If They Only Knew. Oops. They Do


You know what? I’m just an average guy. 5’7″, 156, I keep myself healthy and my BMI at a very reasonable number. I’ve been happily married for 8 years and although we have no children, it’s not because we haven’t tried.

Cindy and I are educated, have mundane jobs, great friends, and a nice home.

Happy? I’d guess we’re as happy as the next couple. I mean we’re not giddy, overly ecstatic or anything like that. I want to say we’re normal. But really, what is normal?

If you saw me a couple years ago, you’d probably just walk on by hardly noticing anything unusual about me. Just another face in the crowd.

But I’m not just another face.

I have a secret.

I’m willing to bet that we all have heard the rantings of guys and the ball breaking names used every day by everyday people. You know, motherfucker, faggot, cock sucker, names like those.

Today, if one of my friends calls me a cock sucker, I take no offense. Inwardly, I smile. They have no idea how right they are. That’s my secret.

Let me set the record straight, right off from jump street, I’m not gay. Like I said, I’m married. We have a good sex life. But my wife does not have a cock and every now and then, I feel the urge to suck one. But not just any cock. I am faithful to only one.

Fortunately for me, I have a special friend. No, he’s not part of our social circle of friends. I’m not sure Cindy would understand what he and I have, so I keep quiet about his existence. I met him one day at the racetrack, the horse track. He is my secret Svengali.

I noticed him looking at me as if he knew me. When he approached, I asked if we had met. “Only in your dreams,” he said smiling.

There was and is something captivating about him. He could talk an Arab into buying sand.

We talked about stuff, this and that, and before I knew it, he had me following him to his car. In no time at all, he talked me out of my clothes and my face in his lap, sucking my first cock.

I learned that day that a good cock sucker is always naked when he’s doing his thing. It’s just proper etiquette and shows respect to the man’s who allows you to service him.

We both enjoyed our little sojourn enough that he had me give him my phone number and told me I was now his on-call cock sucker. It was and is an arrangement that suits us both.

But hearing myself referred to as cock sucker made me shiver and my dick hard. I liked it. It was an acknowledgement of sorts; a title I had just earned. I masturbated once on the way home and again that evening in the shower.

For the purpose of maintaining anonymity, I’ll call him James. Like me, James is married, has two kids and a pretty wife on whom he dotes. But every now and then, James needs his cock sucked, a task his wife would rather not perform.

Unlike Cindy, James’ wife Connie knows all about me. I’ve met her on many occasions when I answer James’ call.

One would think that Connie would take issue that her husband has a personal cock sucker. Like I said, she prefers to leave that to me.

Connie and James have a vanilla relationship, equal partners in every aspect of their lives. But James has a dominant side. He easily projects strength and leadership. James is always in control and is very charismatic. Connie knows that and understands how it came to be that I willingly became James’ blow-job queen. It is James who decides whether I am to have my needs met, fulfilled. After all, it was James who discovered the need I had to suck his cock.

Typically, when James has summoned me and has deigned to give me access to his manhood, Connie will send the children off to bed or to spend a weekend with their grandparents.

It’s a short drive to James’s house. Less than 5 miles separates me from his cock. There are nights when my craving to be on my knees for him keeps me awake. I resist the temptation to sneak over there. It has been made clear to me that one uninvited appearance will be my last.

So, I wait until I am called.

When the call does come, the garage door will be left up as they wait for me to announce my entrance. Once I arrive, I park on the street, enter through the garage. Closing that door, I must remove all my clothing. When I am completely naked, I knock of the door that leads from the garage to their kitchen.

Sometimes they’ll make me wait if only to demonstrate their dominion over me. They both know I find that arousing. What? You wouldn’t find yourself standing naked in someone’s garage, waiting for them to let you in so you can suck a cock, sexually stimulating? Well, excuse the hell out of me.

When I’m permitted entrance, my erect dick points me in the right direction.

There’s no rush. James is never in a hurry for me to gobble his cock as soon as I arrive. The waiting game is as much a power trip for him as it is me finding my sub space. I join the couple in their living room where Connie and James are seated and fully dressed.

“There’s our cock sucker,” I’m greeted by Connie.

I feel no shame, only İstanbul Escort arousal.

