Dream Lovers

Indian Cuck

Dream Lover – A moment on the edge of reality

I was going through a very difficult time in my life, and a dear friend had gratiously offered their cabin by the lake as a retreat for me. I arrived at about noon and fixed myself a quick lunch from the cooler I had brought along. I sat on the front porch looking out over the lake as I tried to sort out the confusion racing through my head. My emotions were in turmoil from the events of the last few weeks. I was glad to get away, but the loneliness was almost painful.

I first saw her as evening approached, sitting on the front porch of the small log cabin sipping her cup of tea. The late afternoon sun sparkled in her hair, and her skin had a radiant glow. As I gazed at her and drank in her beauty, I perceived a sadness in her eyes unlike any I had ever seen. I was just on the edge of the lake and she had not yet noticed my arrival.

A curious mist was forming over the water on the lake as the sun settled on the horizon. I felt a chill in the air and walked back into the cabin to warm up my tea. I decided to get ready for bed and slipped into my soft flannel pajamas. The feeling of the soft fabric as it lightly carressed my breasts, caused my body to ache for the hands of a lover. Strong hands, yet gentle, that could do things to my body that I could not do for myself. As I wrapped myself in my thick robe, I felt something tugging me back out to the front porch.

I saw her return to the front porch of the cabin and yearned to draw near… to drink in her beauty in the same way she was drinking her tea. Holding the cup with both hands and keeping it in contact with her lips. Taking tiny sips and savoring the soothing warmth without ever setting the cup down. I longed to be that cup… cradled in her delicate hands… nestled against her lips… but alas, I could not yet approach. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I was finally able to slowly approach the cabin.

The mist off the lake was thickening and I felt as if it were calling to me. Beconning me toward the lake. ‘Odd fog on the lake tonight’, I thought to myself. It had been a long day and I really needed a good night’s sleep. I went back into the cabin, setting my teacup by the side of sink, and heading toward the bathroom. As I brushed my hair, my nipples stiffened as the motion teased them. I smiled as I felt a quiet peace wash over me. I was so emotionally drained from recent events… it felt good to be regaining some control. I left Escort Etlik my robe hanging on the hook on the back of the bathroom door and headed off to bed.

I watched her through the partially open window as she pulled back the old quilt and slid between the cotton sheets. She pulled the quilt over herself and hugged the second pillow. I felt her tugging at my spirit as if she were a magnet… beconning me to approach. It had been so long since I had felt the warmth of a woman’s body… carressed the delicate skin… felt it respond to my touch.

My eyes were barely open as I felt a peaceful slumber settling over me. That curious mist off the lake was drifting in through the open window as I closed my eyes. I felt a gentle wisp of air brush, no almost carress my cheek. The air in the room was becoming heavy… I felt it pressing against me… moving over my body. I shifted my position onto my back as I felt myself pushing the quilt to the side of the bed. The sensation was so unique and exciting as the heavy air carressed my body. It moved down and seemed to urge my legs to spread as the carresses became more focussed. I cupped my breasts with my hands and played with my nipples as I felt myself growing increasingly wet in my most private place.

She spread her legs at my urging, and I felt the moist heat and the delicate fragrance filling my senses. Distant memories were being awakened as I pressed myself against her body… yearning for those memories to become real once again. As I felt her hips beggin to undulate beneath me, my senses were hightened. Then something so dreadful happened… she reached out to embrace me. ‘NO!’ my mind screamed, ‘Please don’t try to touch me… not yet.’

The sensation was becoming so real that I felt a presence in the room that almost startled me. I reached out to embrace my dream lover, but as I did he quickly vanished. I openned my eyes to see the mist withdrawing through the open window. I lept to my feet and cried, “Please don’t leave me!” In the glowing moonlight, I saw the mist returning to the shore of the lake, and felt a deep sorrow pierce my soul.


I slept very little as my mind attempted to sort out what had just happened. As much as I tried, I could not recapture that feeling. Was there really someone or something there with me or was it all a dream? How could the mist off the lake touch me in such an intimate way? The one thing I knew for sure was that it had Etlik Escort vanished the moment I reached out. I was determined that I would not repeat that dreadful mistake.

