Jenny and Jack Pt. 09


Chapter 23

My Final Humiliation

I was at home alone one weekend and contemplating how much I had changed over the years. I was still married to the guy that had given me my two lovely daughters but had always considered me to be useless in bed. Any sex life we had had disappeared years ago, but we remained together out of old fashioned duty and for the girls.

Remembering some of the things I had done made me feel both ashamed and guilty.

It had all started when I first surrendered to Jack. I still had fond memories of the tender way he had seduced me; me, the old-fashioned Taiwanese wife, very conservative and a loving mother, but, beneath the surface, Jack had very soon discovered a much different woman. A woman eager to please and almost insatiable in bed.

With Jack’s encouragement and later Tom’s, I had done things I would never have dreamt of; how could I? the old naïve me had no idea whatsoever of the many ways that a woman could satisfy a man; or many men.

Although at home and alone I felt myself blush as I remembered the occasions at Tom’s camera club where I had willingly taken part in what could only be described as orgies; orgies where the only woman was me, naked amongst a group of men and eagerly behaving like a slut.

I often remembered those times, cringing with shame at the brazen way in which I had behaved; stripping naked and spreading my legs open for the camera club men to photograph every intimate part of my body before surrendering myself to their lust and allowing them to use me in whatever way they wished to satisfy their lust.

It was shameful and humiliating remembering how I had willingly allowed them to penetrate and use me; my mouth, vagina and anus, all freely available for them to enter and ejaculate into.

Contemplating these memories was something I found myself doing from time to time. I would re-live the intense feelings of embarrassment and reluctance at being naked in front of a group of men. The humiliation of performing fellatio on one as the others all watched and on a few occasions masturbating myself to an orgasm while they all watched.

Yes, I felt deeply ashamed but each time these thoughts filled my head my hand would find its way between my legs and I would bring myself to the most incredible climax as the many things I had done raced through my head.

Both Jack and Tom seemed to have lost interest in me since they had seduced my two daughters. Although I found it difficult to live with the fact that both Lili and Grace had probably inherited my own insatiable appetite for sex I accepted that they were now both adults and as far as Jack and Tom were concerned the three of us were no longer a challenge and they had probably moved on to other innocent and unsuspecting young women.

It had been a year now since my last sexual encounter and although I tried to satisfy my urges with my fingers, deep down I knew that I wanted more.

I had no idea how to find what I secretly yearned for. I knew that just having sex with someone was not enough and despite my constant self-denial my recurring masturbatory fantasy was to experience the shyness, embarrassment and humiliation I had felt at Tom’s camera club.

I knew where it was and briefly considered contacting Tom or the club to offer my services but I knew it wouldn’t work. There were two reasons. The first was that I had never forgiven him for seducing Grace and the second was that one evening, feeing particularly horny, I hung around outside and saw him enter with a much younger woman than me.

For the time being I was lost for ideas as to where I, a woman in her forties, could get what she secretly desired.

I thought it was fate or just a coincidence when the following week, whilst waiting for the train home from work I saw a guy I had noticed on a few occasions previously. He was well dressed in a smart suit, probably aged around fifty or so. I had seen him before at the same station looking as though he was interviewing women, or perhaps doing market research. As I stood waiting for my train he approached me.

It was a hot summer day and I was wearing my usual conservative work clothing of a simple white cotton blouse, black knee length skirt and sensible medium heeled shoes.

“Excuse me,” he said, “I hope you don’t mind me interrupting your journey home but I represent a large multi-national company and we are looking for a very special lady to join our team.”

As he spoke I became very aware of the way in which he was checking me out; his gaze making me feel uncomfortable as it lingered on my chest before very obviously appraising the rest of me.

I felt shy as I wondered if my blouse was too ‘see through,’ aware that my white lace bra was visible underneath.

This was the second time today that I had worried about the visibility of my bra beneath my blouse. escort bursa It was after having a meeting with one of my least favourite customers at work. He was the senior buyer for an international company whose name was Andy and was a bit of a creep. However, he was a valuable customer and his business accounted for 25% of our annual turnover so it was important from a business point of view that I, the international sales manager, got on well with him. Andy always insisted on hugging me whenever we met and, like this guy on the station platform now, always appeared to undress me in his mind each time we met. He even asked me out to dinner once but I refused; telling him that I had to be home for my husband and two daughters. A lie of course, but it put him off.

Sensing this guy’s expectation of a reply I said, “surely an employment agency would be a much more efficient way of finding somebody to fill the post.”

He smiled at me, quite charmingly, before saying, “in these politically correct times it is not possible to specify the type of lady we are seeking.”

“Why not,” I said, intrigued.

He hesitated, moved closer and, lowering his voice, said, the lady we are looking for must be attractive, have a good figure, and,” he paused again, “look just like you.”

I felt flattered but at the same time puzzled; there must be plenty of women around that would fit his description; why me, I thought?

“Thank you for the compliment,” I said, my cheeks flushing a little, “but why did you pick me from all the rest?”

His eyes were still roaming over me as he replied, “I like the way you walk, your posture, your subtle sex appeal.”