I kneel on the floor facing them. Once in a while, Connie will place some newspapers on the floor which allows me to sit. Otherwise, I’ve been directed to keep my ass hole off their carpet.

I respect that. They have two small children who play on the floors.

Kneeling or sitting, we exchange pleasantries, discussing our work week, the weather, my wife Cindy. It the normal conversation between people who genuinely care for each other.

When James is ready, and only then, am I permitted to approach him and ask if I may remove his trousers.

Connie watches, enjoying the fact that she is able to see her husband getting a blow job which she does not have to provide. Connie remains clothed. In private sessions, James explained that under no circumstance am I to see his wife undressed.

Once I have his trousers off, James sits back down. His cock is a bit bigger than average. He says it’s because it’s regularly sucked by yours truly. James knows how to motivate me.

He and his wife will sometimes chat among themselves as I use my hands to bring his cock to life. If it’s a Sunday afternoon, James might have a football game on the TV.

The whole thing is surreal as you might imagine. But I have been summoned so many times over the months, that surreal has become the norm.

I’ve actually seen Connie out of the corner of my eye as she folds clothes while I’m sucking James off. I’m merely a commodity to them, one easily replaced should I disappoint or disrespect one or both.

It’s knowing that I’m dispensable that keeps me humble, grateful for the opportunity to be able to satisfy my cravings with so fine and discrete a couple.

I play with James’ cock until he nods that he is ready for me to begin. My erection leaks and Connie has provided me with more newspaper to absorb my discharge and keeping her carpet clean.

I get a perverse thrill when, after James has pumped his load in my mouth and I have slurped the last vestiges of his sperm, I’m immediately thanked and sent on my way. Gathering the damp newspapers I’ve soiled, I head for the garage, place the newspapers in the recycling bin, dress, and go home.

Both James and Connie know and understand that being so casually dismissed with my own need to cum yet unfulfilled makes it all that much more arousing for me. Not that they give a damn about that. My orgasm must be achieved at a location other than their home in a manner they care little about.

I am James’ cock sucker. Nothing more and nothing less when his special ring tone alerts me that my talents are required.

I didn’t know whether to be insulted or not. One day when I arrived and was undressing in the garage, I saw that James had left a bag with a note attached, addressed to me. “johnnie, if you wish to remain anonymous, put the mask on before you knock.”

I pulled out a batman mask. It covered my eyes and most of my nose, just like the movie batman. It even had the pointy ears.

I pulled the tight covering over my head and adjusted it so I could see without impediment.

My knock was answered almost immediately which was highly unusual.

My dick was hard in spite of how foolish I felt wearing that stupid mask.

I took my place on my knees in front of James.

“Sir,” I began. “Why do you have me wearing this mask?”

“Do you wish you remain anonymous?”

“Yes sir. I do.”

“That’s what I thought. Look, I have a friend who knows I have a dedicated cock sucker. He’s interested in seeing how much better you are than his wife. Come on out Stan.”

From the hall that led to their bathroom, out walked a tall, well built, naked man. the first thing I noticed was his cock. Still soft, it swung to and fro under a wild tangle of pubic hair as he sauntered up to me.

“See, Stan. I told you.”

“I’ll be damned,” Stan marveled at my presence.

I got to suck two cocks that day. Even with the mask on, it was a pleasant surprise. James fed me his load first. He’d offered me to Stan as his way of being polite to his company, but Stan deferred, wanting to watch first.

Much like James, Stan wasn’t interested in pleasantries. After I had satisfied James’ need, Stan stood in front of me and stuck his cock in my face.

I tried to make James proud of me, using every trick I’d learned about sucking a cock. I spent a great deal of time lapping his balls and just holding the leaking head between my lips and using my tongue on it to drive Stan crazy.

I knew I was doing it right because Stan was unable to keep up with what he and James were talking about.

I received my second feeding 90 minutes after I’d arrived.

Dismissed as usual, I heard Stan tell James that I was the best cock sucker he’d ever had gnawing on his bone.

High praise indeed. I placed the mask back in the bag, dressed and left with my head in the clouds, whistling a happy tune as I entered my car.

My success Escort Bayan with Stan made James happy to indulge his other friends. Sometimes there would be two or three other men, each waiting their turn fuck my mouth. Connie was never around when James had company though.

You’ve heard the old adage, “Three can keep a secret if two are dead.” I learned the hard way that it’s true.

