Have We Met?


in a fantasy world used to work well for Alex. She’d sit at her desk, daydreaming about romance, forbidden love and losing herself in sinful nights of passion. These thoughts eventually became written word and slowly words were sent out for others to read. She let fantasies run rampant, convinced not acting on them would eventually eat at the very core of who she was.

One quite Monday morning Alex sat down at her desk. There had been little traffic and no work was left pending. The office was comfortable almost like home, she had her music playing, a candle burning and the promise of a perfect day to catch up on a story she’d been writing. Picking up pen and paper seemed innocent at the time and for a while she was content to write whatever came to mind.

She started, “Bailey Barns was a young business woman and at age 37 knew exactly what she wanted out of life. No longer worried about what others might think she had decided to give life another shot. She was sick of being the responsible person in every group and hated being referred to as “the girl next door”. Being level headed and practical made her boring and landed her here in what she called ‘blah, blah, blah land”. It had been two years since she had been with a man and she was feeling like a virgin again. Tired of sitting home staring at the stacks of work that never seemed to diminish, Bailey decided tonight would be different. Her life was about to change forever…”

A tap on the desk startled her as she noticed a stunning man staring down at the papers she had sprawled all over. His demeanor was poised and relaxed, his energy overwhelming. She was unsure if it was his unexpected arrival or the mere feel of his presence that made her feel as if she had just taken a nose dive on a roller coaster. She was weak and powerless, something Alex rarely was. Speechless she struggled for composure, “Oh, I am sorry I didn’t hear you come in.”

He smiled at her and she noticed his lips were as near to perfection as she had ever seen. His eyes a medley of colors, green, deep blue and small specks of brown, “Incredible” she thought “I’ve never seen anything like them. God I could lose myself looking at him”. His voice broke the silence, “I’m in no hurry, go ahead and finish your last sentence. I’m more interested in what Bailey is doing than what I was here for anyway.” Looking down at her writing her face turned deep red as it became overwhelmingly hot in her office. Gathering all her papers she made a neat pile and shoved them under a book. Alex sat up straight in an attempt to regain composure, “No, that won’t be necessary, I can finish this later. What can I do for you?”

Not only did he look at her but Alex felt he could see right through her. “Is my imagination getting the best of me or can he feel this too?” her thoughts led her astray and for a second she forgot sivas escort he was still there. He interrupted her concentration, “Ahem, my name is Rudy, I was interested in renting a storage unit but after reading your first few lines I think I’ve changed my mind.” Embarrassed she fiddled with her curls, secretly scorning herself for not spending more time on her hair this morning. What luck, it would be the very day she woke up late and decided not to worry about her appearance she’d encounter the most incredible man she had ever laid eyes on. Usually confident, today she felt unruly with her half wind blown curly hair and too comfy ‘worn’ Levi jeans, her shirt was bright red with a simple v neck that exposed a fair amount of cleavage and on careful inspection showed her favorite matching lace red bra. “Rudy, I am sure we can accommodate you and will guarantee you’ll be happy with our services.” A quick smile spread across his handsome face, “Oh I have no doubt your services will do me just fine.” Surprised by his flirtatious response Alex withheld a small giggle. Today seemed like a good day to start acting like her character Bailey. With that idea in mind Alex knew her little story would soon come to life.

Rudy reached for a business card and asked, “Is this you?” she glanced up at him and felt a sudden sense of bewilderment, clearing her throat she found words and finally answered. “Yes sir that’s me, I’m Alex. What size unit are you looking for”? He clearly realized the affect he was having on her and seemed to find the situation quite humorous, “Well actually I’d really like to know if you also feel like a virgin?” Blushing again she smiled and said “Of course not, this story is pure fiction, it has nothing to do with me.”

With eyes piercing through every inch of her he asked, “Really? Well let’s see here, how old are you?” Hiding her face in her hands a small voice seeming to come from someone else answered “Well I am thirty seven, but that is just a coincidence”. Rudy’s eyes sparkled as he moistened his lips with his tongue. Alex found it hard to concentrate as her mind drifted away to images of his lips sliding down her neck and traveling to places that had been neglected for way too long. Her body was reacting to him like they’d been secret lovers. Her nipples became hard and subconsciously she crossed her arms over her chest to hide them. She was sure he could read her mind because his expression suddenly changed as he backed away from her and reached for the door.

