Knockout Ch. 14-18


Ch. 14: Your Fault, My Fault — Thursday

The alarm went off at its usual time Thursday morning, but Jan didn’t turn it off as usual; didn’t roll out of bed to be first in the shower and then push Tim out of bed afterwards. Instead, the damn thing just got louder and louder until Tim crawled over himself and hit the snooze button. ‘Crawled over an empty space,’ entered his mind. Then suddenly, it all came rushing in. Jan wasn’t here because she’d had to get up three hours earlier so she could go in and take part in a VTC with some people in Holland.

She’d managed to get up on time, probably using a different alarm on her smart phone, and gotten washed and dressed and out of here without disturbing Tim at all. He was impressed, in a distracted manner. Not sure if it was her stealth or his deep slumber that was more responsible for him sleeping through her entire exit.

Regardless, he was on his own and managed to drag his ass out of bed after only using the snooze button once. He showered, shaved and dressed and then headed for the kitchen. Jan had put on a pot of coffee and it only needed a short zap in the microwave. While he drank it and ate some yogurt with granola, he sent her a text.

“Good morning, my love. How’d it go? Great, I’m sure!” With a heart emoji.

An hour later, as he settled into his desk and scoped out the overnight e-mails and the day ahead, his phone dinged with her response.

“Thank you, baby. Yes, it went very well.” With a thumbs up symbol.

Then two minutes later his phone dinged again.

“Did you cum on my ass?!”

Tim laughed and thought about how to answer. He remembered how she’d looked as he crouched over her.

“Yes. Marble in the moonlight; how could I resist?”

“?” came her response.

“Later,” he replied.

Later turned out to be about 5:45; his usual time for getting home from work.

He walked in the front door and saw Jan’s coat on its hook in the foyer. Music was playing on the house system, but instead of the dance tracks of the previous days, it was a soft jazz; their more normal background music for winding down from days at their offices.

“Hey, baby, I’m home,” he offered to the house.

“In the bedroom,” came his wife’s response.

He made his way down the hall, loosening his tie and the top button on his shirt as he did. The bedroom door was open and when he walked in he saw luggage and clothes on the bed.

Janice met him with a kiss. “Good timing,” she said. “I think I’ve got everything we need and you can check to make sure I haven’t missed anything.” She moved back to the bed.

She’d not only laid out her whole wardrobe for the coming long weekend, she’d done the same for him. On one side of the bed were her dresses and casual outfits and on the other side were his. He laughed. “It’s a little OCD, but hallelujah, you’ve saved me!”

He actually hadn’t been sure what he should wear to the dance club, but she’d put together two outfits for him that perfectly complimented the Little Black Dress and the Little Red Dress she would be wearing. She even had shoes selected for him and he noticed they both had leather soles, which should make for smoother dancing.

“I know we’re going to the same nightclub both nights, but we’re going to different restaurants, right?” she asked as she moved around the bed straightening up socks and briefs.

“That’s right,” he admitted.

“So, I’ve only packed one sports coat for you, because it goes with both of your outfits and I expect you’ll only be wearing it at the restaurants and not at the club.”

“Oh my God,” Tim said in a suddenly sad tone. “I’ve really fucked up.”

Janice’s eyes popped open in confusion. “What? Fucked up? What do you mean? Don’t you want to go?”

Tim rushed into the room and took his wife in his arms. “No, no, no,” he said firmly. “That’s not what I mean. In fact, quite the opposite.” He gently brushed Janice’s hair away from her worried eye and ran his fingers over her high cheekbone and down along her chin.

“You look like a kid at Christmas,” he said sweetly, planting a light kiss on the tip of her nose. “But it shouldn’t be such a special, no; it shouldn’t be such a rare occasion. I know how much you love to go dancing, but it’s been years since I’ve taken you out. That’s where I fucked up. I promise that it won’t be years, not even one, before I ask you to dance with me, ever again.” He looked deep into her eyes, hoping she saw that he truly meant what he said.

The way she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss made it clear that she did. “Oh, baby! Thank you.” She kissed him again. “Oh, it’s my own fault too,” she said. “I know you would have taken me if I asked, but I guess I just wanted you to ask me, not the other way around.” She laid her head against his chest. “God, I didn’t even know I was playing such a junior high school game until now.”