The next evening, I attempted to recreate the exact conditions that were present the night before. I had a cup of tea on the porch… even going so far as to use the same cup and drinking the same type of tea. I wore the same pajamas and robe… I was careful not to look directly at the mist rolling in off the lake. I duplicated the evening to the finest detail. In bed, I waited for my dream lover to return. My heart yearned for his gentle touch. My breasts rose and fell with each breath… nipples reaching for that magnificant sensation… but there was nothing. I sobbed, “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me and return to me my love.” There was no answer and eventually I cried myself to sleep.

The next day was spend in a daze. Time passed so slowly. I was so exhausted that when evening arrived, I simple went straight to bed. As I was dozing off, I felt that familiar wisp of air against my cheek. I carefully drew back the quilt, and opened myself to his advances. Once again that heavy feeling pressed against me… down along my body… parting my legs with a faint nudge. I felt a light tugging at the waist band of my pajama pants, but not strong enough to move them. Being so careful to not reach upwards, I slid my pants down and pushed them off completely. I was now fully exposed as the carressing resumed. Delicate fingers danced over my skin and dove into the steaming place between my legs. So open now… giving myself completely to my lover. I focused on the sensations as my lovers touch became more urgent and real. I kept my hands under my pillow… fingers laced together… determined not to reach out and spoil this moment.

I missed seeing her on the front porch this evening. I approached the cabin with trepidation… was she still here? had I frightened her away? As I peered in through the open window, I once again beheld the lover of my dreams… saw her delicate skin in the pale moonlight. I approached her… her beauty giving me the strength I needed to once again attempt to regain some physical form. I pressed against her yielding body and her openness invited my in. My fingers played over her flesh… my body taking form. I could feel a stiffening that I had not felt for a very long time.

The feelings were unlike anything I had ever felt… so delicate, Etlik Escort Bayan but also so intense… they defied definition. I felt a heavy form pressing against my breasts teasing my nipples. I felt a presence between my legs… no a form… a stiffening form pressing against my dripping pussy. Stroking up and down… rubbing my clit… imparting such magical impulses as every nerve of my being was being excited. The form thicked and lengthened as it began to press into me. My pussy yielding to it’s advances as I felt a powerful stroking that thrilled me to the very depths of my being.

My form was solidifying as my cock pounded into her… her body yielding in such a way that I continued to draw energy from her. She kept her hands hidden and her eyes so tightly shut that wrinkles were forming on her brow… beads of sweet perspiration dripping down her cheeks mingling with her tears of joy. I felt her pussy grasp my cock with such force as her body began to quiver. A moan started deep within her that built to a loud groan… My body and my cock hardened as a vibration started in the core of my soul and moved outward until I groaned out loud.

The pounding of my dream lover continued, becoming more real with every powerful thrust. He was drawing energy from the passion flowing between us… flowing from me into him. I felt myself being drained completely, then filled again… over and over… building to such a crescedo… greater that any symphony ever composed. An orgasm gripped us as our bodies and souls melted into one. A single orgasm shared by both as his cock filled me to overflowing. Our hearts beating in unison…

I felt such a wave of passion fill my body as my cock erupted… filling her completely. I breathed in… air filling my lungs… heart beating in unison with hers. I felt my skin against hers… felt sweat dripping onto her… I breathed again more deeply… feeling the air rushing through my nostrils… carrying with it the sweet fragrance of my lover. Another breath and I felt myself able to speak… “Thank you my Love!”

His voice resounded through the cabin. Our bodies were still joined as our passion slowed. He rolled off me, then pulled me over… one hand drawing my body to his… the other hand guiding my face until our lips met. One deep wet kiss, then I heard him speak again.

“Gaze upon me, my Love… let me drink in your beauty as our eyes meet. Let me feel your hands on my flesh.”

I opened my eyes and gazed upon him. Then at his continued urging, brought my hands out to feel the warmth of his flesh… to explore his body with my fingertips.

“I love you my darling. Thank you for bringing me back to life.”

“I love you… I will always love you.”

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