She could smell. Coffee, the grease of bacon cooking in another apartment, the clean laundry scent of the bed she was laying on, and underlying it all was an elusive scent she couldn’t quite place. Something flowery. Something that didn’t belong in her apartment, because she always had a few bowls of cinnamon apple potpourri placed strategically around her rooms.

An alarmed thought tickled at the periphery of her brain, but the pounding chased it away before it fully formed into something she could understand.

She could feel the softness of the sheets beneath her. They were soft and satiny. She moved sinuously against the sheets, reveling in the feel of something so luxurious against her bare skin. The thought that Ataşehir Olgun Escort she was naked and did not remember getting that way flitted through her head, but since it wasn’t unusual for her to sleep in the nude, she dismissed the thought. The thought that wouldn’t go away was the one that said that she didn’t own anything nearly as expensive feeling as the sheets she was lying on.

The clink of metal on metal resounded in her ears, and her eyes flew open. At first everything was white and then everything slowly faded into color. She took in the blood red walls that definitely did not belong in her bedroom. Her eyes traveled to a huge gilded mirror, blackened at the edges from age that hung opposite the end of bed. Her eyes traveled up the ornately carved wooden columns of the bed and the heavily draped fabric that canopied over her. To the left was a shut door. To the right, a large window let bountiful spring sunshine into the room.

The sheets she was lying on shone brilliantly white against the dark wood of the bed. They were tangled and tousled around her body, which was indeed nude but for the chain. Its long silvery loops wove within the sheets, coming out to clasp at her ankles, wrists and neck with thick, heavy bands.

What the… Carmen blinked her eyes once, then again. Her mind, still blurred from the night before, assumed that she must still be sleeping. Except, she could feel the hardness of the chain draped across one leg; could hear its tinny sound as it shifted with her movements.

Without a single memory to guide her thoughts in some logical pattern that would lead her to be imprisoned within the most sumptuous room imaginable, Carmen shot from the bed in a panic. Or, at least she would have had the chains not bound her. It let her get tantalizingly close to the edge before the chains found their unmerciful Ataşehir Sarışın Escort end. Her arms whipped behind her, and her body stopped short.

Just then, the door opened.


It was a sight to behold: a goddess in his bed, her knees spread wide, arms pulled back by the chain, her glorious breasts thrust out by her forward momentum. For a brief moment he was awarded the most titillating of visions. The golden waves of her disheveled hair dropped down to where her perfectly rounded breasts, tipped in the rosiest of pinks, rose and fell with each heavy breath.

His eyes followed the thick chain that hung from her neck, falling down past the long expanse of her abdomen, and hiding the slight indentation of her navel. Caught by her knee, the chain curtained to the side to provide an unobstructed view of the soft, golden hair of her apex lightly grazing the sheets he slept in every night. In his imagination he could feel the tickle of her down feathering against his lips as she straddled his face.

It will happen, he reminded himself. The frightened anxiety in her eyes faded as she recognized him. It was replaced by confusion, and then, with delightful speed, turned to seething anger and unadulterated hate. Oh yes, it will happen. And she will be begging for it long before it does.

“Drew!” Her body twisted around and retreated behind the sheet, yet she drew herself up as tall as she could to glare furiously at him. “What the fuck is going on here!”

“Tsk, tsk, Carmen. Such language is hardly becoming of a lady.” A smile teased at the corner of his mouth, yet his tone was as coolly cultured as always. He strolled over to lean lazily against the poster of the bed. “I shudder to think what your mother would say.”

“What she would say? She’d say, ‘What the fuck is my daughter Ataşehir Şişman Escort doing chained naked to your bed?’ That’s what the fuck she would say!” Carmen lunged at Drew, her fingers set like claws, her soft pink nails ready to shred. Again, however, the chain stopped her. Inches from his face, her hands balled into fists and then dropped uselessly.

Drew reached out and tweaked a nipple left bare from her attempt at attacking him, and retreated quickly from her reach. “I’m quite glad to see so much spirit in you, luv. That is going to make breaking you a delightful task.”

“Breaking me?” A slice of fear went coldly through her body.

“Oh yes,” he said with a haughty smile that must have been perfected at some English boarding school, “like an untamed horse. When I’m done with you, you’ll be more than willing to let me ride you in whichever way my cock happens to desire.”

“Bullshit. If you try to get anywhere near me, I’ll go Bobbit on that tiny little stick of yours.”

“You have such a lovely way with words, Carmen dear. Always quite colorful. However, you seem to have forgotten one small detail.” Drew straightened and reached up to the top of the canopy.

Carmen feigned fearlessness, “Oh yeah? And what’s that?”

Drew tugged on a rope that was hiding behind the girth of the column. As the rope went taut, the chain that caught at her ankle pulled her leg out from under her until it was held tight. He moved to the other column and pulled at another rope, and, despite Carmen fighting against the chain, her legs were spread wide.

“What are you doing? Stop!” She tried to cover herself with the sheet before he came around to the head of the bed. He pulled on another rope, and one arm stretched out as if reaching for him. “No! Please, Drew, don’t do this!”

He indolently walked the perimeter of the bed. His hand took up the last rope, and he caressed its length as if he were touching a lover. “I’m sorry, Carmen,” he said with very little sincerity. He pulled at the rope slowly, “but you need to learn that your rightful place is on your knees before me. Until then, you will be chained down in whatever manner I see fit.”

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