He laughed into her hair. “I guess that makes us even, just a couple of junior high kids, still finding their way in the Escort Çankaya confusing world of love.”

She turned her face up to him with a smile, but then her face got serious. “I’m glad we still have such…innocence…in our love. But we should also be way beyond that.” She stroked his cheek, then with her other hand grabbed his crotch, making Tim jump.

Her voice became a growl as she said, “If I can tell you I want you to eat me, or fuck me, or spank me, then I should be able to tell you I want to go dancing.”

Tim stroked her cheek. “Yes. And no.” Then he put his other hand on top of hers in his crotch. “I love it when you let me know what you want, let me know that you do want it. But I should also never stop trying to seduce the most wonderful woman in the world.” He gave her a longer, deeper kiss.

“Baby,” he said. “Will you go dancing with me?”

“You bet your ass,” she smiled; her lips still against his.

“And will you let me spank you?” he added, his grin going crooked.

She gave his face a playful slap. Then she squeezed his cock. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

“Yes, you did.”

“How about one of those golden showers instead?” she offered.

They laughed and kissed again.

Ch. 15: Ordering In — Thursday evening

Tim did have a shower that night, but it was normal, not golden. He had it just before they sat down to dinner. But before that, he and Janice went through the clothes she had laid out and got their bags packed for the next day.

“Now, you’re sure we’re covered? You know I hate being dressed wrong for the situation,” she said one more time after they closed up the bags.

He did know it; it was one of Janice’s quirks. But a harmless one — unless he let her walk into a place over- or under-dressed! Then he could spend days in the doghouse if she figured that it had somehow been his fault — which she usually did. “Why didn’t you say something?” was a favorite phrase.

“I promise you, babe, we’ve got it all covered. Casual days, hot dressy nights; no surprise tickets to the opera or a charity ball.” He took her in his arms. “And if someone invites us at the last minute, I’ll buy you whatever you need to feel properly armed and armored.”

She tried to push him away as she gave him a, ‘fuck you too, buddy,’ look, but he held her tight up against him. “We’re going to have a great time,” he said softly. “And you are going to look great every minute of the day; I have absolutely no doubts about that.” He bent his head down for a kiss and she gave it to him, although she pretended reluctance at first.

A rumble from his stomach broke them up with a laugh.

“Oh crap,” she said. “I got so caught up in packing that I forgot all about dinner.”

“That’s okay,” answered Tim. “We don’t want to be cooking and cleaning up that much the night before going away, anyway. How about I jump in the shower and you order something in?”

“Sounds good to me,” said Jan. “Hmm, we had Thai the last time, how about Chinese tonight?”

“Yeah, good choice. Go ahead and order some things you want to share, just make sure I get a bowl of Peking soup, okay?” He took off his tie and hung it on the rack, then started unbuttoning his shirt as he moved toward the bathroom.

“You got it,” Janice said, heading toward the kitchen, where they kept the take-out menus.

Tim left his shoes outside the bathroom door and took off everything else except his briefs inside. It was going to take a while before the food would arrive, so he took his time and gave himself a shave before climbing into the shower. His hair was okay, so he saved the shampoo for the morning and just gave his body a good lathering. After toweling off, he put his dirty clothes into the hamper and went back into their bedroom. There he put on some lightweight jogging pants he liked for lounging around the house, although no underwear went on with them. On top was his standard plain cotton t-shirt. He slipped into a pair of felt clogs they’d picked up on a trip to Denmark and headed out to find Janice.

She was in the dining alcove, where she’d set out plates and utensils. Tim saw they each also had a glass of what looked like tomato juice. A bottle of vodka stood next to hers.

“I was going to make us Bloody Marys,” she said. “But you’ve been so tight-lipped about our trip that I don’t even know how early we have to get up in the morning, so I wasn’t sure if we should drink anything.”

Tim gave himself a mental pat on the back for having kept her in the dark so well, despite all her prying and bribing. Tuesday she’d given him a rare and wonderful rim and handjob, while trying to get him to spill the beans. All he’d spilled in the end had been his seed, all over her hand.

He picked up and opened the Absolut and poured a healthy shot and a half into each glass, turning the Virgin Marys into Bloody Marys. “No early start times,” he said. “In fact, we’re not even setting the alarm and are going to sleep in. Hotel check-in is not until 2:00 and our dinner Çankaya Escort reservation is not until 7:30, so we can take our time and take it easy.”