After almost a year of sneaking off to suck his cock, and those of his friends, word that I’m James’ personal cock sucker leaked. I suspect that Connie and her girlfriends were together talking about their sex lives when she spilled the beans.

Regardless of how it got out, word of my little outings got back to Cindy.

She met me after I got home from work, “So there’s the cock sucker everyone’s talking about.”

“Huh? What are you talking about, Cin?”

“I was at the hairdressers today, Sally said that she heard from her friend Beth who heard it from one of her friends, who was told by someone else that you, johnnie, are some guy named James’s cock sucker. That when he calls you rush over to give him a blow job.”

“No way,” I lied. “Never happened, never gonna happen.”

Cindy knew I was lying. She knows me too well.

“Now I understand you rushing off when your phone makes that weird ring tone. Problems at work? Bullshit. You leave your wife to scamper off to suck a cock.”

“I don’t know who is spreading that around, Cin. They’re either confused or lying.”

“How long have you been a homo, johnnie?”

“I’m not gay, Cindy I swear. Let me prove it to you. Let’s go to bed a have sex now.”

“Fat chance. You will be sleeping in the guest room until you’re honest with me.”

And just like that, without the slightest bit of proof, I’m a cock sucker for life in the eyes of my wife.

My wife badgered me for an entire week. “Who is he? Do you love him? Why?”

Saturday morning as I was going through another grilling, my phone made the special ring. I read the text which simply said, “now”. I looked at Cindy and tried to make up some excuse to get away.

“Go to him, you fucking cock sucker. Go on, leave.”

I feigned anger. “I will leave but not for what you are accusing me of.”

I stood up and walked out. I could hear her screaming, yelling cock sucker, faggot as I walked to my car.

Naked and kneeling in my usual spot, I told James that my life was in ruins. “Someone told her I was your cock sucker, James. I haven’t slept in my own bed for a week.”

He couldn’t be bothered. “You’re not here to bitch and moan, are you?”

“Um, no sir.”

“Why are you here, johnnie?”

“To suck your cock, sir.” My pride and dignity were circling the bowl as I opened his trousers.

“So, she’s right. I don’t understand the problem, he snarled as I took his erection in my mouth. “Fuck it. Just tell her the truth. You’re a cock sucker, and a pretty good one at that. God damn, son, be proud of work.”

I nursed his cock to life and spent nearly a half hour licking and sucking as I considered telling Cindy the truth.

When James was ready, he told me to stop fucking around and get him off.

Still tasting his cum, I gathered the newspapers Connie had given me and went to the garage.

I heard them laughing as I dressed and figured they were laughing at my predicament. Their enjoyment of my troubles made me harder than ever.

“I couldn’t help it Cin,” I said with tears in my eyes. “I mean there is something hypnotic, mesmerizing about James. 30 minutes after we had just met, I was sucking his cock like I’d been doing it all my life.”

“How long?”

“Maybe a year now. I swear, it’s only him but I still love you.” I was still untruthful about being shared with James’ friends.

I tried to explain how, to James, I’m just there to empty his balls. “I mean nothing else to him, Cin, nothing.”

“Then why do it at all. If he doesn’t appreciate you, why do you still run to him when he calls?”

My head was in my hands as I thought about her question. “I don’t know why I do it, I swear I don’t.”

“I do,” my wife said sharply. “You’re a cock sucker. That’s it, pure and simple.”

“Are you gonna leave me?”

“Do you want me to?”

“No baby. Not at all. I love you.”

“Are you going to stop seeing him?”

“I don’t know if I can. I can’t explain it, but I’ll try. It’s like he has awakened something in me. I don’t think I’m gay. I mean I still want to have sex with you. But sucking his cock is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I’m almost masochistic the way I get aroused by their disinterest in me when I’m there.”

“You mean when you’re there sucking his cock.”

Cin had me tell her every detail about how I undress in their garage, kneel or sit on newspapers, all of it, and finally I confessed to servicing James’ friends.

“What? He has a family and friends plan?”

“No honey. I guess I was doing it well because he was bragging around about his personal cock sucker, and istanbul Escort they wanted him to prove it. I wear a mask though.”

Thinking it might help diffuse the situation I say, “His wife isn’t there when he had other men there.”