She felt silly knowing how obvious it must have been to him that she was craving a man. It must have been written all over her face, “Girl in need of a good fuck, any donation will be greatly appreciated.” Just as she became professionally composed again she heard him, “Tell me Alex have you ever had sex on that desk?” çorum escort Standing with his back to her he locked the door. “Wonderful now I have a perfect view of his backside, tight ass, broad shoulders, charm, damn him, the whole package,” these thoughts were going to kill her. Suddenly words took over and before she could take control they escaped, “Not yet Rudy, but things are always subject to change and of course there’s always today. Are you volunteering”? Please God, tell me that did not sound as desperate to him as it did to me, she prayed silently.

Having this wonderfully intoxicating man only inches away her body began to quiver. He was all man, from head to toe and every where in between. He held his head like a king and walked towards her like a ferocious lion, never once flinching as he started unbuckling his belt. She stood there in total awe. At first she tried not to look but there was no avoiding it. She was captivated by his little display of ‘machismo,’ she was rooted in place by some strange force, slowly torturing her, making her hungry with desire. He began lifting his shirt exposing more muscle than any fantasy she could dream up; actually at this moment they all looked like little boys in comparison to this incredible specimen of testosterone. He held her gaze as if daring her to look away, but there was no way she was going to miss this. She was glued to the view.

Gaining confidence she decided two could play at this game, for every piece of clothing he took off she’d remove two. Very seductively she removed her shirt, being ever so patient as she slid it over her bra. The lace was sheer and her nipples came into plain view. She unbuckled her jeans and slid the zipper down very slow. Her panties were deep red held together by a very small line of fabric, barely anything covering her butt and she made a little show of it. Gracefully she did a full 360 letting his eyes soak in every bit of her. Wanting to play along he let his pants fall to the floor and stepped out of them exposing beautifully tanned legs and surprisingly nothing else. Nothing could diminish the sexual tension in the room.

He placed his hand between her breast and with one swift movement had her clasp undone exposing firm breast and very large nipples. She let her sandals slide off and he quickly brought his mouth down and started pulling at her panties. His hot breath made her tingle and she felt herself become very wet. A minute later and they stood before each other completely naked.

The open window was proof that they were within arms reach of a world that would not understand this sudden need for sex. The thought crossed her mind that someone might try to come in but it was too late for that, there was no turning back now. Deciding to take the bull by the horns she sunk to her knees. denizli escort He was hard and ready for her. She had never done anything like this. Except for her stories she was always rather shy and conservative. Shoving any negative thought aside she opened her mouth just enough to take him all in. Slowly moving in close to his body he felt the warmth of her tongue as she moved in circles around his shaft. His legs became tense as he slid his hands into her hair and tugged slightly harder every time she let herself slide away from him. Skillfully she kissed and sucked every inch of him giving no indication that it had been years since she’d done this. The feel of him made her own sex begin to throb.

Rudy reached down and pulled her slowly up to his mouth. His kisses were hot, and passionate. With sweet, gentle hands he began investigating her every curve. Her body responded to his touch and she felt her hips rock back and forth. Pressed against him she felt how powerful he really was, and became mesmerized by every detail of his face.

Sliding his hands around her waist he picked her up and sat her on the desk spreading her legs with no effort at all. Her body ached for him as his fingers found their way deep inside. He slipped his mouth down her neck, gently nibbling at her ears and blowing warm breath making her want to beg him to stop teasing but she was speechless. He bit playfully at her nipples pulling at them between his teeth. His mouth started down her stomach stopping occasionally to look her in the eyes. His expression made her want him more. Picking up on her need he let his tongue caress her navel making her squirm.

Just as she thought the pleasure would consume her, his tongue found her clit. Rudy definitely could claim prize for this was definitely his strong point. Her back arched up pushing his mouth deeper and exposing her completely. With unimaginable rhythm his fingers and mouth danced across her. She elevated her hips and moved in and out tucking his face securely between her legs so he had no way of escape. She became aware of her surroundings when she heard moaning and begging. She hadn’t realized it was her own voice. There was no stopping now, she was too close and her body exploded in orgasm. The sensation came stronger than anything she had ever felt. Over and over she felt her body releasing tension, relaxing for a second and then picking up again till she thought she’d pass out.

He stood up and slowly let himself in. She felt his length dig deep inside of her, gradually pushing in and out holding when he felt her need for release. Thrust after thrust she met him, her body and his fitting perfectly together. Strong hands held her close as he let go. His pulse was racing and he could barely hold himself up so he collapsed on top of her. She could smell his after shave and the soft scent of his shampoo. Feeling safe her body became limp and lifeless. Unable to move she laid there trying to figure out how this happened, smiling from ear to ear as she remembered every detail. She took mental notes so it would happen again. Lost in her thoughts she heard him speak, “Now miss, about that unit…”

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