“Okay…so that means it’s some place we can get to in just a few hours?” She left the comment/question hanging, but Tim didn’t grab it. “Oh, c’mon, Tim,” she started, but then the doorbell rang. “Don’t you dare say it,” she snapped as she picked up her wallet and went to the front door to get their dinner.

‘Saved by the bell.’ He mouthed behind her back with a smile, before picking up his Bloody Mary and taking a long sip.

Ch. 16: Fantasy Sharing — Thursday evening

They worked through their first drinks as they enjoyed the take out from The Great Wall. It may have been a stereotypically cheesy name, but the cooks there did know their business.

It only took Tim two minutes to report on his dinner meeting the previous night because it had been ordinary and predictable. He was much more interested in hearing about Janice’s first interaction with the European office of her company. Which was actually now the head office since a Netherlands-based conglomerate had bought the smaller U.S. company the year before.

Jan had told him previously that there had been some concerns about whether the two cultures would really be able to work together, but so far, she had been pleasantly surprised. And today was a clear indication that their new European bosses were really ready to utilize Jan’s and her colleagues’ talents in the EU marketplaces. She had gotten rave reviews for her ideas and presentation and it looked like she would be named the head of the resulting project.

Tim stood up and came around the table to give his wife a congratulations kiss. She was obviously pleased with how her presentation had gone and feeling pretty proud of herself, and so was her husband.

“You’re amazing, baby. I am so happy for you.” He gave her another, deeper kiss. Then he stood up and mixed them two more Bloody Marys. He held his glass up in a toast. “Here’s to conquering Europe.” They clinked and sipped and he gave her another kiss before retaking his seat.

As Tim nibbled on the last spring roll, Janice said, “So, marble in the moonlight, what was that all about?

Tim laughed, almost spit out his food, and picked up his water glass for a drink.

“Imagine my surprise when I go into the bathroom, turn on the lights and find dried spunk on my ass! Did you have a wet dream or what?” she demanded.

“Anybody who had seen you like that last night would have had a wet dream,” he said. That put a look of both suspicion and confusion on her face.

“Look,” he continued. “You know it was a full moon last night, right?” She nodded. “Well, when I came in to bed, you were laying there with the sheet just over your legs and part of your ass and the moonlight was streaming in on you. I swear to God, you looked like the Venus de Milo had gone to sleep in my bed.” More of a smile came over her face, but being a teaser herself, she still wasn’t sure if he was going for a joke here.

“I wanted you so bad, but didn’t want to mess up your sleep when you had such an important meeting so early in the morning.”

“So you just, what? Lay there next to me and whacked off?” she asked with some derision.

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” he answered happily. “Well, actually, I kneeled beside you so I could look at that beautiful ass — marble in the moonlight.” He stared into her eyes. “I can’t begin to describe how beautiful, how sexy, how perfect you looked.”

Janice turned her eyes down to the table and a hint of blush came up in her cheeks. She reached out for her Bloody Mary and took a long pull before she could look him in the eyes again.

“And what did you think of as you crouched over me, preparing to soil my perfect marble beauty with your nasty spunk?”

“Think of?” he asked, taking another drink himself.

“Think of. If you had the chance to jack off on the Venus de Milo you wouldn’t just be thinking, ‘Boy, what a great work of art.’ You’d be imagining she was real and you were doing something to her, wouldn’t you?”

“Wow, jacking off on the Venus de Milo. I wonder how many years I’d spend in a French jail for that?”

“C’mon, perv-boy. I want to hear what you were doing with my marble butt in your stalker mind.”

“Hmm,” Tim considered. “Masturbation fantasies, shouldn’t those remain private? I mean, I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings by telling you I was fantasizing you were the Venus de Milo come to life.”

“So, it wasn’t my ass in your fantasy?” she said huskily.

He looked at her more strongly. There was a tilt to his eyebrow that seemed to say, ‘Really? You sure you want this?’ Her gaze held steady. His voice was also deeper when he responded. “Oh, it was yours alright.”

“Tell me.” She sipped more of the strong tomato juice and vodka.

“You were lying on your left side and your right leg was bent and a bit forward of your left leg. I thought that I could straddle your left Çankaya Escort Bayan thigh and slide right into your hot pussy that I could just make out in the shadow of your ass.”

“And that’s what you did in your fantasy? Took me sideways?”

