The Gift Ch. 01

Big Tits

Solana took a deep breath in, closed her eyes, turned her face toward the sky and smiled broadly to herself. It was a glorious day in America, a glorious day to be alive!

Not only was the sun shining, the trees swaying in the gentle breeze, her hair caressing her face like a lover’s fingertips, the music thumping into this glorious park the best she’d heard in oh, God knows how many months, but the effects of the pill she had swallowed just a short while ago were already beginning to take effect.

Solana loved the slow rush of good feeling that washed over her body every time she took these pills, that wave of sparkly energy that started in her chest and radiated with a whoosh! out through her fingertips until she could no longer suppress the urge to dance.

It was a great idea to come to this sprawling, yet packed, popular city park today, where the infamous ‘Disco on the DL’ had set up their tent and created an impromptu dance party that would attract other dance-crazy revelers just like Solana. The open-air party had already started – before half the city was even awake – and would last through ’till sunset, if not later.

Solana opened up her eyes and started rocking her body to the rhythm, more intensely now, bobbing her head up and down, opening her eyes to take in the crowd. Her friends were all there, picnicking off to the side of the DL Disco’s set-up, drinking wine, smoking herb, eating fine cheese and spicy salami and picking at tender morsels of roast chicken with their fingers.

“Nothing could be better than this,” she thought, “Chicago in the summertime!”

And as if echoing her thoughts, the music crescendoed up with a driving electronic beat to a BOOM! And just as intensely, Solana was UP! suddenly off her feet as if propelled by another force, and dancing, dancing, bouncing into the center of the crowd, flitting her long dark hair around her face, shaking her hips under her obscenely short, sleeveless mini-dress, noticing nobody but herself and the music and whoever might be brave or high enough to venture near her space.

From time to time, her carefree movements flipped the dress upward, affording the few onlookers attentive enough quick glimpses of her shapely ass, cased in skimpy, cheeky-style panties underneath the cotton singlet. Without too much time, the little ball of energy that was Solana on pills and music found a dance partner: a tall, slim, shaggy-haired guy with bare feet and a bare chest who smiled down at her and began to move in time with her bouncy, swaying movements.

The two created an intense energy without even touching, the air between them heating up as they danced and moved, apart and together, apart and together, revolving around long-held stares and sidelong glances as their bodies kept time with the pumping music.

There was little that Solana liked more than these hot, but mostly innocent (at least on the surface of it!) connections made on the dance floor. Creating energy without any physical connection: intense, sexual energy out of nothing but sight and sound and movement

The pair kept it up for ages, until it was time for the DJs to take took a short break. The bare-chested, shaggy-haired stranger gave her a long, smoky, breathless smooch, then pressed a crumpled piece of paper with his phone number into her hand without missing a beat. He kissed her again and again before breaking away to smile down at her, one last moment of eye contact. She looked up and waved a quick goodbye, then bounded away for the break.

They hadn’t said one word to each other.

It was awesome.

“What a great day!” Solana thought again, her mood sky-high from great music, dancing, drugs, gaziantep escort ilanları and the wonderful, unexpected smooching. Smiling to herself, she left the center and started back towards her friends.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spied some random acquaintances- Delfina, a 5′ 6″, slim, creamy-skinned light brunette with perfect red lips, a non-stop body and a radiant, confident aura; and Rick, a slightly taller, square-jawed, spikey-haired, thin, blonde tech-guy with an unconventional style and a sharp wit that Solana found endlessly attractive.

Solana and Rick had tons of friends in common, and had hung out dozens of time. They’d even made out on a chair like a couple of rabid animals one New Year’s Eve, but that was it—just some harmless fun at a party. They liked each other well enough in passing, sure, and there was some sort of underlying physical attraction, but nothing that had interested either of them enough to pursue anything.

And now, he had the sexy Delfi with him!

Solana had heard through the grapevine that Delfina and Rick were possibly polyamorous, or swingers, or something else crazy like that. With Rick’s reputation, Solana didn’t doubt it. And though they’d only met a few times, Solana really liked Delfina, despite not knowing her all that well. They seemed really smitten with each other, and Solana was happy for them both. So happy!