I felt flattered again by his compliments but was starting to wonder where this conversation was going. Was this some chat-up line of his?

I think that he sensed I might be about to walk away as I said, “I’m not looking for a job. I’m quite happy with my present employer although to be honest, like most people, I could do with earning a little more.”

“The job I am offering would be in addition to your current job. It would only require one or two days a month, in the evening for a few hours. For this we would pay you the same salary that you are probably earning now.”

I looked at him quite sternly as I replied, “whatever it is you want of me it must be either illegal or immoral to be able to pay so well so I am not interested.”

“What if I promise you that it is not illegal?”

“So why offer such a high salary for so little hours?”

He looked around before gripping my arm lightly and saying, “the successful candidate has to be very broad minded.”

At that moment, my train was arriving and as I made to break away from him he thrust a business card into my hand saying, “please think about it. My contact details are on the card. Email me with any questions you have and perhaps we can arrange an interview.”

I took the card, quickly put it in my handbag and then made a dash for my train. After arriving home, I had more or less forgotten about the guy on the station, dismissing the incident as some kind of scam.

It was only as the next few days passed that I started to think about him again. I remembered the way he had complimented me on my figure; a rare thing at my age. The words of his that stuck in my mind however were, “the successful candidate must be very broad minded.”

It was whilst alone the following weekend, satisfying myself with my fingers as I replayed an old camera club fantasy in my mind, that I thought of the guy on the station again.

Broad minded, I thought, I had certainly proved how broad minded I could get with Jack and Tom.

With my fingers delving rhythmically into my wetness my thoughts returned to the guy at the station. I let my imagination run wild; seeing myself in a plush office, naked and bent over a huge wooden desk as the guy from the station took me relentlessly from behind.

My self-induced orgasm was one of the strongest for a while and, as I lay on my bed exhausted but still highly aroused, I made the decision to contact him.

The following day I fished the business card from my handbag and for the first time read the name; Mr Charles Wang, CEO Taiwan Trading Corporation.

It also listed his email address and phone number.

All my better judgement was telling me to just toss the card in the bin and forget it but, deep in my mind I sensed danger and excitement; something that during my most private moments I wanted to experience.

Ignoring the nagging doubts in my mind I wrote an email as follows:

Dear Mr Wang,

You probably don’t remember me but we recently met on the platform of Tamsui railway station and you mentioned a job offer. I have been thinking about our chat and am intrigued to know more. Specifically, what did you mean when you said the successful applicant must be very broad bursa evi olan escort minded?

Kind regards,

Jenny Chen

I hesitated before hitting ‘send’ but then hit it anyway. After all, what harm could a simple question do?

His reply came within a few minutes. I opened the email and as I read it my nagging doubts returned but also a level of excitement I had not experienced for a while. It read;

Dear Jenny,

Of course I remember you, how could I forget such an attractive woman with such a nice figure. It would be a pleasure to offer you an interview and then, hopefully, a position with my company.

However, as I always believe in coming straight to the point, to answer to your question and as a prerequisite of attending an interview you must first confirm the following:

That your pubis and labia have been recently waxed or shaved and are completely hair free.

You are taking the contraceptive pill.

You agree to attend the interview dressed as instructed by me.

You also agree that you will not attend at the time of your monthly period.

If the above has shocked or offended you then just forget it.

However, if you are still interested, then please send me your complete body measurements together with dates of your period and I will arrange an interview as soon as possible.

Regards Charles Wang, CEO

When I finished reading his email I felt a mixture of both shock and disgust. How dare he assume that I would submit to some humiliating interview just to satisfy his perverted lust. Did he think that I was just some cheap whore whom he could just casually pick up at a railway station?

Mixed with my feelings of indignation memories of Jack and Tom started to fill my head. Memories of being pushed and encouraged by Jack to be more and more open minded about sex. I remembered the first time I had posed for Tom’s art class. Feeling embarrassed and painfully shy as he encouraged me to reveal my naked body to the male class members and then a deep feeling of arousal as I conquered my fears and realised how just the sight of my naked body was arousing the men.

I then remembered the first time that I had sex with both Jack and Tom together; the feelings of self-doubt and initial shyness as I submitted to them, knowing that they would both penetrate me; and then the feelings of guilt but also amazement as they penetrated me together, one in my vagina and the other in my rectum. It had felt completely wrong and immoral but my orgasms that evening had been incredible and, if I am being honest, I had felt almost insatiable as I lusted for more.

With the tell-tale sign of my nipples starting to tingle and a growing sensation of wetness between my legs I pushed any thoughts of indignation and disgust regarding Mr Wang to the back of my mind and, ignoring any remaining doubt or moral judgement I wrote my reply.

Dear Mr Wang,

Thank you for your honest reply. Confirmation of your questions and criteria is as follows:

I have my pubis and labia waxed regularly as I prefer the clean hygienic feel.

I do take the contraceptive pill.

I agree to dress as instructed by you for any interview.

I will not attend an interview during my monthly period.

My measurements are as follows:


Bra size–33C (84C)

Waist–24 (61)

Hips–33 (84)

My last period was five days ago and, being on the pill, I am always regular.