“No. I was too hypnotized by the marble in the moonlight. I just kept stroking myself over your ass.”

Janice felt her pussy indeed starting to heat up. There was something unsaid in his story that she wanted to hear. But she played the game his way. “So, you didn’t take my pussy, even though you wanted it. Was there another hole you wanted more?”

“More? No, I wouldn’t say that. But the moonlight was also shining on that beautiful face. Making your other cheek look like marble too,” he added with a chuckle.

“So, you moved over and fucked my face? In your fantasy?”

“No,” he said again. “I kept holding my cock over your ass so I could see both, in my fantasy just like in my reality.”

“You mean I didn’t get a good fantasy fuck out of this?” She sounded disappointed.

“I didn’t say that.” He paused.

She picked up her glass and held it toward him. Not offering a toast, but signaling he should join her in a drink. He did and they looked at each other over the rims of their glasses as they drank. She lowered her glass just enough that he could see her lips. “Tell me,” she repeated. “Tell me about my fantasy fuck.”

He took one more sip, then put his glass on the table and held it with both hands. His eyes never left hers. “Your pussy needed fucking, but I was busy at your ass, so someone else had to take care of it for me.”

The corner of her mouth lifted slightly; then she said, “Anyone I know?”

“Just a guy. Maybe a guy from a porn film, maybe a guy from a nightclub; just a guy.”

“And you kept stroking yourself over my ass while he fucked me?” Tim nodded. “What about my mouth?” she asked.

“I thought about how good you look with my cock in your mouth and how incredible it would look in that light. How incredible it would look for you to have a cock at each end in that bright pearl light.”

Janice took a small sip. “But you didn’t move to fuck my face?” He shook his head no.

“And you didn’t take the guy’s place in my pussy so he could fuck my mouth?” Tim shook, no, again.

“But my mouth got fucked, didn’t it?” Janice asked. Tim nodded.

She put her glass down and slouched back in her chair, her hips moving to the front edge of the seat. “By whom?” she continued, as she unbuttoned her blouse and put a hand inside on a tit. “Who fucked your wife’s mouth?”

“Another guy; just another anonymous cock.” Tim pushed his chair back from the table and stood up, still holding it against his butt. He took a couple of sliding steps to the side until the table wasn’t blocking her view, and sat down facing her.

Janice rotated her chair enough to face him straight on in his new position and went back to massaging a breast. “And you just kept stroking yourself?”

Tim lifted his hips and slid the waistband of his gym pants to mid-thigh. Since he wasn’t wearing underwear, his cock was in immediate view, just beginning to rise. He took hold of it and slowly began stroking it up and down. “Yes, just like this.”

She had on a skirt and let go of her tit long enough to hike it up to her waist, exposing light pink panties. She unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and pulled it open. One hand returned to her chest, the other began rubbing the panties over her mons.

“Did they force you? Us?” she asked, with a pinch of her nipple.

Tim thought for a moment about changing the story; it sounded like Jan might find a little force exciting. But he decided that if was going to share this fantasy with her, it was going to be the way he’d really imagined it.

“No, no force. I invited them.” Her eyes widened. “Your pussy and your mouth needed fucking, but I didn’t want to give up my place at your ass. So I let them take care of you.” His cock was almost fully erect, pointing back up at his chest as he kept up the slow rubbing.

Her tit hand moved to the other side, to spread the pleasure around. Her crotch hand became more focused, a finger rubbing up and down, pushing the panties between her pussy lips. “Was I awake or was my fantasy also the same as my reality?”

Tim stopped stroking, put his hands under his chair and scooted himself forward a couple of feet. His hard cock bobbed up and down as he moved. He started stroking himself again and answered in a way that sounded like he was working over a memory.

“I think when the first guy entered your pussy you were still asleep. I know I’ve taken you like that in real life and you’ve barely come awake at first. Maybe you thought it was me…” his voice trailed off.

“But when I felt a cock at my lips?” Her voice was becoming more urgent and he could see the front of her light pink panties darkening with her growing wetness.

He closed his eyes and thought back to that incredible moonlit scene. He stopped stroking and cupped his balls, pulling them up against the base of his shaft. “I don’t think your eyes opened, but you were awake. You sucked him with that eagerness that I love. And your hips were twitching, I’m sure you were squeezing your cunny, trying to milk the other cock.”

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