Fueled by the drugs and the great energy of the party, the usually somewhat- reserved Solana ran up to the couple without thinking twice, jumping up, all smiles, hugging them both with effusive affection. Her cheeks were flushed and her hair a sweet, sexy mess from dancing. She grabbed them both by the hands.

“It’s soooooooooo great to see you,” Solana bubbled, beaming widely, looking at each of them with sparkling eyes and a flushed smile. She jumped up and down just slightly, before asking, “Have you come to dance?”

The couple made quick sidelong glances at each other, raising their eyebrows knowingly. Solana barely noticed, continuing to smile up at them lovingly.

Rick was the first to speak.

“Have you gotten into some party favors, young lady?” he asked, waggling his finger at the effervescent Solana.

Solana smiled sheepishly, and, beginning once again to bob a little bit to the music that had started up anew in the background, sheepishly raised her right hand.

“Guilty as charged!” she confessed. She then quickly looked around before offering, “Want some?”

Delfina grabbed Solana’s hand and squeezed tightly, but at the same time negated with her head.

“Haha, not right now, sweetie, but thank you!” she replied, bringing Solana’s hand to her mouth for a soft little kiss. “You enjoy, though, OK? We’ll see you later.” Still holding onto Solana’s hand, Delfina looked right into Solana’s eyes, and held her gaze. “I promise!”

Solana felt touched.

“OK! For sure, would love that!” she bubbled, enthusiastically, giving both Delfi and Rick kisses on the cheek and another set of deep, warm hugs. “Love you guys!” she called out once more, before bounding back into the throbbing mass of dancing bodies. And with that, she didn’t give the interaction another thought.

Little did she know that her ebullient friendliness that magical afternoon had planted the seed of something special in her oh-so-open friends’ minds!


In the days that followed, Solana only half-remembered that brief interaction with the attractive couple, one of many memories from that great spring day that had blurred together in her mind.

Until, that is, she received a cryptic text message from Delfina.

DELFI: Hey lady, we loved seeing you! You’ve got SUCH great energy! Rick and I both think you’re super hot! J

DELFI: So… I was wondering if you might want to help me with a surprise for Rick’s birthday?

SOLANA: Hey! Aw, thanks! You guys are pretty awesome, too!

SOLANA: So, um… what kind of surprise?

DELFI: Well, Rick has always wanted a threesome. And I’m totally down with giving it to him. We were talking about it, and after seeing you at the park, well, we’d love it if you’d want to join us! I have a really special plan that would make it an awesome surprise…

SOLANA: Wow, I’m flattered! I’ve never really done anything like that before, let me think about it, OK?

DELFI: Of course! Keep me posted! Muah!

Solana put the phone down, and thought about if for approximately 2 minutes.

“OK,” she texted, “I’m in.”


The following week, Friday evening, Solana found herself installed at a swank bar across town, nervously fingering the credit card Delfina had given her. Delfi had given her details of how she foresaw the events of evening taking place, and it seemed to just too intriguing and awesome to pass up.

“Get yourself as liquored up as you need, sweetness,” Delfi had told her. “Promise me, only the GOOD vodka!”

So Solana ordered another Ketel and soda – double, for good measure – and sipped at, hands trembling, thinking about the plan Delfi had concocted for Rick’s birthday, and all of what might happen in just a few short hours.

Solana was to be Rick’s surprise birthday “gift”, and the control was all in Solana’s hands: she could be with the couple, participate, as it were, as little or as much as she felt comfortable with.

At the very least, though, Solana had agreed to be present – if not as an active sexual participant, then as an interested and vocal observer.

At a threesome!

Solana knew herself well, though, and her reputation wasn’t much of a secret: like many, she got randier the more buzzed she got.

Hence, Delfina’s suggestion of a courtesy “open bar.”

So, gathering her courage and working hard to calm her nerves, she downed her drink, ordered a third, and flirted with some cute Spanish boys at the bar. It was a great way keep her mind on other things while she waited for the signal from Delfi to come on out and join them.


Meanwhile, Delfina was busy with her own part of the plan.