Kind regards,

Jenny Chen

I hit ‘send’ and then retired to my room where I quickly stripped and lay on the bed. With my imagination running riot I caressed a breast with one hand whilst the other eagerly sought out the wetness between my legs. With images in my head of me standing totally naked in Mr Wang’s opulent office I brought myself to a shuddering climax.

I lay there for a while afterwards already worried about what I was about to get myself involved with but knowing that deep down, regardless of any doubts I would attend an interview and whatever it involved.

Within the next hour, having checked for new emails about once every five minutes, I received Mr Wang’s reply.

Dear Jenny,

I have arranged the interview for this coming Friday at 7pm sharp. I will be sending you a package containing the underwear you must wear when you attend. In addition to the underwear I want you to wear the same blouse and skirt you were wearing when I saw you at the railway station. Your outer clothes must be the blouse and skirt only; no cardigan, jacket or coat.

Please bring a change of clothes with you in case your others become damaged or soiled during the interview.

Please report to my bursa türbanlı escort office at the headquarters address shown on my business card.

Looking forward to seeing more of you on Friday.

Charles Wang CEO

The alarm bells in my head started to ring again as I re-read the part, ‘Please bring a change of clothes with you in case your others become damaged or soiled during the interview.’

I pushed any doubts to the back of my mind and concentrated on my household chores and the constant demands of my working week.

Not long after arriving home on the Thursday a neighbour called and handed me a package saying that she had taken it in for me earlier when a courier had tried to deliver it.

I took it from him and thanked him, feeling a little embarrassed because I was quite sure it contained risqué underwear from Charles Wang.

I hurried to my bedroom with the package, thankful that no one else was at home to start asking me what was in the package.

I ripped open the package and tipped the contents onto my bed. I was immediately reminded of Jack as what looked like scraps of scarlet lace and black nylon fell into a small heap on my bed.

I picked up one of the scarlet lace items and saw that it was a quarter cup bra, almost identical to the ones that Jack had bought some years back.

I then picked up what I assumed were matching panties. They consisted of just a decorative band of elasticated lace and a string of quite large beads where the gusset would normally be.

With the bra and panties were two pairs of sheer black hold-ups.

I felt a sudden rush of arousal mixed with nervous anxiety, knowing that, unless I backed out, I would be wearing these daring and provocative items beneath my work clothes the following day.

Not wanting to wear the underwear to work I had already decided to take it with me and then, having waited for the other staff to leave, change at work before heading off to see Mr Wang.

Knowing that no-one would be home for a while I could not resist the urge to try the items on.

I quickly stripped off my work clothes and headed for the shower. With the water cascading over my naked body I ran my soapy hands all over myself. One of my hands lingered on my freshly waxed pubis before moving between my legs. I toyed with my labia for a few minutes as I contemplated what sort of lady I’d become.

Although I had told Mr Wang that I regularly had my pubic area waxed it was not truthful. It was only something I had done when I was under the spell of Jack and Tom.

I’d only had it done again when Mr Wang confirmed my interview.

Having finished the shower, I quickly dried myself and then went back to my bedroom eager to try on the underwear.

I picked up the panties. It wasn’t that obvious which way round they should go being just a simple band of red lace. I noticed that the beads were smaller one side than the other. The side that the smaller beads were attached to had a slightly wider shaped section that I assumed was to partly cover my pubis. Deciding that this was the front I stepped into them and pulled them up over my thighs. I wasn’t sure how far they should be pulled up but, assuming that the beads were in place of the gusset, I wriggled my hips and pulled the lace up onto my hips with the beads pressing up against my labia and perineum.

I then picked up the bra wrapped it round my body and fastened it before adjusting the position of the quarter cups under my breasts.

I looked in the mirror, slightly shocked but also excited by the image staring back at me. Me, Jenny Chen, conscientious mother and business woman, instantly transformed into Jenny the slut.

The bra was a good fit, supporting and slightly lifting my breasts whilst keeping my nipples uncovered.

The panties were totally impractical but added to the slut look perfectly. I didn’t bother trying on the sheer black hold-ups, deciding to leave the complete slut look until the following day.

Knowing that the rest of the family would soon be home I took off the underwear, put everything back into the bag they had been delivered in and then put the relatively small package into my work bag together with a change of clothes, ready for the next day.

For the rest of the evening I was Jenny; mother and wife but that night my sleep was disturbed by vivid dreams, all of which involved me in a state of undress with Mr Wang reminding me that tomorrow evening I was voluntarily going to be Jenny the slut.

The following day passed slowly at work but finally, most of my colleagues had left for home at the start of the weekend and I headed for the lady’s toilets to change into the slutty underwear.

I entered a cubicle and quickly stripped off. Despite my feelings of anxiety about what Mr Wang would be expecting me to do, or maybe because of it, I felt horny and aroused as I pulled on the ridiculous panties. I tugged the flimsy lace up onto my hips and felt the smooth beads press against my labia. As I moved around putting on the quarter cup bra and then the sheer black hold-ups I felt the beads of the panties nestle between my moist lips, easing them open.

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