“You mean to say that his wife is there, watching you suck her husband?”

“Only when it’s just he and I. Sometimes she folds the wash. Sometimes they both watch TV.”

“But she’s there. Why doesn’t she bitch and moan about you doing what she should be doing?”

“James told me that Connie doesn’t like sucking his cock and gave him her okay to find a surrogate.”

“A surrogate cock sucker? That’s what you’ve become? A substitute for his wife?”

“I guess that sums it up. Look, I’m so sorry if you’re hurt. It’s not like I’m cheating with a woman or anything. I’d never do that. I swear I wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, maybe not. But let some dude drop his trousers and you’d run out the door to suck his cock.”

Now I felt shame. Not because I was doing James but because I’d disappointed my wife, the love of my life.

“I want to watch.”


“The next time your little ring tone calls you to suck his cock, I want to be there like Connie. I want to watch you suck his cock.”

I was nervous and excited at the same time. I never thought about having Cindy watch me kneeling submissively, waiting to for permission to suck James’ cock.

I texted James, asking if I could bring Cindy along the next time.

We waited 20 minutes before he texted me back saying that Connie would be delighted to have female company while I did what she didn’t want to. “Show her to the front door before you go to the garage.”

I texted back a thank you sir and Cindy and I waited until he rang me up.

We drove over in silence, her wondering about our marriage, me worrying about the same.

“You go to their front door, hon,” I said walking her up the walkway.

She rang the doorbell and I walked around to the side entrance. “You must be Cindy,” I heard Connie say as I closed the garage door behind me.

I knocked when I was properly prepared. James made me wait almost a half hour before granting me entrance. My guess is that Connie was explaining to her how I came to be James’s personal dick licker.

I could only look at my wife from the corner of my eyes as I made my way to the spread-out newspapers Connie had some thoughtfully provided me.

“Here’s our cock sucker now,” Connie’s familiar greeting rang in my ears.

“Why johnnie, your dick is nearly invisible,” James pointed out unnecessarily. “You’re not happy to see me today?”

“I am sir,” I said sotto voce.

“Huh? What’s that? Speak up son. Are you happy to see me today?”

“Yes sir. I’m happy to be here.”

“You’re happy to be here for what, johnnie. Look at Cindy. Tell your wife why you hurried over today.”

James absolutely shredded any remaining dignity I might have had. “Cindy, I’m here to suck James’ cock.”

I waited until permission was granted to undress James. I heard Connie giving Cindy a detailed point by point, play by play of what to expect as I freed my raison d’être.

“Look how your johnnie got hard as soon as he saw James’ cock,” Connie said loud enough for me to hear. “He keeps saying he’s not a homo, but I don’t believe him.”

“I can put that to rest Connie,” Cindy said sticking up for me. “johnnie’s not a complete faggot, he’s just a cock sucker.”

The women laughed as I began to orally worship the cock in my hands.

I was told afterwards, after James pumped his load down my throat that today was not my best effort. “Hang around awhile,” Connie invited us. “James is good for another blow job in an hour or so.”

James got his double header that day. He did say that my second attempt was an improvement though.

I can’t honestly say whether Cindy approves of my thirst for cock, but she has at least accepted it. She and Connie have become close friends, something James and I will never be. My only purpose for him is to empty his balls in a way his wife will not.

I haven’t seen Connie without clothing. Nor has Cindy been witness to the friends James allows access to my mouth.

With the exception of me being James’ on-call cock sucker, our home life has returned to somewhat normal. Cindy calls me her cock sucking husband which, to me, is not an insult but recognition of my talents. It’s a talent and a weakness that James discovered I have and exploits for his own use.

And like Connie, Cindy no longer gives me oral sex. “Find some guy to be your cock sucker,” she smirked.

I continue to service James, and as surely as I remove my clothing in his garage, I strip away the veneer of my manhood to become his submissive cock sucker.

“Cock sucker” I hear it all the time in hushed whispers and some not so hushed. I can feel the eyes of those when they stare, snickering when I’m out in public. It’s a title I have earned, and I am not ashamed to bear the mantle.

I hope some of you who may be closet cock suckers reading this have found solace in my little story. Be proud of your work. Give your best effort. When someone, anyone, calls you a cock sucker, you can be proud that you’ve earned that title.

As always, your comments and email are welcomed.

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