She’d taken Rick out to dinner at a unique restaurant a few blocks away, “Obsucra,” an important prelude for what was to happen later. The couple looked over the menu and ordered at the door, then were escorted down a stairway into a pitch black dining room. With no lights at all, the room was totally black! They couldn’t see anything at all, not even their hands in front of them.

But it was all a part of the experience: the interesting thing about this restaurant was that all the waiters and waitresses were blind! So they themselves had no trouble navigating the space, and the meals were served in total darkness! The sighted diners experienced their meals, the entire evening, actually – taste and smell and sound and touch – in a completely different way. It was a sensual, fascinating experience.

After the meal was over, Delfina told Rick she had another surprise for him. In keeping with the “Obscura” theme, though, she insisted that he be blindfolded before leaving the bar. Rick, of course, agreed. Delfi led him down the street to just outside the bar where Solana was waiting, where Solana would, if all went as planned, be joining them.

And, just as she’d expected, Solana’s phone buzzed at almost the exact time Delfi had predicted.

“Ten minutes, and come on out!” the text read.

Solana had had enough time to get a good few drinks in her, and the Spanish boys’ flattery had her feeling horny and confident. She paid the bill, shamelessly signing Delfina’s name, and headed toward the door, peering out the window to shield herself from the cold before heading out into the night.

When she saw them coming down the street, Solana opened the door, walked outside, and, matching their step without missing a beat, soundlessly slipped her hand into Rick’s. With a girl on either side, each holding a hand, he was easily escorted down the street to his apartment, Solana wordless to his left, Delfina shushing his questions to his right.

Rick was mystified. “What the hell?” he started, walking a bit unevenly, leaning on the girls to either side. “Ohhhh, I see. Uh-huh. Who is it? I get it now. Blindfolded. Secret. OK. So, who is it? Do I know you? Wait, what? you’re not going to say ANYTHING?” He was kind of babbling, obviously pleased.

Solana stifled a giggle, and squeezed Rick’s hand.

“Oh, C’mon!!” insisted Rick.

Delfina was firm in her reply. “Don’t ask questions, darling. Just relax and enjoy your special night!”


The spirits of the threesome were jovial and high as they ambled, arm-in-arm, the few short blocks back to Rick’s apartment. Fiddling with the key, they burst into giggles when an older, somewhat disheveled and weary-looking tenant, exiting the apartment, noted the blindfolded blonde boy accompanied by two comely brunettes, and swung her head around in an obvious double-take.

“What the…” the tenant mumbled.

“It’s my birthday,” Rick protested, “It’s a joke! I live here!”

The girls burst into even more fits of giggles. The tenant rolled her eyes and sighed. “I was young once. Have fun.”

“Oh, we will,” they replied, and burst through the door, up the stairs, and into Rick’s apartment. Solana looked around, taking in the small apartment, stylishly but sparsely furnished, with intense, dark artwork on the walls she suspected was created by Rick himself. She headed toward the attached kitchen to pour herself yet another drink, watching the action unfold from the doorway as she tried to make herself comfortable.

Delfi led Rick immediately to the couch and sat him down with a slight but firm push. He reached to remove his blindfold, but Delfina sternly chastised him, climbing onto his lap and gently holding his hands down.

“No, my darling. Rule number one: the blindfold stays on,” she lectured, before leaning in to kiss him with a palpable, hot passion.

“Well, OK then,” he sighed, kissing her back.

Solana continued to watch from the sidelines, unsure exactly what to do. With a big intake of courage, she put down her drink, then walked over to the couch and kneeled sidelong on the cushions, right next to where Delfi was perched on Rick’s lap, to face thm. She put her right hand on Rick’s back, and her left on Delfi’s, stroking the napes of both of their necks.

Her heart was racing! This was the sexiest thing that had ever happened to her! Watching this hot couple, their attraction and love palpable, and being a part of it! How could she say no?

Delfina turned Rick’s face, still blinded by the fabric across his eyes, towards Solana, who pulled slightly on his lower lip before sinking in to a deep tongue kiss. Rick groaned, and slipped his hands around the waists of both girls, squeezing the tender spots right above their hips, sinking into Solana’s soft, willing mouth while Delfi kissed his neck.

And all three realized at the same moment: This was going to be a DAMN good evening.

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